Comic game system

Chapter 82: The Tower of Paradise Chapter

Chapter 82·The Tower of Paradise·I Can't Protect Itself

[Team mode is on! 】

[After scanning the map, it was confirmed as "Paradise Tower Island". 】

[The two parties in the battle have been confirmed! 】

[blue square]

Fu Kou (level 29, hero magic)

Erza Sukaletto (level 49, knight dress-up magic)

Jubian Lox (level 36, water magic)

Atrias Naz Dragneel (level 36, fire dragon slayer magic)

Gray Folpasta (level 36, ice modeling magic)

Lucy Heartfilia (Level 25, Protoss Magic)

Milaj Strauss (level 20, demon receives magic)

Harpy (Level 3, Winged Magic)

【Red Square】

Gerald Fernandez (level 48, dark magic)
Zekelein Fernandez (Level 48, Celestial Magic)

Turtledove (level 48, sword magic)

Udaludas Eagle (level 39, hair magic)

Owl (level 36, devours magic)

Simon Mikaziki (Level 36, Dark Magic)

Hugh (level 33, card magic)

Woolley Buchana (Level 30, Split Magic)

Milianna (level 30, cat restraint magic)

Chicrein Fernandez belonged to the enemy camp, Fu Kou did not have any surprises, he did not like the twin brother of Gerald in the story told by Erza, he thought Chicrein and Gerald were very close May have long been in a panic.

But what he couldn't figure out was that since Qi Kelein appeared in the enemy camp, it proved that he was on this map, but his location was not shown on the map at all, which was obviously a contradiction.In addition, Simon and his group still belong to the enemy camp after expressing their position, which is another incomprehensible contradiction.

"Aphrodite, what's going on?" he asked in a low voice.

"Sorry, my intelligence level is not yet high enough to answer these two questions, please be careful." She responded immediately.

In this way, Fu Kou can only play by ear.

"What should we do now?" Milaj asked Fuko, "We can't stay here anymore, but no one wants to turn back, so how should we move forward now?"

Simon also saw that Fu Kou was the leader of the remaining group, so he waited silently for his answer.

Using the map, Fu Kou glanced at the conditions of the four passages.

The first is Natsu and Gray. The passage they are going to will allow them to meet one of the "Three Ravens", and Harpy is naturally in his hands.

Then there are Erza and Hugh, they will meet the turtledove who is the head of the "Three Ravens", and in the hands of the turtledove is Milianna.

In fact, Fu Kou is not very worried about these two groups. Whether it is Natsu, Gray, or Erza, he believes that they are stronger than the other side.

Then, the remaining options are the passage leading directly to Gerald, and the passage of Udaludas Eagle who encountered the last person of the "Three Ravens".Of course, Fu Kou couldn't let Milaj and the others face Geral, and at the same time, he couldn't persuade them to stay where they were or go back the same way.

He had no choice but to say: "The remaining two passages must be accessed by someone. How about this, I will enter the passage on the left, and you will enter the other one."

"Why do you have to walk a passage alone?" Milaj objected, "That's too dangerous, I'll walk this passage with you."

"No, Zhu Bian should come and accompany Mr. Fu Kou, and Zhu Bian will fight side by side with Mr. Fu Kou!" Zhu Bian said.She didn't know what to think of, and she became a little excited.

"How about we take this path together, and then come back and take another path after defeating the enemies on this passage?" Lucy suggested.

Fu Kou retorted one by one: "The people who assassinate the guild will not be idle people. Now the most magical person here is Zhu Bian. You have to cooperate with her to knock down one of them. At worst, there is a way to escape. If We all act together, and before we defeat our opponents, the 'magic spirit power' will destroy this place. And, after defeating the enemy, instead of looking back for each other, we will find a way to join up with others and leave here with the wounded , can go one is one, understand?"

All the girls were somewhat reluctant, but they had to admit that Fu Kou's statement was correct.

"Well, let me walk with Mr. Fu Kou all the way, so you should be at ease?" Simon suddenly said, "Don't look at me like this, I am also an excellent mage, as long as you can rest assured."

"In that case, I'll leave it to you." Fu Kou replied.

In this way, even if they don't want to, they can only walk into the passage on the right together.Fu Kou and Simon hurried to the passage on the left.Before going in, Fu Kou put a "True Vision Guard" at the entrance of the passage.

"Do you know where this passage leads to?" Fu Kou asked Simon beside him while walking in the dark.

"I don't know." The tall man replied, "I didn't know about the existence of these passages before. They should have existed before, or Gerald built them secretly."

"That's it."

But Fu Kou knew where this passage led to, and he thought that they would soon meet Geral, the owner of the "Tower of Paradise".

Finally, light appeared ahead.The passage also came to an end.

They walked into a hall, and in the center of the hall stood a huge crystal stone.On the throne facing the crystal stone, a young man with blue hair is sitting upright.

"It really is you, Fu Kou, I knew it would be you." Gerald smiled, clasped his hands together, looked at Fu Kou intently, and turned a blind eye to Simon, "If it wasn't for you Get here first, this game is not fun at all. So far, the progress of the game has been under my control."

"What do you mean?" Fu Kou was full of disgust for this man who spoke to him in a contemptuous tone as soon as he saw him.

"Before answering your questions, why don't you explain them to me first?" Gerald said with a smile. He waved his hand, and the five screens beside him lit up at the same time. The battle screen on "Ghost Dominator's Castle". "This is the residual information I managed to get from the ruins of the castle. Joseph Bora is still useful."

Fu Kou watched the replays of those battle scenes without saying a word. Among them, there were scenes of him fighting against Jubian, some of him fighting against Gajeel, and some of him dealing with Joseph Bora. They were shot from different angles. .

"The magic you use really aroused my great interest. You are like an 'encyclopedia' of magic. You should know that your name has been spread recently, right? Ha, it seems that you are not as good as you The enemy knows himself." He said, "I am more and more interested in you, so I started to investigate you. What happened to you in the Heartfilia consortium, what happened in the bookstore, what happened in Fairy Tail ', the matter in Harujion, the matter in the canyon track, and the matter in Karna Island, I investigated all of them one by one. The result really surprised me, your magic is really amazing There are so many, you can come up with new magic almost every time you fight."

"However, none of these things can compare to my curiosity about your past. Do you know that no one in this world can completely erase the traces of the past, even the great Jeref There are many deeds that are true or false. However, I can't find anything about your past before you met the Heartfilia Group, and you seem to have suddenly appeared in this world."

Fu Kou restrained the changes in his expression, but his heart was already in a frenzy.

"I really want to know, who are you?" Gerald asked.

Fu Kou remained silent, not intending to answer.

Gerald continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't answer, I will always figure it out. But, it's hard to say whether the Magic Council can treat you with an unknown past as gently as I do. Maybe they will think that You used to be a 'magister of the dark world', and you purposely hid in the 'light world', trying to plot evil. Haha, when the time comes, you will be accused by everyone."

"Can you explain to me now, why did you say that the game has always been under your control?" Fu Kou cared more about this, he always had a feeling of uneasiness.

"Oh—you still don't understand?"

Fu Kou was startled, and suddenly, Aphrodite screamed in his ear: "Be careful!"

However, it was still a step too late, and he was stabbed severely in the shoulder by the dagger hidden by Simon.

No, it should be said that he was already at the limit of his reaction, otherwise the dagger would have pierced his throat directly.

Fu Kou clutched his wound, and quickly distanced himself from Simon.He groaned in pain, and used the first charge of the "corruption potion" before the wound stopped bleeding.

He looked at Simon, and found that the pupils in Simon's eyes were dim, and he seemed to be under mental control.

"When did this start? Who else is under your mind control?"

"Since when? Of course it has been like this since the beginning." Gerald sat on the seat, his cunning smile was covered by the shadow, he said slowly and calmly, "As for who else... Hehe , you should ask, who else is not under control?"

In this way, Fu Kou understands the meaning of [team mode] to explain the camp.

Sure enough, Simon, Hugh, Woolley, and Milianna are still enemies now.But the problem is that people other than him don't know this yet, and they are splitting up to save these enemies.

Fu Kou can also guess the result afterwards, Erza and the others will definitely be attacked by these "saved people", just like Simon did just now.

Among them, he is most worried about Erza, because she must face two former partners who are controlled by the mind at the same time, and an assassin who wants to take her life.

Milaj's road is relatively better. With Zhu Bian in charge, at least he can protect himself, but the worst fear is that something will happen.

The only thing that can make him feel at ease is Naz's journey. Harbi has not been controlled by his mind. Even if he is controlled, he can't make a name for himself.

Now, Fu Kou has no way to warn the "fairies" because he is already in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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