Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 167 Earth Warriors

Chapter 167 Earth Warriors (23)

Building a national-level research institute is not as simple as imagined.

The first is people, and talents are always the first.In order for an enterprise to grow bigger, it must pay attention to talents.If building the Great Wall, talents are the cornerstone; if building buildings, talents are the pillars; if building an enterprise, talents are the guarantee of success.If you want to make your company bigger and don't want to be a small workshop owner, you must pay attention to talents.No matter what business you do, talents are the guarantee of success.

In ancient and modern China and abroad, whether it is good to govern a country or manage an enterprise, those who win the hearts of the people will win the world, and those who lose the hearts of the people will lose the world. This is a truth that no one can deny.

Now Otokawa can carry the big banner with Eva, but if he really wants to build a research institute, he can't do it alone.

Zhang Tao has some talent in engineering, but it's just a talent. It's okay to modify a supercar, or get a simple exoskeleton armor, but he is too blind to design a real Gundam.

Brother Zheng Hui, who has just joined him, has awakened as a "scholar", but at this stage he can also do odd jobs.

As for recruiting talents, Yi Xiaochuan doesn't think about it yet, because he has too many secrets.

Either you can trust it, or you know the basics, or you can cultivate it yourself, otherwise you can rest assured.

And he doesn't need it at this stage, he can still bear it, and everything will wait until the "big library" is unlocked.

There is no need for talents for the time being, but the experimental equipment will be completed slowly, and there is no room for sloppy work on the experimental equipment. To be on the safe side, he has been paying attention to this.

Compared with the researcher himself, equipment is what he really needs.

Even in a high-tech talent-intensive place like Silicon Valley in the United States, an annual salary of [-] US dollars is more than enough to hire a doctor who graduated from an Ivy League school. If you hire a few laboratory assistants and interns to help, a research team can be pulled out. Yes, at most it is a question of whether you are familiar with it or not, and whether it is smooth or not.

However, the equipment is different, and it is often an investment of millions or even tens of millions.

Among other things, a slightly better SEM scanning electron microscope costs millions of dollars.Another example is the CVD vacuum tube furnace for the preparation of carbon nanotubes, and the vacuum arc chamber commonly used for the preparation of fullerene materials. With a complete set of equipment, tens of millions of dollars are barely enough at best.

Ordinary talents are not as good as equipment!

Even if it is purely theoretical, it needs to be verified by experiment.

Equipment investment is inevitable.

Of course, you can go to major research institutes to rub equipment.

But it's troublesome, isn't it!

If there are many people using it, you have to queue up and waste time.

How can I use my own things easily.

"But it seems that the budget is not enough! Well, it depends on how many zeros "Earth Warriors" can bring me! Try to complete the laboratory before the 'Great Library' is unlocked, and do materials science first, pure theory It's too lofty, the most important thing is to make materials and revitalize technology..."

"Earth Warriors", this is the name given to virtual reality by the people above, isn't Microsoft's called "Earth Crisis"!

Go head-to-head and see who beats the opponent in this confrontation.

It has been a long time since Yi Xiaochuan got on the scarf. He held a press conference at the Ministry of Science and Technology of Huaxia to announce a series of scientific research achievements in the past quarter, and introduced the virtual reality that belongs to Huaxia.

Xiao Yi naturally wants to forward it, type a few words, and upload it.

【I'd rather die standing up than live on my knees!Earth Warriors, this is your rivers and lakes! 】

Nearly a million followers, and most of them are highly educated scientific research talents, with 99+ replies in minutes.

[It's been half a month, I don't know what the boss is doing?The guessing is over, and the following are undoubtedly the millennium problems such as the Riemann conjecture, the np complete problem, the existence of the Yang-Mills gauge field and the assumption of mass intervals, or the questions in Hilbert's 23 questions... But , you don't do your research well, what kind of American game do you play?Boss, don’t you know that once these conjectures are proven, they will not only promote the development of mathematics, but also have a profound impact on other disciplines?I don’t do my job properly, I don’t do my job properly, when the country is in crisis, it’s time for me to forge ahead, and immediately my fans turn black...]

This reply is obviously from someone who studies mathematics, otherwise he would never know what the Millennium Problem is.

[It doesn't seem to be "Earth Crisis" in the United States!What the hell is Earth Warrior?Which one is too big to explain, forget it, I will go to Baidu myself! 】

["Earth Wushuang", based on the virtual reality technology developed by Jiangcheng Research Institute, has created a brand new game engine, well, it is also a game developed by Jiangcheng Research Institute, and a virtual reality device produced by Huaxia Electronics. I heard from friends that from technology to appearance The designs are all from the Jiangcheng Research Institute.Chuanda, does the Jiangcheng Research Institute still need people?I have a master's degree from Zhejiang University, and I am applying for a job as a water heater...]

[Eighteen Thousand Dollars bought Microsoft's virtual reality from a scalper, and before I was excited for 3 minutes, it even came out in China, and it suddenly became boring.As long as "Earth Warrior" can have half the performance of "Earth Crisis", it will smash Microsoft's every minute and support domestic production! 】

[Who can popularize science, when will domestic virtual reality be sold for the first time, and how much will it cost?You can consider starting with less than [-] yuan...]

[Huaxia Electronics established Earth Warriors Virtual Reality Co., Ltd. yesterday...]

[Internal information, it seems that private purchases are not available for the time being, and they will be opened in various cities in the form of experience stores first. I am raising money, and I am planning to get an agent in a city.It’s still internal news, the cost of a virtual reality optical material component in China is more than [-]…]

【horrible!It only sells for [-] abroad. Although it is in US dollars, I bought it reluctantly, but only [-] units are available in China.Can't grab it, what's wrong with this Earth Warrior?It’s okay to get a low-profile one! 】

【Popular science!I am the leader of the product development team of Huaxia Electronics Technology Co., Ltd., "Earth Warriors" is too low-end. For details, please log on to the official website of Earth Warriors Virtual Reality Co., Ltd. for a detailed introduction!Here is the key point, the press conference will be held tomorrow, I didn't expect the boss to release the scarf first! 】


Seeing that the popularity of "Earth Warriors" is getting higher and higher, even ranking in the top ten of the most searched in an instant, Xiao Yi is relieved.

Tomorrow's advertisements must be overwhelming!

Coupled with state propaganda, it's hard not to get popular.

The experience store is only temporary. After all, it costs tens of thousands. This is not counting the cost of his development, and selling more than one hundred thousand is not too much.

A strong country and a strong people cannot be built for the rich to use, at least ordinary people should be able to afford it.

Only in this way can the soldiers be hidden among the people.

Just like when computers first came out, everyone went to Internet cafes when surfing the Internet.

As for those rich people, there will naturally be a flagship version, a deluxe version, a luxury version, a diamond version...

As for foreign countries, it is natural to set a price that will make Yi Xiaochuan's heart beat.

(End of this chapter)

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