Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 163 Otogawa's Research Institute

Chapter 163 Otogawa's Research Institute (13)

God is dead!
The Buddha is gone!
The devil is gone!
Even the god-level civilization in the universe was forcibly reset to zero!

What is the real side of this world?
If it's real, it's too creepy.

Compared with the civilization of immortal cultivators, the civilization of gods, and the technological civilization of the universe, the current human civilization is like the difference between an ant and a giant.

Now the giants are all dead due to unknown reasons, leaving only legends one after another. Can we ants withstand the crushing of that big invisible hand?
Could it be that this universe has been repeating reincarnation one after another, and can it escape the arrangement of fate in the end?
Escape the cycle of fate!
Otokawa feels that he is really adding to his troubles. Is this something he should think about now?
What's the use of thinking more?
It's better to do more practical things.

Yi Xiaochuan can only pin his hopes on the golden finger. Although he may only be walking the old road of the last era, he can't even reach the end of the old road of the last era, so there is no need to go any further.

The "big library" of the black technology system, the prerequisites for unlocking: Mathematics LV4, each subject LV4.

"I hope to find the answer in the big library..."

"No... what I need is not an answer, but a hope... the hope of becoming a giant from an ant..."

After adding several sets of servers to the digital life Eva, and after learning and evolution, and the ability has greatly increased in a short period of time, Xiao Yi's "problem opening report" submitted to the country has also been reviewed.

This time his research direction is no longer pure mathematics, he wants to make money, enough money to build a laboratory.

Physics, biochemistry, materials, energy, no matter how much money you invest in, you can’t hear the sound. Which of these subjects is not deep and bottomless, if you go in now, you may not even be able to touch the stones in the river, let alone Cross the river by feeling the stones.

As for national policy support?

There is a limit to this, even if Yi Xiaochuan is now an "outstanding talent", the country cannot spend billions of dollars to build a supercomputer for him.

As for joining a research institute, forget it!

Xiaoyi's project handed in this time naturally needs to cooperate with Eva, he is going to make a splash in computer mathematics.

Firstly, this is the field where digital life is best at. Starting from this research direction, Eva will play a huge role.

Secondly, Ogawa's level of informatics has reached the level of mathematics, reaching the level of LV3, and it is easier to produce results.

Thirdly, Xiao Yi felt that the subject he chose could make a lot of money, and he could quickly accumulate initial funds to prepare for entering the fields of physics, biochemistry, materials, and energy.

Zhang Wei handed the printed materials to Yi Xiaochuan, pointed to the building outside the window, and said: "If one building is not enough, you can also use the one next to it. Brother will do it cheap for you. The national project funds will be available within a week. It will be in place, the province and the city also have policy and financial support, all in the materials, you can take a look... Oh, yes, the province asked me to thank you very much, last time the fog incident in Chao County, you The kid did a good job. Also, the Provincial Research Institute has made a big breakthrough in the touch feedback technology, and the higher-ups have decided to give you technical support. How long will it take for your virtual reality technology to be realized? I'm waiting for the first batch to use it! Is it okay at the end of the year?"

"Viagra, the horoscope has not been written yet! First of all, I have to develop a brand new algorithm. I don't worry about the software, but in terms of hardware, touch feedback technology is a key technical problem in virtual reality. The support of the province is a must. Okay, but there are still several barriers. If there is no breakthrough, the effect of virtual reality will be greatly reduced... Also, I plan to gradually build a supercomputing center that belongs to me, and the funds from the state are still not enough! Alas! take it easy!"

"3000 million is already a lot..."

"It's a lot for an individual, but to set up a research institute, you can only make a show."

What Zhang Wei said is correct. Normally, this "virtual reality" project alone would definitely not be able to apply for so many.

But now is an extraordinary period, the spiritual energy is recovering, and the country is vigorously developing various technologies. Xiao Yi, as an outstanding talent in the Ten Thousand Talents Program, will naturally receive attention for the topics he applies for. Even if it is not the field of pure numbers that he is best at, computer mathematics , is also mathematics!

As a recipient of the Fields Medal, a top international mathematics expert, and an extraordinary scientist, his project will receive enough attention.

Moreover, Xiao Yi has already made an achievement in the computer field before. Although it is only a small matter, it can let the reviewers see the future.

It's not like those young "reader" awakeners who don't see any returns after investing.

The 3000 million yuan is the first phase of funding. If there are phased results, the state will invest again and gradually increase policy support.

Of course, in addition to scientific research funding, there are other policy supports.

It can even be said that the policy support is the key point, and the little funding given is secondary.

According to this policy, there are related technologies that the country has not disclosed for civilian use.

For example, the province's touch feedback technology is a necessary technical problem for virtual reality.For example, some special materials that have been researched can also be applied for application.

If Xiao B needs it, after the establishment of the institute, he can hire a large group of graduate students and doctoral students to work for him.This is not the point, as long as you have money, you can do it. However, research-oriented Awakened scholars are important resources of the country. Ordinary private companies are not qualified to hire them at all. Even if the Awakened person asks for it, the country will refuse.

In troubled times, heavy codes are used to maintain social stability.

As a national "outstanding talent", the research institute has the authority to hire scholars. Of course, this still requires your willingness.

More importantly, researching all the permissions to apply for the "Scholar" potion, just this one, can attract many young scholars to come.

As a mathematician who proved the "Goldbach Conjecture", he still has a lot of diehard fans in terms of pure numbers.

Although being a student of an academician has a sense of honor, working in an institute of a Fields Medal winner doesn't seem to be bad.

Within a few days after the news of the Jiangcheng Research Institute spread, Xiao Yi received dozens of resumes, including PhDs from Yanda University and graduates from Mizuki.

But Xiao Yi is not prepared to hand over the work to others!

To improve the subject level by yourself, you must do it yourself, and the existence of Eva also needs to be kept secret.

However, Brother Zheng Hui, who was already completely bald, approached him through the relationship of Lao Fei.

"Aren't you an awakened scholar? Wouldn't it be better to go to the capital to learn from an academician, and then enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Senior Brother Zheng smiled shyly, sat upright, and said, "Boss, I have self-knowledge, even if I am awakened, scholars can't compare with those students from key colleges, and their talent and understanding are still a bit lacking..."

Immediately, Lao Fei winked at Zheng Hui.

Xiao Yi suddenly lost her beauty in her heart.

What do you take my research institute for?

In the end, Xiao Yi agreed, no matter what his ability is, the most important thing is that people who know the basics can use it smoothly.

Undoubtedly, Brother Zheng, who has no background, is a good candidate, although it will take some time to cultivate.

But at this stage, Oto Xiaochuan decided to do it himself, with Eva's assistance, which is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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