I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 222 Fierce battle outside the battleship

Chapter 222 Fierce battle outside the battleship

Even though the blood monarch body has stepped into the realm of Xiaocheng, the current strength can barely go head-to-head with a semi-saint powerhouse. When encountering such a dark creature, Gongsun Chijiu still feels numb and uncomfortable. .

So, after killing several demonized creatures with his own hands, Gongsun Chijiu returned to the battleship.

In order not to be suspected, it is easy to find out that there is a special constitution or blood, and Gongsun Chijiu waited half a minute longer before returning to the battleship.

In order to take precautions, and not be the first to be attacked after being discovered, Gongsun Chijiu didn't even rush to be the first one, but mixed into the middle of the team.

However, I don't know if the dark creature on the opposite side is really too sensitive, or the evil result of Gongsun Chijiu's declining luck, or something went wrong.

As soon as two or three people returned to the battleship, the dark creatures had already reacted.

The three black figures closest to the distance rushed over together with endless terror, and directly broke into the battleship's fire defense line.

The densely packed cannons fired at the same time, directly maximizing their power, forming an airtight blockade to prevent the invasion of dark figures.

The firepower that was enough to easily kill the Dou Zun and let the Dou Sheng bleed hit the three black figures, but it didn't have much effect. Most of them were dodged, and a few hit the target, just slowing them down. footsteps.

Fortunately, these artillery fires are conventional firepower, and the real defense of the battleship is the five powerful imperial weapons that are ready to go.

Immediately, the Five Emperors Weapon had already attacked, crossed to the front of the black figure, blasted out the most powerful attack, and slashed down fiercely.

The steps of the black figures finally stopped, or there was a large blank in the body, or they were cut in half by the Emperor Blade, and the large black energy was annihilated, making them look much weaker.

Suffering such a heavy blow, the black figure simply changed into thousands of arrows, which instantly spilled over a wider range, recklessly killing the crowd in front of the battleship.

The imperial weapon strikes, the attack is still the same as before, cutting off a lot of black energy like a bamboo, but the number of kills is several times less.

The black figures dispersed on their own, which certainly increased the probability of capturing humans, but it also led to a decline in energy.

The artillery fire became one piece, submerging all the space in front of it in the explosion. A large amount of black energy escaped the beheading of the emperor's weapon, but helplessly resented under the artillery fire, was bombarded into soot, and replaced with a wisp of blue smoke drift.

A large amount of black energy fell under the interception of the imperial weapon and artillery fire, but more energy passed through their defense line and rushed to the side of the battleship.

If it was in the past, this would be entering the cruelest hand-to-hand combat. If the charge of black energy fails to break into the battleship, all of them will be wiped out here, and the battleship's glorious record will be forged with blood.

If the defense of the battleship is not strong enough, allowing the enemy to rush into the interior, they can only carry out street fighting with blood and corpses paving the way. Even if the enemy is beaten out by luck, the battleship will suffer great losses.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! ! !

Gongsun Chijiu's face was as pale as a dead man's, and his intestines were green with regret. If he had known, he would have been the first to return to the battleship.

Gongsun Chijiu immediately ordered the people around him to go up, while he retreated quickly, trying to hide in the battleship.

Anyway, it's just the oldest dozens of over-limit strongmen, and the eight emperors are not among them. Even if they all died, Gongsun Chijiu would not feel sad.

Moreover, these subordinates are all controlled by him with the secret method of blood, no matter how they abandon them, even if they are seen, the others will still be loyal.Gongsun Chijiu was not worried at all that his behavior would cause problems such as instability of people's hearts.

Of course, even if these people will have a different heart because of this, Gongsun Chijiu will never hesitate at all, the world is not as big as his own fate.

Such an abnormality was naturally seen by the dark creatures, and they naturally knew that the one who everyone was desperately covering to retreat was the most important.Regardless of whether it is a trick or not, first grasp it in your hand and then talk.

More than [-]% of the dark energy has pounced on the only retreating person. For them, the distance of several thousand meters is almost equivalent to nothing, and they can reach it without taking a breath.

At the juncture of life and death, Gongsun Chijiu didn't care about hiding his strength anymore. He knew that those super-limited strongmen he brought out would not be able to delay at all.

The semi-holy-level incarnation of the blood path instantly blessed him, Gongsun Chijiu's strength increased greatly, his speed soared, and he retreated directly regardless of his care.

Finally, before the arrival of the dark energy, Gongsun Chijiu hid in the battleship ahead of time, and mercilessly closed the hatch, shutting out the dark energy and dozens of superpowers.

Damn, he almost died, Gongsun Chijiu was panting heavily, with lingering fears in his heart.

Gongsun Chijiu's eyes turned cold, and he became ruthless, manipulating dozens of strong men outside to explode themselves, blowing up all traces of them, without giving the other party a chance to detect him.

This time it should be safe, Gongsun Chijiu thought, and quickly retreated to the inside of the battleship.

As for the dozens of over-limit strong men, it can only be considered that they were unlucky, and their bodies were blown up after a random mission.They can only wait until they go out to find a chance to find a new body for their souls.

Fortunately, there were ominous predictions before, and their souls were intercepted in advance and stored in the blood world. The dozens of bodies outside were all controlled by myself with the power of the soul.

Although he lost part of his soul power, it was still better than losing dozens of powerful people who had the potential to be promoted to Dou Sheng.

Gongsun Chijiu thought that everything was safe and nothing went wrong.

But outside, blood rained and drifted in all directions. Before the energy contained in the blood completely disappeared, at least half of the dark energy was stained with blood.

Most of the dark energies didn't notice any abnormalities, but there were also a small number of dark energies, from which they felt a familiar smell, which belonged to their former life and death enemies, and it was unforgettable.

Before they could think about it carefully, artillery fire covered them again. Five imperial weapons came from behind, blocked their way, and wiped them all out.

However, this is not possible.

The three black figures who fell behind also rushed over, and directly rushed into the battle group, holding back the power of several imperial weapons, and believed that a gap was torn in the encirclement.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of artillery fire, and under the pursuit of several imperial weapons, the previously mighty dark energy covered dozens of kilometers, and when they all escaped, half of it was gone.

This battle result even surpassed the battle group above. Until now, the dark energy killed by those remnant souls of the fighting emperor barely had the size of a dark figure.

Dozens of Remnant Souls of Doudi carrying the imperial weapons of his lifetime are powerful, but their opponents are not inferior, and even better.

But below, there was a short-term advantage of one more fight. Although it didn't last long, it also achieved good results.

After the dark energy escaped, it quickly gathered into a human figure, and did not continue to fight, and retreated directly.

To be more precise, it was a certain dark figure who forcibly persuaded the other dark figures and led them out of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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