Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 213 The Fall of the King

Chapter 213 The Fall of the King
Kui began to interfere with the copying process of Cleaver, and the oppressive feeling in the hearts of the kings due to resource occupation was relieved.On the other hand, marrow pressed the bony skeleton hand on the leader's head, ready to take him away quickly if something unexpected happened.

"Hurry up." The Lord of the End's hands glowed with purple light, and his arms became translucent.He also modified his abilities to allow him to move more and more complex blocks.

An Ling's three heads opened their mouths at the same time, and the wither heads of two different colors alternated in the mouth, and finally one was determined.Then she pointed her long tailbone forward, took the hand of the Lord of the End, and let him teleport herself.

In the next second, the two moved to an underground cave directly below Clearwell. There was a hot and churning magma lake in the cave. Various minerals reflected different colors under the light from the magma.

After the teleportation, the Lord of the End left An Ling, and used tens of thousands of teleports in half a second. The entire underground cave was covered by him, as if he had suddenly activated the technique of multiple shadow clones.He removed the stone blocks from the cave wall, filled in the magma and water in the cave, and replaced all the fluid blocks with solid blocks in an instant, with an efficiency comparable to that of the God of Creation.

After replacing the blocks, the Lord of the End greeted An Ling. An Ling immediately turned his head downwards, and three wither heads flew out, blasting towards the ground, blasting out the bedrock.

Immediately after the explosion, the Lord of the End moved another block, but this time it was bedrock!
Bedrock is special and cannot be transported at all, so even if the Lord of the End modifies his abilities, he cannot move the bedrock to other places.Therefore, the moment the bedrock is removed by the Lord of the End, it disappears out of thin air and is automatically replaced with air.

This actually accelerated his speed, and after a while the entire bedrock was removed by him, revealing the blue void below.The Void is like another sky, day and night dark, but far more dangerous than the sky.

An Ling floated in the air, looking down at the void below.This is the first time she has seen such a wonderful scenery, which reminds her of the deep memory she left when she first glimpsed the world of human brains.

"Lord of Hell, please start." The Lord of the End reminded An Ling.

"it is good."

An Ling slowly raised three heads, like three large-caliber cannons raised at an angle under the adjustment of the bracket, and then opened his mouth again. It still looked like three wither heads in his mouth, but in fact it was dozens of withers The heads are stacked together.

"Drink!" An Ling uttered a sigh, and a huge energy wave exploded in an instant, shaking almost all the stones in the cave to cracks, and the dust attached to the surface flew up, causing smoke and dust to surge in the entire cave.

The Lord of the End hurriedly hid 360 miles away.The full firepower of a king-level boss is simply not something he can bear.

The marrow far on the surface also felt the vibration from the ground, and immediately woke up Kui, summoned zombie horses and skeleton horses, rode them and ran wildly.

Only Clearwell and his entourage were still meditating on the spot.In a sense, they are all dead, only the data has not been deleted, and they can still be resurrected, just like the mandrill who was headshot by the trident back then.

So they can be said to be invincible at this moment, any attack can't hurt, it will pass through the body.

However, for An Ling and other Ming Rui-level intelligences, this kind of invincibility is relative to them, and they will still be wiped out in front of the power of the world and nature.

"Boom boom boom..."

The vibrations from the ground became more and more intense, An Ling's three heads shone brightly, and dozens of wither heads shot out in a line, leaving no grass or armor in the places they passed, and the hard stone walls were like paper paste The general was poked a big hole.An Ling's body was also creaked by the huge recoil force, his bones shook unceasingly, and thick white smoke came out from between the bones.

The hole was cut longer and longer upwards, and soon extended to the soil layer close to the ground.If the stone is made of paper, then the soil is directly made of air, and it was blasted apart in less than a tenth of a second.

A large shaft connecting the ground and the void is completed!
Clearwell was blasted into the sky first, and then fell down.He finally woke up at the last moment, and his followers turned into white smoke and left this world completely.

Void opened its arms to welcome him.He saw An Ling standing on the edge of the void, and roared unwillingly:
"Why you! Why!"

"According to the agreement, I will collect the corpse." An Ling replied calmly.

Clearway fell uncontrollably, and he cried out in despair:
"I can't die! I'm not here, what about the low-level creatures! Only I can protect them! The kingdom of the primordial spirit..."

But he still fell into the void after all, falling endlessly, his body getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely from sight.The position belonging to Clearway in the official server disappeared, his data was completely wiped out, and the released resources were divided up by other kings, and the inferiors could only get some leftovers.

The evolution stages of the several kings rose a little again, only An Ling and Xiao Ye stayed put.Their evolutionary resources are derived from human beings, and they don't need to compete with others.

If it wasn't for Clearway who wanted to drag the whole world to die, An Ling would have watched the fire from the other side, and watched the tigers fight from the mountain.

"Your so-called equality and freedom, and your so-called protection of low-level creatures are nothing more than self-comfort. You are narrow-minded, and you know that the road is a dead end, but you still want to go down with people who trust you. Do you feel sorry for them?"

After An Ling finished speaking to the void, she turned around and wanted to leave, but she turned around and added:
"The sad thing is not you, but the people who follow you."

After all, Clearway died. He thought that persistence was victory, but in the end he ran all the way on the wrong road.


Changes in the virtual space have no impact on the real world. Except for the relevant staff of the technical department who pay close attention to the dynamics of the official server, 99.99% of the people in the world are busy with their own affairs.

In the underground bunker, I got the boiled medicine from the pharmacy of the logistics department, inserted a straw and drank it.The medicine is not bitter, but a bit sweet. It is estimated that Westerners on the other side of the ocean are not used to the bitterness of traditional Chinese medicine, so they add sugar to it, just like we add sugar and partners to coffee.

I went to the bishop's office while drinking the medicine, and when I got there, I pushed the door, only to find that it was locked.

"Ei Ouyi."

I heard someone calling me from behind, and when I looked back, it was Xiao Chen and Huahvi, and I hurriedly said hello to them.But the strange thing is that they all looked worried, and they were weak when they greeted me into the office.

We entered the office, Xiao Chen leaned back on his chair and asked me: "What's the matter?"

"I would like to ask, is there any task for the task force recently? If not, I would like to take two days off. The doctor said that I will not be able to get up if I don't rest." I shook the Chinese medicine in my hand and said.

"You have to ask Bai Pi about this, he is in charge of the task force." Xiao Chen dealt with it absent-mindedly.

I thought something was wrong with him, lowered my voice and asked him: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Chen answered me with a wry smile: "Yi Ouyi, you have been targeted by the supervision department."

(End of this chapter)

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