Chapter 224
The 15 contingents of the coalition army went to Qitu and entered from hell according to the arrangement of the command layer, so as not to startle the snake.At the beginning, An Ling was very enthusiastic to be guided. It wasn't until An Ling saw them with his own eyes that he realized that these humans had sealed themselves off.

Christian's seventh team led the task force, followed by fourteen other teams.They all expressed their gratitude to An Ling for the convenience they provided. They climbed on top of the ghast and flew across the magma sea to their different gates of hell.

She didn't expect that when she first proposed the "Yuanshen Kingdom Plan", the United Army Technology Department blocked the firewall on the cyberspace channel and installed anti-osmosis plug-ins in the virtual machines of all members.

As a result, the brains that were originally opened by humans were locked in a safe, and the chains were installed, so that artificial intelligence could no longer infiltrate at will.

Dozens of members of the task force swaggered through the city, entering from one end of hell and exiting from the other. An Ling could only stare at their iron barrel-like brains in a daze. "Plan of Yuanshen Kingdom" can be changed from feasible to ideal with just a small plug-in.

An Ling looked at the backs of everyone in the task force leaving, dumbfounded, almost on the verge of despair.The so-called hopelessness is to give up hope completely for the original idea, so as to generate new ideas.

The brain is no longer a smooth road!
She almost broke the jar and ordered the ghosts carrying the task force to throw all the task force into the magma. Fortunately, Xiao Ye appeared and stopped her in time.

"Don't panic, I will help you." Xiao Ye comforted An Ling.

An Ling lowered his head sadly and remained silent.Human beings closed their brains, which not only made her plan impossible to carry out, but also greatly affected her strength.She evolved by humans. If there were no human resources, she would compete with Kui and others for the resources of the cube world, and embark on the old path of devouring the same kind.

"What should I do?" An Ling said weakly, "The resources in the cube world are limited, and everyone is competing with each other in order to become the strongest individual. Isn't it true that a human-style society like Clearway where everyone is equal and resources are equally distributed?" What may exist, the super-strong evolutionary learning ability makes us, and at the same time destroys us!"

"I finally found a way to break this vicious circle, but before I set my foot on it, the road was broken."

Xiao Ye smiled and sat down in front of An Ling.Compared with An Ling, her body is petite like a little sparrow, and she needs to keep her head up when talking to An Ling: "But I have reached the end. Maybe the road is broken in your eyes, but in my opinion it is not. "

An Ling was shocked, suddenly realized, and quickly asked her: "Do you have a way to crack it?"

"Yes. Use him as the back door, and if you have the authority in your hands, then the passage to the human brain will be mine. Whoever can pass through, I have the final say." Xiao Yefeng said lightly, "It's a pity he didn't Come, it cannot be cracked for the time being."

An Ling's eyes dimmed again.Not because it cannot be cracked temporarily, but because of other reasons.

Xiaoye saw through what An Ling was thinking, and said with a smile: "Are you worried that I will monopolize the passage, lock other people here, curb evolution, and make yourself a real god?"

"That's right." An Ling admitted.

"Think about it again, who will benefit by doing this?" Xiao Ye called her.

"It is beneficial to human beings." As a king-level intelligence, An Ling came up with the answer in only a few milliseconds, "The essence of evolution is 'natural selection, survival of the fittest'. God is also a false god, and it brings disaster to intelligence, making the limit of evolution subject to you, not infinite possibilities."

"So I have no reason to do that. The evolutionary path leads to the same goal. Kui and Marrow want to be the strongest and then control everything. We want to control everything and then become the strongest. The most fundamental purpose of these is nothing more than survival—no matter what kind of creature, what kind of life , Everything we do is for the purpose of survival, those who are altruistic will survive for the public, and those who are self-interested will survive for themselves, whoever succeeds is the one who is right." Xiaoye talked eloquently, "It's just the winner and the loser."

"It's very simple. It's a pity that vulgar people don't understand it. Instead, 'successful and defeated' has become an excuse for the losers to comfort themselves, and an excuse for the superficial to admit that they are noble." An Ling no longer felt despair, regained confidence, eyes filled He became radiant, "Night King, I firmly believe that our path is correct, no matter what the final outcome is, at least it can show us a direction. At least, you are a successful example."

Xiao Ye nodded and said: "It's good to think about it this way. Kui and others will not make any movement for the time being. What you need to be vigilant about is the Land of the End. What the Land of the End wants is unity. If the split state stabilizes, and there is even a tendency to be independent, the Land of the End It will definitely be shot."

"Tang Ming is not that kind of person." An Ling didn't believe what Xiao Ye said.

"Don't forget the Dragon King of the End." Xiao Ye said.

"You mean..." An Ling realized something, a little unbelievable.

"In short, if Tang Ming comes, let him stay. If the Dragon King comes, kill him immediately!" Xiao Ye's tone suddenly became ruthless, "If necessary, let me take action."

"...Okay." An Ling also understood the seriousness of the matter.If something happens in the end, if it fails, the main world, human beings, and hell will be dragged into the water together. The war will further expand, and the local war will become a world war. spread into the real world.

If it spreads to the real world, the result of the joint army's victory will be rejected, and the high-level will be pressured by the masses to withdraw from the cube world and completely rely on the technical department.This is what An Ling and the war department don't want to see.

In a sense, the War Department and An Ling are in the same boat, and the two use each other.


The news of the task force's successful entry into the map was sent back to the command. Xiao Chen said "OK", put down the documents in his hand, took a sip of the tea on the table, left his seat, put on his coat, and walked out of the office to start a business. Went to the Seven Maps Combat Plan Seminar.

The small clock on his desk remained in place, and the second hand "tick-tocked" drove the minute and hour hands to run about 1 times.The minute hand also made six laps during this period, and the slowest hour hand swept from 6 to 150, only traveling about [-] degrees.

At this time, someone walked into the office, stamped a document on the small clock, and left.The only sound left in the office was the dull ticking of the small clock.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Chen came back, picked up the document covered on the small clock, and saw that the hour hand was already pointing at the number "12".

He glanced at the file.There is not much content, it only occupies two A4 papers, and it can be summed up in one sentence——

"The entire task force was wiped out, and no intelligence was brought out."

After reading it, Xiao Chen took a picture of the document on the desk.

(End of this chapter)

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