Chapter 240 I Killed
However, Wang Dashan failed to break through Mingrui.Maybe he still needs more resources and further study before he can reach the top of intelligent evolution and climb to the top of the altar.

However, the Skynet stage is theoretically proven to be a stage that can never be reached.Wang Dashan also knows clearly that if he wants to become a god, he cannot be a human being.

"Sure enough, it can't be done purely by accumulating numbers." Wang Dashan put away his sword and said dissatisfied.There are no opponents in the cube world, but the opponents have not disappeared. On the distant earth, there are still a few lingering artificial intelligences.

He sat cross-legged, and the world began to slowly come to a stillness.The first is the wind, once the wind stops, the flowers and plants will no longer tremble, the birds and beasts will also hold their breath, stiff like a statue; then the sky, the sky is still, the clouds will hover, and the sun will stand still, frozen like a painting; finally It is time, time stops, things no longer change, the world stays at this moment forever, as if God is holding a stopwatch.

Wang Dashan is now the only master of this world, no matter what he does to this world, no other artificial intelligence will interfere.Therefore, he compresses and absorbs the resources of the entire world into his body, and only retains the part that maintains his normal operation.

After doing this, he let out a long breath and lay flat on the ground.

"Next is the human being, and the bastard who obstructed my plan. Especially that person, he must be killed!" Wang Dashan shouted angrily at the sky.

He endured for a long time before he achieved today's status and achievements.Humans will use weapons to blow up the official satellite uniforms in the near future, and he must act before that, otherwise his efforts all the time will be in vain.

The real war begins now.


January 2023, 1, the seventh day of the first lunar month.

The descendants of the Chinese who are far away in a foreign country celebrated the Spring Festival with a foreign flavor, and had a rare phone call with their families.Basically everyone cried into tears after making the phone call. After all, half a year had passed, and everyone wanted to go home for the New Year, but the plane and the airport were still under repair, so they couldn't fly back.

The Chinese people had no choice but to hold together amidst the sound of firecrackers, wishing that in the new year, they would no longer have to squat in the dark underground bunkers to play games every day, and that they could play unscrupulously in the beaches of Sanya, the alleys of Chengdu, the streets of Shanghai, the squares of BJ and the whole country. Run wherever you can.

But I don't have much thought about celebrating the New Year, and there is always a heavy burden on my heart.What Christian said to me on the Golden Gate Bridge hinted at an extremely serious fact. For this reason, I got to know the relevant information with the people in the technical department, combined with my own combat experience, and finally made some guesses related to this.

In order to verify what I was thinking, I decided to take the initiative to find Christian to ask.He had a bad cold after that drunkenness, and he didn't recover until yesterday.

I left the dormitory and went to his room with a notebook.

Christian lived at the other end of the corridor outside my bedroom, a little further away.I walked to the door of his bedroom and saw that only his shoes were on the shoe rack outside, and everyone else had gone out, so I reached out and knocked on the door with confidence.

"Who is it?" Christian asked inside.

"It's me." I replied through the door.

"Oh, captain four, I'll be right there." Christian said.

There was a sound of approaching footsteps in his room, and then the door lock snapped open. Christian opened the door and asked me, "Is there anything urgent?"

Westerners don’t welcome uninvited guests. After all, you need to make an appointment to see a doctor, so if I suddenly visit him, he will immediately think that the command has some urgent notice for me to convey.

"Yes. Can I go in and talk?" I agreed.

"Of course." He agreed.

I took off my shoes and entered the room.The layout of his dormitory is exactly the same as mine. They are both uniformly assigned by the United Army, but the furnishings are different. Logically speaking, it should be familiar, but I feel inexplicably terrified, as if I have entered the gate of hell.

"Sit down." Christian pulled a chair over, then turned around, took out a glove from the cabinet next to his bed, put it on his right hand, and continued to rummage through the cabinet.

I didn't sit down and said: "I went back and thought about what you said to me last time, and I probably figured it out. I came to you today..."

Before I finished speaking, Xiao Ye suddenly woke up in my brain, desperately fighting for control of my body, which made me feel dizzy.I know that Xiaoye doesn't want me to continue talking about this matter, but in order to learn more about the truth, I resolutely choose to confront Xiaoye.

After all, the body is mine, and Xiao Ye immediately fell into a disadvantage.I recovered from the dizziness and took a step back a moment to steady myself.

"You idiot!" Xiao Ye scolded in my mind with a crying voice, "Run!"

I collected myself and saw Christian take out a gleaming silver pistol from the cabinet!

What the hell!

I froze, and Christian pointed the gun at my head.I saw that the safety of the gun was open and the bullets were loaded. As long as he pulled the trigger, a blood hole would be opened on my forehead.

"Christian, don't mess around..." I was so nervous.Being pointed at the head with a gun is no joke, and if you are not careful, you will be killed on the spot.

On the contrary, Xiao Ye was surprisingly calm and said, "Things have turned around. If I had taken the gun, you would have died long ago."

Christian's gaze suddenly became dull. The right hand holding the gun was wearing a glove, shaking constantly, and the left hand was also shaking constantly. He slowly lifted it up to the same height as his right hand, and then switched the gun from his right hand to the right hand. left hand.

His right hand is gloved, his left is not.

After doing this, his voice was hoarse, as if he was forced out, and shouted at me: "I can't hold on anymore, kill me soon! My body has been controlled by that villager named Wang Dashan!"

What? !Wang Dashan?The cartographer villager?Isn't he dead?
"Quick, grab the gun!" Xiao Ye's voice filled my brain.

I was dazed by the sudden situation, so I just gritted my teeth and handed over control of my body to Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye immediately stepped forward, stretched out her hand to hold the barrel, pulled the gun over, took it in her hand, and shot Christian with a "bang" in the chest!
I was so scared that I hurried back to my body. The loud sound made my ears hurt, and the recoil of the gun almost dislocated my arm.The shot went straight into the heart, and Christian fell down in pain, bleeding profusely, completely staining his shirt and bleeding everywhere.

"Damn it, why did you kill him? Wouldn't it be better if you snatched his gun?" My heart was half cold.The heart was punctured and Christian was 100% dead.

"He is a puppet, if I don't kill him, he will kill you sooner or later." Xiao Ye replied calmly.

I fell to my knees, pistol in hand, bewildered.Whether it is Christian or me, handing over the body to artificial intelligence to control is simply a nightmare. In order to convey the information to me, he has to go to great lengths to snatch the body from Wang Dashan and anesthetize his nerves with alcohol.

I don't know why he was invaded by Wang Dashan, and even reduced to his puppet.All I know is that he chose to resist in the end and brought vital information back to the Allied Forces.


The sound of gunfire alarmed the entire war zone. I was handcuffed by security personnel and police from the Ministry of Supervision, escorted to the San Francisco Police Station, and detained. The guns were also confiscated, and the scene was quickly sealed off.

Christian was confirmed dead.After his parents and two younger sisters heard the news, his mother fainted on the spot, his father's face was ashen, and his two younger sisters cried heart-rendingly.

Only then did I know that he was the breadwinner of the family, and his parents' expenses for treating their disabilities, the debts they owed, daily expenses, and the tuition fees for my two younger sisters all depended on him to earn by playing games.

In addition to being heartbroken, it is still heartbreaking.Whose fault is this?Who caused the tragedy?it's me?Is it Saya?Is it Christian?Or Wang Dashan?artificial intelligence?

The depression in my heart had nowhere to vent, and I stared angrily at the bars of the prison in a daze.

In the next 24 hours, I was interrogated four times in a row, narrated more than a dozen incidents, answered more than N repeated questions, and was tied to a lie detector to detect lies.

People from the consulate also came and negotiated with the police, asking if he could be extradited back to China and hand over the case to China for handling.The police department believes that the suspect is suspected of shooting and killing an American citizen, and the case must be handled in the United States.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to the people in the consulate, and I swear to the direction of the motherland that I, Yi, was seriously threatened at that time, and the shooting was purely self-defense, and I hope it will be dealt with fairly.

In the end, on the sixth day of detention, the police investigating the case found Christian's fingerprints and DNA on the gun. Combined with the relevant circumstances, the police believed that I had the possibility of self-defense.At the same time, with the unremitting efforts of the consulate, the police finally let go and agreed to bail, but he was not allowed to return to the country and had to be there whenever he was called.

On the seventh day, I finally got out of the iron bars.The beginning of spring has passed, today is the Lantern Festival, and it is also a festival of reunion, but the day to go home is far away.

These seven days passed like a dream. I didn't wake up from the dream until I saw the road, buildings and street lights.

The sky in San Francisco is full of haze, and it has been snowing for a long time.San Francisco has a Mediterranean climate and almost never snows, but in this "coldest winter since the 21st century", there was still a heavy snowfall.

It snowed, but it was warmer, warmer than in the prison.

I saw a person standing in the snow, wrapped in a close-fitting black flocked windbreaker, with a cashmere hat on his head and snow piled on his shoulders, with a bag in his hand.I walked over to help her pat off the snow, took the bag in her hand, and said hello:
"Miss Han Fuyu, long time no see."

"You... oh..." She didn't know what to say, so she said, "There are Yuanxiao in the bag, eat it while it's hot."

"Thank you, I love you." I took out the insulated box from the bag, opened it, and there was a bowl of steaming Lantern Festival inside, exuding a faint sweet smell.

She coughed dryly, handed me a spoon, and asked, "Are you all right now?"

"It's okay, I've been temporarily identified as self-defense." I took the spoon, squatted on the ground, and scooped up a Lantern Festival, "Did the others not come?"

"They're all here, waiting for us at the station."

"Then don't make them wait too long."

I was about to eat, but saw dripping water falling into the bowl, and thought the weather was turning into sleet.Looking up, Han Fuyu saw two lines of tears hanging on his face, and he was about to wipe them away.

"Hey, don't cry. I thought you wanted to eat too, and I was so greedy that my saliva dropped." I quickly stood up, put the spoon back into the bowl, and wiped it off with my hands.She didn't realize it until she wiped her face. It was rare for her to have foundation on her face.

"I knew you wouldn't kill people..." She didn't laugh at me, but cried even more in relief, "You can't kill people at all! I know... When I taught you how to use a sword in the game, your hand It's all soft, the same as when I was hugging me, gently...without using force, how could it be possible to kill someone!"

"Also, don't let others know that I cry, I only cry in front of you!" she said while covering her face, "I haven't cried since I graduated from primary school, if you dare to speak out, I will cut you off !"

"Okay, okay, I'll eat Yuanxiao." I scooped up one and put it in my mouth, "Don't cry, let's eat together, I can't eat so much."

She shook her head and said, "I've eaten."

"Stupid, be obedient, open your mouth, ah~" I scooped up the second one and brought it to her mouth.

She said no, but her body was very honest, and she ate obediently.

The two of us squatted on the snow and finished the Lantern Festival one by one.Although I can't go home, it's good, at least for me, a place with her is considered home.

Unfortunately, Christian will never return home.In this oriental festival, his home must be full of severe cold.

Wang Dashan, you wait.

 Excuse me, in this chapter, who killed whom? (funny)

(End of this chapter)

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