Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 200 To the starting point

Chapter 200 Back to the Beginning
When I saw him, it was not easy to talk to him, so I rushed over and picked him up and stuffed him under the bed without saying a word.Tai Er was taken aback, but unfortunately he is a little slime, he has no attack power at all, of course he was obediently subdued by me.

"What are you doing! I have something to do with you!" Tai Er shivered with anger and screamed loudly.

"Don't talk, there are people outside!" I hurriedly blocked his mouth, making my hands full of mucus.

As soon as I finished speaking, Han Fuyu jumped into the shelter.I kicked Tai Er hard, kicked him under the bed, turned around at the same time, looked at her with a playful smile, and put my hands behind my back, desperately wiping off the slime left on my hands by the slime with my clothes.

Han Fuyu stared at me suspiciously, and asked, "Who were you talking to just now? Is there someone else here?"

"Yes...it's Ren Han!" I lied casually and pulled Ren Han out of the blame, "He and Christian acted together and successfully conquered the trading center in the lower city, but encountered problems, so he sent a message to ask me !"

"What questions do I need to ask you? He is the captain of the Liaoyuan Project task force just like you, and his abilities must be on par with yours. He still has questions that I need to ask you?" Han Fuyu casually found a bed and sat down, playing with the pillow Continue to ask.

This little sister, how can she be smart when she shouldn't be smart, and stupid when she shouldn't be stupid!Once Tai Er is exposed, I can't deal with it at all, and even the matter with Xiao Ye will be pulled out. Don't say that I am a special task force leader, even the commander-in-chief of the joint army will be arrested!
Seeing that I didn't answer for a long time, Han Fuyu put the pillow in his hand back on the bed, stood up with his hips crossed, and walked towards me with a smile on his face.I was so nervous that my back was as cold as ice, so I stood still, fearing that she would lift the bed if she disagreed.

"Are you T20 going to ask about the task force?" I put on a straight face, pretending to be very serious.

Fortunately, the expected thing didn't happen. Han Fuyu just walked over, tapped my shoulder lightly with his finger, and said with a smile, "Seeing that you're nervous, I'll ask. Everyone has their own job, so I don't care about it." I'm going to take care of you!"

I was relieved, and only then did I feel that my heart was beating at [-] kilometers per hour, and if it went any faster, it might burst out of my chest.

Taier is not different at all, and is reliable at critical moments. When Han Fuyu and I were talking, he just huddled under the bed and remained motionless. Maybe he was much more scared than me, because as far as I know, in the artificial intelligence circle, The name Beifeng is also resounding.

That night, Han Fuyu and I lived in this refuge, each sleeping in its own bed.Same as that night, there was still a big snowstorm blowing outside, Han Fuyu slept soundly, and occasionally said a few words in sleep, most of them were "missing home", "wanting to eat spicy strips", "mom and dad", etc. It made me sad to hear that.

All members of the United Army left their homes and came to the other side of the ocean, and very few of them were able to stay in their original places.If it weren't for the high-level executives' poor consideration at the beginning, thinking that only one war zone was needed to solve the problem, I would not have flown all the way to the United States with Bu Xin and Chen Xiaolin.

I couldn't fall asleep listening to the howling wind outside, so I tiptoed to Han Fuyu's bedside and stared at her face.I can say bluntly that she slept like a dead pig, even every eyelash was motionless, and her breathing was steady.

After confirming that she was indeed asleep, I walked back, lay down on the ground and pulled Tai Er out from under the bed, hugged her in my arms and went into the snowstorm outside.

"Talk what you have to say, and leave when you're done. The woman on the bed is a god-level figure, she can kill me in seconds by raising her hand, so I can't save you if something happens to you!" I whispered to Tai Er.

Tai Er broke free from my arms, jumped into the snow, and asked me angrily, "Why did you get together with her!"

"fnndp!" I was already in a bad mood, and I didn't have the temper to listen to his nonsense at all, and pulled out the North Wind Sword from the backpack with a "swoosh", "Say something quickly, it's more than enough to kill a slime with my strength of!"

"Don't, don't..." Tai Er was cowardly, "Yi Ouyi, you have to find a way to stop Xiao Ye, I suspect she wants to blow herself up!"

"What?!" I suspected that I heard it wrong. A creeper who has been persistently evolving to the awakening stage from the beginning to the end is afraid that one day he will suddenly want to blow himself up. What kind of deep hatred must there be?
"I don't know how to explain this. She wants to hunt the king, gather all the kings together, and then—boom!" Tai Er said.

"Then do you know where she is?" I felt strange and asked him in disbelief.

"I don't know." Tai Er looked frustrated, "One morning last month, when I woke up, she had already left me, and I don't know where she went. I only know that she was with me at that time. I mentioned you, so I don't know what to do, so I just waited for you here..."

"How did you know she was going to do this?" I continued.

"She said she wanted to return everything to the beginning so that there would be no wars," Tai Er said.

My head was a little big by him, so I calmed down and sorted out my thoughts.Xiaoye has lived for so long, and her evolutionary stage is estimated to be close to that of Mingrui. According to the information that Gretz told me before, it is absolutely impossible for Xiaoye to become a king, so the peak of awakening is the sky.

The purpose of Xiaoye's doing this is probably because of the complete boredom caused by the end of the evolutionary path, and she wants to do a good thing for everyone, quell the war, and mark the end of her life.

I comforted Tai Er and told him not to worry, as long as I found Xiao Ye, I would try my best to persuade her not to do stupid things.Even though I said so, I was very relieved in my heart, because my thoughts were fulfilled.

Cultivating an intelligent entity that is close to people can become a life-saving straw to save the world.

That's why I was willing to get in touch with Xiao Ye at the beginning instead of killing her with a knife. It was nothing more than trying to drive away tigers and wolfs. Although the idea was shameless, the effect was outstanding.

Sure enough, Xiaoye came up with this idea, even though she used extreme methods to realize it.

"You must save Xiao Ye!" Tai Er begged bitterly.Saya is no different from his mother to him.

"I will do my best to let her see the hope that the war will stop." I promised Tai Er.

I am not a cold-blooded person, I believe that wars can be stopped by human strength.Xiaoye shouldn't die, she should survive, and it's best to become the new master of Yuanshen Kingdom, this is the real purpose of my contact with her.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Tai Er wanted to leave.

"Where are you going? Where can you go?" I asked him.

"I'm going to find an evoker named Graze. He is very powerful. I met Xiao Ye and he lives in the woodland mansion in the fourth realm. I believe he will take me in." Tai Er replied.

 This volume is over.The next volume is the final volume, the grand finale!
(End of this chapter)

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