Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 214 Greeting the North Wind

Chapter 214 Greeting the North Wind
The four departments of the joint army are the Operations Department, the Technology Department, the Logistics Department and the Supervision Department. For logistics, such as sweeping the floor, cooking, treating diseases and guarding the door, the Supervision Department is in charge of supervision and management.

Among the four major departments, the Operations Department and the Technology Department show up the most, and the Logistics Department occasionally plays tricks. Only the Supervision Department is the most mysterious and unknown.

However, among the four major departments, the most powerful one happens to be the Supervision Department.

When I heard Xiao Chen say that I was being watched by the supervision department, I suddenly felt bad.I don't think my secret relationship with Xiao Ye should be monitored. No matter how unreliable my teammates are, they won't leak the secrets. How could the supervision department know? And even if they knew, it shouldn't be so late. Could it be that they are preparing evidence?
Or is it that I did not turn in the top weapon, but gave it to Beifeng as a favor and was found out? It shouldn't be, only me and Beifeng knew about this matter, and Victor didn't know either. What I want to do with the Trident, logically I won't make a small report.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked knowingly, to see what Xiao Chen had to say.

Xiao Chen frowned, and said in a bit of embarrassment: "It is said... It is said that you and Beifeng are lovers."

I almost spit out the medicine I just drank in my mouth.It turned out that it was such a nonsensical gossip and nonsense for a long time. Where did it come from? I have only known Beifeng for a long time, and some people started to spread rumors.

But I was very happy to hear Xiao Chen say that, not because I ate Beifeng Tofu, but because the "bad things" I did were not discovered.As long as I don't get discovered, let alone Beifeng is my wife, even my mother, I will recognize her.

"...Do you have that kind of relationship with her? Both of you have stated in your contract that you are single, so you can't violate the rules!" Seeing that I was silent for a long time, Xiao Chen was a little anxious.

"My Commander Xiao, I will now clearly report my relationship with Beifeng to the organization." I explained helplessly, "I can assure the organization that I only have a cooperative relationship with her on the job. , the relationship between friends in life. All the records of my dealings with her can be checked by the organization at will, and it will never be violated..."

"All right, all right, I'll save this and tell the people in the supervision department, I don't have the right to investigate you." Xiao Chen interrupted me, "However, if something like this happened to you suddenly, you can't pick it up on weekends." She's gone. I'm going to send someone else."

"No." I immediately objected, "The supervision department didn't say anything, we can't overreact. I think the original arrangement should not be changed, and I will still pick her up."

"Then you want to hit the muzzle of the gun?" Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows.

I shook my head and explained: "The matter of Beifeng's transfer to San Francisco was proposed by the War Department, and the plan also needs to be approved by the Supervision Department, and then submitted to the Joint Army Conference for discussion and decision. There is no suspicion of 300 taels of silver."

"I have considered this. I planned to explain to the supervision department after changing people. Anyway, they told me about you, and they have nothing to say when I do this." Xiao Chen sighed, "I did this to protect you , you can't kill yourself!"

"I understand." I comforted him, "but I don't want to be affected by this matter for too long and be stared at by people every day. Isn't the supervision department going to investigate? Just give them a good chance and let me contact Beifeng openly Once, completely shut their mouths. As the saying goes, they are not afraid of shadows, so I don't believe they can force it out of nothing."

"Okay, you have to handle it yourself. In case the two of you make any misleading actions, I can't save you!" Xiao Chen finally agreed.


The weekend is coming soon.

As early as not long ago, I received the news that Beifeng took the train to San Francisco in Chicago, and it was expected to arrive at the station at 10:45 this morning.

According to the arrangement of the Operation Department, I and two other team leaders went to the station to pick up people.In the joint army, the treatment of the combat department is no different from that of the logistics department when they go out. At most, they are equipped with a small pistol, unlike the boss of the technical department who goes out with several bodyguards.

Of the three people, only I knew what Beifeng looked like. Among the two team leaders, one was a security guard who received a P220 in the logistics department, and the other was just a driver.

Beifeng was accompanied by only one female bodyguard.

Although it hasn't been long since Bron was shot last time, and he is still lying in the hospital, the coalition army has never let down its vigilance and has been strictly controlling personnel access to ensure internal security. The Ministry got a bulletproof car from somewhere, in short, so that there would be no mistakes.

The importance of Beifeng is more than a star and a half lower than that of Bron, and now Bron's status is not as good as that of some important technicians, and being able to have bodyguards accompanying bulletproof vehicles to pick him up and drop off is considered the highest standard of treatment.

To be honest, the top management is not stupid. In the fight against artificial intelligence, the technical department has always been in the most important position. Otherwise, Nick, the director of the technical department at that time, would not have arrogantly interfered in the military exercises of the combat department.

It's just that I have little contact and no professional knowledge, so it seems that the technical department seems to have nothing to do.

The two team leaders and I got into the car, and the car slowly drove out of the garage.Through the car window, I saw the round sun that I hadn't seen for a long time again, and finally it was no longer the square sun in the cube world.

"It's been a long time since I came out to breathe, it really seems like a lifetime away." I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"What?" asked the leader who was driving, tilting his head to the side.

"Hmm..." I realized that they couldn't understand Chinese, so I had to explain in English instead, "I said I haven't come out for a long time."

"Oh, yes." He smiled, "The outside is very different now, like the 60s and [-]s of last century."

"And the machine, the network?" I asked him.

"There are machines, but there is no Internet. Anyway, life and production have stabilized, and there have been no major disturbances." Another team leader said.

The three of us gradually started talking, and I also learned more external news from them.Although the United States almost split, it managed to overcome the difficulties and began to resume the production of daily necessities.

Compared with the beginning of the crisis, the lives of the American imperialists have improved slightly.As the so-called "feel warm and think about sex", some low-cost entertainment activities have gradually returned or been created, which are much simpler than playing with mobile phones and computers.

Driving over the empty Golden Gate Bridge, I looked out the window at downtown San Francisco.The Golden Gate Bridge and the skyscrapers on the opposite bank now seem to have become a steel shell, like the ruins left by technological civilization, without any human habitation.

If human beings are really extinct and the earth is still there, these things will be called the great wealth of the mysterious ancient civilization by the later generations after millions of years.

And when they deciphered human writing and learned that human beings were extinct because they invented another, more advanced intelligence, they don't know how they would feel.

 I can't hold back after finishing this chapter, so I'll send it out ahead of time. I'm really in a hurry to start a new book.

(End of this chapter)

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