Comic game system

Chapter 96 Chapter 6 Demon General Chapter The Home of Demon Cats and the Love of Cats

Chapter 96: Six Demon Generals: The Home of the Demon Cat and the Love of Cats
Jura was nearly two meters tall, so when he gently patted the junior mages of his guild, he looked like an enlightened father pampering and teaching his children.He looked around at everyone, and when he saw Fu Kou, he couldn't help laughing and walked towards Fu Kou.

Everyone knew the name of "Rock Iron" Jura, and also knew that he was the last of the "Ten Great Sorcerers", so when he said the words of mediation, everyone chose to obey in awe.And seeing such a famous Jura embrace Fu Kou as if seeing an old friend, they were all surprised.

"When I saw your name on the United Army list, I knew we would meet again. Leo, Shirley, I and I rushed here non-stop, but you arrived first. Haha, you should I haven't forgotten our promise, but it's urgent now, so let's have a good drink after finishing the 'Six Demon Generals'."

"There is no problem at all, Jura. However, your identity really surprised me. After I checked your information, I found out that you are the 'Holy Ten Great Wizards'. You really hid enough deep."

"Haha. I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I just think it's not a very honorable thing to publicize that I am the last of the 'Ten Great Sorcerers'. When I become the head of the 'Ten Great Sorcerers' I will be sure to formally re-introduce myself to you."

The corners of Jura's mouth curled up into a smile, and his firm eyes were full of confidence and pride, as if everything he said would definitely come true in the future.Everyone couldn't help being infected by his strong self-confidence, especially Naz, who had a similar idea with him, felt as if he had met a bosom friend, and his eyes had already expressed that he couldn't wait to challenge this "Holy Ten Demons" guide” state of mind.

"Jula, just now you said that you have a list of the joint army in your hand, and you also said that there are only people from the 'Demon Cat's Home' who have not come yet. Then there are already twelve wizards present, 'The Demon Cat's Home' 'How many people will come?"

"A person came from 'The Home of the Demon Cat'. I remember it was called... what was it called?"

Everyone was surprised and strange. Not only had they never heard of the guild "Demon Cat's Place", it was strange enough that it suddenly became one of the "Bright Magic Guild Alliance Guilds" this time, and now it has only sent one The wizards came, and they didn't know whether to describe this guild with arrogance or ignorance.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.A little girl with dark blue hair suddenly appeared at the door.She was dressed like a little angel and looked absolutely adorable.She looked at everyone hesitantly, and then walked in with great strides, and an incredible thought arose in everyone's hearts.But before she opened her mouth, she couldn't see her feet clearly because of her nervousness, and fell forward suddenly. If Fu Kou hadn't hugged her in time, she would have hit the ground with her whole face.

The little girl got up from Fu Kou's arms with a blushing face, lowered her head and dared not look directly at them, clenched her small fists tightly.

"Yes...sorry...sorry...I'm late, I'm Wendy Mabel from 'The Home of the Demon Cat'."

Naz looked her up and down inquiringly, and said, "You really only sent one person here, and it's still a little girl?"

"Yes, yes, sorry! I'm only one person!"

"You're not alone—"

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from behind Wendy.But what came over was a white cat, to be precise, it was a bipedal talking white cat in a dress.Fu Kou couldn't help looking at Happy, and Happy looked straight at the white cat, his eyes almost popping out.

"Habby's kind..." Natsu said again what the people present wanted to say.

At this moment, Wendy talked with the white cat.

"Xia Lulu, why did you follow here?"

"I'm worried about you. You see, when I'm not around for a while, you almost fell, and you were looked down upon by these mages."

"Ah, sorry, sorry!"

"It's time for you to change your character of saying 'I'm sorry'."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

The conversation sounded like a mother teaching her shy daughter how to be open with others.

[Wendy Mabel (Level 20, Sky Dragon Slayer Magic, Lost Healing Magic)]

Fu Kou immediately called up the information of the only participant sent by the "Demon Cat's Place". After seeing it for the first time, he felt helpless.

"Is there any bad relationship between me and the Dragon Slayer? If you really look at it from the perspective of the game, if the 'Dragon Slayer' appears so frequently, you can see that they will appear in the future even if you are blind." The plot plays an extremely important role..." he thought to himself.

Since all the members of the coalition army are assembled here, he also checked the information of other people by the way, and sorted them according to their combat power as follows:

[Jula Regis (Level 51, hardening magic of the earth system)]

[Eluza Sukaletto (level 49, knight dress-up magic)]

[One Night Wang Delei Shou (Level 41, Perfume Magic)]

[Etrias Naz Dragneel (Level 36, Fire Dragon Slayer Magic)]

[Grey Folpasta (level 36, ice modeling magic)]

[Leo Bastea (level 36, ice modeling magic)]

[Ring Retis (Level 34, Lost Ancient Document Magic)]

[Lian Chiyue (level 33, air magic)]

[Ivan Tirum (Level 32, Snow Magic)]

[Lucy Heartfilia (Level 25, Celestial Magic)]

[Shirley Brandy (level 25, puppet control magic)]

【Xia Lulu (Level 3, Wing Magic)】

[Happy (Level 3, Wing Magic)]

Jura, as "one of the ten holy wizards", is naturally the commander of the joint army this time.However, it was Yiye who explained this mission in detail, because they, the Cyan Pegasus, were the first guild to get information about the "Six Demon Generals", and it was they who suggested that this joint army be formed.

This man with a big face, after going to the toilet, euphemistically said: "I'm going to smell the smell of the toilet, I'm so handsome", after returning, he became a little bit normal, and he didn't say any more annoying things. Nausea, but began to introduce the information of "Six Demon Generals" seriously.

"Ring, show everyone the information we have collected."

"Okay, Lord One Night!"

The ringing magic of the lost ancient document was shown to everyone for the first time, and soon, the identities of the "Six Demon Generals" were all revealed, and their images also appeared in the air.This is his magic, able to compress and send out information.

"The 'Six Demon Generals', as the name suggests, are mainly composed of six powerful dark mages. They are 'Headmaster' Brian, 'Late Night' Dark Night, 'Sky Eye' Heteai, 'Dragon' Kebra, 'Angel' Angel and 'Laser' Lisa. The magic they use is still unknown, but the magical ability of some members can be roughly guessed from his name, such as 'Dragon' Kebra, which should be related to toxins the magic of..."

"Our mission is actually quite simple, and we don't need to confront them head-on. The 'Six Demon Generals' are currently stationed in the nearby 'Gas Tree Sea', and they seem to be looking for a terrifying thing called 'Nirvana'. Before they find it, they must first find their camp, and then use our cyan Pegasus' symbolic weapon 'Magic Blast Boat-Christina' to destroy them all at once..."

Everyone was listening patiently to Yi Ye's words, even an impatient person like Naz had to scratch his head and listen to the words he didn't understand.

After Fu Kou heard the content of this mission plan, his first thought was: "This is a plan that sounds perfect, but it will be full of flaws in actual actions. Are they really planning to use this plan to act? And... ...They don't have a backup plan, right? Why do you feel like you've been trapped?"

At this time, Happy came to his side and pulled his pants.He looked down at Happy, and found that Happy turned his head away in embarrassment, and motioned for him to follow him to the side.One person and one cat went to the corner while everyone was still discussing the details of the plan.

"What are you doing, please don't show such an expression, it looks disgusting."

"Hey hey...Fu Kou...I know you are the best..."

"Oh, I see, you want me to chase that white cat for you?"

"She has a name. It's called Xia Lulu. It's such a nice name."

"She hasn't entered your house yet, so you're just protecting yourself. But you should ask your owner about this matter, right?"

"Hey—I've said it many times, Naz is not my owner, we are partners."

"I see, you are partners, you are partners."

"All in all, please help, the only person here who has experience in love and can ask for help is you! Help me, it's been a long time since I met someone of the same kind..."

"By the way, are you a race? How many members do you have?"

"I don't know, the two people I saw when I was born were Naz and... Lisanna."

"Mila's sister... well, for the sake of Mira's sister, if I have a chance, I will help you."

"Hey hey, thank you so much."

"If you laugh like that again, you'll soon have no chance again."

Facts have proved that Xia Lulu doesn't want to see this kind of harpy who looks wretched and obscene.Later, no matter how courteous he was to Xia Lulu, Xia Lulu would not accept it, not even the fish in the backpack he sent out.

When Naz was about to discuss the plan, he seemed to finally be unable to hold back his temper, he suddenly jumped up and shouted: "That's it, that's the plan, I'm going to defeat the 'Six Demon Generals' now! "After speaking, he ignored everyone's opinions, rushed out of the gate, and ran towards the sea of ​​trees.

"That idiot...isn't he too rude to Mr. Yiye?" Hibiki said dissatisfiedly, and Lian and Ivan also echoed.They didn't like Fairy Tail wizards.

However, how could the mages of Fairy Tail get used to them?
Gray said coldly: "You don't need to worry about our wizards." After he finished speaking, he also left alone.

Seeing this situation, Ersha felt helpless, so she said to everyone: "Then, let's go first." She winked at Fu Kou and Lucy.Signal them to go together.

Yiye said at this time: "'Encyclopedia' Fu Kou can stay for now, I have some questions to ask him."

Erza looked at Fu Kou, Fu Kou nodded to her, and then she and Lucy chased after her.

Leo, Shirley, Wendy, Xia Lulu and the blue Pegasus chased after them not to be outdone, and they didn't want to fall behind Fairy Tail.

Jura failed to stop Leo and Shirley, could not help but helplessly touched her bald head, and laughed awkwardly.

Fu Kou asked Yiye, "What's your problem?"

"My question is actually for you and Jura. Well, you must be strong, right? Can you compare with Makarov, the president of Fairy Tail?"

" strength is not bad..." Although Jura didn't know why he asked such a question, she still said generously, "But I'm only the last of the 'Ten Great Sorcerers', and now I can't compete with Maka at all. Compared with a big man like President Rove. As for Fu Kou, don’t think his magic power is inferior to mine, but in terms of explosiveness, he is superior to me. But in general, we are not as good as Makarov. long."

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved."

Yiye suddenly said this sentence strangely, which made Fu Kou aware of the abnormality.Then, a bad smell came from Yiye's body!

(End of this chapter)

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