Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 195 Tusken Sands

Chapter 195 Tusken Sands (23)

Standing on the back of the big lizard, Oto Ogawa looked out into the distance, and finally there was no longer an endless desert in front of him, but a cliff like a next door appeared.

As always, barren, without any green.

From the side, it reflects the horror of the interstellar war countless years ago.A planet was destroyed by a bombardment like this.

And that powerful infinite empire of the universe has now become a part of history, and only exists in the database of a few civilizations.

"Greatness begins with smallness, and greatness perishes!"

At this time, Oto Xiaochuan thought of the civilization that created the black technology system, how powerful it was, and it was also destroyed.

Tu Shanjiu'er's civilization of gods and gods was also destroyed.

Those gods that existed in mythology were also submerged in the long river of time, or even fell.

The lizard continued to move forward, and the two suns sank into the horizon at the same time.

According to Eva's calculations, such a situation will occur every 28 days, and the operation of the binary star system is more complicated. After this period of time, there will be complete darkness, and the rest of the time, there will be more or less light .

At this time, Xiao Yi has already left Clayton, and with this big guy attracting him, his sense of existence is very low.

Crossing several cliffs in the dark, Xiao Yi suddenly stopped.

Ahead, a Tusken Raider depicted on a hologram lay flat on the ground, against the cliff, half buried under a pile of rocks.

Although separated by a distance, the appearance and clothing of his sand nation is unmistakable, baggy tan clothes, heavy leather gloves and boots, bullet belts and belts, cloth wrapped around the head, and goggles and breathable mask, a long twin-handled jet rifle a meter away from the outstretched arm.

There was a freshly scratched mark on a very high cliff, from which he had obviously fallen.Maybe when he was hiding on it, the rock under his feet suddenly loosened, and he fell and was buried below.

Immediately, Eva's summary of the Tusken Raiders appeared in Little B's brain.

Civilization: Tatooine native civilization
Alternative names: Tusken Commando, Tusken Raider, Desert Savage, Sandman

Control area: sand sea outside the colony
Appearance: Humanoid, three meters tall, with fierce facial features.

Ability: Can easily blend into the environment, come and go without a trace in the desert like an invisible man.

Proficient in javelins, the elite of the Sandmen, combining powerful strength with the sharp horns of the Kreit dragon, it has the piercing power of armor-piercing bullets.

With telepathy, they can have a mysterious connection with wild beasts. Every sandman who can subdue the Krayt dragon is the elite or leader of the tribe.

Weapons: Javelins, blasters, biotoxins.

Pets: Crayton, Massif, Bantha, Dampback, and some weird desert creatures.

Massif is a muscular four-legged carnivore, standing about one meter tall at the shoulder, with rough skin, a huge mouth, full of sharp teeth, black and big eyes, and a row of hard bones on the back. spinous bone.

This is the main soldier of the Sandman, you can imagine it as a wolf in another world.

As for bantha, the body is covered with thick and long hair, and the two long curved horns on the top of the head are its main appearance features.On Tatooine, the bantha was domesticated by the sandmen as their riding vehicles, and sometimes the meat of the bantha also became a source of food for the local residents of Tatooine.

This is a cow and a horse.

As for the wetback lizard, it is an animal that collects water.

The most important resource in the desert is water.Dampbacks are biological collectors, and of course, they can also be used as mounts.

This sand man was like his kind, with no skin exposed on his body, even the goggles were brown.

Because of the desert environment and some special customs, except for the wedding night, the sand people's skin is always tightly covered.If anyone dares to reveal even an inch of skin, even if it is not intentional, the result will be either beheaded or exiled, depending on the rules of different tribes.

So at first glance, each Sandman is a living mummy.

According to the information collected by Eva, the sand people generally travel lightly, and most of them don't have much possessions. For them, the most precious things are the skulls of their ancestors and the Kreit dragon balls.It is said that if anyone is stupid enough to approach the holy well of the sand man, the sand man will kill without mercy.

Even the colonists of this desert planet consider the Sand People so dangerous that few xenobiologists dare approach them.Existing information related to this ethnic group is very little, and the information is often contradictory and incomplete.

It is true that some who served in the colonizer's government questioned the "races" involved, including the Sands, however alien rights activists believe that such assertions were made to allow the arbitrary killing of the Sands and the desire to seize their land Behavioral rationalization.

Whatever the colonists said about the Tuskens, there was no doubt about the message that they were a reclusive, ferocious nomadic people.

They claim to be the masters of the desert, wandering as they please, and plundering the colonists is no doubt.

There is no doubt that they do not produce, and live like robbers.

Yi Xiaochuan didn't expect to see aliens so soon, and started to observe from a distance.

The sand man was lying on his stomach with his limbs spread out, his arms crossed, and his head tilted to one side.Most of the lower body is buried in rocks and debris.

One of his legs was pinned down by a large rock.

Xiao B released a spider robot, slowly approached the gun, and then dragged it back.

The companion pet that is unique to the Sandmen does not appear.

The ammunition of this gun is not a gunpowder weapon, but an air gun, which is stupid and heavy.The person who uses this kind of gun must have a strong arm and must be trained.

Even, when the power is insufficient, this gun can also be used as a hammer.

Xiao Yi noticed that there were strange patterns engraved on the handle of the gun—maybe it was a tribal mark.

Sand people are a tribal people.

As for why it is not a gunpowder weapon, isn't it obvious!

One is the problem of raw materials, and the other is that gunpowder weapons may really have been eliminated.

The colonists' conventional weapons are blasters, which emit energy beams.

Suddenly, the already cool-looking sand man moved, retracted one arm, propped himself up, and raised his cloth-wrapped head.

The opaque goggles stared straight into the darkness in the other direction, where there was a loud voice.

All of a sudden, there was a sound of "rusting" in the wind, and a huge centipede-like creature with a body length of more than 5 centimeters and a hard shell shining black and red on its back swam out from the darkness of the canyon cliffs.

This creature has a flat head, black bean-like eyes are black and shiny, revealing spirituality, and the two black and green fangs on the lips reveal a very ferocious meaning.

"Is this telepathy? Using thoughts to control creatures..."

Xiao Yi hid in the darkness, only to see the sound of "biubiu" coming from the darker and darker night, accompanied by a brilliant light.

(End of this chapter)

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