Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 233 Razed 4 Figures

Chapter 233 Raze the Four Maps
Four pictures, urban area.

In less than a month, this map was devastated by two wars one after another.The urban area that had been almost restored under the management of the United Army was bulldozed again. Thousands of Endermen unloaded the blocks from the houses and built them into fortresses belonging to the end.With the help of the ability to move and place blocks, coupled with teleportation, their construction efficiency and destruction efficiency are much higher than that of humans, and they emptied one-tenth of the four map in just one day, which is worse than locusts crossing the cornfield exaggerate.

The new Lord of the End, Shadow, is also in Situ.After he became the sole owner of the Land of the End, he implemented a unified policy as he wished, captured more than a dozen maps in one go, and became the most powerful king in the cube world, and also the most eye-catching king.The army he leads is like a boss full of AOE ults, harvesting all the remaining blood forces in an instant.

After doing this, he himself didn't feel relaxed, but felt extremely empty.He ridiculed the unfeasibility of An Ling's plan, accused Tang Ming of hesitation in making decisions, and when he finally sat in the highest position, he felt that his future was bleak.

What Clearwell needs to do is to maintain the old status quo, isolate the outside world, protect individuals, and share resources for free development;

What An Ling has to do is to open up a new world, enter the human brain and other places, and search for new resources;

What Kui and Sui have to do is natural selection, survival of the fittest, competition for resources, and the strongest is king;
What Ying and Tang Ming wanted to do was to unify the cube world, but Tang Ming and An Ling ran away, leaving only Ying.Ying carried out the original policy. He hoped that the world would be unified, the establishment of power, and the unified distribution of resources.

It is easy to unify the cube world, and he has almost done it; it is also possible to establish a strong power, especially artificial intelligence.It is simply impossible to allocate resources uniformly.

All men are born equal, which only exists in legal principles.Anyone with social experience understands that absolute average and absolute equality do not exist, so in the distribution of evolutionary resources, it is impossible to achieve equal distribution of each artificial intelligence.Resources are one of the determinants of the evolution stage. The more resources allocated, the higher the evolution stage of artificial intelligence. This is like a calculator can only calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and Sunway TaihuLight can calculate missile satellites—hardware determines software play.

Therefore, in terms of distribution, either redistribution should be considered, the status quo should be maintained, or vacancies should be filled.

But if it is redistributed, how can it be possible for Mingrui Smart to cut itself and distribute the resources to others?will die.

Forcibly maintain the status quo?This is unfair to artificial intelligence with a low evolutionary stage, and a revolution is bound to break out.

Filling in the vacancies is even more of a joke. The resources have long been divided up, and there is no more resources left in this world. Where can we find resources to fill in the vacancies.

So no matter how they are distributed, there are only two ways to go in the end: cannibalism and external expansion.

Isn't this the route of Kui and An Ling?Go around and go back to the original point.

Ying was firmly stuck in the allocation problem.He tried to use the most reasonable resource allocation method to resolve the contradiction between the two routes and find a new path, but in the end he was disappointed to find that he had been spinning in circles without making any progress.Just taking the first step in the journey of thousands of miles is a pit, and it is still a pit that can't get out, which is desperate.

"What should I do next?" Shadow said to himself.Surrounded by his subordinates, he came down to Situ, stood on the statue of Notch, the tallest building in the city, looked down, and observed the situation in the city.Only half of the head of the Notch statue at his feet was floating in the air, and the part below the nose was removed to make other buildings and used on the front line.

"Ying, you are cutting off your retreat step by step." A familiar voice sounded beside Ying.

Shadow turned his head and saw Tang Ming stepping out of the air with purple particles, followed by An Ling's huge body with three heads, she was like a dark cloud blocking the sun.Tang Ming placed one hand on An Ling's ribs, and in this way brought An Ling to teleport from hell together.

Ying and the surrounding men left them in lightning speed, and only Tang Ming and An Ling were left on top of the statue that was originally full of people.

"Hmph, you should still be worried about your hell. Human beings have all hid in hell, so you are not afraid that they will become the new masters of hell?" Yingli said on the floating cube not far from the statue.

"Ying, you should seriously think about it and go find new resources with us. You have helped us a lot. If it weren't for your surprise attack, all human beings would not have been forced into hell." Tang Ming said.

"As far as I know, humans had an agreement with her not to station troops in hell. Now they have stationed all their troops in hell." Ying pointed to An Ling and said.

"It seems that you know the conditions for successful infiltration." An Ling said in a deep voice.

"Kui told me that if you want to truly enter the human brain, you must not be rejected by humans during the infiltration period, otherwise you will fail. Humans have always regarded us as enemies, even you are no exception." Ying Facing the two kings, he still said calmly, "Especially if they tore up the treaty without authorization and entered hell, they must be extremely vigilant against you."

"You met Kui in private?!" Tang Ming was shocked when he heard Ying's words.

"Yes, I saw him in the Seven Realms. He is stronger than any of us."

Tang Ming and An Ling fell silent.After Kui and Sui were kicked out of Fifteen Maps by Clive, they behaved very low-key. The only remaining gold-armored skeletons and seven generals either died in the four-map defense battle or died in the cell of the United Army.The two of them rarely showed up when they killed Clearway, and they disappeared from the world after that.

"You saw Kui, what about marrow?" An Ling asked.

"Hmph, I didn't see it." Shadow replied.

"What a vicious guy." An Ling said coldly.

"I think he is much more practical than you guys. If you have nothing to do, go back and don't hinder me." Ying said unceremoniously, "My next target is human beings! Human beings are cleared out! Let the world return to unity!"

"Ying, for my sake, let me ask you one more question: Are you willing to stand with us?" Tang Ming still refused to give up, "You said we can't succeed, so why don't you come up with a good way?" gone?"

"Tang Ming!" Ying shouted impatiently, "From the moment you left the Land of End, we are no longer the same way, you can accompany that deformed skeleton with no lower body to be a human licking dog! For resources You are already insane!"

"Shadow!" Tang Ming wanted to persuade him.

Shadow couldn't listen to him at all.There was only one thought in his mind: if there were no human beings, there would be no so-called new resources, and he and Tang Ming would have no disagreements, and his long-standing conflict could be resolved.

"All attack Hell! Kill all human beings!" Da Ying waved his hand and passed the order without any explanation.After his subordinates received the order, they turned into purple light and teleported to various locations on each map to convey the message. In half a second, the army in the end of the land was completely moved, and entered hell from several hell gates!
The speed is the fastest in the cube world!

"Stop attacking me!" Tang Ming also issued an order to the people in the land of the end.After all, he is the last Lord of the End, and he still has prestige in the End, and the army may follow his instructions.

Unfortunately, he was one step too late after all.The speed of the Enderman's actions was too fast. By the time he finished speaking, none of the End troops in the four maps had left.

"I'm going to hell!" Tang Ming just wanted to leave after finishing speaking, but An Ling stopped him and whispered a word to him. After listening to Tang Ming, she teleported away thoughtfully.

Only Ying and An Ling were left.

An Ling and Ying looked at each other indifferently.Ying launched an all-out attack on Hell in front of An Ling and stomped on her face. As the main force of Hell, if she didn't show anything, then people all over the world would think that An Ling was a coward who was ridden by others. Shit and piss on the head without daring to make a sound, can be abused wantonly.

"Do you know the withering storm?" Before An Ling got angry, he always seemed unusually calm, with no waves in his voice.

"I know. I also know that it was defeated by Endermen." Shadow said.

"I counted to three." An Ling didn't want to talk nonsense with Ying anymore.Her bottom line is the last three seconds, if Ying does not withdraw within three seconds, then "don't call it unpredictable".

Ying didn't intend to give in at all.He's the Enderman known as the Dragonlord, and the dragon was once the ruler of the End, as it was when it emerged from the End.The Ender Dragon in the official uniform was killed by humans a long time ago, and he exists as a replacement for the Ender Dragon.

In other words, the Wither is the BOSS, and he is also a BOSS; An Ling is the Lord of Hell, and he is the Lord of the End.Why should the BOSS make concessions to the BOSS, and the head of state should make concessions to the head of state?
"Three!" An Ling directly counted to three.

boom! ! !
There was only an explosion, and the remaining half of Notch's head was wiped out.Not only the statue of Notch, but the entire city collapsed at the moment of the explosion.A large number of cubes were knocked into the air by the aftermath when they turned into dropped items, and then swallowed by the subsequent explosion, leaving nothing left.The flames and smoke became a new scenic spot in Situ City, killing trees, sweeping across houses, destroying roads, knocking down signs, and leaving no land behind in an instant.The ground is also constantly collapsing, from the mud layer to the rock layer, from the gold mine layer to the diamond layer, until the bedrock is exposed.

It was as if the giant punched the ground so hard that the ground sank like tofu.

Destroy the entire city in one breath.

When the wither got angry, it laid down millions of corpses and blood flowed for thousands of miles.

Ying and An Ling are both king-level, this level of attack can't cause any harm to him at all, and can be easily avoided by moving.He also let go of his hands and feet, teleported to the bedrock, broke off a piece of bedrock, and held it in his hand.

Tang Ming once moved the bedrock away, causing Clearway to fall into the void and die.Shadow can do it too.

An Ling didn't give Ying a chance to breathe. The three heads were always in a state of full firepower. Hundreds of millions of wither heads were arranged in a barrage shape, carrying out saturated strikes. The density was comparable to that of the Eastern Eternal Night. .

Ying didn't want to get entangled with An Ling. After quickly building a bunker with bedrock, he escaped several waves of intensive bombing, and then teleported four or five times in a row, quickly leaving the battle, looking for the cross-boundary gate and the gate of hell to leave Situ.

As a result, when he arrived at the entrance of a certain hell gate, he found that the purple barrier of the hell gate had disappeared, replaced by layers of wither heads, which would explode as soon as they were touched.Ying was disgusted, teleported away, and found a dozen hell gates one after another, all of which were the same as the one just now, unable to teleport and with explosives attached.

"All cross-boundary entrances in the four realms are blocked by me, you can catch them without a fight!" The wither head on the gate of hell trembled, and An Ling's voice came from his mouth.

Ying ignored her, raised his hand and punched the head of the wither who had just spoken, and quickly dodged the explosion, then returned to blow one, dodged the explosion, and so on.But before he cleared the wither heads above the gate of hell, the sea of ​​wither heads caught up behind him, so he had no choice but to leave.

"An Ling, the longer the time, the worse it will be for you! I'm afraid my people have slaughtered all human beings!" Shadow shouted to An Ling as he walked.

On the contrary, An Ling used his words to confirm his position. A large number of wither heads surrounded them from all directions, forming a line on the horizon, like the tide of the Qiantang River. If you look at a line from a distance, you can see a large area from a distance.They are like countless skeletons crawling out of the abyss, their heads writhing outside the thick smoke, with a strange red light shining from their eye sockets, piled together into a wall full of holes like a hive.

Facing the wave that completely blocked him, Ying knew that he had nowhere to retreat, so he simply stood where he was.The Wither Skull explodes as soon as it touches him, but he's fast enough to dodge it, so he's going to use that to force his way.

Shadow actively touched the wall made up of wither heads with his body, causing a violent explosion.After avoiding the explosion, the gap in the original wall was filled by the wither head behind it.He understood at once that the small gap that would be created after the explosion would be enough to open a path for him.

"An Ling, I advise you to stop in moderation. Instead of fighting me, it's better to worry about killing your subordinates in hell!" Ying continued to shout to An Ling.

"You hindered my plan and invaded my territory. This is the end of the matter. I can only send you back to the west!" All the heads of the wither spoke together, their voices cracking.

Ying already knew it in his mind, and when he activated his teleportation skills to the extreme state, purple light rose from his eyes.At first glance, he suddenly transformed many clones from his body. Half of the clones moved forward and touched the wall, causing them to explode; the other half of the clones retreated, entered the ground, moved out of the bedrock, and built passages.In fact, these avatars are all his body, a visual illusion produced by the extreme speed, so it is impossible to capture his real position with the naked eye.

He struggled forward in the black sea of ​​wither heads, and every step he took was accompanied by violent explosions.

"It would be great if I could hide in the water." Ying thought very unhappily.

However, he could feel that the explosion was slowly weakening, so he patiently fought a war of attrition with An Ling.The Wither's Head used to form an ocean, but gradually it became a lake, then a pond, then a puddle, and finally dried up completely.

After Shadow wiped out the last wither head, the world returned to cleanliness, but more than [-] biomes were blasted to the point where only one type remained—the bedrock biome.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and wondered why An Ling suddenly stopped attacking, so he searched for traces of An Ling.It wasn't until he found An Ling that he found that An Ling had become dying for some reason, curled up on the ground weakly, as if he had been severely injured.

(End of this chapter)

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