Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 168 The "Cover" of the Great Ominous

Chapter 168 The "Cover" of the Great Ominous (33)

After brushing the scarf for a while, Otokawa put down the phone.

Where's the time?

Nothing is enough.

It's barely enough to squeeze it in.

The two Transcendent Sealed Items exchanged from the "National Treasure" had already been sent over by Wang Chao, and the silk underwear had already been put on, but there was no time to study the front and rear breast shields.

Now there is no need to use the skills of meditation, just use "password deciphering" to identify it.

As for the "extraordinary identification", no key information was given.

[Extraordinary material: bone armor, sourced from a high-sequence creature. 】

[Tip: It is recommended to use password deciphering to decipher the genetic code! 】

This is the second time this kind of reminder has been given. The blood-colored worms on the finger are highly active flesh and blood. It takes 200 points of energy to decipher it. Xiao Yi was reluctant before. Later, when he had energy points, he had no time.

To get that brand-new matrix algorithm requires the skill of "Concentration". These two skills cannot be used at the same time. Naturally, the blood-colored bug's information is still unknown.

When I went to the capital, I originally wanted to decipher it, but in the end Xiao Yi gave up. When you are away from home, it is best not to let the skill be in use, because you don't know when you will use it.

Looking at the two extraordinary materials that required 200 energy points and took 48 hours to identify, Xiao Yi fell into a decision.

But in the end, he still chose to identify the blood-colored worm first. This thing showed vitality and was extremely dangerous. Killing the ghost tree in hell should not be too simple, it is better to find out first.

Although this thing is acting extremely well now, like a ring on the finger, but who knows when it will go crazy and go crazy.

It's not good to hurt people, even if it doesn't hurt people, it's not good to hurt flowers and plants!

As for the Bone Armor Heart Mirror, first use the dream divination method to see, maybe it can save 200 energy points.

200 points, a lot, if you can save it, save it.

Moreover, since I tried dream divination in hell last time, I feel that it is very easy to use. Although it is very dangerous, how can this bone armor be dangerous with the judge's pen?
I took out the front and back breastplates like a bra...

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Open the door, it's Lao Zhang.

Holding a large basin in his hand.

"Boss, Lao Liu has steamed some crabs from Yangcheng Lake, each weighing more than half a catty. I'll bring them for you to taste...I'll put them on the table for you, they're still hot!"

Lao Liu put the big basin on the table, glanced at it, and saw a strange-looking bra in the big box next to the table.


No, no, the boss is really a master of women's clothing.

Lao Zhang immediately kept his eyes on his nose and his heart, not daring to look around.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yi was a little puzzled.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, that... I'll go first!"

Lao Zhang hurried away as if fleeing.


Yi Xiaochuan looked at the protective mirror, don't rush to divination, eat crabs first.

It won't taste good when it's cold.

The Mid-Autumn Festival has just passed, and although the crab roe is not yet at its fullest, it is not bad.

After the six big crabs were eaten, Xiao Yi tidied up a bit before stroking the front and back goggles that looked like bras.

"The source of the bone armor...the source of the bone armor...the source of the bone armor..."

He recited this sentence silently, over and over again.

After seven times, Xiao B sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and lowered his head, as if he had fallen asleep.

His head was empty, and he was still meditating in his heart, but his whole body quickly entered an ethereal state.

The sea of ​​consciousness is hazy, tangible things and illusory gray fog are merging.

Dream divination!
Repeat the question, keep it firmly in mind, and then enter the void dimensional world in a vague way, so as to gain enlightenment!
Everything began to blur, and Oto Xiaochuan was half awake and half dazed.

In the distorted and illusory world, the dark night, the violent storm, the raging waves of the sea crazily hitting the reef, it seems that the whole land will be overturned in the next moment.

Suddenly, there seemed to be some monsters appearing in the darkness of the raging waves.

Xiao Yi is looking forward to it very much, the source of the breast shield should be the creatures in the waves!
The darkness and waves covered everything up, and he couldn't see clearly, so Xiao Yi had to extend his consciousness into the rough sea, getting closer, getting closer.

Finally, I saw the thing clearly. It looked like a ferocious giant tortoise, and its head was more ferocious and ferocious than the snapping turtle. It had a single horn, and it looked even more ferocious. The loud roar seemed to be stirring The culprit of the sea.


The big mouth full of sharp teeth bit down instantly, before he had time to dodge, Xiao Yi's consciousness was instantly torn into pieces.

Woke up with a headache.

The whole person is a little dizzy.

"A fierce beast? A fierce beast like a giant tortoise!"

At this time, Tu Shanjiu'er's sneer sounded in his mind: "Hehe, an old turtle who has awakened the blood of bìxì scared you like this? It's really useless!"

"Bixi bloodline?" Xiao Yi thought for a while and said, "You mean that giant tortoise is a bully?"

Bixi, also known as Guifei and Baxia, is one of the nine sons of the dragon in ancient Chinese mythology, ranking the eldest.It looks like a tortoise, but it is good at carrying heavy loads. It has teeth and is so powerful that it can carry three mountains and five mountains.Its back also bears heavy objects, which are mostly decorated with stone tablets, the base of stone pillars and the top of the wall, which belong to spiritual birds and beasts.

"Baxia, it is also worthy, but it has awakened a trace of dragon blood!"

"Oh!" Although I don't know how she judged, it seems that she really said it.

"This breast shield should be refined by an expert, and it has completely integrated the blood of Nabaxia into it. If you refine it, it will be able to withstand what kind of bombardment..."

Some people have tried to resist the bombing of cannons, but it only defends a small area!
Is it difficult to refine it to unleash the true power of this extraordinary sealed item?
"How to refine?" Xiaoyi said softly, after all, there is something to ask for.

"I'll teach you the divine mantra of purification, one of the eight great divine mantras of Taoism. The mantra was passed on to you last time. Now I will pass on the qi movement map of practicing the Tao and moving the great circle. After you cultivate the true energy, Use your true essence to refine this tortoise shell day and night, and when the time comes, it will naturally be refined!"

"True Yuan! Is there no shortcut? By the way, this tortoise that dominates the bloodline is a beast of a certain sequence!"

"Sequence? This era really has some unknown realm names. The realm of this tortoise is probably comparable to that of an earth immortal! However, it has been refined into a magic weapon, and after countless years, its power has been seriously lost. Now it is probably refining Qi. The defensive power of Shi Lian Qi Hua Shen..."

"Well... can you explain this realm in detail? It's really hard to compare!"

"..." Tu Shanjiu'er in the body was silent for a while, and then said: "There is no comparison. In the third era, ordinary human beings are stronger than your physical body. Qi refiners refine Qi and transform into gods. After you succeed in building a foundation, then After crossing a small realm to refine and transform Qi, you will arrive at..."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yi felt a qi movement diagram appear in his mind, starting from the dantian, the qi circulated along a special meridian for a week and then returned to the dantian.

This is a big Sunday!

But if there is no shortcut, only use the real essence to slowly refine this fierce "hood", can it be refined in the year of the monkey?

Let's use black technology to decipher it when we have time and energy points to spare!

Xiao Yi secretly said in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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