Comic game system

Chapter 83 The Tower of Paradise Chapter The Sword of Damocles

Chapter 83 The Tower of Paradise The Sword of Damocles
"'Darkness·Dark Setsuna'——"

Simon's magic took away all of Fu Kou's vision in an instant, and this situation could continue as he wished, while he could observe all Fu Kou's movements with complete clarity.Fu Kou couldn't even see the "war map", he fell into a passive state.

Fu Kou could only listen carefully, he noticed the faint sound of footsteps coming from behind.So he pulled out the black sword "blasphemy" from the magical space, and swung it backwards, but unfortunately the blade only hit the air.

Although Simon is under mind control, he will still avoid attacks according to his fighting instinct.He sneaked slowly, walking around Fu Kou like a clock, waiting for the opportunity to move.

"'Scan Lens'."

Red radar ripples were scanned above Fuko's head, and it could warn him if it sensed an enemy target—of course, it was a sound and vibration warning.However, it only lasts for 6 seconds, and the cooling time takes 90 seconds. If he does not want to continue to be passive, he must solve the opponent within 6 seconds.

So, he took the initiative to point the tip of the black sword at the ground, and his body relaxed his vigilance, which meant he gave up his defense.

Simon, who is under control, has the ultimate goal of defeating the man in front of him.When he saw Fu Kou let down his vigilance, he immediately judged that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, so he held a dagger and approached Fu Kou again.

Things went very well, Simon was only 2 yards away from Fu Kou, and the other party remained motionless as if dead.

Simon picked up the dagger and stabbed at Fu Kou's left chest heart which was close at hand!

"'Plateau blood'." Fu Kou, who had been waiting for this moment, transformed from a prey to a hunter. "'Slash One Horned Beast'! 'Wuji Swordsmanship'!"

The green sword energy of Wuji Juggernaut suddenly rose, and it was set on the black sword.A unicorn radiating soft light ran around him like a patron saint.Those who have a heart are those who don't. He swung his long sword and slashed at Simon, hitting all of them without exception.

Simon's dagger was cut off, his body was dripping with blood, and he lay on the ground, unconscious. The effect of "Dark Dark Moment" also ends.


Under multiple factors, the four slashes he swung caused terrible damage, especially the first and fourth slashes.The first slash has the bonus of "slash one-horned beast", while the fourth slash becomes a double slash because of the passive magic "double strike", and one of the heavy slashes also causes an additional 50% real damage.

After Simon fell to the ground, Aphrodite's voice came from Fukou's ear.

"Congratulations, you have defeated your opponent 'Simon Mikazki' and obtained a reward of 3600 points. In addition, Natsu and Gray have successfully defeated 'Owl' and rescued Habi. The other roads are still in fierce battle, please Pay attention."

This is another advantage of the "team mode". It can always inform itself of the combat situation and results of the personnel in the same camp on the same war map.

It's just that Fu Kou doesn't have time to look at the war map now, because there are still powerful enemies watching.

Gerald didn't feel dissatisfied at all because of Simon's defeat. Instead, he clapped his palms with a smile and said, "You've done a good job, Fu Kou, isn't this 'sword magic'? Come on" three The turtledove of the feathered crow is also very good at this magic, I really want to see the scene where she fights with you..."

He stood up slowly from his seat, with a slight smile, and walked down the steps paved with black rocks step by step.He approached Fu Kou, and finally stopped at the place where there was a crystal stone between them.

"Why don't you talk? I remember, you should be like a think tank in 'Fairy Tail', right? If you are not willing to share your thoughts with others at all, it will be annoying." Jera Er said very easily and calmly, he confidently thought that he would not be in any danger, so he took another step closer to Fu Kou. "Come on, say something, I want to know you better."

Fu Kou still wouldn't relax his vigilance, he jumped back.Three purple magic spheres popped out from where he was standing, and then hit him as if they were alive.He ducked and noticed that Gerald was using his fingers to control the direction of movement of these magic spheres.

He swung the black sword, and the cyan sword energy made a buzzing air vibration sound, and he chopped the three magic spheres in half with quick eyes and hands.It's just that he didn't expect that this was just Gerald's feint. At the same time as he cut off the three magic spheres, three new magic spheres appeared under his feet, and a magic chain was formed between the three spheres. The triangle traps him in the center.

"Oops..." Fu Kou raised his black sword, and the tip of the sword stabbed violently at one of the spheres.

"Boom—" But the explosion of the three magic spheres happened before he stabbed the spheres.Purple dark energy devours everything it touches.

Fu Kou jumped out of the purple flames, used "purification" to eliminate the flames on his body, and used the second charge of "corruption potion".Soon, the green fluorescent light was healing the wound on his body.

"This way you can escape. I thought I would just watch you struggling to die in the flames... I'm really more and more interested in you." Gerald's mouth opened wider and wider, revealing The look of cruel excitement. "Your magic potential is definitely the highest among the wizards I've seen. In time, it won't be a problem for you to become the new 'Holy Ten Wizards'. Maybe you can reach a higher level."

He stretched out his hand towards Fu Kou and said, "Join us, Jeref's power can make you stronger, under his rule, you can get everything you want..."

"I refuse." Fu Kou finally spoke, and he interrupted what Gerald wanted to say.

"It's so decisive." Gerald raised his chin slightly, retracted his hands, and said with an inexplicable and inexplicable sense of inquiry in his eyes, "Your answer is too decisive. Mingjie The power of Zeref, the rule of Zeref should be the best gift you mortals can think of... Ah... I understand what you want..."

He smiled and said: "You should have heard about the close relationship between me and Erza when I was young, right? If this is an obstacle, it is really regrettable. As long as you are willing to join the ranks of Jeref's believers, What can Erza do for you? I will leave her alive after Zeref is resurrected, and you can play with her however you want. I can also make more women fall in love with you... "

Fu Kou shook his head and said, "You say I'm a 'mortal', so what are you?"

"Naturally, I am the number one believer in God." Gerald said arrogantly, "From the day I was chosen by Jeff, I was destined to become a great god like Jeff."

"It turned out to be like this, you are going to be a man of God, no wonder you don't understand the desires of us mortals." Fu Kou showed a smile that Gerald couldn't understand at this time, pointed the tip of his sword at him, and said , "It's useless to talk too much, let's go to war."

"Do you know what a terrible person you have offended?" Jeff's face darkened after Fu Kou said these words, but he was still able to speak in a calm tone, as if everything he said was true. Is the truth. "Since you don't want them, then they are all mine. God is great, and everyone should serve God."

"Oh, really." Fu Kou replied coldly.

Gerald's magic power was released for the first time, and more than a dozen purple magic balls appeared from the floor, floating in mid-air, and surrounded Fu Kou in the center without any dead ends.His fingers were bent towards Fu Kou, and the dozens of magic spheres flew towards Fu Kou quickly, as if he was pulling them with invisible lines.


The golden light shone, and Fu Kou moved in front of Gerald in an instant, and the dozens of purple magic spheres had completely bombarded the enemy where he was originally, completely uncontrollably.

"'Wuji Kendo'!" He swung his sword and slashed at Gerald's waist.

A dark protective layer appeared in front of Gerald, firmly blocking Fu Kou's sudden slash, he said with a smile: "You really almost hurt me." His right hand broke through his The protective layer stretched out in front of Fu Kou.

"'Shadow Blast'!"


Fu Kou had to back away to distance himself from Gerald, but he used the "barrier" to protect himself from the erosion of those dark energies.

"How much of this kind of magic do you have to protect yourself?" Gerald stood still, and a dozen new magic spheres floated from the field again. "Let me see how many times you can avoid my offensive."

At the same time, an inappropriate voice sounded in Fu Kou's mind.

"Your teammates Gray, Jubian, Lucy, and Milaj have successfully defeated 'Udaludas Eagle' and 'Woolley Buchana', but they also consumed a lot of mana. Among them, Zhubi Ann and Lucy can no longer continue fighting, Miraj and Gray are trying to get them out of the island. Natsu and Erza are fighting Hugh and Turtledove, and there is still no winner."

Did Natsu and Gray split up after defeating Xiao Xiao?
In this way, Fu Kou has less worries, and the current battle situation is still in their favor.

Of course, the "magic spirit power" hangs over the heads of all of them like the sword of Damocles, no matter how favorable the situation is, it will end instantly after it is cast.Therefore, he was very satisfied with Gray and Milaj's choice to take Jubian and Lucy away.

"Let's go, the farther you go, the better, don't look back..." he said in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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