Chapter 215
Driving across the Golden Gate Bridge, we did not enter downtown San Francisco, but went around the outer ring road to the train station.The distance is not far, especially when there are not many cars on the road, the leader of the car drove the speed to [-], and arrived in a few minutes.

There were quite a lot of people at the train station. We got off the train and looked at the watch. There was still half an hour before Beifeng arrived.For some reason, when I think of seeing Beifeng later, I feel an inexplicable excitement, or restlessness, maybe it is the recognition and expectation of the Chinese cultural thought rooted in my heart for people of the same culture. It is very pleasant to see a yellow-skinned, black-eyed person among fair-skinned and blue-eyed people.

Have friends come from afar.

"What's your relationship with that professional player?" The driver asked, seeing my expectant face.

"Guess." I deliberately didn't say it, and tested him to see if he belonged to the supervision department.

The driver, who was not professional at all, was immediately hooked and said, "I heard that you are in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship."

Sure enough, the Ministry of Supervision still secretly sent someone.This was as early as Xiao Chen and I expected.

"Who did you hear that from?!" I retorted immediately, and lied casually, "The girl I like is still in Huaxia."

"Do you have a picture?" The driver was interested.

"What do you think?" I took out the communicator issued by the United Army and waved it in front of his eyes.

"Oh yes, I forgot. What a pity." The driver smiled awkwardly, "That must be a beautiful woman."

I was slightly disgusted by his inexplicable flattery, but I didn't show it, I just smiled.Being surrounded by people from the Supervision Department is like being accompanied by the director of the Political and Educational Department. You have to rely on acting to speak and do things.

The three of us entered the train station, turned left and right to the platform to pick up people.There are more military and police officers on the platform than passengers, patrolling with live ammunition to maintain law and order, and those who pass by will always be shot by their X-ray eyes.I heard that you can’t put your hands in your pockets when you meet the police in the United States, especially people of color, otherwise you will be shot with two magazines empty, and Bian Que will not be able to save him.

The team leader has the certificate of the United Army, and first registers at the police station at the train station with the P220.The driver and I stood outside the yellow line on the platform and looked at the direction of the oncoming train. The long rails stretched all the way into the distance and disappeared on the horizon.

"It should be here soon." The driver looked down at his watch.

As soon as the voice fell, a staff member of the train station immediately shouted with a loudspeaker in the back, saying that a train was coming into the station, and asked people on the platform to retreat outside the yellow line, pay attention to safety, and so on.

I couldn't help laughing out loud.It’s 2022, and you still rely on loudspeakers to shout at the train station. No matter how destructive the artificial intelligence is, you don’t have to worry about them hijacking the broadcasting system.
The train appeared on the horizon, followed by a roar, and everyone on the platform backed away.The leader also came with a pistol and stood with us.

The speed of the train was already slow when it appeared, and it stopped steadily when it reached the platform.I saw through the window of the train that there was no one in the car at all, and most of the seats were still empty, filled with luggage and goods, which was considered fully utilized.

Beifeng sat in the No. 8 car. The three of us searched for it one by one, and finally found the door of the No. 8 car.There were only two people at the door, and I recognized them from a long distance as Beifeng and the female bodyguard following her.

I ran over with the driver and the leader, and I took the first step, took out the ID of the United Army, and said to the female bodyguard next to Beifeng: "I was sent by the United Army to respond. Your Excellency is the Great God of Beifeng, I admire you already." Long time, good luck to meet you!”

After finishing speaking, I stretched out my hand to the female bodyguard, as if I regarded her as Beifeng.

The female bodyguard is slightly shorter than Beifeng, but as slender as Beifeng, wearing a khaki sweater and jeans, combing short curly hair, and wearing brown sunglasses.She was very vigilant at first, and she had already put her hand into the purse she was carrying, but seeing that I showed my ID and still regarded her as Beifeng, she had no choice but to remind me that Beifeng was the one next to her, not her.

"Do you know her?" the driver asked me dubiously.I guess he not only doubts me, but also suspects that the news from the supervision department is wrong.

"Uh..." I pretended to be embarrassed but trying to save face, and said, "I was a little nervous, so I made a mistake, I'm sorry."

Then he bowed his head and apologized to Beifeng: "I'm sorry, Beifeng is big, I really didn't mean it."

Han Fuyu looked at me with a cold face.Her clothes didn't quite fit her style. She actually wore a pale pink woolen dress with a silk scarf on her shoulders, thick white stockings on her legs, and a pair of low-heeled snow boots. Wearing a silver sparkling earring.

She, who has always been upright, even put on makeup, lip gloss and foundation, her long hair looks like it has been curled with a curling iron, with waves, she is completely different from the ones seen in the game, not at all The PvP god who went to the streets to slash people is like a goddess with stars at the banquet.

"Talk to me, don't you need to use English?" She asked me coldly in Chinese, "You idiot, haven't seen you for a few days and even forgot what I look like?"

"Something happened, I have to do this." I accepted the criticism with a smile on the surface, but said seriously.

The driver and team leader saw that the people had received them, so they asked us to go to the parking lot as soon as possible and return to the bunker by car.Han Fuyu and I were walking side by side, but there was a huge distance between them, but I could smell the fragrance of the cosmetics on her body very clearly.

"It's a matter of the Supervision Department." She still had a cold face, "They have already looked for me once."

"Okay." Seeing that she understood the situation, I felt a lot more relaxed and said.

"In the final analysis, it's my fault. When I killed Clivey, I moved you out to boost morale, but was misunderstood by the people below." She explained with a gloomy expression.

"I don't blame you. By the way, that driver is from the Supervision Department, so be careful when speaking in front of him." I reminded her.

"It's like falling in love with the middle and high school, fighting a guerrilla with the Political and Education Department." She smiled self-deprecatingly.

"It's different, we're not in a relationship, so there's no need to act deliberately, just maintain the status quo." I said.

"Then what did you play just now?" she asked abruptly.

"I... I think it is necessary to do that." I don't know how to answer, "And you are dressed like this today, it is normal for me to have that reaction, and it is not fake."

She brushed her hair triumphantly, followed by the silver earrings, and then said to me: "To see you today, I put on makeup on purpose, and it took me a long time to choose clothes. How about it, doesn't it look good? Come on, praise!" I!"

" are simply a fairy, a goddess who descends from heaven and earth, with all her powers and cities, the moon is ashamed and the flowers are ashamed, the clouds are like flowers and the flowers are like looks, the spring breeze is blowing through the threshold, Revlon, when you look back and smile, you are full of beauty, the six palaces of pink and black are colorless, and your hands are beautiful. Like a catkin, skin like creamy fat, collar like a grub, teeth like a gourd rhinoceros, a gnat's head and moth eyebrows, a charming smile, beautiful eyes..." I babbled a lot of nonsense.

"All right, all right, stop boasting." She interrupted me a little embarrassedly,
(End of this chapter)

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