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Chapter 67 Ghost Ruler Chapter Decision

Chapter 67 Ghost Ruler Chapter Decision
Seeing that Fu Kou was unharmed, Gajeel couldn't help showing a look of surprise and anger.He didn't understand why Fu Kou, who was hit by him with all his strength, didn't die, or at least was seriously injured.Because the president was present, he didn't dare to be presumptuous, otherwise he would have used his [magic] to confirm whether this [undead] really existed at this time.

And Joseph Bora sensed Fuko's approach at the first time. While continuing to use his unreasonably powerful [magic power] to suppress the actions of Erza and others, he showed a sarcastic and happy smile, and looked at Fuko. Said: "I have been waiting for you for a long time. When I saw you being knocked out by Gajeel in the [surveillance camera], I had such a strange premonition that I knew you would definitely come back. I think this is Fate, you have escaped from my palm several times, and it is also doomed that you will suffocate in my palm in the end."

"What do you want?" Fuko looked at Joseph Paula and asked calmly.He knew that since this man didn't use the same [magic power] to push him to the ground as soon as he appeared, he had something to say to him. "Want to negotiate with us?"

Natsu wanted to stand up in the [Magic Torrent], but his face was distorted with effort.He said fiercely word by word: "Fu... Kou, don't...negotiate with this... bastard...!"

Joseph Bora sneered, and increased the release of his [Magic Power], Natsu was immediately pressed firmly to the floor by him.But looking at Joseph Bora's ability to handle tasks with ease, it seems that the [magic power] he released is far from his limit.

"Negotiation? Do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me now?" He raised his chin, looked contemptuously at the [Fairy Tail Sorcerers] who were pushed to the ground by his [magic power], mockingly Said, "I'm giving you a chance."

Erza squinted her eyes, bursting out with her magical power, and got up little by little.Such tenacity made Joseph Bora a little moved, but he quickly thought of a solution: "[Fairy Queen], right? If you don't want anything to happen to your partner, you'd better lie down on me On the floor." He pointed behind Erza.

When Erza, Natsu, and Gray looked back, they realized that Miraj, Elfman, Lucy, and Happy, who were also under the same powerful magic power as them, were about to be unbearable, especially Lucy. Pale, with dry lips and dull eyes, he looked as if he had been seriously ill.

Erza frowned, looked at Fu Kou, and finally could only make a compromise and lay down on the ground.Naz, Gray and others also did the same. Although they all wanted to teach Joseph Bora a lesson, the premise was that they would not hurt their partners.

"Well, what chance are you going to give us?" asked Fuko, who was the only one now able to talk to Joseph Paula.

He thought, as long as there is something to talk about, then everyone has a chance to survive.

He just knew that without Makarov, there was no one in [Fairy Tail] who could defeat Joseph Bora one-on-one, so he chose to act alone.And he didn't think about stopping Erza and the others from attacking [Ghost Dominator], because he knew it was impractical, and he couldn't persuade them to do it.

He doesn't have any fearless spirit of sacrifice, but if he insists on finding someone who can deal with Joseph Bora in the current [Fairy Tail], he knows very well that it is himself.He has a lot of life-saving [hero magic] and [hero props], which can ensure that he has the opportunity to contain Joseph Bora.The reason why he restrained Joseph Bora is also very simple, this can give the rest of the [Guild] time to win the war.

They didn't have to defeat Joseph Bolla to win the war, because Joseph Bolla's men all lost.As long as they retreat calmly, everyone will know that they have won the war, which will have a huge impact on the future development of [Ghost Dominator].When the president Makarov recovers, they will be able to completely defeat the [Ghost Dominator].This was Fu Kou's initial thought.

It's a pity that [Fairy Tail] has one of its biggest shortcomings, but also its biggest advantage, which has caused this war to fall into the current embarrassing situation.That is [Fairy Tail] is a [Magic Guild] that values ​​human favors. As long as someone in the [Guild] is hurt, the [Fairy] will be enraged. As long as someone in the [Guild] is taken hostage, [Fairy] will Will compromise, that's why Fu Kou went to find Lucy as soon as possible to prevent her from falling into the hands of the [ghost ruler].

Of course, because of the characteristic of [Fairy Tail], in the end Joseph Bora easily threatened all the [Fairies] present, and the [Fairies] had nothing to do.

Fu Kou can only think of the next best thing now, as long as he is willing to let go of his mouth, then we still have a chance. The best result is of course that no one is injured or injured, even if we have to surrender...

He looked at Erza and the others. He knew that they would rather die than submit, and the uneasiness in his heart became even stronger.

Why don't they understand that living is more important?he thinks.

The next moment, Joseph Bora spoke, and after he finished listening, he stood there blankly for a long time without reacting.

"What did you say?" In the end, it was Erza who asked Joseph Paula again for him, her tone full of irritation. Obviously, she understood what Joseph Paula meant.

Joseph Paula repeated it again, pointing to Fu Kou and said: "It's a very simple thing, I am very interested in your [magic power], and I want to know how you use such a meager [magic power] There are so many kinds of [magic] of different natures, so I want to take away all your [magic power] for research. Of course, the price is your death. In this way, I will let this group of [fairies] go, after all, war We've already won."

"How dare you..." Natsu growled and wanted to get up, but before he could finish speaking, he was pushed down to the ground by [magic power].

Fu Kou's ears were filled with scolding from [fairies]. He slowly drooped his shoulders, but he couldn't say a word.

He is very clear that [magic power] is the life of [magician].If he is drained of [magic power], he will have no way to use those life-saving [magic power].And after [Guardian Angel] revives him once, it will enter a 300-second cooldown period. In 300 seconds, without [Magic Power], he is enough to die hundreds of times.

Yes, [magic power] is his Achilles heel.Without 【Magic Power】, he can't do anything.

The first time he died, he came into this world.The second time he died, he faced the 【Lullaby Demon】.The third time he died, he faced [Iron Dragon] Gajeel.Regardless of the first time, the reason why he was able to die the second and third time was because he knew that he would be resurrected—of course he was dubious at the beginning—and these deaths were only a momentary thing, although that This kind of pain is still deep in his memory, but knowing that he can be resurrected, he can still bear it in order to achieve his goal.

Only this time, if he was drained of [magic power], it would be impossible to resurrect him, that would be a real death.This made him hesitate.

He found a few reasons for himself in his heart that he should live, but he also understood how feeble these reasons were.He looked at Erza, Miraj, and Naz's angry actions for him, and fell into deep confusion and guilt.

They all have the consciousness to die for me, do I have it?
[Aphrodite] gave me a second life, but what have I been living for so far?

He clenched his fists, and made what he had always considered to be the most irrational and impulsive decision.

Die, maybe this will settle all disputes, and I won't have to use them recklessly while lingering with guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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