I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 280 Xun'er leaves, Xiao's family moves.

Chapter 280 Xun'er leaves, Xiao's family moves.

Gu Liang suddenly appeared, then disappeared secretly, and with a wave of his sleeves, only Xun'er was taken away.

With Gu Liang's current strength and status, it is naturally impossible to vent his anger on a group of ants, simply ignore them, just let them go, and let them continue to persecute the Xiao family.

It's just that when meeting Xun'er, maybe seeing Xun'er's pretty face with a white face and tears in the corners of her eyes was too miserable, which made someone feel pity; maybe it was because she was angry that these lowly untouchables dared to offend her own princess, and frightened her. to the princess...

Gu Liang made a move without hesitation, powerful power shot out through his body, directly annihilated the space, shattered everything, leaving only the shocked Xiao family.

The scene was still for a moment, and everyone couldn't care less about continuing to fight. Even if the enemy was right in front of them, they were all gasping for breath, calming their beating hearts, trying hard to recover from the terrifying oppression.

The Xiao family was terrified and overjoyed, but that person didn't do anything, and it is impossible to do it again in the future.In other words, the Xiao family has survived the catastrophe of extermination two years later.

The members of the 22 Family Alliance were a little nervous, wondering why such a terrifying strong man suddenly appeared here?
Although they couldn't perceive the strength of the incoming person, they could at least tell that those who could stand in the void had at least possessed the cultivation base of Dou Zong.And this kind of powerhouse, the Jia Ma Empire does not have it for the time being.

But soon, these concerns were forgotten by the people of the alliance, and the killing resumed.

For the people in the alliance, any strong person is imaginary, and it is impossible to communicate with him, so it is reasonable to wipe out the Xiao family as soon as possible to avoid possible disasters in the future.

After a moment of silence, screams reappeared in this land, blood flowed, and new corpses were added to the ground.

But the killing didn't last long, it ended and was forcibly interrupted.

Seeing that if this continues, the Xiao family will really disappear, and those powerful members of the hermit family who had made promises with Xiao Xuan finally couldn't help but quietly come out.

As a result, the space froze, and the Xiao family seemed to be static. The flow of time outside remained the same, but everything inside was frozen at this second.

The blood splashed halfway, but it still didn't reach the ground, and was suspended in midair; halfway through the long knife swing, it had already cut into the brow bone, but it was still, and the panic in the opponent's eyes could be clearly seen; the punch was about to hit The opponent is critical, but he still can't fight, let
The people around are all worried about it...

All this looks a little scary and creepy!

In the next second, hundreds of space cracks quietly appeared beside every surviving Xiao family member, sucking them in and saving the battlefield. When they appeared again, they were already outside Wutan City.

In a short time, the world was spinning, and the body appeared in another place, making the Xiao family almost stunned, unable to believe all this.

But immediately, the Xiao family members became terrified, their whole body was chilling, shaking uncontrollably.

Right in front of them, Wutan City, which had been inhabited for decades, was completely wiped out.

Countless space cracks of different sizes appeared, straddled the city, and quickly merged to become a huge black hole, swallowing Wutan City and everything inside.

Fighting Continent, the strong come first!
At this moment, the Xiao family really understood this wise saying that was circulated in the mainland, and deeply understood what it meant.

The disappearance of Wuyuan City, the death of more than [-] people, just like this happened in front of Chi Guoguo, causing many people to kneel on the ground and vomit continuously. The rest of the people are not so brave, but Because already dizzy.

It is conceivable that when Xiao Xuan made the promise with these hermit families back then, the whole process was by no means pleasant, but it was very likely to be forced.

Otherwise, these guys would not be so perfunctory in doing things, saying that the blood of the Xiao family would not be cut off, and they would really wait until the Xiao family was about to be wiped out before taking action to save them.

For a while, only Henry Zhang was the only one who was awake in the Xiao family, and the others either couldn't stand the stimulation and passed out, or they just lay on the ground and vomited.Except for the Great Elder, he fainted because he was seriously injured and unable to support himself mentally.

Henry Zhang waited for more than half an hour before someone woke up, faced the bleak reality with a bleak face, and thought about how to take the next step.

Henry Zhang waited here for more than three hours, and the Xiao family members all woke up, and those who still had the power to move went to the surrounding woods to cut down the woods, made them into stretchers, and prepared to carry the wounded together.

People who have lost the ability to move are waiting for rescue while enduring severe pain.

Of course, in this process, Henry Zhang did not intervene, and the name is to prevent people from taking advantage of it. In fact, he is too lazy to do these trivial things, and just watches the show from the sidelines.

It's just that those little kids, who should have been protected, have become the main force of labor, gritted their teeth and tried things they've never done before.

Now I have to mention Xiao Yan, I have to say that that treasure is very committed to fair trade, and it is absolutely unambiguous when it says how much physical strength it takes away from you.

This led to the fact that Xiao Yan, who only had the last bit of physical strength left to walk, was completely unable to participate in labor, and he couldn't even lift a branch as thick as a finger. Can you believe it?
Xiao Yan could only sit by the side with a bitter face, being ignored by everyone, occasionally a few eyes cast over him, either hatred or anger.

When all preparations were in place and he set off for the Izumo Empire, Henry Zhang left, and left magnificently.

Of course, he didn't just walk away, but in the name of going to the Izumo Empire to explore the way.

For him, being able to bring the Xiao family into his subordinates and molesting Xiao Yan by the way has already been achieved, and there is no need to worry about other things.

The most important thing is that the mouse I arranged on the edge of the cliff sent a message. Just now, there was a change on the edge of the cliff, and a cave appeared out of thin air.

Compared with escorting the Xiao family to the Izumo Empire, it is more interesting to go to that cave.

Thus, in the next few months, a somewhat strange phenomenon appeared in the Jia Ma Empire.

A group of severely wounded and defeated generals slowly penetrated the empire and headed for the border.

It's nothing strange, but what's shocking is that it's okay to ignore or abuse them, but once you have the intention to attack them, whoever it is will suddenly become a corpse.

Among them, there was even a Dou Wang strongman who rushed over in a hurry because his only son died in the hands of this group of people, wanting to take revenge.

A homeless person who will bring bad luck to everyone around him, even himself, this is the name given to the Xiao family by some people.

After trekking through thousands of mountains and rivers and going through untold hardships, when they arrived at the border between the two countries, more than half of the hundreds of surviving Xiao family members died, leaving only 73 people, including Henry Zhang. inside.

"What, are you leaving?"

"That's right, I'm going to practice in other places, and find a way to solve the problem of ineffective cultivation." Xiao Yan said firmly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. My treasures can already be used, and self-protection is more than enough. If I can't solve this problem by then, maybe I'll come to rely on you at that time."

Xiao Yan smiled with bitterness on his face, and his demeanor was depressed.

In the end, Xiao Li and Xiao Ding were unable to persuade the third brother to return, and could only watch him leave.

There are only the two of them, and they can't leave no matter what. Under the current situation, they are the main force of the Xiao family with only fighters.

Regarding Xiao Yan's departure, the others were completely indifferent, and even breathed a sigh of relief that the plague had finally left.

During the most difficult month, Xiao Yan obviously had good hands and feet, but he didn't go out to work. When the situation improved, he went out to do some symbolic things, which made more people angry with him.

(End of this chapter)

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