Comic game system

Chapter 66 Ghost Ruler Chapter Whirlwind

Chapter 66 Ghost Ruler Chapter Whirlwind
For the first time, Talos had this warm and powerful moment, like taking a cold shower after a hot summer day.He couldn't help roaring "ahhh", swung the double-edged axe, and slashed at the air.

Lucy looked worriedly at her [Protoss] who seemed to be suffering from mad cow disease, and looked at Fu Kou with questioning eyes.She knew that Fu Kou would not harm Talos, but she wanted to know what Fu Kou did and for what purpose.

"Don't worry, Lucy." Fu Kou naturally knew what she wanted to ask, and he explained patiently, "This is my magic [intensive learning], it will not cause any harm to Talos, but it can be used in a short period of time. Internally enhance his combat strength..."

"Really?" Lucy looked at Talos suspiciously.

After Talos swung his sharp double-edged ax in the air to vent his excess energy, he suddenly stopped and stared at Fu Kou with piercing eyes.Lucy thought he was going to trouble Fu Kou again, so she walked between him and Fu Kou, trying to persuade him to cooperate.

But Talos did not get violent as expected, instead he calmly said to Fu Kou: "Okay, boy, I will accept your favor this time, but this is the only time, next time we meet, I will never Let you stand in front of Miss Lucy!"

This is really troublesome.After hearing what Talos said, Fu Kou thought to himself.

Lucy looked at Talos in surprise, but hesitated to speak.

"Have you said enough?" At this time, Gajeel had already woken up from the dizziness, he squinted his eyes, showing a dangerous look, and released fierce magic power, entangled like a spider web. "It's just a sneak attack while I'm careless, and you dare to talk about other topics here?"

Talos raised his mighty arms and held the double-bladed ax high above his head, where it glistened in the sunlight.He said loudly to Gajeel, "Boy!" He seemed to call everyone he didn't like "Boy." "Now I am not afraid of you, I am full of strength!"

Fu Kou and Lucy felt a little ashamed and ashamed by Talos' actions, and both took a step back in unison.

Talos snorted like a pit bull seeing a matador's cape.He moved his strong and powerful legs, and quickly approached Gajeel's side.He swung the double-edged ax again, and slashed at Gajeel's waist.

Through the several fights just now, Gajeel had already figured out Talos's slashing speed.He snorted coldly and turned slightly to the side.Knowing that he had dodged Talos' ax, he opened his mouth ready to laugh at the cow.


However, before he could finish his sentence, he was surprised to find that the swinging speed of the double-edged ax was much faster, so that the distance he dodged did not escape the range of the double-edged ax at all.In a panic, he melted his waist, only to hear the crackling sound, and the blade of the double-edged ax still slashed hard on his body.

Although the double-edged ax could not cut through his waist, Talos' enhanced arm strength made the impact of the double-edged ax stronger than before.Talos roared again, and Gajeel was thrown into the air by his double-edged axe.

"Damn it!" Gajeel yelled in pain.He adjusted his posture, covered his stomach with his left hand, and landed steadily on the ground, but slid backwards for a few meters due to inertia.

"You know how powerful I am!" Talos smugly waved his double-edged ax at Gajeel.

Gajeel was angry and anxious, stood up, and was about to teach this arrogant cow a lesson.But with a flash of light, his consciousness was taken away in an instant!
This is the repeat of the old trick of Fu Kou, using [Time Bomb] and [Travel to the Future] in a row, stunned Gajeel once again.

Seeing such a good opportunity, Talos was naturally elated, roared habitually, and rushed forward.It's just that he was too far away from Gajiro, and when he got close, Gajiro had already recovered, and quickly ironed himself, dodging Talos' slash backwards.

"It's a pity that he was allowed to escape." Talos looked at the ax he swung in the air, then at Gajeel, and said with a sigh.

Jiajilu frowned, he looked at Fu Kou, but unexpectedly saw a smile on Fu Kou's face, which made him flustered inexplicably.Sure enough, as soon as he lowered his head, he was blinded by a flash of light before he saw anything.

"Damn it!"

After he regained consciousness, he saw Talos' ax again. This time he was not so lucky. He was hit by Talos' ax on his shoulder, and his whole body was sent flying again.

After landing, he didn't want to be controlled by others anymore, so he quickly got up and looked at Fu Kou quickly to prevent him from attacking him again.But Fu Kou spread his hands to him.He didn't understand what was going on at the beginning, until the light flashed again, he didn't know that he was affected by the magic explosion of those two [time bombs] again!
This time, before he even recovered his consciousness, he was blown away by Talos' axe.Fortunately, he has always been in a state of iron, so he basically didn't receive any slashing injuries, but he was infinitely passive after being knocked into the air, and he also suffered magic damage.

Sure enough, shortly after he landed, his toes touched the deadly [time bomb]!
This made him want to cry without tears, wishing to skin Fu Kou and cramp!

Of course, Talos was extremely happy, and knocked him into the air again.

It's just that Gajeel and Talos didn't know how frightening Fuko had done just now.

Lucy watched Fu Kou use [Time Bomb] and [Shuttle to the Future], but felt that Fu Kou was very powerful.But Wulu, who can more intuitively feel the changes in his own magic power and the use of magic in Fu Kou's body, knows that Fu Kou is doing something that is completely predictable.

"He actually predicted the landing point of [Iron Dragon] every time, even before Gajiru was knocked into the air, he threw the two bombs one after another." Ulu said in his heart in surprise, "Even The timing of the explosion of the two bombs was just right before Gajeel could react, what... what's going on? No, what's going on with this guy?"

Fu Kou, who Ulu is concerned about, is now concentrating on continuing to use [Time Bomb] and [Shuttle to the Future] to continue "playing" with Gajeel in conjunction with Talos' knock-up.Since the cooling time of these two magics is not as long as in the real game, but only a terrible 3 seconds, it is not a problem to use them to continuously stun Gajeel.

As for the prediction, it was all due to Fu Kou's quick mind.

Of course, Fu Kou's own magic power is also rapidly decreasing at a visible speed. Although it will automatically recover some magic power, it is only a drop in the bucket.

After the poor Gajeel was stunned and knocked into the air several times, he thought of a way to deal with it, and wrapped himself in a layer of iron before landing, finally interrupting the explosion stun of the [Time Bomb]!

After he tore his iron skin, his eyes were scarlet, but he was not looking at Talos, but at Fu Kou.Talos wanted to take this opportunity to knock him away again, and the ax was already close to him.

"[Iron Dragon Spear Ghost Salary]!"

Gajeel didn't turn his head back, his right arm turned into a spear, and in the blink of an eye he shot several times in the direction of Talos, instead forcing Talos back, and using him to chop Gajeel again and again The blade of the ax in the iron body was pierced.

He stared at Fu Kou, as if he was shouting Fu Kou's name angrily.He squatted down, which reminded Fu Kou of an extremely aggressive [Dragon Slayer Magic] move that Natsu often used.

"[Roar of Iron Dragon]!"

The silver whirlwind rolled up the iron sheet and shot at Fu Kou.And Fu Kou realized that he couldn't dodge because Lucy was standing behind him.

"Damn it." He cursed inwardly, and walked forward, submerged in the [Iron Dragon's Roar].

(End of this chapter)

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