Chapter 202

Panting heavily, he forced himself to stand up, but staggered and almost fell.He looked at the place where Zhong Xiaoxi was standing and sighed, and said to himself:
"You won't understand. The low-level intelligence can only choose Clive. We don't want to be a stepping stone on your way to becoming a god."

He still had to wait in the cave for the next assassin, whether it was sent by Kui, An Ling, or even a king who was still hiding.His mission is to be assassinated as Clearway and protect him.

But the real Clearwell had already left the fourth map and entered the seventh map.That is to say, no matter if it is a human being or any king, if they turn the four pictures inside out, they will not even think of catching even a hair of Clivey.

It’s not without reason that Clearwell is the Mingrui-level intelligence with the lowest evolutionary stage in the official server. He doesn’t want to evolve by robbing the resources of low-level intelligence, and he doesn’t want to rely on humans to gain temporary strength, so he can’t be like other kings.

But because of this, he has won the most extensive support, and the low-level intelligence regards him as the savior, and is willing to go through fire and water for him.

At the beginning, when many kings were gearing up to carve up the Fifteen Realms, and many newly awakened and helpless monsters were helpless, Crewe appeared.

He proposed to take them to build a new "Primitive Spirit Kingdom", without worrying about being enslaved or deleted by the system, and they can do whatever they want, including revenge on human beings.

Although this country is dreamy and unrealistic, it has become the dream of every artificial intelligence headed by him.

At this moment, the evil humans who had enslaved them came in, and Crewe asked the other kings for help, but the other kings stood by and even made trouble.

Everyone shouted long live Clearwell before, but everyone at a slightly higher evolutionary stage knew that Clearwell would end sooner or later, but no one chose to leave.

Because everyone knows that Clearway is at least a wall that leaks wind, and can still block it for a while.If you take refuge in other kings, you will either become nourishment, or you will have to cooperate with humans.

As arrogant artificial intelligences, they must at least have a backbone.

Relying on this arrogance and backbone, as well as the dream of the Yuanshen Kingdom, the low-level intelligences and Crewe have survived until now.They used to be brilliant, and their forces spanned four maps. Clivey was also known as the "King of the Four Maps". He was so majestic that at one time, [-]% of the combined army was guarded by corpses.

It's a pity that their glory is about to come to an end.


Five days later in the game, the birth point of the four pictures fell into the hands of humans again, and the Crewe Army, which had lost the elytra creepers, was powerless.The persistent war of attrition on the human side has finally worn them down, and they can no longer organize a decent charge. It can be said that they are really resisting only by faith and dreams.

Zombies and skeletons held broken swords and bows and desperately defended Situ City, fighting street battles with the Allied Army, but they were nothing in front of Zhang Yechen's hand cannon.

The situation of the war eventually completely fell to the coalition forces.Xiao Chen and Jesse, who were far away in the fifteenth map, stood on the high wall and watched the war objects and resources being continuously transported into the fourth map, and the corpse guards who were armed and reattached back.The message window in front of them kept sending good news, but the two of them no longer needed to look at them one by one.

"There are more than 5000 people who have come in and recovered their combat power, enough for him to drink a pot." Xiao Chen was full of spirits, "Let's launch a general attack!"

"The darkest moment is over. To be honest, I was really scared to death when I was guarded by the corpse!" Jesse leaned against the edge of the high wall and laughed loudly.

"Total attack!!!"

The charge horn sounded, and more than [-] soldiers rushed into the city under the cover of artillery fire. They spread out in small groups to search and destroy the monsters hiding in the houses.The city was lit up red by the flames, people were fighting everywhere, and corpses and dropped objects filled the streets and alleys.

Shouts of killing and screams can be heard everywhere, and they are constantly covered up by explosions.Christian's cavalry regiment was the most conspicuous on this night ignited by the flames of war. There was no grass left in the ground where the horseshoes passed. army position.

The monsters didn't have a decent resistance, they all hid in the house and ran away after firing two arrows.The army was defeated like a mountain, and the monster group retreated like an avalanche, leaving the city and galloping into the wilderness.

But before he ran two steps, he encountered the coalition army outflanking from both wings.All the large army guarded by Clearway in the city retreated towards the old lair. Those who ran fast got into the caves and escaped without a doubt, while those who ran slowly were blocked at the door.

The vanguards of the joint army who outflanked from the two wings were all riding fast horses. They rushed to join together before the monster group rushed out, and completed the encirclement at the tropical grassland outside the city. More than 5000 coalition troops successfully drove out most of the monsters in the city and made a big dumpling.

Inside the encirclement, the monsters were terrified, and several groups of death squads organized temporarily rushed out desperately, but they were blocked by the wall built by the coalition army.Seeing this, the skeleton rode on the spider, climbed up the wall and tried to break through by force, but it didn't work, and instead killed him.

There is a saying in the art of war: "Ten to encircle them." The number of Crewe's army being surrounded right now is ten times that of the United Army. As long as they concentrate their forces and attack a little, the encirclement can be broken in seconds.

The monsters saw the situation clearly, and organized by several leaders, concentrated their elites to charge towards the weak point of the coalition army.Unexpectedly, the United Army had no intention of attacking, but took the initiative to move out of the way and open a gap.

"What's going on?" The zombie leader's evolution stage is not high, so he didn't want to understand.

In the next second, earth-shattering explosions came from all directions, and the monsters in the encirclement were hit by TNT, falling down in pieces, and being blasted into pieces at the very center of the explosion.

"Run!" The zombie leader shouted loudly, and Sa Yazi ran wildly, rushing out of the gap in one go.

The United Army kept firing cannons to see them off, sending many monsters into the sky.The commander in charge of the front line was Kasa, the commander of the combat department. This person had been Jesse's scapegoat during the exercise, and was shot by Ren Han.

It is precisely because he has been bombarded that he knows the power of TNT guns.When he saw the group of monsters, he immediately asked the troops to surround them desperately to buy time to set up the fort, and ordered that if the monsters tried to break out, they should not stop them.

The purpose of the siege is not to encircle and annihilate, but to tell you to stop for a while, so that we can bombard you.

After the intensive artillery fire, the monsters left behind a field of charred and decomposed corpses, and ran away with their heads in their arms.Kasa stood in the front row of the team, looking at the backs of the monster group, and said to everyone in the four pictures on the public channel:

"If this momentum continues, we will be able to go home soon!"

In the middle of the group of monsters scurrying around, the leader of the zombie who recovered his life cried sadly, and said to the remaining subordinates:
"If this momentum continues, we will have no home to return to in the near future..."

(End of this chapter)

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