I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 279 The Ancient Clan Comes

Chapter 279 The Ancient Clan Comes
The battlefield is fighting, and Henry Zhang made a previous move to solve some big fighters, but he was not able to relieve the pressure and save the result of the defeat, but only slightly delayed the destined result.

The screams have not stopped since the beginning of the battle, one after another, as if playing an ancient music.

The ground was covered with corpses, stumps, people who were alive and kicking a few seconds ago, lost their lives in the blink of an eye, fell to the ground like bricks and stones, and were trampled by people.

On the flat training field, it seemed as if there had been a heavy rain. Once you stepped on it, you could always hear the sound of dripping water and splashing a large amount of water.It's just that the color of the water on the ground is different from that of the rain, it is red.

How long has it been since the war started?A small distraction can be passed away, but in such a short period of time, there are already hundreds of corpses on the ground, most of which belong to the Xiao family.

In the rear, two elders were leading a group of people, fleeing quickly, holding the child in their left hand and holding a sword in their right hand, while running desperately, they were vigilant about their surroundings.


It has to be said that people will burst out with infinite potential at critical moments. Xiao Ding and Xiao Li took turns carrying Xiao Yan on their backs, and their strength was also the weakest. In the up.

Time passed bit by bit, and the encirclement circle had formed. One side wanted to wipe out the grass and roots without leaving any consequences, and the other side rushed desperately to leave hope for the family.

In that small place of [-] meters, the two groups of people killed bloody rivers, their hands were chopped off, and they used the other hand to hold the sword and continued to kill; their legs were injured, and they continued to fight on the ground, waving swords , to chop off the enemy's lower body; the heart has been pierced through, and with the last remaining strength, I have to hold the opponent tightly, even for a second...

But in terms of its brutality, the battle on the training ground is even worse.The scale of the battle has been greatly reduced, because the Xiao family has been killed in sevens and eighties, and only two or three people are left together, back to back, for the final battle.Even if he dies, he will drag more people to hell with him.

On Henry Zhang's side, after finding that its defenses could not be breached, some strong fighters wanted to leave the battle. They first went to encircle and suppress the Xiao family, and after the Xiao family was resolved, they concentrated their forces to deal with the white armor together.

But their plots often fail to succeed. As soon as he finds that someone has signs of wanting to leave the battle, Henry Zhang will decisively increase his offensive, increase the attack power, and drag him in place abruptly.

As a result, other conspiracies emerged in response to the situation.

Not far from the battle, the seriously injured Great Elder had already been kneeled on the ground by several people, and was yelling, wanting the person in the white armor to stop struggling and capture him without a fight.

Henry Zhang naturally ignored it. To do such a brain-dead thing, not only did he not catch him without a fight, but he intensified his efforts. With one punch, he blasted a Dou Ling expert hundreds of meters away, smashed dozens of houses, and fell to the ground , unable to get up for a long time.

Such a powerful outbreak was short-lived, and after one blow, Henry Zhang's attack returned to the previous state, and even dropped a bit, which relieved everyone who had a sudden heartbeat just now and thought that they would face a very strong counterattack.

Henry Zhang insisted on fighting and refused to surrender, so the other party would naturally not give the Great Elder any good treatment. With one knife cut, an arm fell to the ground, and blood gushed out from the severed arm of the Great Elder.

"Ah..." Only a half-scream was uttered, but the Great Elder forcibly suppressed it. The Great Elder clenched his teeth, with sweat dripping from his forehead, and his face was as pale as death.

"Don't worry about anyone, run away immediately, and come back later to revenge everything!"

After holding back for a long time, he gathered enough physical strength, taking advantage of a guard's negligence, the Great Elder yelled this sentence at a very high speed.

Then, in the next second, a long knife was stretched out, and the back of the knife slapped the Great Elder's mouth fiercely. His teeth were broken, blood was flowing, and his lips were swollen.

Henry Zhang glanced back, ignored it, and continued to play the scene, maintaining a very anxious and angry look, just unable to come to the rescue.

Ci'ao, aren't those people doing it yet?The Xiao family is about to be wiped out. Is it possible that I have to take action in the end?

Just when Henry Zhang was tangled in his heart, a person suddenly appeared in midair, without any sense of disobedience, as if he was there in the first place.

Just like setting off a string of firecrackers on the streets of the United States, it will scare countless aborigines into hiding with their heads in their hands, shivering, and scrambling to write suicide notes, lest they be killed if they are too late.

The aura emanating from that person achieved this effect. It swept out, frightened the entire city, and oppressed countless people to stop their movements, stand still, and panic.

The sudden change made countless people pale. Under this momentum, their teeth chattered and their bodies trembled slightly. This was considered good.More people have already knelt on the ground because of weak willpower or lack of strength.

Even these spirit fighters who were strong enough to show off their might in the Jia Ma Empire felt fear in their hearts at this moment and couldn't help themselves.

The city lord who had just returned to the city lord's mansion suffered an indiscriminate disaster. I don't know if it was because of his high cultivation that he was suppressed more, or because he was disliked by someone, he was suppressed ten times more than others. Get down.

Ha, finally willing to show up, Henry Zhang looked at the man in the sky with great interest, and he was a strong fighter in the first shot, worthy of being an ancient clan.

Before the others could react and were still stunned or dazed, Lingying and Elder had already flew out first. After a salute, they began to describe the incident that happened not long ago in as much detail as possible without losing the princess's face.

Before adding swords and soldiers, he lost both arms, and the Great Elder has never been afraid, that is, he has a fighting spirit.

But at this moment, the Great Elder felt afraid for the first time, trembling all over, trembling uncontrollably.

After hearing the whole story, the reinforcements sent by the Gu Clan, Gu Liang, who had the cultivation level of a Dou Sheng, became murderous, and had the urge to erase everything.

After all, to be sent here by Gu Yuan, in addition to being powerful, they must also be his confidantes, who will definitely think from his point of view and consciously safeguard her interests.

But immediately, Gu Liang forcibly endured the murderous aura, but there was an uncontrollable anger in his eyes.

Given the relationship between the Gu Clan and the Xiao Clan, it is absolutely impossible for the Gu Clan to allow the Xiao Clan's bloodline to be cut off, let alone cut off their bloodline by themselves.

What's more, the Xiao clan also has a protective god, at least for a short period of time.

Not to mention that there is still a real great god in the celestial tomb. If he knows that the ancient clan cut off the blood of the Xiao clan, there is no possibility that the souls of the ancient clan in the sky will be spared. Except for the existence of the soul race in it.

The dead souls of the ancient clan in the celestial tomb will die, and from now on, it is absolutely impossible for the ancient clan to be buried in the celestial tomb, and the loss will be extremely heavy.

However, this cannot cut off the blood of the ancient clan, but it is still possible to punish him, even if that person knows it, he will be speechless.

But the problem is that Gu Liang frowned. The Xiao family has already suffered heavy losses. The clansmen have gone to seven or eight, and the young and middle-aged men are almost destroyed. If they are being punished, they will not be far away from being destroyed.

Damn, it's all caused by this group of scumbags, why are you besieging the Xiao family when you have nothing to do, why don't you wait for me to do it yourself?
Gu Liang was very angry, and a trace of overflowing energy was exposed in the space, which directly tore the space, forming a space crack.

Gu Liang let out a cold snort, and his figure disappeared immediately, and the terrifying aura that suppressed the whole city also disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, but the cold sweat on everyone's foreheads was still cold.

Is this gone?

The Great Elder was puzzled, and then rejoiced like being reborn after a catastrophe. No matter what the reason was, at least he didn't have to face revenge from Xun'er's forces.

(End of this chapter)

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