Chapter 201
I heard him say he was going to find Graz, but I didn't stop him.The relationship between Gretz and Saya is unusual, and for Saya's sake, she should take care of Taier a little bit.

After Tai Er left, I went back to the shelter, brushed off the snow from myself, and lay down to sleep.It's such a mess now, where can I find Xiao Ye, besides, she has always come to me, I don't know where to find her at all, the four words "under the bedrock" she left behind definitely don't refer to the main world.

With her strength, where can she go?


While Beifeng and I were sleeping, the birth point of the fourth map was in full swing. The players who reconnected had no weapons in their hands and no armor on their bodies.

The United Army used the dirty routine "resurrection flow" that all the survival gods disdain to use, relying on the birth point and relying on infinite resurrection to fight a war of attrition with Clearwell.Anyway, the monsters died one less, and the resurrection of human beings continued continuously. If things continued like this, it would be Clearwell who lost in the end.

But Clearway's people haven't come up with a better countermeasure for a long time.As usual, the messengers passed the battle situation on the front line to Clearway's lair through the intertwined underground cave system, and then waited for Clearwell's order at the gate of the lair, and then returned to the front line to convey it to the captains and sub-captains.

But this time, when the messengers came to the door of the lair, they found that there was no one inside.

They saw blood, corpses, scattered armor, and sword marks on the stone walls.The messengers looked at each other, thinking that they were dreaming, and walked in in a daze, while clenching the weapons in their hands.

"King?" One of the zombie messengers called out tentatively.

no respond.

"It's's over!" The orderlies began to get nervous, and retreated back to the door of the lair, wanting to go back the same way and notify the troops still on the front line.From their point of view, Clearwell was either dead or had escaped, and was definitely not in the lair anyway.

Just as they turned around and ran, a few deep purple ender particles suddenly floated out of the air, and a slender black figure flashed out, blocking their retreat.They sat on the ground with a "plop" in fright, and looked up, only to see two eyes with bright purple light looking at them in the darkness.

"I'm sorry, you have to stay here." The figure said, and it turned out to be a female voice.

Before the messengers could react, they heard four muffled sounds of "bang bang bang bang" before they all passed out on the ground, and then their necks were all broken, and they died on the spot.

The figure then disappeared and flashed into the hole, leaving a few snowflake-like purple particles falling on the ground.

Inside the cave, Crewe sat cross-legged on the ground with his head down. The armor was not on his body, but was neatly folded and put aside.He didn't have a weapon in his hand, only a fishing rod, and the hook on the rod had been thrown out, dangling in mid-air.

He heard the noise outside, and said to himself: "Who took the bait?"

"It's me, Messenger of the End, Zhong Xiaoxi."

As soon as he finished speaking, Clearway's neck was pinched by a slender hand, and a pair of glowing lavender eyes appeared directly above his head, staring at him coldly.

Clearway didn't change his expression, still maintaining his fishing posture.When he heard the word "Zhong Xiaoxi", he smiled slightly, and said mockingly: "The Ender who remains neutral forever, the most calm Ender King, is the first to jump out at this time. At that time, the Golden Armored Skeleton and the Seven Generals all wanted to kill me, and even An Ling might do it, but you are the one who hides the deepest, and even I almost lied to him."

Zhong Xiaoxi said coldly: "Neutrality is neutrality for the benefit, not neutrality for the sake of neutrality. Do you know why you became the target of public criticism?"

"If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse. I am different from you. You only have yourself, resources and evolution in your eyes, but I still have all living beings in my eyes. The so-called "orthodoxy of the Yuanshen Kingdom" is not a cheeky thing. It will be admitted if you say it." Clearway responded.

"You are a great king, in the hearts of low-level creatures." Finally Xiaoxi said with a serious tone, "But in the eyes of the Lord and other kings, you are a sad utopian, a narrow-minded intellectual supremacist, and a stupid feudalist. Your so-called "Peach Blossom Spring"-style "Prime Spirit Kingdom" neither conforms to the development law of an intelligent society, nor can it realize the maximum benefits of artificial intelligence, it is nothing more than a fantasy after all.

The only thing you can do is to encourage a group of people to dream with you; your only contribution is to release the occupied resources for our evolution when you die.Other than that, nothing.The Lord ordered me to kill you, and that's why! "

"Hmph, don't you know that the villain will be overthrown if he talks too much? Hurry up and do it, I have nothing to say with you-we don't agree with each other!" Crewey sneered and put the fishing rod aside.

"I never feel that I am a villain. On the contrary, I am a decent person, and when the decent person speaks, the villain will always be disconnected." Final Xiaoxi had a sense of humor and responded to him tit for tat.

At the end of Xiaoxi's words, Clearway suddenly picked up the fishing rod and shook his hand towards her. She immediately dodged and teleported to the other side, but her hand was still on Clearey's neck, and she twisted forcefully. Inflicted great damage, but did not die.

"You..." Zhong Xiaoxi felt strange, but he didn't let go of his hand.

"Let's do it!" Clive shouted hoarsely.

"You are not Clearwell. Who are you?!" Finally Xiaoxi finally realized.

She had doubts in her heart since she sneaked into Crewell's lair, because there were not many guards, she solved them all in two or three strokes. Came to the wrong place.

But now, how could a Mingrui-level king be easily held by her, an enderman who was at the pinnacle of awakening?It's so counterintuitive!
When "Clive" heard what Zhong Xiaoxi said, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. Zhong Xiaoxi let go of his hands around his neck, stepped aside, and looked at him suspiciously. "Clivet" twisted his neck. Although he gritted his teeth in pain, he still clenched his teeth and said, "You are right. I am not a king. My name is Pi. But if you don't kill me, someone will kill me later. You You might as well give me a happy one just now!"

"It seems that we have all been deceived. The real Clearwell has never appeared from the beginning to the end, and only you, a substitute, appeared!" Zhong Xiaoxi shook his head helplessly, "I will not kill you. Tell me, Where did Clearwell go?"

"You think I'll be grateful?" Yan snorted coldly, forced his body to sit on the ground, "From the moment I sit in this position, I know my end! Since you don't want to kill me, get out!"

"Why are you bothering?" Zhong Xiaoxi narrowed her eyes, crossed her hands and asked, "You followed Clearwell..."

"You have never been hungry, so how can you understand 'the hunger will not choose what to eat'?" Ji interrupted Zhong Xiaoxi, "A truly hungry person can use a straw as food. The king is my straw!"

"It's unreasonable." After Xiaoxi finished speaking, her body disappeared and she left Clearway's lair.

(End of this chapter)

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