Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 169 The Outbreak of a Small Blessed Land

Chapter 169 The Outbreak of a Small Blessed Land (13)

Studying, researching, practicing, and worrying about energy.

Old Liu's energy for catching ghosts is no longer in his sights for Yi Xiaochuan. Now the LV3 "settling" skill consumes 4 points of energy per hour, and studying and researching a day consumes dozens of points of energy. For the consumption of identification and deciphering, the energy points are really not enough.

Since the country has discovered spirit stone mines in various places, it has also begun to distribute spirit stones to every awakened person as salary and benefits.

Of course, Xiao Yi doesn't like the few spirit stones issued by the state now, he has many "imaginary space" spirit stones!
However, no matter how many spirit stones there are, it takes time and energy to convert them into energy.

During the two days when the system deciphered the gene code of the blood-colored worm, Xiao Yi was not idle. He needed to practice his national skills, and he needed to pay attention to domestic and foreign current affairs. some energy.

Of course, the most important thing is to study how to improve the sequence of "Familiar".

Whether it is the theory of realm proposed by Xiaogong Tu Shan or the theory of sequence proposed by the fourth scientific and technological era, it is impossible for drug use to completely replace cultivation.

For a long time, the evolutionary awakening has lost control. This sharp sword hangs above the head. If you take the potion rashly, you will have a high chance of losing control and dying. This kind of loss of control is very similar to the theory of practicing obsession.

The way of cultivation leads to the same goal!
The path of sequence evolution left over from the fourth scientific and technological era, the corresponding name of each sequence, and the power left in the gene must be related.

To comprehend the power given to the awakened by the gene, digest and absorb it, and master it thoroughly can avoid the risk of losing control. This must also be a kind of cultivation.

How to practice the sequence of "Spiritualist"?
It must start from divination, geomancy, numerology, physiognomy, dream divination, auspicious selection, and hope to grasp the clues of fate.

Xiao Yi thought of a novel written by a certain master, in which the theories about digestion and absorption and acting were very interesting.

So, Xiao Yi spent another day reading the novel.

Although I didn't do anything this day, I benefited a lot.

Tu Shanjiu'er's "Purification Mantra" cultivation method may really not suit him now.

Although it can improve strength, cultivate those true essences, and even refine sealed items, it doesn't seem to help him digest the potion.

But it is really impossible for Yi Xiaochuan to set up a fortune-telling stall now, and he will be surrounded by crowds. Moreover, the ancient fortune-tellers are worth a lot of money, and they would not make a move in leisure.

For example, Yuan Tiangang in the early Tang Dynasty, and Li Chunfeng co-starred in Tuibeitu, breaking the rise and fall of the country and the chaos and changes in human nature in the 3000 years after the Tang Dynasty.

For example, the mud bodhisattva in "The Wind and Cloud", the situation changes, the success or failure of the hegemony is in his mouth, and he verifies it one by one, and there is no mistake, although he himself has become inhuman and ghost because of leaking the secret.

This is a fortune teller!
This is the fortune teller!
Street fortune tellers are just fortune tellers, not fortune tellers!

"It's so difficult! It's not a great way to judge people's recent luck by looking at their qi, and it's not good to judge good or bad fortune through divination. You must find out who is Qianlong, who is the protagonist who competes for the world in this life, and who is the charming child who saves the common people. Ji Yuan The Son of Destiny, the Son of God... I can predict it with physiognomy, this is the real ability, just like what is written in the book, it is completely digested..."

Male to male!

Even with the method of hopefulness, it can only see through the changes in luck in the recent period.To break the ups and downs of honor and disgrace for several years, or even decades, Xiao Yi said that he is really confused by Monk Zhang Er.

This kind of ability is not something he can master now, and he must do it step by step.

In the end, he chose the geomancy skills that physiognomists must master as the next research direction.

There is a saying in "Huainanzi": "Kan, the way of heaven; Yu, the way of authenticity."

Kanyu is the sky, public opinion is the earth, and the study of geomancy is the study of heaven and earth.Based on Hetu Luoshu, combined with the eight trigrams and nine stars and the restraint of yin and yang and five elements, it completely combines the operation of heaven, the circulation of earth air and people in it to form a special theoretical system, so as to infer or change human beings. The good and the bad, the good and the bad, the poor and the poor.

Therefore, geomancy is closely related to the fate of people.

This is one of the reasons why Yi Xiaochuan chose, and there is another reason. Looking at the recent current events in the world, he has already determined the blessed land of the cave, but now, some small blessed lands have also appeared one after another, even in cities.

The big one is three to five hundred square meters, and the small one is just a small well.

The richness of aura is obviously higher than other places.

Let Eva outline it on the map, and then compare them one by one. There is a certain pattern in the mountains, the mountains, the stars, the sun and the moon.

To simplify the art of geomancy, it is Feng Shui. Feng and water are extremely important in the entire academic theory of geomancy.

In fact, the fundamental purpose of studying wind and water is to study "Qi".

The amount of aura determines the level of the blessed land, and also determines whether it is awakened or not.

If you understand the art of geomancy, you will understand the law of the operation of aura.

"Huangdi Neijing" said: "Qi is the root of human beings; house is the hub of yin and yang, and the model of human relations. If you follow it, you will prosper, and if you go against it, you will fail."

The "Book of Changes" says: "The stars drive the weather, the mountains and rivers drive the earth's atmosphere, the weather is yang, the earth's atmosphere is yin, yin and yang interact, the sky and the earth are dense, and everything grows."

Xiao Yi was wearing a pair of sunglasses, sitting on a helicopter, overlooking the entire Jiangcheng.

In the north, the Yangtze River passes through the edge of the city like a giant dragon. Several small but very spiritual mountains are located in the downtown area, and there are many lakes and rivers among them.

Half city mountain, half city water!
Although in feng shui it is not a dragon's vein, and the emperor cannot be born, but the general can still be born.

This is the reminder given to Xiaoyi by mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, but when it comes to the individual, he cannot get any information.

At this time, the phone rang.

It's "Miss Jinghua" who I haven't contacted for a long time.

"Hey, Sister Liu..." Because of the noise of the helicopter, Xiao Yi had to shout loudly.


"Oh, Xiaofudi? Got it, the house won't be sold, don't worry, I'm not short of money now, the rent will remain the same... Okay, okay, I'm noisy here, I have a chance to go to Shanghai to treat you to dinner... En Well, no need, let's talk next time..."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yi turned on the electronic map and marked the location of his house in Shanghai.

Then look at the entire Yangtze River, the Yangtze River is a soaring dragon.

All the dragon veins in the world come out of Kunlun, and the water is the carrier. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River carry the power of Kunlun to the sea, becoming the two most important dragon veins in China.And the magic city is the dragon's mouth of the southern dragon, and the essence of the water system resources of the Wanli Yangtze River gathers in the magic city.

Then look at the location of the community, it is the place where the giant dragon spits out pills.

(End of this chapter)

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