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Chapter 94 Goblin Civil War Chapter Goblin Law and Evil Mage

Chapter 94 Fairy Civil War Chapter Fairy Law and Evil Mage
After listening to what Fuko and Gajeel had said, Laxus was strangely silent for a while.Just when they thought that this man might change his mind, he clenched his fists, his arm muscles swelled, and the golden glory and sharp-edged magic power spewed out like volcanic lava.His pupils were shining with resentment, and his hands gathered a fluctuating magic ball in front of his chest.

[Laxus Dolea (Level 50, Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic, Fairy Tail Super Magic)]

Fu Kou signaled Natsu and Gajeel to retreat together, keeping a sufficient distance, otherwise they would not have time to react if Laxus did something dangerous.He thought to himself: "'Thunder's Dragon Slayer Magic'? Unexpectedly, there are three 'dragons' here. It is really hard to believe that this is a coincidence. Could it be that these 'Dragon Slayer Wizards' are still there?" Will they be attracted to each other? And what about the 'super magic', did Makarov teach him?"

The answer will be revealed soon.Witnessing the complete annihilation of the "Thunder Gods" and the destruction of the "Shenming Temple", Laxus deliberately put himself into a situation and mentality of fighting to the death, and he was ready to use all his strength and tricks to achieve his goal.As for the rationale for this, we will wait until later to think about it.


Laxus uttered the name of a spell that horrified everyone present.

It is "one of the three major magics of the Fairy Tail Guild", which aims to crusade against darkness with divine light. Anyone who is identified as an enemy by the caster will be punished. As long as the caster wants to, everything can be destroyed by the caster.

At the beginning, Makarov used this super magic to completely defeat the invincible Joseph Paula. It can be said that he has the absolute destructive power to overwhelm and destroy everything.If it were dropped here, the entire cathedral would be wiped out in no time.

"'Avatar of the Wind is at your service'."

[Wrath of the Storm - Janna Hero Mode (Level 1) is on! 】

[Team mode off! 】

[Battle mode is on! 】

In the stage of "Fairy's Law" gaining momentum, the countermeasure that Fu Kou came up with was to use the magic "Hurricane Howling" and "Eye of the Storm" of [Storm Fury] to cooperate with [Battle Mode].In [Battle Mode], there is no longer the saying of "teammates of the same camp", all the people present will be his magic target.

"'Ask the winds of change to say hello'!"

The hurricane swept in after gaining momentum for 3 seconds, but the target was not Laxus, but Natsu, Gajeel, and Lebby who were standing together.The hurricane swept them, who looked dazed, to the outside of the church.The shield formed by the eye of the storm is a good defense for Fu Kou.

He stared at the release of the "Fairy's Law", preparing to use the ultimate magic "Resuscitating Monsoon" of [Storm Fury] at the most critical moment.

But to everyone's surprise, the golden light condensed by Laxus is only strong on the outside but strong on the inside. "Fairy's Law" dissipates without causing any damage to buildings or humans, making it feel like a dream.

"Why? How did this happen?" Laxus looked at his hands and said in amazement. "Where's my 'goblin law'?"

Naz gave Fu Kou a depressed look, he just blown himself away without saying a word, which made him too embarrassed.When Naz heard Laxus' question, he acted as an explainer very rarely, and said, "Isn't this a matter of course? Laxus, you never meant to kill us from the very beginning, nor did you put us to death. As an enemy, that's why the 'fairy's law' doesn't work."

Fu Kou added: "Magic is more honest than you."

"I treat you... I don't treat you as an enemy? Is that a ridiculous reason?" Laxus gritted his teeth, his golden hair floated with the fluctuation of magic power, and thunder and lightning lingered on him. "Hmph! Even if there is no 'goblin law', your defeat will not change in any way."

"It will change!" Natsu yelled.

The two dragon slayers exploded with their magic power, and they collided violently like two bulls wrestling.In the next moment, Laxus kicked Natsu out and punched a hole in the roof of the church.He roared and gave chase.

Fuko said to Lebby: "You stay outside the church, we'll get rid of him." After getting Lebby's response, he and Gajeel could not help but look at each other, both a little embarrassed.

"We'll talk about our affairs later, and have a drink then." Fu Kou said proactively.

"Okay." Gajeel replied.

The two followed and rushed to the roof of the church.

At this time, Laxus had completely suppressed Natsu in all aspects, and Natsu kept retreating, receiving electric shocks from lightning and hammering fists on his body.

"Thunder Dragon's Collapse Fist!"

"Fire Dragon's Collapsing Fist!"

The power of thunder and flames that erupted from the fist-to-body fight between the two swept away every brick and tile on the roof, and the chimney shattered just by being swept.However, Laxus still had the upper hand. Natsu suffered more and more injuries, and it seemed that he was going to be unable to hold on. Gajiru stepped in beside him, interrupting Laxus' thunderous attack on Natsu. offensive.

Even so, Laxus was still strong against Natsu and Gajeel, and he didn't seem to be flustered or stagnant at all.

"'Even death trembles at my presence'!"

[Evil Little Mage-Vegar Hero Mode (level 18) is on! 】

Sensing Fu Kou's approach and the ghostly change of magic power, Laxus shot a "Thunder Dragon Fang Tian Halberd" towards Fu Kou behind him in the opposite direction without hesitation and without looking back. The quickness of the reaction is appalling!

Seeing the powerful and dangerous "Thunder Dragon Fangtian Halberd" right in front of him, Fu Kou calmly "flashed" to the side, narrowly dodging the blow. The "Thunder Dragon Fangtian Halberd" quickly blew up the spire of a church behind him, causing debris to fly.

At the same time, Laxus' "Brontodragon's Jaw" forcefully knocked Gajeel down from the roof to the ground below, creating a big crater.When Natsu wanted to attack, he turned his head and it was "Brontodragon's Roar". If Natsu hadn't reacted faster to resist, he would have been knocked out, but even so, Natsu suffered a lot. injured, half kneeling on the roof.

"Now you are the only one left, Fu Kou!" Laxus roared towards Fu Kou like a real brontosaurus.

After he finished speaking, he stepped on the tiles and moved in front of Fu Kou at an extremely fast speed. His hands gathered the magic power of lightning and fused together. Fu Kou spray from a distance!
However, with a roar of the dragon, the pillars of star fire and thunder that erupted from the ultimate magic of [Dragon King Casting Star] "Star String High and Falling" collided together, and white light and golden light enveloped the entire sky of the church immediately, and the devastating explosion finally wiped out the entire church. The top floor of the church completely exploded and collapsed!
Laxus got out of the fighting range, stepped on the flying gravel, and jumped onto the open space in front of the church, which made all the onlookers back away in fright.He stared fixedly at the billowing smoke and dust on the church, and shouted loudly: "So you are also a 'Dragon Slayer'? You hide deeper than me!"

Lebby took a few steps back in fear, Laxus in this state is really scary.Gajeel, who had just been lifted up by her, took a step forward intentionally or unintentionally, and stood in front of her.

"That's a long story—"

Fu Kou's response finally came from the smoke and dust.He also jumped from the church and fell to the ground, but the clothes on his body were burned to pieces by the flames of magic just like Laxus.

After he landed, he looked straight at Laxus, and then rushed towards Laxus.He held the Platinum Scepter IV in his hand, and his "ghost walk" made him move like a phantom.


Laxus sneered and continued to explode the magic power of thunder and lightning on his body. What he was least afraid of was that others would confront him head-on. Instead of retreating, he jumped forward and jumped in front of Fu Kou, further closing the distance between him and Fu Kou .

However, he suddenly felt a sense of dizziness hit his head, and he had to pause for a moment, only then did he notice a dark enchanted space (the "distorted space" of [Evil Little Mage]) appeared under his feet!

But so what?Nothing can stop the dragon's attack!
However, once controlled by Fu Kou's magic for the first time, for the enemy, a nightmare will come!The golden wavy notes of the final movement of the wild dance ([Fairy]) once again stunned Laxus' brain nerves!
"'I smell death'!"

Dark matter ([Evil Little Mage]) fell from the sky and hit Laxus. At the same time, the dark energy beam produced by the magic "Dark Priest" ([Evil Little Mage]) also shot from the top of the Platinum Scepter IV to his body.

The physical and magical extra damage of Fu Kou's magic skills are calculated as follows:
Now that he is level 30, the value of the existing attack value exceeding 3000 basic attack value is the basic calculation value of the physical additional damage. Similarly, the magic additional damage is calculated based on the value of the existing mana value exceeding 3000 base mana value.

For example, [Evil Little Mage (Level 18)]'s magic "Dark Matter", in addition to 300 base magic damage, also has additional magic damage if the existing magic value exceeds 3000 base magic value.The magic "Dark Sacrifice", in addition to the 230 base magic damage, also has the extra magic damage multiplied by 0.6.

At the same time, he defeated Ebagarin and Biguslow and made the passive [Glory] of [Meja's Soul Stealing Scroll] stack to 8 layers (it will be cleared every time you exit [Battle Mode]), thus providing 40 points Fixed mana value. (That is, once the mana value consumed by a magic skill exceeds 40 points, it will automatically recover 40 mana points, and the mana value consumed by a magic skill does not exceed 40 points, and there will be no change)
Platinum Rod IV also grants him an additional total of 150 points of magic damage.

After "distorting space", Laxus suffered nearly 1500 points of terrifying magic damage in a few hits!If it wasn't for the "dragon slaying magic" that made his body inherently resistant to magic, and Fu Kou's existing mana had already been consumed, most of his health would have disappeared by now.

(Health, mana, attack, defense and speed will be continuously consumed during the battle, and will also be automatically recovered, but if you continue to fight, the consumption rate will be much faster than the recovery rate)
Even so, Laxus was completely stunned.So much so that he didn't even notice Natsu's approach.

"The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!"

Natsu knocked Laxus, who hadn't reacted yet, into the air.

"The Wing Strike of the Fire Dragon!"

"The horn of the fire dragon!"

"The claws of the fire dragon!"

"Fire Dragon's Flaming Elbow!"

"The Broken Tooth of the Fire Dragon!"

Natsu's next set of combos was very beautiful, and Laxus was powerless to fight back, so that Lebby commented behind Gajeel: "It is indeed a magic that specializes in hunting dragons!"

Natsu gave Laxus the final blow: "Dragon Slayer Mystery, Red Lotus Explosive Flame Blade!"

The blades of fire in both arms rolled Laxus into the air, tearing apart his last trace of consciousness.

Fu Kou originally had a chance to make up the knife, because he hadn't used [Evil Little Mage]'s ultimate magic "Energy Burst" and other ultimate magic.But if "Energy Burst" is used, the effect of greatly increasing magic damage based on Laxus' existing health value will kill Laxus, and the same is true for other ultimate magic.

"After all, he is the grandson of the president, let's stop here."

He watched Laxus fall straight from the sky to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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