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Chapter 95 Fairy Civil War Chapter Successors and Guild Parade

Chapter 95 Fairy Civil War Chapter Heirs and Guild Parade
At dusk, Fairy Tail mages with some wounds on their bodies gathered in the guild hall in a tacit understanding, waiting anxiously for something.

Fu Kou, who had changed into a light sky blue shirt, came out of the room on the second floor, accompanied by an elderly woman in a red cloak.The woman's cherry-colored hair coiled around her head, and her wrinkled face didn't waver at all.She is Fairy Tail's exclusive doctor Polyusica.

The mages who were eager to know the situation gathered together.Looking at their uneasy eyes, Polyusica sighed, which made many people feel anxious.Then Polyucica said: "Don't worry, I have rescued him from the gate of hell, and he will be fine in the near future."

The crowd cheered, they were really worried that Makarov, the pillar of the guild, would pass away like this.

"However, his health is really very poor, and it can no longer be compared with before." Polyucica added, "In the future, let him be less exposed to such troublesome things, he is too old, you guys It's also time to think about who will inherit his position, I can't guarantee that I can save him next time."

Polyuxica's words made everyone depressed again.After that, she walked towards the door without saying a word. Erza walked to her side to thank her, but she just nodded and left.She's always like this, only there when Fairy Tail needs her, and at other times huddled in the wilderness of Magnolia Town.

Miraj took Fuko's hand.Fu Kou kept staring at Polyuxica's back, and that serious look frightened her a little.Fu Kou smiled at her, patted the back of her hand lightly with his palm, and said comfortingly: "Doctor Polyusika has already said that the president will be fine for the time being, just rest for a while."

He was thinking about what Polyuxica said to Makarov just now when he came to visit Makarov: "You are the Fukou that this old man praised highly, right? You really have the face of a pure Westerner, with black hair and black eyes." But no matter how much he praises you, I think you are just a bunch of stinky kids who will never grow up. This incident can be seen, what did his grandson do, and what did you do? So This old man has been unable to let go of the guild all this time, and he is dying with a sigh of relief, and he still has to live on until now. You guys, it's time to let him go."

That's pretty much what Yakima said to him.The opinions of the two old men were deeply engraved in his mind.

"Maybe Laxus is right." He murmured.

"What?" Milaj suspected that he had heard wrong, and asked in surprise.

"At least he is right about the fact that the guild must change its dynasty." Fu Kou explained to her, "We are the burden of the guild leader. Now the guild is not strong enough and there is no suitable successor, so he will work so tirelessly To succeed. Laxus is probably too obsessed, hoping that things can be done overnight, so that the president can..."

At this time, there was a loud noise at the door of the guild.

It turned out that Laxus appeared.He simply bandaged his body, and stepped into the guild with a dull expression.

Of course, the mages would not take a good look at this man who gave them the worst day, and they all yelled at him, told him to get out of the guild, and did not allow him to take a step forward.No one cared what he wanted to do here, and they didn't want to see the instigator of all this at this moment.

"Let him in." Fu Kou said loudly, "This is the president's order. The president will take care of his affairs."

Although the mages were still resentful, since the president ordered them, they could only make way for one path, but when Laxus walked over, they all deliberately bumped into him with their bodies.

He walked past Fu Kou without saying a word, without saying a word of thanks, he just gave Fu Kou a cold look, and walked over.Then, he was stopped by Natsu who was wrapped up like a mummy.


Natsu's face was wrapped in layers of bandages, completely covering his mouth.He was talking excitedly, but others couldn't hear him at all.Only Gajeel, who was also wrapped in bandages but still showing his mouth, understood what his kind said, and translated it to Laxus.

"He said that the result of this battle of the guild's strongest mage is invalid. He will challenge you in an upright manner in the future, and then get the name of the strongest."


Laxus snorted, like disdain, but also like acquiescence, in short, he walked up to the second floor.After more than ten minutes, he came down from the top, and then left under the dissatisfied eyes of everyone.

The president was helped down by Rebby and Lucy on the left and right. He sat on the last step of the stairs, and the first sentence he said was: "I have asked Laxus to withdraw from the guild."

Everyone was silent and didn't bother with Laxus any more. This punishment was enough.

"I know it must be very uncomfortable for my stupid grandson to mess up what was supposed to be a happy day. I apologize to you on his behalf."

"No, no, it's not your fault, president." Makao said hastily.

"That's right, it's not your fault." Others echoed in eagerness.

"However, facts are facts. The memory of this day cannot be erased and will remain forever. I have no way to change what has happened, but I hope to give you a happy present and future. Therefore, tonight's Harvest Festival parade will not It will stop, it doesn't matter if you are short of manpower, it doesn't matter if you are not prepared enough, boys, let us temporarily forget the troubles of this day, and have a goblin carnival that attracts worldwide attention!"


Natsu and Elfman raised their arms and were the first to respond, followed by others raising their arms and yelling.Milaj was no exception, she yelled, but found that Fu Kou next to her was smiling at her, blushed in embarrassment, glared at him coquettishly, grabbed his hands, and asked him to stretch out his hands too. Arms out, hands up.

Then, after nightfall, the grand parade of chaos began.All the residents of Magnolia Town flocked to the streets, watching this grand event curiously.

Many wizards in the guild showed their talents on the parade frame.

Natsu spit out many chained rings of fire toward the sky, and Harpy, who spread his wings, walked through them nimbly.Miraj, Erza, Lucy, Jubian, Rebby, Karna, and Biska who participated in the beauty pageant today, dressed in dancer costumes of various colors, danced generously on the mobile stage, using little magic Decorate the stage.Gray, who took off his upper body clothes, created an ice bridge in mid-air, allowing the Beastmaster Elfman to move easily in the air...

The final climax was Makarov's sick appearance.He was wearing a clown costume, and he was obviously the oldest among all the people present, but he was able to act lively, young and funny, which attracted a lot of laughter.

He was the last to appear, and at the moment when the fireworks soared into the black sky, he stretched out his index finger and pointed to the sky.

The wizards of Fairy Tail imitated him and made the same gesture.

At this time, Fu Kou climbed to the top of a certain building, and vaguely recognized the figure of Laxus in the crowd from a distance, and then the figure was swallowed up in the sea of ​​people, and he wondered if he was wrong up.

Gajeel also climbed up and brought him some wine bottles.The two of them really followed the previous agreement and drank here.In fact, this trick of helping the bandits was learned from Jura. Jura said that there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by drinking. , drink until things are resolved.

"Thank you for today's matter. If it weren't for you, Natsu and I wouldn't have defeated Laxus so easily."

"I just happened to have an old debt to ask Laxus to settle. He provoked me very badly before."

"So it's like this... Speaking of which, if I got to know you well, I would find that you are not a bad person. Why did you want my life like crazy in the first place?"

"One moment and another moment. You were my enemy at that time. I defeated the enemy, which is my value in the 'Ghost Dominator'. Now I come to you to dawdle, and the value is just to be myself."

"Oh... the guild leader is really supernatural, and he was able to persuade you to join the guild."

"Ha... It's really amazing that he can persuade people like you to join the guild."

"What's wrong with me?"

"You make people speechless... I don't just mean your strength... As an enemy, you are really annoying."

"Oh...thank you for the compliment."

After the parade was over, people were still a little bit reluctant, but they all slowly left the street and went back to their houses.The street became very quiet, only the dim street lights illuminated the road ahead, and Fu Kou, a drunken man, staggered along the road.

"You are here." Ersha didn't know how to find him, and she didn't dislike the smell of alcohol on his body, so she came to help him go, "Why do you drink so much?"

Fu Kou doesn't drink well, his mind is completely confused at the moment, and he doesn't know what Erusa is talking about.He struggled uncooperatively and refused to let her hold him properly.Erza frowned unhappily.

"It's really troublesome, I can't help it..."

Then, Fu Kou's head was supported by Erusa, and hit hard on the silver armor she had just put on. Fu Kou rolled his eyes and immediately passed out.Only then did Erza easily drag him to the Goblin's Miracle Bookstore, ready to ask Milaj to make a bed for this idiot.

(End of this chapter)

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