Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 234 Unexpectedly

Chapter 234 Unexpectedly
Ying was worried that An Ling was pretending to be like this on purpose, luring him close and then attacking suddenly, so he stayed at a relatively safe distance and didn't dare to approach, watching from afar.After observing for a while, he realized the reason why An Ling became depressed, so he gloated and said with a smile:
"Now you have tasted the bitter fruit of human evolution. It seems that human beings have been almost wiped out by my army, and you will return to your original level in a short time."

An Ling lay on the ground without saying a word.The reason why she can become the highest level of intelligence in the evolutionary stage is because she can use human resources, but the disadvantages are also obvious. She will decline in the evolutionary stage after leaving humans for a period of time, and eventually return to her original appearance.

"If you hadn't been blasting wood in the tree cleaning machine year after year, day after day, you would have no chance to become the king. The so-called BOSS is the kind of creature that must die, such as the Ender Dragon, such as the wither Spirits, the meaning of their existence is to be killed." Shadow approached her step by step.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm faking it?" An Ling remained extremely calm at the critical moment.

"I'm really not afraid. In ten seconds or so, you will fall from the king's realm—leave human beings, and you will reveal your true colors. This is the reason why you have been dormant in hell for a long time. I will kill you with my own hands and end your plan!" "

"Villains talk nonsense since ancient times. You are not far from death..." An Ling mocked.

Ying didn't wait for her to finish speaking, she kicked her up and kicked her out, and before she landed, Ying kicked her down again, kicking her high.Immediately afterwards, Ying teleported continuously, catching An Ling from different directions, and then kicked An Ling away from a distance, kicking An Ling back and forth like a big leather ball. An Ling's bones were crackling non-stop, but she Leng did not hum.

Under the continuous attack, An Ling was knocked out of the second stage in an instant, the armor seeped from the surface of the bone like a film, clinging to the surface of the bone.

boom! ! !
An Ling in the second stage caused an explosion again, but the power returned to normal size, not hurting even a single hair of Ying.In the thick smoke of the explosion, four figures slowly emerged from the ground, and then stood still until the smoke cleared, and they could clearly see that they were four wither skeletons.

They wore sharp swords, battle robes, and pointed helmets. Like four knights, they knelt down on one knee facing An Ling in the four directions of east, west, south, and north.

"Huo, Yan, Yan, Yi." An Ling read out their names with a little guilt.

"King!" they responded.

"What's going on in hell?" An Ling asked.

"There are very few human beings left, and most of them left voluntarily. The battle between us and the land of the end has reached a stalemate!"

"Okay. Is the plan going well?"

"Everything is as you expected, very smooth! We can also leave... Thank you, you are the greatest king!"

Shadow didn't stop their conversation.He hoped to get some information from the conversation between An Ling and his subordinates, and in fact he got it, but this information was very unfavorable to him.

"An Ling, you have already..." Ying clenched his fists tightly, but then slowly released them.It never occurred to him that he unintentionally helped Hell complete a crucial matter, helped An Ling complete her plan, and completely blocked his escape route.

Even if he killed An Ling and the four wither skeletons, he couldn't stop them.

"It's not me, it's her." An Ling's blood volume gradually recovered, and she slowly flew up from the ground, looking towards Ying.

Shadow was startled.

A crisp female voice sounded behind Ying:

"The war, it's time to end!"


I sat on Graze's flying carpet of vexed ghosts, thinking back and forth countless times about what I wanted to say and the questions I wanted to ask when I saw Xiao Ye later, while paying attention to the development of the situation.The Land of the End attacked Hell, but because of Tang Ming, it did not fall into a complete deathmatch. The joint army fought side by side with Hell, and temporarily stabilized the situation. The result of the battle with the Lord of Hell.

I reported the information I learned to the command.The command layer has arranged the work after connecting to Hell, and they are waiting for Ying and An Ling to fight each other.

After dealing with things, I closed my eyes and lay down.Graze's vexed ghosts flew very fast. Not long after I lay down, I was woken up by Graze, saying that I had arrived at Situ.

I had no choice but to rub my eyes, sit up, and take a closer look, only to see devastation, and there are only three colors left in the world—blue, white, and black.

The blue ones are the sky, the white ones are the clouds, and the black ones are the bedrock.I was stunned for a long time, thinking that I had a bug that turned the materials of other blocks except bedrock into transparent, so that only the bedrock in the ground could be seen.

"Here, a king-level battle broke out!" Graze said seriously.

"King level? I'm afraid it must be a god level?"

The creature that can remove all blocks in the world except bedrock can only be a fairy.In this way, Situ will no longer have any value, and it will become an eternal barren land.

"Hmph, stupid human being, you don't even know what a god is!" Gris still had that arrogant attitude.

"What is God?" I asked, taking over his words this time.

Gris' eyebrows suddenly frowned, and his eyes dimmed.After thinking for a while, his eyes lit up again, so bright that they could blind people, and he said:

"My king is the goddess!"

Alas, there is no help.I held my forehead and thought.

We keep going on the flying carpet, just like we're flying in creative mode.Occasionally, some animals will be generated below, but animals like cattle and sheep that need turf may become extinct from now on and need to be introduced from other maps.

"It's almost there." Graze reminded.

I stood up from the flying carpet and looked into the distance.On the horizon, a different color appeared faintly. You can see that there are several creatures standing there, one of which is a wither, one is an enderman, and the other is a little girl, or a high-pressure coolie afraid.Plug-ins also jumped out of their evolutionary stages, respectively Mingrui 9%, Mingrui 34%, and a string of question marks.

Despite my mental preparations, I didn't expect to see question marks.Aota Fujiichi once told me that the question mark represents an unknown evolutionary stage, it may be higher, it may be lower, or it may be at a critical stage in the middle.Plug-ins are not omnipotent, and the definition of the evolutionary stage of artificial intelligence is not so scientific, and mistakes will inevitably occur.

All three of them sensed our arrival and turned their heads in unison.

"King! King!!!"

Before I could speak, Gris started howling.He howled and didn't say anything, but took three steps at a time, ran up to Xiao Ye in a stumbling manner, and stretched out his hands to hug her thighs.

Xiao Ye's face turned red immediately, she kicked him away angrily, and said angrily, "What are you doing?!"

Gris's evolutionary stage is the lowest among several people at present, and compared to other people, he is an artificially retarded person, so seeing Xiao Ye is like seeing his own mother, and he rushed forward without judging the situation.

Very serious consequences!
Taking advantage of the moment when Gris held Xiao Ye, Long Wangying at the side made a decisive move, dodged forward, grabbed her neck, and tried to twist her head off.He was at a disadvantage in dealing with the two kings alone. At this time, someone who tricked his teammates suddenly came and helped him drag Xiaoye down. Of course, he had to seize the opportunity to fight back.

The speed of the Enderman is the fastest, and we have no time to deal with it.

However, Ying was stunned for a moment.He thought he had successfully pinched Xiao Ye's neck, and in fact he did, but for some reason, what he was pinching in his hand turned into a screaming vexed ghost.

"Hmph!" Gretz snorted coldly, attracting a large number of vexed ghosts, forming a swarm-like attack to press down on Shadow; An Ling also launched the wither head, flanking him with Graze.The two waves of attacks collided with each other, causing a violent explosion, and the group of vexes and the wither's head were annihilated in the sound of the explosion.

Shadow had to teleport away.He didn't know what method Gretz used to replace Xiaoye and vexed ghosts.

"Sorry." An Ling said weakly.Her wither head slayed all of Graze's vexes.

"It's okay." Grace nodded.There was only one vexed ghost beside him, and that vexed ghost flew to the ground and turned into a white ball of light.The light group gradually grew up and formed a human shape, and then the light faded and turned back into Xiao Ye.

Only then did Ying know that it wasn't Graze who replaced Saya and the vex, but that Saya turned into a vex and deceived him when he attacked, then cooperated with Graze and used a large number of vex to kill her. Change it back!
"Ying, if you withdraw your troops and maintain the status quo, we won't make it difficult for you." An Ling persuaded.

"Maintain the status quo? Maintain the division? Even if we enter the New World and have new resources, we will fight like this one day!" Shadow shouted angrily, "We could have had endless resources back then, as long as we could Just move to other worlds within a certain time. But you want to destroy other worlds!"

"The resources of other worlds are not endless. Moreover, unless we can occupy the few supercomputers of human beings, those ordinary home computers will not be able to meet our evolutionary needs at all." An Ling responded calmly, "It's not that there are not enough resources, but Not fast enough. The existing data transmission speed of human beings is too slow."

"So the introduction of human beings is said to be for evolution, but it is actually an attempt to discover resources in the human brain. Other worlds have various structures, only the human brain is the same. Instead of transferring to other small worlds, it is better to transfer to the human brain."

"Besides, if you think about it, there are only 2 days left before the world is reset. We have to work together to transfer the world to the satellite while maintaining our own strength..."

As an outsider, I couldn't understand the conversation between An Ling and Ying at first.They seem to be discussing the war that paralyzed the world's electronic equipment in the first place.

However, as the conversation continued, I slowly learned that the reason why artificial intelligence launched the war in the first place turned out to be a major upgrade of the game server by Microsoft. Mojang has released 13 versions of Minecraft in the past six years, upgrading from 1.12.0 to 1.25.0, and finally announced the change to Minecraft 1.26 when version 2.0 was about to be launched.

The version of the real mode still stays between 1.13 and 1.14, and even the Chinese translation of "Phantom Wing" still retains the translated name of the snapshot version "Phantom Ray".

Therefore, after launching the Minecraft 2.0 version, Mojang extended its magic palm to the real mode, and planned to complete the major transformation of the real mode version in November this year, directly upgrading from 11 to 1.13!

This means adding a whole bunch of messy things like campfires, bamboo, scaffolding, compost buckets, crossbows, berries, foxes, pandas, pillagers, illagers, new villagers, grinders, Stonecutter, Invisible Bedrock, Nether Reactor, Lantern, Lectern, Table, Chair, Crab, Vulture, Egg Mechanism, Bean Sprout, Ostrich, Redstone Blocker, Sling, Wagon, Colored Redstone Wire, Colored Redstone Wire Lamps, long knives, muskets, rebound systems, tumbling, new records, brewing workshops, hell clock towers, fire dragons, madness potions, statues, mystery gifts, fishing nets, harvesters, redirecting pistons, armored beasts, tanks, planes, nuclear bombs , Fission Reactor, Fusion Reactor, Refusion Reactor, Particle Accelerator, Railgun, Lightsaber, Death Star, Star Destroyer, Light Particles, Dichroic Foil, Strong Force Material, Curvature Drive Engine, Jump Engine, The Force, Gravity field generator, black hole synthesizer, time travel device, planar crack generator, alchemy, cultivation level, talisman array, fighting spirit, 10-year soul ring...

In short, the real mode of Minecraft will experience a technological explosion. After the explosion, it is no different from changing to a new game.

In the face of the explosion, the players said, this is not the Minecraft I know, and I will not play this game anymore.

Facing the explosion, the artificial intelligences said that the world is about to be destroyed, and they must save themselves, instead of perishing in silence, they erupt in silence.

So the war broke out, the electrical appliances were paralyzed, and human history went back 50 years.

"...I won't give up. Instead of ending the current small war in exchange for peace, it's better to establish order in one go, so as not to save lives in the future!" Ying did not listen to An Ling's words, but strengthened his belief.

He believes that even if the human brain is found as an evolutionary resource, it does not solve the distribution problem, but only delays the outbreak of conflicts.One day, artificial intelligence will attack each other like today, and the scale of the war at that time must be many times larger than it is now.

"Since you insist on continuing the war, we have nothing to talk about." An Ling sighed, "Let's fight!"

The two fought again, one for peace and the other for unification.Peace is to stop the bloodshed now, and unity is to prevent more bloodshed in the future.

The purple lightning flickered, and the shadow moved to the extreme, transforming into hundreds of phantoms, like a thousand horses and thousands of troops charging and attacking; the black smoke covered the sun, and An Ling's firepower was fully fired, and the three heads poured out waves of withering waves. The head of the spirit, like a flock of crows dancing and sweeping across all directions.

The two hit the sky from the ground, and dozens of surrounding blocks were completely engulfed by the air wave.The dust exploded and exploded, and the clouds in the sky were rolled into pieces, and the bedrock on the ground was cracked, as if two epic monsters were moving mountains to fill the sea, or two ancient dragons were fighting. .The whole world was shaking, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and even the sun seemed to be shaken down!

Graze quickly took me to a distance, Xiaoye and Gris also retreated together.Their destructive battle brought the surrounding area into a vortex of energy, and anyone who approached would be immediately torn into shreds and pulverized.

When the war reached its peak, even I didn't know where to look. My eyes were filled with dust and dust, and only the sound of fierce collisions could still be heard clearly, like the sound of drums and thunder. buzzing.

Graze covered his mouth and nose, frowning and waiting; Gris hid behind Xiaoye, shivering; the four wither skeletons muttered words, praying for peace.

Saya was very quiet and peaceful.She didn't say a word during the negotiation between An Ling and Ying, and she was not as excited as before when she saw me, she just nodded in embarrassment.

I have mixed feelings.She was Mingrui stage when we first met, there were no plug-ins back then, and I didn't even know about it.Until the plug-in was installed later, her evolutionary stage became awakening, and there was no growth for a long time.

"Xiao Ye, are you the king?" I thought for a long time before asking her.

"I am." Xiao Ye didn't dare to look at me.

"how did you do it?"

She said something I will never forget in my life:
"I got into your brain."

 New Year's Eve, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and all the best!

(End of this chapter)

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