Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 159 The Soul Returns to Yang

Chapter 159 Returning Soul (34)

"Hee hee hee... I found you! A ghost messenger, a cat... If I eat you, I should be able to return to my peak!"

The first thing to appear was the pair of bright red high heels, the high heels that even the thick fog could not cover up, just like the high heels soaked in blood...

Now it was really blood-stained, those thick and long thighs were covered with scars, the blood flowed out, and all of it was absorbed by the blood-colored high-heeled shoes, so there were no blood-colored footprints.

The feet are thick and powerful.

Such a pair of legs will kick people to death.

Even the barrier of the "door god" can't stop it, let alone a ghost who is not good at defense.

Old Liu knew that he was definitely not the opponent of this ghost who had taken away the warrior, but he still bit the bullet and went head-on.

"The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn your head and keep going! Yangjian is not a place where you can be unrestrained..."

"Really? You ghost messengers, aren't you also ghosts who escaped from hell? Fifty steps laugh at hundred steps... Besides, this is not the world of the underworld!"

Old Liu kept silent, and the bronze lamp in his hand suddenly blazed brightly. The flame, which should have been scorching bright, masculine and warm, now looked gloomy and green, like a will-o'-the-wisp in a cemetery, flickering on and off.

This is the soul fire, so it naturally looks like this.

In the green light, it was empty, gloomy, and full of will-o'-the-wisps, reflecting scenes such as oil pans and millstones, revealing the horror of hell!
"Hee hee hee hee... Don't show your ugliness to the hallucinations of the [-]th floor of hell that have not yet formed. When I was living in the world, I have seen more terrifying pictures. Hell... Ha ha... But Earl!"

The high-heeled shoes walked slowly, dismissing Lao Liu's supernatural powers at all.

She is the condensed body of will of all beings in hell, transformed by the resentment of a woman who died in vain, and an evil spirit of revenge. A mere illusion is really not enough.

Old Liu gritted his teeth, this strength is not in the same order.

In an instant, hundreds of green fireflies flew out of the flame of the bronze lamp, seemingly endless.

But Lao Liu's strength, even if pushed to the extreme, cannot reach the point of infinity.

The fireflies covered it, and the high-heeled shoes suddenly stomped on the ground, and a clear footprint appeared on the concrete floor under his feet.What's even more frightening is that with this foot, the whole building shook slightly like an earthquake.

All of a sudden, this ghost and god charged towards Lao Liu like a cannonball. Although the surface of the body was covered with fireflies, the skin was corroded to an ugly shape, and it even made a terrifying creaking sound, threatening There was light blue smoke.

Lao Liu's soul fire not only corrodes the body, but also corrodes the soul.

Even if she is a high-sequence ghost, she cannot be immune.

Looking at the pair of blood-colored high-heeled shoes that became more and more clear in front of his eyes, the wry smile on Lao Liu's face had just appeared, and his whole body was already flying up, and a hole appeared in his chest, which was caused by the heel of the high-heeled shoes. .

Old Liu stuck to the wall for three seconds before sliding down like mud.

I don't know how many ribs were broken. If he was alive, he would have been killed with one kick.

But he is a ghost messenger, as long as his soul is immortal, he will not die easily.

He was still holding the bronze lamp tightly in his hand, the flame of the wick was still burning quietly, and even another group of fireflies flew out.


A streak of black silver spread out from the dense fog, like a devil's tentacles extending from the ground, spreading and covering continuously...

The blood-colored high-heeled shoe lifted his foot, then stomped suddenly, nailing the silver to the ground.

With a scream, the black shadow shrank back instantly.

"Hee hee hee hee... Be obedient and let me eat it! Black cat, I smell the breath of hell on you, it's really a great tonic! Eh... the smell on this man is so strange...every man Good stuff... damn it..."

Xiaoyi is walking boredly on Huangquan Road, admiring the sea of ​​Bianhua flowers.

Since the seal on the back was sealed with a judge's pen, it will take some time to break it.

Although I was very anxious, it was useless to be anxious.

If the seal is not broken, it will wander forever on the road to Huangquan.

That pen is really a Sabie!
"What a waste..."

There was a silver bell-like voice coming from Xiao Yi's physical body. I don't know if it was referring to Yi Xiaochuan, Lao Liu who was seriously injured, or Hei Niu.

As soon as the sound came out, even the high heels kicking Xiao B's head stopped.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Bright red blood dripped continuously from the high heels.

With one arm broken and his body full of burns and corrosion, the ghost stared straight ahead, and the whole person froze.

The red eyes looked at the front in a daze, obviously falling into an illusion.

Then there was another crisp voice, indifferent and ruthless.

"red lotus……"

In an instant, the ignorant karmic fire suddenly rose inside the body of this spirit that seized the house, flickering and burning, it was difficult to extinguish, like a curse and a backlash.

This flame is the fire of karma transformed by the thoughts of sentient beings.

The white fox spat out, and it was actually ignited from the depths of his soul, and the sin would never be extinguished until it was completely burned.

There are many kinds of flames in the world. There is the glazed flame of Buddhism, which can burn all evil spirits; It is the second soul; there is also the earth evil, which is poisonous and poisonous, and it will destroy both the flesh and treasures; the ghost fire of the ghost is extremely strange, and can burn the soul;

In addition to these, the most terrifying flame in the world is called Karma, also known as Red Lotus Karma.

This red lotus karmic fire does not hurt people with high temperature like other flames. As long as any living being sticks to this red lotus karmic fire, it will be eroded by endless karma and evil.

The fire of red lotus karma burns everything, and if it touches it, it is like maggots on tarsal bones, and it will never stop until it is burned to ashes.


The white fox snorted coldly, and her anger could be heard from the voice.

After this cold snort, there was no longer any sound coming out.

And on Xiao Yi's chest, the tattoo of the nine-tailed white fox, one of the white tails slowly faded away, and then disappeared.

Nine tails became eight tails.


After recovering from the shock, Old Liu coughed violently, his ribs pierced into his lungs, even if he was a ghost, he still couldn't bear it.

But watching a ghost burn to ashes in front of my eyes is really a joy!
This is the great supernatural power!
This is the goal of our cultivation!

Boss, really big boss!

After waiting for a long time, Xiao Yi finally opened his eyes while Lao Liu called his soul from time to time.

Hey, why are there a pair of high heels on the ground?
(End of this chapter)

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