Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 239 The Final Winner

Chapter 239 The Final Winner

I saw that he was drunk for some reason, and was wandering alone on the Golden Gate Bridge. It was very dangerous. If he fell into the sea, he would not even be able to retrieve his bones, so I went up to him and asked him, "Christian, are you okay? "

Christian was taken aback. After recognizing me, he suddenly cried, and shouted hoarsely: "Captain [-], I'm sorry for you, I hurt you!"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" I was a little overwhelmed.Since the truce between the United Army and artificial intelligence, he has been out of his mind all day long. Whether it is at a party or at work, he occasionally makes mistakes and is criticized by Jack and Xiao Chen.

"I can only talk when I'm drunk... Please kill me!" Christian suddenly knelt on the ground, "I can't kill myself... I'm just fascinated..."

"You're drunk. I'll ask someone to take you back." I saw him talking nonsense, and he was quite drunk.

"Captain four, listen to me..." He was so drunk that he collapsed on the ground, "We can't beat them, they only need one, they only need one! When they only have one, they are the strongest ...we, we're all doing the wrong thing, it's too late, it's too late..."

I wanted to help him up, but it was as heavy as a mountain.He was still muttering out words:
"...They, like water, one is scooped away, and the rest will fill the vacant space. The larger the territory they occupy, the more powerful they are, so only one is enough!"

"We were wrong, we couldn't kill them...they just wanted us to kill them! They...they..."

Seeing that it was getting late, I advised Christian: "Stop talking, I'll ask someone to take you back."

Under the influence of alcohol, Christian's sanity became more and more blurred.He was still talking, but his words were no longer clear, and he remained in a kneeling posture.I tried to help him sit up, but when my hand just touched him, he raised his head and shouted at me with the last bit of strength:
"Creeper, help me!"

I was so scared that I immediately withdrew my hand.

Why did this guy suddenly call me a creeper?Could it be that……

"I've already called someone to come." Han Fuyu pulled me back from the shock to reality.

The bunker was not very far from the Golden Gate Bridge. Christian's team members drove over and carried him into the car in a hurry.Christian was so drunk that he snored loudly when he walked away, but he was still crying in his sleep.

Han Fuyu and I also rode back on the motorcycle.I was a little distracted along the way, and Christian didn't seem like drunk gibberish but drunk truth, except I wasn't quite sure what he was trying to tell me.

When I entered the bunker and sent Han Fuyu to the door of her room, I was still thinking about his words.

Han Fuyu took out the key from the bag, opened the door, changed into slippers and entered the room.I was about to say goodbye to her, but she took my arm and said affectionately: "Don't go back, stay here tonight."

"No, I'm not in good shape." I refused her kindness.Christian's "creeper" made me so uneasy that I couldn't concentrate on other things.

"Then go to bed early." Han Fuyu was a little disappointed.

I nodded, kissed her, turned and left.


Official uniform, seven pictures, in the rainforest biome, shrouded in mist, giant trees, vines, and plant rot everywhere.What is different is that there are a lot of iron golems patrolling around in the forest, making metallic clanging sounds.

Kui stood on a towering rainforest tree, looking down, like a falcon searching for prey.Soon, he discovered the hiding place of the prey, and the iron armor on his body fell off with a bang, and a pair of elytra grew from the shoulder blades, draping behind him like a cloak.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped down, spread his elytra, drew an arc in the misty mist, and approached the prey silently.


Kui fell to the ground, and the wind driven by it lifted the fallen leaves behind him.The surrounding iron puppets heard the movement and surrounded him, but Kui didn't take it seriously, raised his wooden sword and stabbed at the ground violently.

"Don't don't!"

A square head emerged from the pile of fallen leaves on the ground, and the tip of the wooden sword was facing him.

"Wang Dashan, you have become quite fat." Kui put away the wooden sword.

Wang Dashan stood up with a smiling face.With Kui's help, he finally escaped from the United Army Trading Center in Fifteen Maps and hid in the deep mountains and old forests in Seven Maps.

"Master, what's the matter?" Wang Dashan asked.

"Village king, you know..." Kui patted his head.

"No, no, I'm just a villager." Wang Dashan panicked.

"Hahahaha..." Kui laughed loudly, "You are smart."

"Master, Sui...Where is Sui Wang? Didn't you come together?"

"He is coming, don't you see?" Kui pointed to himself and said, "He has become a part of my body, just like Tang Ming."

"Oh..." Wang Dashan was so frightened that he didn't dare to lift his head.As expected, Kui was killed by Kui.

"Dashan, you know what I'm here to see you for." Kui took out his wooden sword again and gestured at his face.

"Master, I..." Wang Dashan burst into tears.

Kui didn't talk nonsense with him, and pierced his head with a sword.Wang Dashan rolled his eyes, blood flowed all over his face, and he trembled all over, but he didn't die immediately, but the veins burst out, and the color of the blood gradually turned green.

His skin also turned livid, and his fangs protruded from his mouth, becoming a zombie villager.Since there was no helmet, the sun shone directly on his face, and a raging flame suddenly ignited.

Kui pulled out his sword, and Wang Dashan rolled on the ground in pain.The iron puppets driven by him lost their original owners, and immediately began to attack Kui and Wang Dashan, and surrounded them in twos and threes.

"Just enjoy it." Kui turned his head and left.He was convinced that under the siege of the sun and iron puppets, Wang Dashan would definitely die, and he just had to wait for the harvest.

When he was about to take a step, Wang Dashan's fiery hand grabbed his ankle.

"Qui, do you think you won?" Wang Dashan sneered while lying on the ground.

Kui suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he immediately drew his sword and chopped it off. Just when the tip of the sword touched the back of Wang Dashan's head, an earth-shattering sound of a dragon's roar suddenly came out from Wang Dashan's body, and then a big gash opened on his back, tearing open He took off his clothes, and a huge dark purple wing emerged from it, erected high like a giant sail on a ship.

Then, the other wing stretched out, and then the back covered with dragon scales, the dragon's neck, and the wings fluttered at the same time, bringing a strong wind, and the fallen leaves and branches were blown away, bringing the dragon's body to cover the sun .

The dragon's head came out, raised high, the roaring sound shattered the mountains and rivers, and a cold purple light shot out from the eyes.On the ground, Wang Dashan's body was reduced to ashes.

He turned into an Ender Dragon!
"You have become a dragon, and I can kill you." Kui was not afraid, playing with the wooden sword in his hand, and said to Wang Dashan, "Is the transformation just now gave birth to your new ability?"

"That's right. Kui, you have no chance of winning, cut yourself off!" said Wang Dashan who had turned into an Ender Dragon.

Like Xiao Ye, he has mastered the secret of transformation.Saya learned it when he became a high-pressure creeper, and he learned it when he became a zombie villager.

Kui snorted coldly, put away the wooden sword, then closed his eyes, and it exploded with a "bang", blood and flesh flying everywhere.A pair of purple vertical pupils appeared in the blood mist, emitting a dark light, and then a strong wind blew up, a pair of dragon wings stretched out, opened, and flapped from the blood mist - Kui turned into an Ender Dragon!

"I learned this ability after I turned into a drowned in the water." Kui flew high, even higher than Wang Dashan, and looked down at him proudly.

Wang Dashan was not surprised at all, but responded calmly: "Even so, you can't beat me."

"When death is imminent, he is still bragging." Kui sneered.

"I have something that can manipulate this world." After Wang Dashan finished speaking, he opened his dragon's mouth, pushed out a block with his tongue, and then bit it with his front teeth.

Kui suddenly turned pale with fright, he couldn't even fly steadily, and shouted: "Command block! How could you have this thing?! Could it be that you cracked this world?!"

What Wang Dashan is holding in his mouth is the command block, which can only be obtained by cheating in survival mode, and its function is equivalent to a console.The artificial intelligence obtained the command block, which is no different from the bear child obtaining TNT, and the consequences would be extremely dire.

After Qui-Gon finished speaking, the command block burst out a white light and shot at Kui-Gang.Kui turned around and wanted to escape, but he couldn't dodge in time. He was shot by the white light, as if he had been immobilized, and hung motionless in mid-air.

Wang Dashan landed on the ground, turned back into a villager, held the command cube in his right hand, and said to Kui: "Don't forget, villagers can be traded. I just need to turn the items in the trading column into command cubes, and ask a human Just take it out."

"That stupid human would agree to your request!" Kui growled angrily.

"Hehe, that human being is quite special, so it's okay to tell you. His family is heavily in debt, and he had to live in a slum. His parents were beaten and disabled by debt collectors. He has to rely on him to support him by playing games and pay off his debts. I just said to him , if the war is over, he will not be able to continue working in the United Army, and his family will go back to the previous miserable days."

"So he believed your nonsense, and in order to continue the war, he took out the command cube for you?!"

"That's right." Wang Dashan showed off triumphantly, "Not only that, I also entered his brain and made him my puppet!"

"You...you, what a devil!" Kui sighed helplessly.

"Compared to you who killed your compatriots to obtain evolutionary resources, my methods are much milder."

"Hmph, you will become a devil sooner or later!" Kui seemed to have foreseen Wang Dashan's future.

"Goodbye." Wang Dashan waved to Kui.

After finishing speaking, Wang Dashan drew a strange sword from the command block.The sword is completely transparent, with only a faint layer of purple light wrapped around it, but when it is swung, the blade will draw black tracks, as if absorbing the surrounding light, just like a black hole.

The enchanting attribute of the sword is: sharp, Lv32767.

Wang Dashan swung his sword casually towards Kui.This sword was not obtained through normal means, and the world couldn't bear its power at all. I saw a sword energy surge out along the direction of the slash, splitting the sky and the earth in an instant, leaving amazing sword marks across the map.

A sword opens the world!

Kui was cut back to his original shape, then exploded and dissipated.Huge resources are pouring into Wang Dashan, and his evolutionary stage has soared, and there is a tendency to break through the Mingrui stage!

(End of this chapter)

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