Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 158 Escape From Heaven

Chapter 158 Escape From Heaven (24)

The verdict written in the judge's pen: extremely evil evil spirits, sentenced to: the punishment of being burned!

Yi Xiaochuan immediately felt the sadness of Xiao He for success and Xiao He for failure. This fallen angel is not my little brother Yi!

Boss, you are wrong!
You must be fair and just, and conform to the core values ​​of socialism!
Moreover, I am saving the people, a great merit, you can't mess with it...


Yi Xiaochuan was also angry immediately, you said that your judge and master are all dead, and your head has been lost, what is a pen running out to do blindly?
Feeling the hot chains on his body, the furious Otokawa raised the scythe in his hand, and slashed across from top to bottom behind him. At this moment, the four bronze giant pillars shivered like a shiver, even There was a lot of weird sound of porcelain smashing and cracking in the air!
An invisible air wave spread rapidly around Xiao Yi with Xiao Yi as the center.

Now is definitely not the time to hold back. If this punishment is allowed to continue, even the soul will be destroyed.

Xiao Yi didn't know what level of treasure the judge's pen was, but it was definitely much stronger than the death scythe in his hand.

The official position of the judge in the underworld must also be only under the ten halls of Yama.

Even if it is not the top level of the main god, it is not much worse.

But Otokawa knows that in the "Door God" sequence, Sequence 4 is called Fu Jun, and the chief judge among the judges is called Cui Fu Jun.

Judge, at least a Sequence 4 powerhouse.

Even if this judge pen is not driven by ghosts and gods, even if it is only instinctively exercising the power of judgment in the underworld, Yi Xiaochuan feels a great threat.

Not desperately, only dead ears!
After severing the bound chains with one blow, the indigestible power in Xiao Yi's body surged out crazily, and even the pair of pitch-black wings behind him collapsed, turning into a thick black cloud and covering the soul.A large amount of black aura surged out of his body continuously, forming a phantom of a devil laughing wildly in "Jie Jie"!
Looking at the four huge bronze-colored pillars, one can clearly see two ancient and indistinguishable large characters engraved on them, vaguely revealing an indescribable cruelty.

Yi Xiaochuan's heart shuddered, these two words are definitely "cannon" and "burning", they are tortures in the Shang Dynasty, it is said that it was invented by Su Daji, it is very cruel and famous.Suddenly there was an indescribable light in his eyes, like a burning black flame, hot and rising, but full of a very strange evil spirit.

With full firepower, he doesn't cherish the power in his body at all.

At the same time, Xiao Yi only felt an extremely hot feeling around him, and the four copper pillars all lit up with a dark red light, and even saw raging flames burning on the copper pillars.

And the flames quickly condensed and once again turned into chains to bind them.

Even with the dark body shield, in the sealed space of the copper pillar, it is like an oven, steaming and scorching itself.

But the dark energy of the fallen angel in Xiaoyi's body is not something to be taken lightly. Several indescribable thick and long black shadows like spirit snakes grew out of his body, but in an instant, one of the thick and long black shadows Just like a tentacle, it aimed at the copper pillar and struck at the copper pillar with a howling sound that tore through the air.

Immediately, I heard the scorching sound of burning after contact with the darkness and high temperature.

The power of darkness and the power of the judge's pen annihilated each other, turning into bursts of black smoke and disappearing.

Finally, after consuming two pairs of wings, Yi Xiaochuan finally broke through the "Punishment of Cannon Burning", and looked on the "Wangxiang Terrace", the judge's pen had disappeared.

At this time, Xiao Yi didn't dare to make any provocations, and quickly moved away from the range of Wangxiangtai. Who knows whether the pen is out of ink or energy. If there is another decisive decision, what can I do to stop it?
Therefore, Oto Xiaochuan retreated quickly without any hesitation.

While backing away, he took a look at the black girl who was thrown out by him before...

Well, where did you go?
Killed by the judge's pen?
A pet that hasn't been raised for a few days just died like this?
MMP, I haven't got that stubborn stone yet!
Can't save those [-] classmates?

The black cat ran quickly with coquettish steps, holding a fist-sized stone in its mouth.

Throwing the stubborn stone, the black girl's whole cat convulsed, and she didn't know whether it was from fright or something...

Having got a stubborn stone, Xiao Yi finally let out a sigh of relief: "Why don't you go get another one?"


The convulsions got worse.

"Forget it, you can get one piece..."

Xiao Yi picked up the black girl, shook her wings and prepared to stay away from here first, that pen is too stupid to stay here for long.

"Why can't you fly?"

Xiao Yi looked back and saw a word that appeared and disappeared in the air, it was "seal"!
This seal character is still very recognizable, because it is very similar to the simplified character seal.

The vigorous and powerful "Feng" pressed on the black wings, completely suppressing the power of the fallen angel.

"Sure enough, it's Zabi..."

Xiao Yi is very unhappy now, most of the powerful power he just obtained has been consumed, and the rest is still sealed, so he is not happy no matter how he thinks about it.

However, this seal is only temporary, and the black technology system in the body is constantly absorbing the power of the seal and is constantly being worn out.


At this time, Lao Liu sat motionless in the classroom, under the cover of thick fog, no different from those students who were unconscious.

Suddenly, the sound of "da da da" footsteps appeared in his ears.

As soon as the sound came out, his body immediately tensed up.

This sound is all too familiar, it is the sound of high heels beating on the concrete floor.

The ghost is here.

He found her...

Pushed Yi Xiaochuan, and said in a low voice: "Yi Xiaochuan, the soul has returned... Yi Xiaochuan, the soul has returned..."

Xiao Yi didn't move at all, but, in the underworld, the word "seal" suppressed on his back lit up a few times without knowing it, preventing him from leaving.

"Black girl, the soul has returned..."


Xiao Yi looked at his hand in shock, the cat came back to life!
So, is Lao Liu in danger?
Why didn't he wake me up?
"MMP, can't it be the seal of that Sabie?"

The black girl shook her body, and naturally prepared to say "meow".

However, Lao Liu covered his mouth in time.

"Shh, don't bark, where's the boss? What's going on?"

The black girl looked at Lao Liu in a bewildered expression, and then heard the increasingly crisp footsteps, her entire cat face wrinkled...

In the hazy fog, the sound of footsteps suddenly stopped.

Lao Liu thought in his heart that he was discovered so quickly, and the mist is indeed the home of ghosts and ghosts!

 Thank you "A Mountain Breeze" for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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