I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 253 The Spirit of Poison Mist

Chapter 253 The Spirit of Poison Mist
Gongsun Chijiu stretched his wings lightly, and flew straight up. He regarded the colorful and highly toxic poisonous mist as nothing, and flew directly into the poisonous mist.

These poisonous mist, which is enough to instantly kill a great Dou Shi, and even a Dou King, encountered an invincible existence for the first time.Even though they flowed towards Gongsun Chijiu continuously, and even wrapped it into a cocoon, they failed to poison him, and even failed to cause Gongsun Chijiu to suffer the slightest harm.

Gongsun Chijiu curiously picked up a dense cloud of poisonous mist that was constantly struggling, and after carefully examining it, he was a little surprised.

The viciousness of the toxicity has exceeded his expectations. In his opinion, even if a Dou Huang strongman falls into it, if he fails to escape in time, he will perish in it in all likelihood.

However, for me, this level is still not enough.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Gongsun Chijiu's mouth, and he retracted the barriers that covered his body before, leaving his body completely defenseless.

This state is generally used for cultivation. It can better absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and let go of the body and mind to achieve better cultivation results.

In battle, this means that the enemy's attack can be infinitely close to 100% effect!

After lingering for a long time, the poisonous mist who had no way out was overjoyed when he saw it, and rushed into Gongsun Chijiu's body.

Then, it was assimilated like this.

Strains of poisonous mist appeared in the blood world, and as soon as they appeared, they were besieged by endless blood energy.Under the attack of the violent storm, the poisonous mist howled miserably, was torn into pieces, wiped out of consciousness, and assimilated...

In many places in the blood world, the blood is boiling, waking up from a deep sleep, and fiercely attacking the poisonous mist that emits a strange smell, until the opponent is completely dead or digested.

The poisonous mist was omnipotent in other directions on the battlefield, even Xie Biyan was trapped in a small area, and was terribly delayed, no matter what he did, he couldn't go to other places.

But for Gongsun Chijiu, it was the first time he was defeated by Chibi. A steady stream of poisonous mist rushed up and disappeared in an instant, completely cutting off contact, as if being swallowed by something.

The spirit of the poisonous mist quickly sensed the abnormal situation here, and on the surface it still maintained the previous attack strength, but secretly sent a trace of consciousness to it, trying to find out the situation and find out the reason why the poisonous mist had no effect on it .

But when the trace of consciousness was devoured without exception, the spirit of the poisonous mist suddenly changed color, and instinctively determined that Gongsun Chijiu was the biggest threat in this battle, and he must be wiped out as soon as possible.

Then, the poisonous mist mobilized all the poisonous gas stored in Tiandu City, and put them all into the formation, trying to kill Gongsun Chijiu with all its strength.

Deep in the underground of Tiandu City, Du Ji, who was busy researching new types of poisons, was shocked. After many years, she turned her attention to the outside world again.

The toxicity of the poisonous fog in the sky increased rapidly, and the color of the poisonous fog became colorful, like two atomic bombs dropped on the island country. It was fascinating but extremely dangerous.

Even wearing the amulet, the strong man in Tiandu City was terrified, did not dare to stay any longer, and retreated directly to the safe area.

As for the people on Gongsun Chijiu's side, they also retreated to their original places after a while of panic.

The people of the Junyuan Empire are equipped with various high-level elixirs all year round, which naturally include a large number of detoxification elixirs.

People from the original Wanxie Sect are poison masters themselves, and their resistance to poisoning is far superior to others, and they also have unique methods for solving poisoning.

But even so, more than 20 people were still infected with the poison, and their whole bodies became colorful, as if they had fallen into a paint bucket.


Gongsun Chijiu was surprised, he didn't expect the toxicity to increase so rapidly, looking at the appearance of those unlucky ones, he might not be able to survive for a while.

"Trouble, you still want me to save people."

Gongsun Chijiu muttered in a low voice, throwing out dozens of blood qi and shooting them into the bodies of those poisoned people.

The blood was like a Japanese slave who smelled the beautiful fragrance of the reincarnation of the five grains. He pounced on it like a hungry dog, and swallowed up the poisonous gas in a few seconds.

Almost immediately, as soon as the toxin disappeared, someone woke up immediately.

Hey, so fast, I thought I would have to lie down for at least half an hour?
Gongsun Chijiu looked over and found that he had a little impression, a little taller.Perhaps because of the growing resentment towards the name, his personality has become a bit weird, a bit cheap, and he is also the only one in this group of people who is Junyuan.

After Gao Dian woke up, he jumped on the spot, his face flushed with anger, and he barked his teeth and claws, clamoring to rush over to find trouble on the spot, and he really put it into action.

"Don't stop me, I'm going to hack him to death, if you dare to poison me, I'll chop you down to a little! Just a little!"

"Don't worry, no one is stopping you."

Gongsun Chijiu said leisurely, his eyes full of banter.

He paused at the high point halfway through, and turned his head, his face full of disbelief.


After realizing that no one really came to stop him, he looked at the poisonous mist who was obviously preparing for a big move, and locked his eyes on the dozens of strong men on him.A little taller let out a strange cry, turned around neatly and skillfully, and ran back in a hurry.

"I've never seen you brazen people, you actually have the heart to let this baby go charge alone?" A little taller, his facial features twisted together, roaring and jumping hysterically.

It's worth mentioning that Gao Xiao is a natural upright, unchangeable kind, such an angry performance, in the eyes of outsiders, is more like a child acting like a baby.


On the spot, several people laughed out loud.

Gao Dian's face froze, and with a sigh, he suddenly felt bored, and sat down on the body of a poisoned person who hadn't woken up yet, sighing long and short.

"You are so angry! You will lose this baby if you do this. The baby is angry, the kind that can't be coaxed with lollipops..."

"Don't be angry," Gongsun Chijiu ran over, comforting others in a rare way, "You can't grow any taller, why should you be angry?"

A little taller: "...But, you are not much taller than me?"

This time it was his turn to look stiff, and Gongsun Chijiu slapped him with a slap, and said righteously: "I can't stand your hypocrisy!"

"Oh..." The higher voice was full of grievances.

"Haha, stupid human beings should die!"

At this time, the Spirit of Poison Mist finally got ready for his big move, and immediately jumped out to prove his existence, and he couldn't wait to act arrogantly.

Gongsun Chijiu also laughed, after giving you such a long time, you are finally ready, let me wipe out all the poisonous gas.

The thousand-meter-long colorful poisonous centipede straddles the sky, and when it steps down, ripples appear in the space. With a random flick of its kilometers-long tail, there are bursts of sonic booms.

"Haha, stupid human beings, let me successfully complete the Baise Centipede, which is the...beginning of your nightmare!"

The nightmare has indeed begun.

Gongsun Chijiu stepped out in one step, and directly spanned thousands of meters, like a bullet, ruthlessly shot into the centipede's head.

At this moment, Gongsun Chijiu's horsepower was fully activated, and the suction was at its strongest, almost turning into a small black hole, frantically absorbing the poisonous mist that was enough to kill many fighting emperors.

The color of the colorful centipede is rapidly dimming, as if a drop of ink fell into the sea, it melted away in just a short moment and ceased to exist.

The spirit of the poisonous mist almost cried out, fights and fights, and even lost my body, without such a whimper...

Regrettably, he seemed to cry a little too early.

After easily disposing of the big centipede and converting most of it into his own energy and storing it in the blood world, Gongsun Chijiu felt satisfied and even hiccupped.

The so-called warm thinking...cough cough, the so-called remaining brave to chase the poor, Gongsun Chijiu's eyes of pursuing glory, aiming at the spirit of the poisonous mist with malicious intentions.

Gongsun Chijiu came to him in a few steps, grabbed the poisonous mist spirit's neck with his right hand, and slapped him with the other hand.

"Be my little brother, if you don't do it, I will slap you to death!"

"Clap clap..."

"Oh shit, your mouth is so hard!"

"Clap clap..."

"Don't say it, don't say it will beat you to death!"

"Clap clap..."

After beating for an unknown amount of time, Gongsun Chijiu's hands felt sore and numb, and the spirit of the poisonous mist held on, refusing to open his mouth to abandon the darkness and turn to the light.

"It's really loyal!"

While sighing, Gongsun Chijiu rolled up his sleeves, this time he was going to move his hands and feet together, and let him be subdued first.

"Ahem," a Douhuang strongman named You Jianghua couldn't stand it anymore, or maybe he had seen enough, and finally decided to remind: "Well, you are choking his neck, how does he talk?"

One word awakened the dreamer, and Gongsun Chijiu suddenly realized that it was like this, I just said, why does it always feel that something is wrong?
"Hey, the boy is really nice..."

Gongsun Chijiu had just opened his mouth, but when he saw the suppressed smile on the other side, he immediately changed his words and changed the topic.


"Do you think I don't know, and you need to remind me of this? A joke!"

"I'm a test, look at your sharp eyes, see who dares to tell the truth, a test, understand? A bunch of teens!"

(End of this chapter)

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