I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 254 Go, Pikachu!

Chapter 254 Go, Pikachu!

After fighting back from embarrassment, Gongsun Chijiu finally found the correct way to unfold the matter.

After letting go of his hand, Gongsun Chijiu looked at the spirit of the poisonous mist with a look of lovelessness, and was a little worried. Could this guy be dead?

"Hey, are you still alive, squeak?"

"Cough cough."

You Jianghua shrinks back in aggrieved manner, and decides not to talk to this poor boy anymore, at least for the time being.Another Douhuang strongman named Xiang Fan stood up and reminded him with a strange expression. He felt that if he didn't remind him, maybe Gongsun Chijiu could entertain himself here for a long time. No change in the surrounding environment will be noticed.

"Then what, the poisonous concubine you've been looking for has come out by herself."

Hearing this, Gongsun Chijiu began to pay attention to the surrounding environment, and looked at the new fighting emperor who appeared below.

He had already noticed that there was one more person in the battlefield, but he believed that the famous poisonous concubine had at least the cultivation of Dou Zong, so he wouldn't be surprised even if a Dou Zun came out.When a mere Dou Huang strongman appeared, he didn't take it seriously at all, thinking that it could not be the poisonous concubine, so he ignored it.

Then, he was beaten in the face.

Gongsun Chijiu looked over, and the strong man from Tiandu City, who seemed rebellious and unruly earlier, had already landed on the ground at some point.They all knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully, not daring to show the slightest disobedience, like tamed lambs.

Putting it outside, the Douhuang strong enough to call the wind and rain seems to have encountered a natural enemy at this moment, his head is deeply pressed on the ground, and he can't wait to press his head into the ground and bury himself.

The weather wasn't hot, it was even a bit cool, but there was a strong man who was drenched from head to toe, with cold sweat pouring down on his clothes.

More than [-] creatures knelt on the ground and formed a circle, like stars supporting the moon, making the woman standing in the middle appear more noble and domineering.

The woman was wearing ordinary and plain clothes, which had nothing to do with magnificence and nobility. They were even more untidy, and there were even a few large and small gaps on the clothes that were stained with a lot of dirt.

But even so, her face was refreshing and exciting.

The unclean appearance not only failed to make her face lose color, but also gave her an unsullied smell of mud, which made people feel ashamed, and also had a somewhat independent temperament, which made her look more confident and flamboyant.

Gongsun Chijiu rang a bell in his heart, his eyes were full of vigilance, and he warned himself that he could no longer let go of such lowly mistakes, and he could not despise others just because of their low cultivation.Hubotu also used all his strength, not to mention that he hadn't reached the point of ignoring everything and crushing everything, and his opponent was not a harmless little white rabbit.

"There are hundreds of millions of stars in the sky, but the sun is the only one! Even if you and I are both at the level of Douhuang, there are differences in strength and weakness."

Gongsun Chijiu's middle two value, which he had accumulated for a long time, exploded at once, "Come on, let me see how many tricks you can survive in my hands?"

Poison Concubine glanced at it casually, with such a calm look, as if seeing a cat or a dog by the side of the road.

"Go, get him for me."

The poisonous concubine said something casually, in such a tone, as if she was asking what kind of food to have for lunch today.

From the abyss of Tiandu City, two people suddenly sprang out, their aura was extremely powerful, they suppressed Xie Biyan, and they had reached the cultivation base of middle-level Dou Zong.

The way they played shocked everyone even more, and they were speechless. After the two came out, they didn't walk upright, but landed on all fours like beasts, crawling and walking.Big drops of saliva fell from the mouth and were wiped off by the raised soles of the feet.

The person kneeling on the ground lowered his head even lower, there was a crackling sound quietly, and the hard ground was crushed abruptly.

After these two auras appeared, it was as if the Japanese devils had entered the village. After a few breaths of sluggishness, the big Tiandu City was followed by a flurry of wild jumps.Nearly a million people, except for those kneeling on the ground, all went into hiding in less than 5 minutes and disappeared without a trace.

Xie Biyan secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes were frightened, and he explained in a hoarse voice, as if he was afraid that speaking loudly would cause some bad changes.

"This, these are the two strong fighters of the Mulan Empire, Wang Tao and Qiao Wei, and now they are just poor wretches under the subordinates of the two poisonous concubines..."

"Unforgivable!" Gongsun Chijiu gritted his teeth with hatred, his eyes were full of fierce light, his chest swelled and deflated, like a frog screaming in the field on a summer night.

Of course, Gongsun Chijiu couldn't be because of the miserable situation of those two people, so what if he was trained to be a beast, those two people have nothing to do with me?

It was because, when I sent out such a sincere invitation to fight, the other party ignored it directly. Not only that, but also sent two subordinates to play.

In Gongsun Chijiu's view, this is Chiguoguo humiliating himself, the most complete contempt and disdain!
TMD, dare to be so arrogant in front of me?Do you not know how to write the word dead?When I have no men?

Gongsun Chijiu decided at that time to return his body with his own way, and he stopped doing it himself, so he just watched the show and let his hands go down to beat him, and pressed the poisonous concubine on the ground and rubbed it fiercely. Over and over a hundred times; or ball the poisonous girl and slap it on the ground, a thousand times a thousand times!

"You go……"

Gongsun Chijiu suddenly misfired. After looking around for a week, he suddenly found that among the group of people he brought here, none seemed to be useful, and they were all scum with weak combat effectiveness!

There is no way around this. After returning to the Douqi Continent, the strong men of the Jun Yuan Empire will all go into seclusion, and they will never appear at all. The usual tasks such as vigilance and combat are all handed over to the group of weak chickens with the weakest combat power .

On the contrary, the strongest eight emperors, and the queen of the tiger tribe, appeared from time to time to take care of their children.After a day or two, he disappeared in a hurry and continued to retreat.

Gongsun Chijiu kicked Qiao Wei flying from the front, turned around, and punched Wang Tao flying from the side.

Like two meteorites falling from the sky, the two fell straight down, crashing through dozens of castles before dispelling the force.

Hmph, do you think I have no subordinates?Gongsun Chijiu frowned for a while, and then relaxed again, thinking of someone who had been neglected for a while.

In the blood world, Lei Ting already had a haggard face, his eyes were dazed, and he lay limply on the ground, with a strong rope tied around his body, making him unable to move.

Although it took less than a day, this state of not being able to move even a finger has made Lei Ting's life hard to love.

For Lei Ting, who loves to fight and fights five times, this is undoubtedly the cruelest punishment in the world.

Fortunately, no matter how long and cold the night is, the light always comes.

A crack in space appeared, Thunder's position changed, a white light flashed in front of him, and he reappeared outside.

"Go, Pikachu!"

Gongsun Chijiu pointed at the poisonous concubine, obviously he had already thought up a speech in his mind, but as soon as the words came to his lips, he couldn't help but changed.

Lei Ting regained his freedom, the first thing he did was to take a deep breath and enjoy the taste of freedom.

The second thing is to gather a group of lightning power in his hands that is enough to blow up the Douhuang powerhouse without leaving any bones. Then, he turned around and smeared the lightning in his hand to Gongsun Chijiu's face again with a serious face. superior.

"The next time you dare to lock up my old lady, you will be paralyzed by my old lady, and you will not lift it from now on."

Lei Ting put his hands on his hips and stared angrily, the thunder and lightning overflowing from anger flickered around him, like a second-generation Saiyan.


Gongsun Chijiu spit out a mouthful of black, feeling that his whole body is not well.Why are the women of the other protagonists so gentle and lovely after time travel, why are all the women in my own group violent, the kind who will put you in the hospital every time.

Could it be that because the other protagonists are all going to push down girls, is it only you who is a girl who gets pushed down?

Gongsun Chijiu shook his head vigorously, like a dog throwing water, he threw all the distracting thoughts out of his head, and gave the order again, but this time, he used his blood quietly.

This top-level control method can make the controlled person go on as usual without affecting the potential at all, and even become stronger.

But there is also a flaw, in order not to cause damage to the opponent's soul because of excessive control of the opponent, in addition to the iron law designed by oneself at the beginning, it must be implemented.

In other cases, the controlled person acts autonomously, completely on his own.Not to mention obedient obedience, it's common to talk back and quarrel, and it's not impossible to even beat up the owner, just like now.

And if you want to exert influence on it and make it obediently obey orders, there is only one way, and that is to infuse blood into the voice while lowering your breath.

Although the medium is sound, it does not need to rely on sound to spread, but relies on the close connection between the two parties.

Therefore, even if the voice is cut off, the two brothers are thousands of miles away, and they are not even in the same world, the servant can still faithfully and effectively execute the order.

As soon as the order was issued, Lei Ting seemed to be a different person, just like the Erha in a serious state, and the Erha who committed a crime, the gap is so big.

Endless powerful thunder and lightning burst out from Lei Ting's body, each of which was enough to easily seriously injure the Dou Wang powerhouse, each of which was hundreds of meters long.Thunder and lightning hovered around him, like dragons, looking unspeakably expensive, mighty and domineering.

But in Gongsun Chijiu's view, if the color was changed, it would look like a tentacle, hey, what a shame.

The Thunder smashed down at a thunderous speed, aiming directly at Poison Concubine. During this process, the Thunder grew longer and stronger, and its power became more and more powerful.

"Listen up, people of the Ten Thousand Centipede Sect. If you can't kill that woman, then you'd better kill yourself, lest I do it."

The gloomy words, uttered from Poison Concubine's mouth, are so natural, as if they are the truth of the universe that cannot be doubted.


No one thought Poison Concubine was just joking.

Before the words landed on the ground, dozens of strong men had already rushed over, and with the aura of desperadoes, they rushed fiercely towards Lei Ting.

More people rushed over desperately from a distance, with fear of death and desire for survival, they swung their strongest blows and slashed at Thunder.

In this batch of crazy tide, human beings only accounted for a small part, and more were those poisonous insects and beasts.

Poison Concubine's "Do not leave chickens and dogs alone" does not only refer to humans, but refers to all creatures within that range, whether they are humans or beasts.

The two fighting sects who had just climbed out of the pit were also crazy, and directly used desperate moves to kill Lei Ting.

Its body swelled nearly three or four times, its skin cracked, and some poisonous blood splashed out and sprinkled on the ground, which was better than 100% sulfuric acid.In the blink of an eye, a bottomless small hole was corroded on the ground, and it got deeper and deeper, until the poisonous water disappeared, the corrosion would end and the original state would remain.

The thunder hit the ground, and hundreds of lightning bolts were like a layer of shock waves, thrown from all directions towards the rushing tide.

The collision of poisonous gas and lightning was silent and invisible.

No sound, because no one has time to make a sound, even if it is a scream.Whether the lightning annihilates the toxin and then devours the creatures behind it; or the toxin collapses in front of the lightning and disappears into ashes, it is a very short and fast event. In a hundredth of a second, everything is over and the victory is already divided.The winner lives, the loser dies.

Intangible, because this scene is somewhat similar to erasing a trace on a computer with an eraser, and moving the mouse lightly, no matter how colorful it is, there is nothing left.Under the control of Lei Ting, the endless thunder and lightning are like a fast-moving eraser, and like a balloon inflated, enveloping all the surrounding humans and beasts in just a split second.Then, annihilate everything!
In such a quiet environment, one life after another quietly passed away, and every time the murderous intent was wiped out before it bloomed...

The golden thunderbolt is like a rapidly blooming epiphyllum, and it can't wait to show itself in front of the world, driving ten thousand meters and slaughtering ten thousand meters.

A series of strong castles were directly destroyed by lightning, and they were blasted into powder, not to mention the ruins, not even half a tile was left.

And the lives in this range are like the Indians who were massacred by some bandits and robbers, their sinful descendants, and were wiped out. Only a very lucky few escaped by hiding in the forest .

In this bright lightning of death, a slender hand stretched out and slapped Thunder.

With a thought in Lei Ting's mind, the surrounding thunder and lightning quickly condensed, forming a net of death, strangling the direction in which the hand was stretched out.

In the distance, there were screams, and the two Dou Zong suffered heavy injuries, and their bodies shriveled again, like a mummified corpse.

Dou Zong's body was ripped apart, exposing the colorful bones inside, but there was no blood left, because the blood had already been evaporated in the bombardment just now.

But even so, the two puppets whose souls had already been extracted were still faithfully carrying out the orders given by the poisonous concubine, swaying from side to side, struggling to get closer to Lei Ting.

At this moment, Lei Ting could no longer take care of this. The two puppets who had been severely injured had already been thrown out of the sky by him, and they were confronting and fighting against the poisonous concubine.

It's not that the lightning net didn't work just now, but it was very fortunate that it barely delayed the pace, and was melted into a humanoid gap by the poisonous concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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