Chapter 102
The villagers and iron puppets were all shocked when they heard her words.Just now they were too strong, their eyes were red, and they pulled up the iron puppet to do it, domineering, but now they retreated when they saw Beifeng.

Awakened artificial intelligence can already preliminarily change the original command rules, so that its behavior is no longer simply controlled by commands.For example, the creeper girl Xiaoye has a slight fear of humans, rather than being full of hostility. Therefore, when she saw the people of the United Army gathering, she ran away without a trace, and she didn't know where to hide.

The same is true for the group of villagers in front of them. They can even change the refresh rate of iron golems, generate iron golems according to their own needs, and manipulate iron golems to complete more complicated things.However, it is not known whether this ability has a limit to its use. I am afraid that it needs to be researched by contacting the technical department.

This is the difference between "Real Mode" and the PC and PE versions. It is derived from the original version and is higher than the original version.

Seeing that the villagers did not dare to make another attempt, Beifeng put away the broken iron sword.We also walked down from the roof and entered the village road to join her.

"Beifeng, thank you very much." I saw her and nodded.

A woman pushing back dozens of iron puppets by herself is a feat no matter what, and it really makes us feel ashamed.Women don't let their eyebrows go!

Victor and Chris are also extremely admired.Especially Chris, he had heard of Beifeng's reputation a long time ago, but he regarded it more as a rumor. Now that he saw a real person and a ready-made record in front of him, he had to admit it no matter what. , the name of the North Wind is well-deserved.

Lin Nai also covered his chest, staring at Beifeng with wide eyes.The same is true for Su Anxia, ​​but it is not so exaggerated, because in her heart, Huahvi is the number one in the world.

"God Beifeng, I would like to ask, are you weaker or stronger than Huahvi?" Chris asked her cautiously.

"It didn't work out, I don't know." Bei Feng was a little impatient, "Yi Ouyi, you have to take your people out of here now."

"Xiao Chen confessed?" I asked her.I don't know why I don't have any admiration and admiration for her, probably because I have been in contact with her before.

And she has always given me a feeling of both familiarity and strangeness, her voice, manner, and temperament are all like this.

"He asked me to let you do three things: leave this place, make a bed and sleep, and don't go back." Beifeng said.

As soon as she finished the three things, I knew immediately that something was wrong.If everything is normal, I should have rushed back to join the main force immediately after receiving the order. Why are you not allowed to go back now, and asked me to find a place and reset the respawn point?

"Then did he ask you to do anything?" I asked her, "Also, what about your side?"

"It's a fight." Beifeng said, "He didn't explain what happened to me later, I'll ask."


Plains biome, combined army distance 15 map spawn point 186300 squares.

The message window in front of Xiao Chen's eyes flickered non-stop, and the battle reports were sent to him non-stop, so he could only click on them one by one.As he expected, the artificial intelligence's tactics began to become unpredictable, but fortunately, the first echelon had successfully broken through the encirclement as planned.

At this time, Beifeng's ID flashed, which immediately attracted Xiao Chen's attention.

"Han Fuyu." Xiao Chen connected.

"I've joined Yiouyi, what should I do next?"

"From now on, all your actions will be under Yi Ouyi's command."

"What? Why..."

Xiao Chen cut off the communication before she finished speaking, and clicked on other battle report messages.Basically every one of those messages was talking about the loss of contact with the dead, and there was another message that made Xiao Chen's heart a little colder.

"The pointer of the compass is messed up again, is the birth point lost again?"

Xiao Chen is very clear that the loss of the birth point is by no means accidental, it must be caused by artificial intelligence, the purpose is to completely cut off the foundation of human beings' existence in this world.Moreover, the loss of contact with the dead also shows that there must be something wrong with the temporary base camp they left in the border lands.

If you can resurrect smoothly, you will never lose contact.

"Technical Department, I hope to know the equipment and personnel of the following IDs..." Xiao Chen contacted the outside world and sent out the list of the current dead.

"Wait a minute... I found out, they have all exited the game normally, but the reconnection has been failing." The technical department staff responded.

"The birth point of map 15 is lost for the second time. Can you find out the reason?"

"The reason is the same as the first time. The attempt to remove the birth point failed, and the card got stuck in a certain process and fell into an endless loop. Reset can be repaired."

"Does that mean you're going to sleep again?"


Xiao Chen sighed and ended the communication.How do you sleep like this now?I can't even get into bed, and when I go to bed, there will be a reminder: "You can't sleep now, because there are monsters wandering nearby.", and then force to get out of bed.

Now the battle situation is at a stalemate, the second echelon's defensive lineup can't hold back against the fake gap, and the ambushes who actively show up to attack; the third echelon is facing the opponent's main force directly, and can only rely on fortifications that have little effect left to support them, with personnel losses Mostly; although the first echelon successfully broke through, the follow-up troops failed to keep up, leaving a gap.

Xiao Chen was faced with a choice: after the first echelon went out, should he reinforce the second echelon to pinch the enemy in the southwest, or reinforce the third echelon to attack Huanglong directly and insert into the center of the opponent's main force.

This is a bit like Tian Ji's horse racing.In the northeast, the enemy's high-grade horses are against our low-grade horses, in the southwest, the enemy's middle-grade horses are against our medium-grade horses, and in the northwest, the enemy's low-grade horses are against our high-grade horses.

My high-grade horse has gotten rid of the entanglement of the enemy's low-grade horse. Next, should I kill the enemy's middle-grade horse or the high-grade horse?
The vast majority of people will choose to use my superior to the enemy's middle, and Xiao Chen is no exception this time, standing with the vast majority of people.

"T20, the first echelon, go to the southwest of the United Army to reinforce the second echelon." Xiao Chen issued an order.

Huahvi and others were ordered to change the direction of attack and turn to the southwest.More than a thousand people were mighty, taking advantage of the joy of breaking out of the encirclement just now, with high morale and high fighting spirit, they surrounded the past all the way, planning to attack back and forth with the second echelon.

It is a pity that although Xiao Chen made the same decision as the vast majority of people this time, the vast majority of people, including artificial intelligence.

Contrary to the enemy's intentions and attacking the enemy's preparations is a taboo for military strategists!


On the edge of the desert biome, our team, along with Borean, hid in a newly dug underground shelter.

It was said to be a refuge, but Su Anxia arranged it like a cozy little room.The six beds are arranged in a spiral staircase, well arranged, compact, and each has a relatively independent space, and functional facilities are cleverly used to separate the male and female beds.

The upholstery of the room is all made of wool and wood, and the North Wind carries a set of these two kinds, which can be wasted casually.

All of us lying in our own beds, but not sleeping with our eyes closed, just resetting the spawn point again.

"Now that the three things are done well, the sun must be coming out soon." I said.

"If the sun comes out, the artificial intelligence must retreat. Many of those monsters can't fight in the sun." Chris said.

"I see Xuan, otherwise Xiao Chen wouldn't let us do these things." I lay on the bed and shook my head.


I smiled wryly and said:
"Actually, he didn't even think about winning."

(End of this chapter)

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