Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 223 War and Peace

Chapter 223 War and Peace
The End started out in an awkward position in this competition.When Tang Ming and Ying led the entire Land of End at the beginning, they originally planned to take advantage of Land of End's isolation from the world to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. By always maintaining neutrality, they waited for the main world and the kings of hell to fight with humans. After that, come out to collect another wave of heads.

Endermen are born teleporting, and this ability is enough to be respected in the entire block world. Unless it rains, they are invincible.

However, when the public enemy of the people, Kleive, was eradicated, Tang Ming found that the world suddenly became quiet and peaceful.Humans stopped attacking and settled down to farm; An Ling hid in hell to eat and drink, not caring about world affairs; Kui and Sui yelled to fight and kill, but did nothing. The ground stood still.

The situation has come to a standstill, like a pool of stagnant water.

Tang Ming knew that he had to stir up some waves in this pond of stagnant water, so he announced to the outside world that the land of the end welcomes the homeless.This is aimed at Kui and Sui, because they are recruiting troops aggressively.

Sure enough, Kui and Sui ignored him, which showed that their recruiting was fake. After all, the example of Clearway was before them, and they would never want to be the second Clearwell.

What puzzled Tang Ming was, what was this pair of undead kings trying to do with such great fanfare and attention?
He couldn't ask directly, and the envoys he sent out to spy on the information brought back all the mediocre news.Kui and Sui seem to be following the old path of Clearway, forming an army to fight humans again.

Tang Ming had no choice but to cast her eyes on hell.An Ling was relatively easy to talk to, so he directly sent an envoy, Zhong Xiaoxi, who knew that after Zhong Xiaoxi arrived in Hell, he couldn't even see An Ling's face, so he could only communicate with An Ling's follower, Wu Jie.Wu Jie was originally an old slippery guy who spoke glibly and beat around the bush. In the end, Xiaoxi chatted with her for a long time and didn't even touch her, so she had to return empty-handed.

"Well, there are secrets. We have to spend a lot of money to dig out something." After listening to Zhong Xiaoxi's report, Tang Ming nodded and pondered for a while, then said to Ying, "Ying, you go to hell."

"Me?!" Dragon King Ying narrowed his eyes, "Is it all like this?"

"You must go, otherwise we will get nothing." Tang Ming said.

"Okay. But if there is still no result, we have to follow the original plan and send troops to take down the main world!" Ying agreed.As the trump card of The End, once he is exposed, it will be the moment when the end cards are exhausted.

After hearing this, Tang Ming slowly closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded heavily.Unifying the world of cubes is the ultimate goal of Land of the End. Both kings believe that whether it is nation building or evolution, there must be a unified and stable internal space.To this end, the End will use all means to maintain order.

After the shadow finished speaking, it disappeared. Tang Ming opened his eyes, and his purple eyes looked at the crowds of Endermen in the city of the End.He began to calculate what might happen in the future, but the results were too divergent due to too many uncertain factors, so he had to give up.

However, he was certain of one thing—whether it was humans or artificial intelligence, as long as the war continued, both sides would face catastrophe.


Inside the Fortress of Hell, An Ling looked suspiciously at the uninvited king-level enderman in front of him. The wither's head was held in his throat for a long time and he hadn't fired it. He was always in a state of readiness.She knew very well that this king-ranked enderman was definitely not Tang Ming, the Lord of the End. The two temperaments were completely different. The former was cold and mysterious, while the latter was domineering and fearless.

Around her, a large number of blazes gathered, and the flames formed a red mountain range. The blaze rods clanged, and the friction burst out fierce sparks. The smoke was rising, and they would wash the ground with flame bombs at any time.

"It's the first time I've met you. My name is Ying, and I'm the Dragon King that the messengers of the end often mention to you." Ying introduced himself calmly to the menacing crowd.

"Please tell me something." When An Ling spoke, the wither's head loomed in his mouth, emitting a terrifying light.

Ying saw that An Ling didn't want to talk nonsense, so he said: "We only have one question: Do you have a way to stop the dispute?"

"Is peace good for the End?" An Ling didn't answer, but asked instead.

"Frankly speaking, it's not beneficial. But for us, it's beneficial." Shadow replied.

By "we," he means artificial intelligence.

"Is war beneficial to the End?" An Ling asked another question.

"In the short term, it is beneficial. But it is not beneficial to the ultimate goal." Ying said.

“I get it. But where is your sincerity?”

"I am sincerity." Ying said, spreading his hands.

An Ling thought for a while, let the blazes disperse, took Ying to the bottom of the Hell Fortress, and told him about the "Essence Kingdom Plan".An Ling didn't have a bad impression of Mo Di at first, seeing Mo Di take the initiative to hand over the hole cards to himself, it would be unreasonable for him to hide it.

Shadow fulfilled his wish and brought the plan back to the end.An Ling thought that the "Yuanshen Kingdom Project" could bring about the cooperation of Land of the End, but never thought that Ying would sneer at this plan, and commented on this plan in front of Tang Ming:
"I thought how powerful An Ling was, but she turned out to be a fool. Did she think that humans would not defend against this plan?"

But Tang Ming's reaction was completely opposite to Ying's.After hearing Ying's talk about the "Yuanshen Kingdom Project", he was overwhelmed and thought it was a genius plan, so he had a serious disagreement with Ying.The two had a fierce quarrel over the future of the End, and they almost started fighting, which scared the people who served the two kings in the city of the End to tremble.

Finally, in a fit of anger, Tang Ming said to Ying in a deep voice: "If you still insist on ending wars with wars and fighting with weapons, then well, from now on, you will be the Lord of the End."

"I will prove to you that my way is right!!!" Ying roared loudly.

A civil war was nipped in the bud because of Tang Ming's timely withdrawal.Before leaving, Tang Ming looked back at the majestic End City in disappointment. He finally realized the state of mind that Crewell left his lair sadly and went to Qitu.

"Everyone is laughing at Clearwell, and everyone hopes to have Clearwell." After leaving a sentence, Tang Ming left the Land of End alone.

Since then, there is only one king left in the Land of the End, only one path left, and only one ending left.

What Ying said is not wrong, humans have already discovered the penetration attempt of artificial intelligence, and installed the anti-osmosis plug-in into the virtual machine of everyone in the joint army.

From his point of view, An Ling's plan is a fantasy, unless she can open a back door.

An Ling didn't know about the drastic changes in the End, and waited for a long time in Hell. Naturally, he didn't get a reply from the End, but he got another piece of news—humans hope to enter the Seven Maps through Hell.

"Human beings are here, good job." An Ling is full of ambition, and he is bound to win.

(End of this chapter)

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