Chapter 252

After the first person spotted the crowd in the air, more and more people looked up, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Immediately, there was an uproar all over the city, and there were many discussions.

How many years have passed since Her Majesty the "Poison Concubine" killed almost all the strong men of the Izumo Empire in that battle, and after several generations have not slowed down, no strong men who do not know their strength have come to challenge .

Indeed, the number of these strong men is astonishing, and their strength is powerful.A Douzong led nearly two hundred Douwang Douhuang, no matter where it was placed, it was a terrifying force.

But the people of Sky Poison City, even the unarmed servants, didn't feel the slightest fear or worry, instead they happily looked forward to the next unilateral beating.Some courageous people even followed up quietly, wanting to watch from a close distance and catch a glimpse of His Highness's demeanor.

You must know that since the battle that established his supreme position, His Highness spent most of his time under the abyss practicing extreme poisonous kung fu.Not to mention ordinary people, even the strong ones in the Celestial Centipede Sect have little chance to meet her.

Everyone believed that the outcome of this battle was already doomed. Even those who were dissatisfied with Poison Concubine or even filled with malice did not think that this group of challengers had any hope of success. It would be lucky if one or two escaped.

What about hundreds of fighting kings and fighting emperors?In that battle back then, the Izumo Empire could be said to have exerted all its strength, and the number of strong men dispatched was never less than today's scale, but the result was not death, fleeing, and surrendering?
Dou Zong, hum, what can a mere Dou Zong do, can it turn the world upside down?
When the Mulan Empire saw that the Izumo Empire was seriously injured, under the call of Mulan Valley, led by a Douzong from Mulan Valley, a million-strong army came to kill it.

They attacked very quickly, broke into the border in minutes, rushed directly to the hinterland, and there was a tendency to destroy the Junyuan Empire in one fell swoop.

They also died very quickly. As soon as Poison Concubine made a move, in less than a day, all the millions of troops remained in the Izumo Empire, together with the assembled thousands of strong men.All of them became piles of bones, left on the Thousand Centipede Plain, bitten by poisonous insects, pecked by birds, exposed to the sun, rain, wind and rain, no one cares about them, no one dares to mourn.

In the end, only the Dou Zong fled back in embarrassment, sent someone to present gifts to seek peace as soon as he returned, and paid a condition that could be called humiliating and bereaved, in exchange for the poisonous concubine not to continue chasing and killing.

That Dou Zong used countless treasures from heaven and earth, exhausted endless resources, and even paid a big price to ask a seventh-rank pharmacist to help.Even so, it didn't last five years.

After this, the Mulan Empire has no more Dou Zong!
Just because of the poisonous concubine's words, "I don't want to see a new Dou Zong appear in the Mulan Empire." All the strong people in the Mulan Empire who wished to be promoted to the Dou Zong all ran abroad. Set foot on the Mulan Empire again.

There were also people who didn't believe in evil and insisted on fighting against the poisonous concubine. Not only did they promote the Dou Zong in Mulan's country, but they also spent a lot of money to invite an old Dou Zong from other countries to come to protect the law, and also summoned most of the people in the country. The strong man, made it clear that he wanted to fight the poisonous concubine.

A month later, Poison Concubine came as she wished, and after an unknown battle, captured the two Dou Zong experts alive and made them drug slaves.

In a place with a radius of a hundred miles, all life was cut off, and there was no life, like a dead place.For decades, no one dared to approach.

Seeing that there was really no other way, the two strong men who were outside had no choice but to go back. After finding a way to send back a combination of fighting skills, they went to Central Continent and lost news from then on.

With such a glorious record that could be called terrifying, the people of Tiandu City fearfully and tremblingly surrendered to Poison Concubine's feet.

But also because of this, they have a kind of blind and fanatical confidence in the poisonous concubine. In their eyes, the poisonous concubine is the strongest, and it is impossible and impossible for others to defeat her.

When Gongsun Chijiu and his party came to the top of the splendid palace in the center of Tiandu City, the guards waiting here also reacted.

More than [-] poison masters above the fighting spirit level turned into wings, soared into the air, and faced the group of intruders without showing any weakness, with the posture of fighting.

Beside them, there are more than a hundred high-level poisonous beasts trained and bred by Poison Concubine herself. Most of them are fifth-level poisonous beasts, but there are also six-level powerful poisonous beasts among them.

In addition, there are more than [-] poisonous insects and beasts with strange shapes and colors, all of which flew up together and surrounded these outsiders.

They haven't launched an offensive yet, but just breathing, the poisonous gas from those poisonous insects and beasts has spread out, filling the sky, and dyeing the colorless air with a dangerous green.

Most of the crowd who originally wanted to come to watch the excitement also dispersed and retreated to the rear one after another, not daring to get too close to avoid being accidentally injured.

Of those who are still here, none of them has a cultivation base lower than that of Da Doushi.

"Kneel down quickly, catch them with nothing, and wait for the punishment. You can also give you a happy death. Otherwise, you will have to suffer in purgatory, and life is better than death!"

Yan Guoqiu, a high-ranking fighting emperor headed by him, shouted arrogantly and confidently.Facing the previous group of enemies whose strength was several times stronger than his own, not only did he not feel the slightest bit of fear, but a bit of pity appeared in his eyes, as if he thought that the opponent was very pitiful, he did not know how to live or die, and was looking for his own death.

This kind of gaze made Gongsun Chijiu very displeased, he turned his head to Xie Biyan and said, "Come on, kill that man and force Poison Concubine out of me."

Xie Biyan took the order and rushed forward without saying a word.The poisonous gas horse practiced the rampage, transformed into dragons, with dangerous poisonous gas on their bodies, and rushed straight at the opponent's high-ranking powerhouse, with the potential to sweep eight out of four.


Seeing the opponent's attack so fiercely, Yan Guoqiu's face changed slightly, obviously he didn't expect the opponent to really die, he stepped down, made seals with both hands, and shouted loudly.

In an instant, all the people and poisonous beasts above spewed out infinite poisonous gas, gathered together, and turned into a city wall, protecting everyone and horses.

The dragon transformed by Xie Biyan hit the poison gas city wall, just like the tide hitting the coast. It looked fierce, but it looked like a monster. After blasting a spectacular sound and light effect, it disappeared into nothing. among.


All the horses and horses brought by Gongsun Chijiu were killed. He didn't spare the energy in his body. When he made a move, it was the strongest attack, blasting in all directions.

Dozens of attacks that were enough to knock down a mountain hit the city wall, creating dozens of cracks in an instant, making the city wall crumbling with poisonous gas and about to collapse.

Zi Yan just jumped into a crack, and hit a fifth-order poisonous beast with her palm, causing its whole body to burst and blood flow out, and fell into the poisonous mist.The miserable and inhuman screams lasted only a few tens of breaths, and then quickly fell into a trough, until they disappeared, and they had already lost their lives.

But at this time, the battle situation had already changed. The Sky Poison City below, in an instant, burst out hundreds of colorful pillars of poisonous gas from various positions, replenishing the city wall.

The replenishment of the poisonous gas column directly stabilized the big formation that was about to collapse, not only that, but also had the spare power to repair the previous cracks.It even quickly released a stream of poisonous gas, covering the sky within the Sky Poison City, trapping everyone inside.

The strong men in Tiandu City have the amulets issued long ago, so they are safe and sound, but the people on Gongsun Chijiu's side are more tragic, and they must use enough fighting spirit to resist this poisonous gas.

In addition, there is a large group of melon eaters who are also joining in the fun. The large group of poison masters are not only emitting battle qi or poison techniques themselves, but adding them to the mist in the sky.He also let the poisonous insects and beasts under his control attack together. Although it could not strengthen the formation, it made the poisonous fog in the sky more dense and brighter.

The clothes on Zi Yan's body have been completely corroded. At this moment, she is completely clothed with energy, covering her body, and she is launching an indiscriminate bombardment of the poison gas city wall with a shy face like dripping blood.

If you are lucky, at least you can use your talent to travel through space and jump back.

But the other dozens of people or monsters who rushed up with her were all trapped in the big formation. Not only did they have to be eroded by the poisonous mist all the time, but they also had to deal with fatal attacks from time to time in the dark. The situation was very unfavorable.

Not only the attack from the strong in Sky Poison City, but more importantly, the attack from this large formation.

This large formation, no, to be more precise, is this poisonous mist, as if it has produced spiritual wisdom.Frequently harassing one's own side, so that the people on one's own side don't have a moment to relax, and they have to be on guard all the time and be vigilant.

Once one of our own people is weak, they will lead the strong people of Sky Poison City to besiege; once one of our own people is showing great power and killing people, they will cover and evacuate the people around them, and even personally take action to kill them. its blocked.

Gongsun Chijiu sighed and felt even more upset. According to this situation, even if the troops he brought were not completely annihilated, they would suffer heavy losses.

The BOSS hasn't come out yet, and to deal with a group of small miscellaneous soldiers, he has to do it himself.This situation made Gongsun Chijiu very disappointed, and it also strengthened his determination to train a group of elite soldiers.

 Thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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