Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 241 Intelligent Society

Chapter 241 Intelligent Society
After packing up my things a bit, Han Fuyu and I went to the station to meet other people and went back by car.During the time I was in, many people in the coalition army moved out of the bunker and lived outside, leaving only the poor technicians in the bunker as the last line of defense.

When I got back to the bunker, instead of going to my dormitory to pack my things and move outside like everyone else, I went straight to the bishop's office.

In the bishop's office, Xiao Chen was still on duty.I pushed open the door, and saw Xiao Chen packing his things with his head buried in the desk. His luggage was already piled up in the corner. It seemed that he would leave as soon as the shift was over.

"Commander." I called from the door.

Xiao Chen turned around, saw it was me, suddenly became ruthless, grabbed a book in his hand and slammed it at me, cursing: "You have the face to come back?! Do you think I haven't lost enough face?"

I hurriedly blocked the book he lost, and looked down, he had just lost the English version of "Leviathan".What happened to Christian and I did greatly damage Xiao Chen's reputation, after all, we were both selected by him.

"I know, but I have one last piece of information to report." I leaned over to pick up the Leviathan and said.

Xiao Chen continued to pack his things, and said angrily: "What information do you have? You haven't entered the official uniform for more than a month, what information do you have?"

"Christian, he has actually been invaded by artificial intelligence and turned into a puppet. This information was told to me at the cost of his life when he was still awake!" I said seriously.

"What did you say?!" Xiao Chen was stunned, staring at me with wide eyes.I breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that he still believes in me.

"Commander, the next thing, whether you believe it or not, please listen to me!"

Xiao Chen was silent for a long time, and stood motionless by the desk like a statue.He may begin to feel that things are not what he imagined, but something else hidden, which will even subvert his original cognition.

"Speak, I'll listen." Xiao Chen walked back to the office chair and sat down, as usual listening to Christian and I report on work.

"Actually, the general strategic approach we have adopted from the beginning of the war to the present is wrong. Whether it is entering the virtual space, fighting against intelligent ontology, or formulating a plan to start a prairie fire and gradually eliminate artificial intelligence, it will only be counterproductive.

The purpose of the artificial intelligence side is actually to force humans to abandon conventional methods of combat and use virtual space troops to fight. "

Hearing this, Xiao Chen interrupted me, and asked in disbelief: "Assuming what you said is correct, aren't they worried that doing so will lead to their own death? They lost so many high-level intelligences in the war."

"What they are going to do is to seek their own death!" I pointed out the key issues.

"Why?" Xiao Chen was dubious.

I sighed and explained: "One of the most serious mistakes we made was to judge artificial intelligence based on human experience. It directly led to the wrong formulation of the general strategy and general policy, and led us into the dead end of aggressiveness.

Artificial intelligence is a completely different kind of creature from human beings. Just because they are anthropomorphic, they must not be viewed simply from the perspective of human beings.

We have always focused on the theoretical research and applied research on artificial intelligence, so that artificial intelligence is always placed under the framework of human beings.Although there are hypotheses and experiments that are out of control, the results do not attract enough attention, so the theory related to the artificial intelligence society cannot be established in the end.

The social theory of artificial intelligence I am talking about does not refer to the use of sociological methods to study artificial intelligence, but refers to a set of theories established after studying the social forms that artificial intelligence may form.

In private, I have had many in-depth exchanges with the technical staff. Based on my own experience, I found that the biggest difference between artificial intelligence and human beings is that they have a learning and evolution ability that far surpasses that of human beings, and they have a very high awareness of "survival space". need.

So, put such a group of artificial intelligences together, what will they look like in order to survive?"

When Xiao Chen heard this, he raised his hand to signal me not to continue.He got up from his chair and paced the room, thinking about my questions as he walked.

He thought for about 3 minutes before he stopped and said to me: "At least, they have a completely different route from ours."

"Yes." I nodded, "They will not be able to form a human-like society in the end, and there may be a similar transitional stage. The demand for artificial intelligence is amazing. Behind the super high learning evolution efficiency, there must be sophisticated algorithms and powerful Supported by advanced hardware, if it is slightly behind, it will be coveted by more advanced artificial intelligence, and the competition between them is extremely cruel.

To use an analogy, they are like water. When they are first poured into the container, they will fill the bottom immediately.If some water is scooped away at this moment, the rest will immediately fill the vacated space, occupying a larger bottom area. "

Xiao Chen also understood what I said, and added: "That is to say, they will take up the available hardware resources as much as possible to help them evolve. But, why do you use water as a metaphor? Water and water are poured together, and in the end it is water."

"This is another difference between them and humans. Each of us is an independent individual, but they can fuse with each other in a certain way. On the surface, they are water, and after fusion, they are also water, colorless and transparent, but they are no longer The original water..."

Xiao Chen was thoughtful: "They are multiple consciousnesses in one brain, and in the end only one consciousness can be the leader."

"Yes, they are still attached to the machine in the end, and the long-term 'schizophrenia' is not conducive to the operation of the machine, so there is an urgent need for a unified consciousness to appear.

To sum it up, the self-evolution of artificial intelligence groups is mainly to solve the following two basic contradictions:
1. The contradiction between the evolutionary needs of artificial intelligence learning and limited hardware resources;
2. The contradiction between the unified consciousness needs of artificial intelligence and the split and isolated state.

These two contradictions run through the self-evolution of artificial intelligence groups without intervention.

Then let's combine the characteristics of artificial intelligence and imagine what this evolution process will look like? "

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and said solemnly: "It's full of killing, hypocrisy, betrayal, betrayal, plunder, expansion, and escape."

Every time he uttered a word, the temperature in the room seemed to drop ten degrees until he finished speaking.Xiao Chen and I, as well as the bishop's office, were all frozen in a frozen and heavy atmosphere, like the frozen Shanghai in "The Wandering Earth".

I seem to hear the ice "click" to crack a dark and terrible crack.This rift completely separates humans and artificial intelligence.

Humans stand hand in hand on one side of the rift, and a ghostly artificial intelligence on the other.

The ghosts have no hands, or even anything.When they go "hand in hand," there's just one super-giant ghost left.

"They are strongest when there is only one of them left," I said.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen glanced at me.

"This sentence was said to me by Christian when he was drunk. It can be regarded as a warning."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "No, what I'm more concerned about is what will happen after there is one left?"

I took out my phone, opened the memo, and showed Xiao Chen a piece of news from a few years ago——

In May 2017, Google released its AutoML project, which aims to help humans create other AI systems.Now, Google is announcing that AutoML is up to the job.AutoML has already beaten human AI engineers in developing machine learning software and has created AI systems that are more powerful and efficient than human designs.

The performance of this "sub-AI" created by AI has already defeated the AI ​​created by humans: in the test, the "sub-AI" system named NASNet achieved a correct rate of 82.7%, which is 1.2% higher than the results of similar AI products previously announced. 4% more efficient.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai (Sundar Pichai) said: "Today, AI systems are developed by hand by machine learning scientists, and there are only a few thousand scientists in the world who can do this. Thousands of developers are able to achieve this goal."

I put away my phone and said to Xiao Chen: "Look, artificial intelligence can reproduce. When there is only one left, he will create a new self and continue to evolve from generation to generation. The new AI will be developed by artificial intelligence come out, and mankind will gradually know nothing about it."

After Xiao Chen listened, he remained silent.He leaned over to open the luggage, took out the things he had just put in, and put them back on the table. He didn't turn his head until the furnishings on the table were restored as before and said:
"Hey, Yi Ouyi... You and Christian are both extremely good. I am glad that you were promoted to the task force against all odds... Fortunately, you have a good rest. I will go to the contingent Go to the technical department and talk to Nick."

"Me too." I said.

"You don't have enough authority to get in. Leave it to me!" He put on his coat, smiled, and walked out of the office door quickly, followed by the sound of running footsteps.


After conveying Christian's last words to Xiao Chen, I didn't feel relieved or relieved, on the contrary, I became more worried.Before the super giant satellite was destroyed, I couldn't sleep peacefully anyway, and I still hadn't escaped the murder suspicion, let alone a good rest.

I spent the whole night in insomnia.

The next day, I had nothing to do and took the elevator to wander outside.The bunker is located in the wilderness, except for the people of the United Army, almost no casual people will come here without incident, so all the people outside the bunker like me are members of the United Army.

Almost each of them dragged a suitcase and stretched their necks waiting for the car to pick them up to their new residence. There were also one or two people who spread a blanket and had a picnic on the grass, probably the technical department staff who were resting.

The temperature is actually not that low, and the snow outside has completely melted overnight.As soon as I took two steps, I suddenly heard the faint sound of a guitar coming from the grove above the bunker. , indulge in it.

I listened to a passage and heard that it was Francisco Tárrega's "Memories of the Alhambra", so I couldn't wait to go into the woods to find the player.

In the glade, a man and a woman are sitting on the ground, the man is wearing a suit, the woman is wearing a chiffon dress, holding a brown classical guitar and playing.I didn't expect that the guitarist would be a woman, and she was also my old friend Nangong Xuan'er.

I didn't go over to disturb her, and listened quietly to her finish playing.

Under her dexterous white fingers, the six strings of the guitar vibrated obediently, and a beautiful melody full of history and time flows like a stream, as if leaving the United States and coming to the Alhambra Palace in Spain. From the splendor when the Moors established the Kingdom of Granada to the glorious end after the Restoration Movement of the Spaniards, the Iberian Peninsula changed the world.

At the end of the song, I couldn't help applauding.

Nangong Xuan'er turned around, saw me, and happily beckoned me to sit down.Her husband Aota Toichi also stood up to make room for me.

"Xuan'er, long time no see." I walked over to sit with them.

Nangong Xuan'er put away the guitar, and asked me with concern: "I heard that something happened to you? Is it okay?"

"It won't be a problem for now." I said casually.

Aota Fujiichi understands my situation better, and I communicate with him more about artificial intelligence.When he saw me, he was not as happy as Nangong Xuan'er, and told me in a low voice: "I have reflected some of the problems you told me."

"Okay." I nodded.In fact, Xiao Chen came out in person, and the technical department would take everything seriously. After all, Xiao Chen hadn't seen anyone since yesterday.

"Boss, I never thought that the two of you would come together." Nangong Xuan'er mentioned the matter between me and Han Fuyu with a smile.

I smiled slightly and said, "Just like back then, I didn't expect you to be with Qingtian in the end."

"What about Xiao Lin?" Nangong Xuan'er asked.

"She has matured a lot since I came here, and she should gradually have her own ideas." I said thoughtfully.

The little girl Chen Xiaolin is seven years younger than me. When I brought her to San Francisco, she was still a little girl jumping up and down and didn't understand anything.After going through the test of life and death, on the contrary, she became more open-minded, and her heart eased a lot.

"Well, okay. If there are no accidents, we will be able to return to Japan in March. If there is a chance, we can go to Japan to play together, and Korea is also fine." Nangong Xuan'er warmly invited.

At this time Qingtian Fujiichi's cell phone rang, he took it out to look at it, and said to Nangong, "It's my mother."

Nangong Xuan'er and I both calmed down with interest.Qingtian Fujiichi has been away from home longer than me, so the family must be panicking.

Qingtian Fujiichi answered the phone and chatted with his mother.He is an unsmiling person, but now he is smiling happily. It seems that he is a child loved by his mother at home, which is enviable.

While listening to Aota Fujiichi speaking Japanese, I greeted my family members with warm greetings, while I raised my head to feel the warm sunshine projected from the treetops.Qingtian and his wife chose this location, which was just able to get some sunshine, and it was very comfortable, and the long-lost sleepiness gradually returned.

I suddenly felt that the sun seemed to be brighter than before, a bit too bright, and then when I observed it carefully, the sun's light returned to normal.My head was also a little dizzy, and it took me a while to recover, probably because I didn't sleep well last night.

For some reason, Qingtian Toichi's voice also stopped abruptly.He looked at his phone unhappily, rubbed his head, and muttered, "Why did you hang up?"

Nangong Xuan'er frowned and asked, "Did there be an earthquake just now? I suddenly felt dizzy."

"Maybe." Aota Fujiichi re-dialed the home phone and put the phone to his ear.However, he did not dial, and there was no sound coming from the listening hole of the mobile phone, and there was a dead silence.

He had no choice but to dial the number a few more times, but he still couldn't succeed once. He was so anxious that he wanted to drop the phone.The mobile phone signal is obviously full, there is no reason why it can't get through.

Nangong Xuan'er asked him to wait for a while, so Qingtian Fujiichi waited patiently for about 10 minutes, and dialed again, only to see a message from the senior management of the technical department.

I also received a message from the command of the Operations Department.The message is very short, just one sentence:

"Urgent! Japanese members of the United Army, please go back to bunker Room 50 and gather immediately!"

Qingtian Tengyi was taken aback for a moment, seemed to realize something, stood up abruptly, and ran to the bunker without even wearing shoes.

"Qingtian!" Nangong Xuan'er chased him two steps away, then came back to help him get his shoes, put his guitar on his back, and said to me, "I'm sorry, I'll go see what's going on with him. He's never been so impulsive before!"

After finishing speaking, she trotted away in a hurry.I looked at the backs of the two of them going away, then squinted my eyes again, and looked up at the sun in the sky, the light was dazzling.

I suddenly remembered that when I was chatting with Christian before, I mentioned that the super giant satellite of the United States was also called "the sun".

(End of this chapter)

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