Chapter 103
Plains biome, combined army distance 15 map spawn point 186297 squares.They've been around here for a long time.

Under the leadership of the DSH three gods, T20 and the first echelon outflanked the past in the southwest direction.According to Xiao Chen's deduction, the monsters that were ambushing in the false gaps were all forced out now, and the battle with the personnel of the second echelon was in full swing, and generally they would not encounter any ambushes.

So the three of Danteh, Stimpy, and Huahvi let go of their pace and drove straight in, sweeping away the enemies in their way, leaving nothing behind.These people under them are either the top players in the industry, or passers-by kings who dominate one side in various servers. They have rich combat experience and awareness, and there are few casualties.

The moon gradually slanted westward, and was obscured by the clouds in the sky.The stars have also dimmed a lot, and the darkness before dawn is falling.A businessman in China once said that the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but most people die at night.

"D, do you still remember the monster in picture 13?" Huahvi said while leading the team to charge.

Danteh followed behind him, heard his words, and nodded in response: "Remember, they were trained very well, and some even helped people organize their belongings. It's a miracle. It was unthinkable in the previous version."

"They're all a bunch of white-eyed wolves, they learned from us, and then used what we taught them to turn us against us." Stimpy finished speaking and swung his short sword, stabbing a zombie's throat.

The three chatted while fighting, killing many monsters while chatting and laughing. It can be said that they swept all armies with their swords, which was better than strolling in the garden.Basically, the three of them didn't pay attention to the monsters they encountered along the way. At most, when they encountered an awakening level occasionally, they would silently say "Oh, awakening?" in their hearts, and then decisively kill them.

But in the eyes of the monsters, these three people are no different from Death.Go up one, die; two, die; ten or twenty, still die, and all of them are killed immediately after meeting.No matter what kind of monster, be it a zombie, a skeleton, or even a creeper, once it is targeted and hit by a sword, it is impossible to return to the ground alive, and it will definitely become a corpse when it returns to the ground.

Especially creepers, they sometimes don't even have a chance to ignite themselves.

Unlimited combo combo operations, unlimited critical strikes, unlimited flying, and straightening... The three god-level characters of DSH sometimes fight alone, and sometimes cooperate with each other, making the monsters frightened.

In the end, no monster was willing to approach the three of them, not even T20.Artificial intelligence is not stupid, if you can't beat it, it will never be tough, let alone face this group of people who are no different from cheating.

Moreover, in the eyes of many people, T20 is just a bunch of humanoid self-propelled plug-ins.

"Level 32, what about you?" Danteh threw away the bloody broken sword in his hand, pulled out a brand new one, and asked.

"Level 33." Huahvi shook his head, apparently dissatisfied with his record, thinking that he could gain more experience.

Stimpy jumped angrily when he heard what the two of them said, and shouted, "Okay, tell me the truth, how much experience did you steal from me? I'm only level 28!"

"You're so weak, I guess even the cat master is much stronger than you." Huahvi smiled, and opened the message window to ask the cat master about his record.

"What?! Huahvi, you're only level 33?" Master Cat replied, "I'm already level 36, and my disciple Lu Qingtian is already level 30... Alas, get out of the group!"

The three of DSH suddenly felt that their faces were not good-looking.Tangtang's top three in the world are being ridiculed like this, it doesn't mean that they can't justify anything!

"Oh, I didn't expect the young people nowadays to be so awesome, okay, okay, bring your disciples and grandchildren to play with the three of us after this fight, bed wars, Sky Island Wars, UHC, Hunger Games, etc. You pick, the three of us only need to lose a little life, and each of us will give you $100!"

When Master Cat heard this, he was immediately discouraged. Once he played PvE, how could he fight PvP?I'm afraid I can't even keep my pants.He quickly returned the message with a smile on his face: "No, no, no, three bosses, I'm just joking, hehe... How can my ineffective apprentice compare with the three?"

Just as Master Mao was replying to the message, in a corner behind T20, Lu Qingtian was fighting with 3 zombies, black blood splattered everywhere.Unexpectedly, when he was about to defeat them, Lu Qingtian suddenly felt his nose itch, and sneezed with a sound of "Ah Choo".

The three zombies seized the opportunity and counterattacked.Seeing that, Bu Xin on the side drew out both swords in his hands, and two dazzling sword lights streaked across the air. He instantly killed them with a second sword, without giving them a chance to make a move.

"God Lu, do you have a cold?" Bu Xin retracted his sword and asked back.

"No, it's the master." Lu Qingtian shook his head, still expressionless.


In the southwest of the United Army, the second echelon and the monster group have had more than a dozen times of tug-of-war. Every time, the monster penetrated into the defense depth. Then make it up again, infinite loop.

The casualties on both sides were roughly the same. This was a showdown between middle-class horses and middle-class horses. The fight was all about one breath, and whoever could survive would win.

The people in the second echelon are still gritting their teeth and insisting. They know that the first echelon is on the way, and as soon as reinforcements arrive, the situation will immediately reverse.

But the monsters did not give up. Their king told them that when the golden armor came, it was the time of decisive victory. Even at dawn, the king could protect them well.

At this time, the golden armor mentioned by the Skeleton King has also arrived-the golden armored skeletons beside the Skeleton King brought nearly half of the spider knights and arrived across most of the battlefield.They came around from the other direction, so they would not encounter the coalition army, so their speed was naturally much faster.

But the problem is, something happened to them, because when the skeletons first arrived, they encountered another strange artificial intelligence team, and it seemed that this team had been watching the battle here for a long time.

They are all zombies, and they are quite well equipped, most of them are equipped with leather armor and iron swords.There are seven leading zombies, all riding zombie horses, and wearing silver armor, majestic.

Seeing this, the golden-armored skeletons couldn't avoid it, so they had to come forward to strike up a conversation.

"Excuse me, are you all subordinates of King Kui?" A golden armored skeleton stepped forward and asked.

Seeing them, the leading seven iron-clad zombies sat upright on their horses and responded, "That's right. Are you from King Marrow?"

"Exactly." The Golden Armored Skeleton replied, "I never thought King Kui would leave you behind after leaving the No.15 realm."

"King Kui knew that humans were coming, so he left us here to meet the enemy. But since King Marrow has already attacked first, we can do our best." The iron-clad zombie said.

"That's great!" The golden armored skeletons were overjoyed when they heard this, "The zombie skeletons are also undead creatures, so they belong to the same family. I don't know how to call them."

The seven armored zombies didn't refuse, and immediately registered their own numbers.Their names all have only one word, which are: 魑, 鬼, 魃, 魈, 魈, 魃, 魊.This is a characteristic of zombie names, which are surrounded by ghost characters, while the names of skeletons are surrounded by bone characters.

After hearing this, the golden armored skeletons felt a little guilty.They have all heard the names of these seven zombies, they are all half-step kings, peak awakening, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

At this time, the shouts of killing in the distance became more and more clear. T20 and the first echelon were gradually attacking where they were staying. A large number of monsters couldn't resist and retreated to the rear.

"Have humans come?" Chi sat on the zombie horse and said, "Let's go and have a look. Remember to put on your hat, it's almost dawn."

(End of this chapter)

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