Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 164 Virtual Reality Technology

Chapter 164 Virtual Reality Technology (23)

To talk about the world's profiteering industry, the first thing many people think of is cosmetics.

That's right, cosmetics are indeed huge profits, and they are also the top profit-making industry in the world.Cosmetics cost hundreds of thousands of products, and their manufacturing cost is only tens of yuan!

The cost of profiteering industries is so low that you can't imagine, such as medicine, liquor, health care products, and online games.

According to statistics, before the spirit energy recovered, there were as many as 6.7 million online game players in China.With so many users, it can naturally become one of the top ten profitable industries.According to industry insiders, the gross profit margin of the online game industry is as high as 50%, and the highest is even 75%, while the net profit margin is also between 25% and 50%.

The main reason is that, on the one hand, manufacturers only need to maintain and upgrade management of online games, without the need for factory buildings, warehousing and manufacturing, which greatly saves costs.On the other hand, because the game codes of online games are stored on a server with a high security factor and managed by a professional organization, compared with other products, especially stand-alone games, the reproducibility of the outside world is greatly reduced. — Piracy.

With the big killer of digital life, it is a waste not to develop games.

Oto-Ogawa is confident in carrying out an industry revolution. Virtual reality is no longer just a theory, and AR and VR technologies have gradually matured.

But just creating a popular game to make money is really not a good suggestion, or even a bad idea, in today's revival of spiritual energy.

It is impossible for the country to waste resources on dispensable games.

On the premise of enriching entertainment life and making money, one must contribute to this society.

To strengthen the country and strengthen the people, this is the purpose of Xiao Yi's research on virtual reality technology.

Of course, making a lot of money by the way is also to promote the progress of the entire civilization in the future.

As for how to strengthen the country and the people, and even apply it to the military, Xiao Yi already has an idea in his mind.

But to realize this idea, we must first solve various obstacles in virtual reality technology, both software and hardware need to be improved.

In terms of hardware, Xiao Yi has no way to solve it, but the country should invest a lot in this area, and the rewards must be great.

In terms of software, it is not too difficult to pay attention to the development of a new generation of efficient algorithms with the help of Eva.

In the computer field, there is a well-known Bell's Law, which is of course not a physical law or a natural law, but a unique phenomenon in the computer field.

Bell's law says that every 10 years or so in the computer field, a new type of computer will appear, based on a new programming platform, a new interface will generate new applications, and thus develop a new industry. So far, the IT industry has been perfecting developed according to Bell's law.

For example, from mainframes in the 60s, to microcomputers in the 70s, to personal computers in the 80s, to browsers in the 90s, and finally to cloud computing mobile devices today.

With a cycle of about 10 years, every new application and new platform has developed a new industry, and a new giant will be born in this industry.

Then, in this era of resurgence of spiritual energy and the era of technological explosion, it is time for holographic images and virtual worlds to debut.

However, whether it is a holographic image or a virtual world, it is impossible to reach the sky in one step. We can only start with AR and VR to build a vast future network world step by step.

By the way, virtual reality VR is the English abbreviation of "Virtual-Reality", augmented reality AR is the English abbreviation of "Augmented-Reality", virtual world VW is the English abbreviation of "Virtual-World", and holographic imaging HD is the English abbreviation of "Holographic The English abbreviation of -Display.

According to the information collected by Eva, the current AR and VR technologies are developing at a high speed. If you don't decisively enter this lucrative industry, you will definitely be seized by those IT giants and lose the opportunity to share the cake.

With this big cake, Oto Xiaochuan saw the first pot of gold beckoning to him.

As for the 800 million previously developed security programs.

is that money

800 million. In science, even an expensive instrument cannot be bought.

As for the virtual world VW, it is still a concept stock at this stage, and it cannot be realized.This technology, in theory, allows users to use themselves and devices as an interactive link to spiritually enter the world of the virtual network. All interactive behaviors are completed by relying on the brainwave activity instead of relying on the body to make physical movements. , captured by sensing technology, and completed through the transmission of electrical signals into the network.

This kind of technology, perhaps Midnight people have, the ability to connect dreams should be regarded as a special virtual world technology, but it belongs to the category of mysticism, I don’t know how many sequences can be realized. If the whole people connect, Midnight people will definitely not be able to do it. Probably only the gods can do it.

Therefore, the virtual world in the category of mysticism is not considered.

If it is said that directly skipping AR and VR technology and studying the virtual world, Xiao Yi said that he still cannot do it at this stage!
The development of science and technology is step by step. Unless the "big library" is unlocked and black technology is obtained directly, it is difficult to achieve leapfrog development.

Even if you are given this technology, you can't create a real virtual world, because you don't have the materials to develop this technology.

A single hair can affect the whole body. The breakthrough of science and technology can never be achieved by a certain technology, and must involve all aspects of science and technology.

The emergence of VR technology and AR technology is inevitable and excessive technology, because the virtual world is not so easy to realize, so the low-profile version of VR was born naturally; because the holographic imaging HD technology is not so easy to realize, so the low-profile version was naturally born version of AR.

VR and AR must be the stepping stones of VW and HD, and the final form of the former two is the latter two.

This is an inevitable trend in the development of science and technology. To break this trend, external factors must be needed. The "big library" may be a powerful external force. Unfortunately, Yi Xiaochuan has not unlocked it yet.

Xiao Yi has been in retreat for many days. After the country's scientific research funds arrived, most of them were bought by him immediately. After Eva's body was enlarged by three times, he finally constructed a brand new algorithm.

"Eva, I will leave the rest of the work to you. Believe in yourself, you can do it. Data collection is very important. For motion collection and facial expression collection, you can collect them through Jiangcheng's monitoring system! You can also analyze emotions through movements and facial expressions... ..."

It would be nice to have a digital life with super learning ability!
Efficient and high-speed, otherwise these tasks cannot be completed in a few months without a team of hundreds of people.

Aren't the coders working overtime!

【OK!Owner! 】

"Eva, compare the algorithm we have built at this stage. How many times is the efficiency of the traditional algorithm?"

[Master, the preliminary judgment should be 4.231 times that of the traditional algorithm!Master, Microsoft Corporation of the United States held a press conference 62 hours ago and released a new generation of virtual network devices. Using the data released as a comparison, we have a great advantage in software, but not in hardware.By comparison, we are behind Microsoft in these areas...]

Following that, a large list of information appeared on the screen, and comparisons in various aspects were listed.

"Huh? Have the industry giants started grabbing the cake? I'm going to look at the touch feedback technology. That kind of sensing material can barely meet my requirements! To create a perfect virtual reality device, you can't lose to others..."

(End of this chapter)

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