I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 223 The two tigers are fighting each other, and Chi 2 is affected!

Chapter 223 Two tigers fight, and Chi Jiu suffers!
After leaving the attacking range of the battleship, the dark figure calling everyone to retreat immediately launched a attack, and the sharp voice resounded through the clouds and echoed at the edge of the space.

"There is a new generation of blood monarchs in this battleship, and we will kill them at all costs!"

As if hearing the shocking and gratifying news of the sinking of the Japanese pirate island, the remnant souls of the emperors who are fighting fiercely and seem to be dying endlessly, and many dark figures.They all stopped involuntarily, separated from each other, speechless, secretly startled, digesting the news.

The five dark figures below rushed up quickly, and without saying much, they merged together, and dozens of dark figures returned to look like a black cloud again.

The emperors were pleasantly surprised. In their opinion, this time the Yuan Empire will never die.At such a desperate time, the famous blood monarch body actually appeared among the descendants. It is really a reward from heaven, and it is not in vain for them to follow the Yanhuang clan and fight against the darkness for so many years.

The dark creatures are terrified. They are one of the few people in this group who have fought against all the forces with special physique and bloodlines in the world. Naturally, they know the horror of the blood monarch body.

In the blink of an eye, the dark creature had already made up its mind, no matter what the cost, even if it risked its own demise, it must be killed.

If you don't kill the blood monarch body before he grows up, there may be no chance in the future.Even if it is successfully beheaded, it will pay a cruel price hundreds of times and a thousand times more tragic than today.

Having made up his mind, Heiyun burned his soul directly, and exchanged for the brilliance before his death at the price of his own death. He tried his best to die together, and he wanted to kill the blood monarch body.

In an instant, the black cloud was stained with a strange light red, and as time passed, the red became deeper and deeper.

At the same time, an aura of Shuxin that was stronger than before emanated out. Just the aura suppressed the remnants of the emperors. The Zen mountain was thick with soil, and the Nine Profound Golden Thunder was dimmed. Hundreds of cracks tens of meters long.

The thick soil of Zen Mountain, Jiuxuan Jinlei was overjoyed, the extent of the crack in this space was enough for them to break through by force.

The two sides looked at each other, reached an alliance in an instant, retreated together, bombarded with all their strength, and expanded the space crack.Then, he jumped in directly. Even if he was still unstable, he didn't know where he would jump, but it was better than being trapped in this space.

The escape of the foreign body, the remnant souls of the emperors were indifferent and turned a blind eye.

In the original book, when the dark creatures bewitched foreign objects to rebel together, it was these remnant souls of the emperors who burned themselves, burned the space array, burned the creatures in the space, sacrificed everything, and forcibly killed the dark creatures.

After that, there was still power to kill the rebellious Baiquliujin, and the Zen Mountain was rich in soil. Only the Jiuxuan Jinlei who had reached the half-emperor level blocked the last blow of the remnant souls of the emperors, who were already at the end of their strength.Even so, he paid the price of falling in realm and beheading his wisdom.

But after Gongsun Chijiu crossed over and accidentally came to this space, the original history was obviously about to change.

After discovering the existence of the blood monarch body, the remnant souls of the emperors could no longer care about foreign objects.Compared with the blood monarch body, the mere two groups of foreign bodies are not worth mentioning even if they have reached the nine-star Dou Sheng. Even if they have the strength to compete with two or three Dou Di remnants, they are insignificant.

The dark creatures burned their souls, and the remnant souls of the emperors were not to be outdone, determined to fight to the end, no matter what, they must keep the body of the blood monarch, so they burned their souls, and sacrificed a large space formation.

The two parties above have spared no expense, and are about to start the final showdown.

Gongsun Chijiu was unaware that he had been exposed.However, he saw that the large space formation rose into the sky and merged with the emperors, and lost the stability of the large formation. The space was suddenly unstable, crumbling, and about to disintegrate.

Gongsun Chijiu was excited, no matter how well he was beaten, at least he escaped this move.

"Activate the protective cover with all your strength, ready for a space jump."

Gongsun Chijiu yelled, urging the eight emperors to control the battleship according to his orders.

There is no way, this battleship has its own owner, and only the blood of the Junyuan Empire, which has eight inheritances, can drive it. No matter how high the cultivation base is, no matter how exquisite the supernatural power is, other people can only sigh.

The battleship is shining with light, blocking the space turbulence that is constantly flashing, preventing them from harming the battleship itself.

After a while, this piece of space has been fragmented, the former refuge no longer exists, only a few space fragments are still struggling, and will soon be submerged in the turbulent flow of space.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Gongsun Chijiu is counting down, and when the count is over, the warship will make a space jump, directly leaving this space turbulence that is enough to kill Dou Zun.

Even if the dark creature wins in the end, it will definitely be a tragic victory. If you don't hide in the dark and recuperate for hundreds of thousands of years, it is impossible to recover.

Hmph, by that time, I would have grown up long ago, and a mere Doudi-level dark creature could be annihilated with a flick of a finger.


A voice containing endless murderous aura sounded, and the remnant souls of the emperors took the lead in attacking. All the imperial weapons were activated to the extreme, exerting the most powerful power, and killing the dark creatures.

Facing the iron-blooded attack of the remnant souls of the emperors, facing such a powerful attack that would cause a strong emperor to fall, the dark creatures didn't care, and went straight to the bottom, trying to bear this Attack, forcefully kill the blood monarch body.

Dozens of powerful imperial weapons successfully hit the dark creatures, causing them to bleed into the sky, and the black clouds also faded, seeming to degenerate into gray.

The dark creature snorted in pain, with sweat dripping from his forehead, but he still gritted his teeth. Even though there were dozens of imperial weapons stuck on his body, he still took care of it flawlessly, and continued to kill downward without hesitation.


With one order, dozens of imperial weapons that had accompanied the Doudi powerhouses in the southern and northern battles and beheaded countless enemies resolutely blew themselves up under the ruthless order of their masters.


The dark creature screamed again and again, the voice was unbelievably miserable, and its huge body was ten to nine in an instant, and it was wiped out with the self-explosion of the imperial weapon.The remaining small part of the body is already gloomy, living up to the previous dark and dignified color, fading away all the glitz, like a mass of pure white clouds.Only by widening your eyes and looking carefully, can you vaguely see two or three shades of gray and white.

The emperor's weapon exploded, and the dark creatures were severely injured. The remnant souls of the emperors were not happy, and they did not take the opportunity to kill them. Instead, they carried a large space array, surpassed the dark creatures, penetrated the battleship, and descended on the body of the blood king.

Destruction is always easy to be guarded. If it is a competition to kill, the emperors will never show weakness.But if you want to protect the blood monarch's body in the face of the attack of the strong at the same level, such strength alone is not enough. The biggest possibility is that the dark creatures have already been killed before the remnant souls of the emperors successfully killed the dark creatures. Kill or corrode the blood king's body.

Therefore, the remnant souls of the emperors thought of a way, and simply used the body of the blood monarch body as the battlefield, and used the space array as a seal, trapping themselves together with the dark creatures in it.

Either, I wait for someone to kill the opponent in the large space formation; or, after I wait for someone to fail, wait for a while, and let the blood monarch body personally kill the dark creatures.

The remnant souls of the emperors entered Gongsun Chijiu's body with the large space array, and just a slight aftermath radiated out, causing the surrounding space to collapse, forming a small section of space turbulence.

Fortunately, the distance of the turbulent flow in this space is very short, only about one meter. The space in this cabin is wide enough, and the distance between people around is more than ten meters.

Otherwise, a large number of elites will die because of this accidental injury.

Gongsun Chijiu was stunned, as if there were countless capitalized question marks on his face, what's going on? ? ?

But right away, he realized that he wanted to take over my body, he wanted to take my body by force!

Gongsun Chijiu frowned tightly, murderous look appeared in his eyes, and just as he was about to move, a piece of information came into his mind.

Gongsun Chijiu understood, but became even more horrified. He became anxious on the spot, what the hell, he used my body as a battlefield, without my consent, just messing around with J8!

But right now, Gongsun Chijiu didn't care about this anymore, and mustered all the energy in his body to convey his final order through the turbulent flow of space.

"Wake me up with my blood."

Gongsun Chijiu only had time to say a word, and the dark creature had already been killed. Even if he knew that his old opponent who had been entangled for tens of thousands of years had a plan, would he be able to back down at this time?

Immediately after the remnants of the emperors, dark creatures also entered Gongsun Chijiu's body, a great battle broke out immediately, and the space formation was activated immediately, sealing both sides in it.

Gongsun Chijiu's body froze, his eyes rolled up, and he passed out before he could say "MMP".

(End of this chapter)

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