Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 194 Desert Dragon

Chapter 194 Desert Dragon (13)

Creature: Craytosaurus

Homeworld: Tatooine
Body size: more than 10 meters

Diet: carnivorous
Eva collected a lot of information through the optical brain, including a predatory creature at the top of the food chain in the desert——Krayt Dragon. This name includes several subspecies, all of which are very terrifying.

The 10-meter-tall desert reptile can eventually reach a body length of 30 meters when fully grown.

Because kraytosaurs grow throughout their lives, they get stronger and stronger as they age.

Looking at its appearance through the holographic image, it has five sharp horns on the top of its head, horny bone plates on its face, and its body is covered with scales. Ordinary gunpowder weapons can't even break through its defenses.

What's more, Kraytosaurus contained highly toxic venom in its teeth and spine.

It is similar to the poisonous dragon in the fantasy world, except that it lacks a pair of wings and cannot fly.

And the most terrifying creature in the desert is not the Krayt dragon, but the desert savage.

People are always more terrifying than beasts, no matter what civilization they are in.

Wild animals hunt and prey only when they are hungry, but intelligent creatures have endless greed.

This desert planet is a colonial planet.

According to the information collected by Eva, there are human beings who are exactly the same as the human beings on the earth, and they may even have similar genes in some places.

Because we are all descendants of the last era, this is Xiao Yi's calculation.

There are also many alien creatures, which are much more lively than the earth.

As for the desert savages, they are the natives of Tatooine, and they are the descendants of the Kumma people who first resisted the rule of the infinite empire. However, since the ecosystem of Tatooine was destroyed, civilization has completely ended. After countless years, the distortion became several deformed civilizations.

The desert savage is the largest and most terrifying kind, even for alien colonists.

Alien colonists call them Tusken Commandos, Tusken Raiders, and more often Sandmen.

Sand people live in caves and do not engage in production. Due to environmental reasons, there is no suitable land for them to produce.They hunt desert giants, as well as alien colonists.

This is also the primary reason why Tatooine's colonists will not stay away from their city.

As for why not use high-tech force to kill all the sand people?
This is Otokogawa's biggest question.

Colonists must always look like colonists, and it is always possible to crush the natives with strength!

Subsequently, Eva listed the dense interstellar federation laws. Weapons of mass destruction are not used in ordinary intra-planet disputes. Only conventional weapons can be used in intra-planet battles through strict treaties.

Perhaps from the perspective of the ruling class that ruled several galaxies, the battle between the colonists and the natives was just a fight between two villages, and it was impossible to pull the Star Destroyer over because of this small dispute.

Just like the earth, no matter which country it is, it only uses shields and electric shock batons, and it is impossible to "suddenly" directly.

Moreover, Tatooine is too remote in this huge cosmic civilization.

A corner of the corner of the star map.

Most importantly there are no resources.

No resources means the planet is abandoned.

This is a planet abandoned on the edge of civilization, otherwise, the gate of time and space in the desert would not be the turn of the Earthlings to invade first.

After Xiaoyi took the optical brain out of the central control room, part of it was put into the imaginary number space, and then he chose a route calculated by Eva, preparing to sneak into this cosmic civilization to roam around.

This is a real universe-level civilization, so exciting to think about it!

Xiao Yi is looking forward to this desert planet, because even those conventional weapons seem to be several blocks away from the earth!
However, this journey is not pleasant. It is okay for Clayton to use Gatling directly, use RPG, and use armor-piercing bullets to solve it, but those poisonous insects in the desert are enough for people to bear.

"You just die!"

"You just count on me!"

"Do you think I have many ways to save my life?"


On Xiaoyi's chest, Tu Shanjiu'er was furious. They are connected by a contract, and whoever dies will implicate the other party.

From Xiao Yi's point of view, she really made a profit. When she signed the contract, she never thought that she would have the ability to save her life nine times!
"Since you have the hole cards, what's the matter with taking risks?" Xiao Yi said confidently.

What's yours is mine!

"You and I……"

Mr. Tu Shan was silent for a long time, then he said through gritted teeth, "Take out the Nahaxia heart guard, and I will refine it for you..."

"Hey, you can refine? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Do you think I'm a god? Any magical powers I use now will consume my origin. This is the last time. There will be no next time. Don't you think there will be a next time..."

"Yes, yes, there will be no next time, please work harder..." Xiao Yi smiled slightly, next time...hehe...

Taking out the Baxia breastplate, the one on the chest struggled for a long time before a drop of crystal-like liquid flew out, and then one of the eight tails disappeared again.Immediately, after the liquid fell on the carapace, it gathered like mercury and did not disperse, and then scattered and rushed in all directions, and was absorbed in it. There was a "click, click, click" sound, and then it grew rapidly, and finally formed a body armor!

It is conceivable that if Yi Xiaochuan was wearing this pair of breastplates at this time, then as the breastplates grew, his upper body would seem to be protected by an additional layer of armor, but the shape would be a bit ugly, as if It's encased in a tortoise shell.

Immediately afterwards, a clear illusion took shape!
Xiao Yi saw this phantom once, and it looked like a ferocious tyrant, but its head was even more ferocious and ferocious, with a single horn, which made it look even more ferocious. The sand vibrated and rustled.

"Ahhh, damn it! Qingqiu Fox... you... roar..."

After a long time, the two tortoise shells weighing more than a thousand kilograms finally stopped moving.

"Okay...well, you...slightly...refine...I want to...sleep..."


Xiao Yi went up to pick up the two tortoise shells, but he thought they were still heavy, but when he tried hard, he found that they were weightless.

As soon as it came into contact with the skin, it was like a liquid, it penetrated through every pore, and then evenly covered the whole body without any discomfort.

"Is this refined?"

With a slight excitation, a set of body armor appeared on the body, showing a translucent shape.

Worried, he took out a mirror.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous!"

Oto Xiaochuan really breathed a sigh of relief, looking at himself in the mirror wrapped in armor, the bad scene did not appear, not to mention the practicality and protection, at least when it suddenly appeared during a fight, he felt I am "cool".

The ferocious and domineering appearance is not carrying a big turtle shell.

Even, Xiao Yi felt that he had a breath of a dragon, and Ba Xia was the son of a dragon.

In mysticism, this is called Longwei, which can deter ordinary beasts. In science, it is a powerful pheromone.

It's much easier to walk this way, at least some things like desert worms have never been seen again, and even some not too powerful krayt dragons can be subdued to be used as mounts.

After trekking day and night for several days, finally, Eva reminded that civilization is just ahead...

(End of this chapter)

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