Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 196 My Name Is Skywalker

Chapter 196 My Name Is Skywalker (33)


Yi Xiaochuan muttered, and then retreated quickly. It's better not to make trouble when you're new here.

Moreover, although the sandmen also have high-tech products such as blasters, they were snatched, and they would definitely not fire them as intensively as they did in the night.

There is only one possibility, that the native sand people of Tatooine are fighting the colonizing aliens.

Although Eva is sure that these colonial cities are chaotic and easy to smuggle in, humans are still very few on this planet.

A human being suddenly appeared. If someone with a heart finds out, there will be endless troubles in the follow-up.

Fortunately, this piece of wind-corroded passageway extends in all directions, like a maze, otherwise even if it is covered by darkness, it will definitely be discovered by those alien colonists equipped with high technology.

Needless to say, things like night vision goggles are not high-tech.

As for the blaster, it's an energy weapon that looks like a beam of lasers, but isn't actually a laser.

Whether it's a tiny pocket blaster, a blaster pistol, a larger blaster rifle, or a turbo blaster, the basic blaster technology that amplifies a beam into a deadly beam of energy is largely the same, and its internal mechanics are based on the same theory and principles. principle.

Pulling the trigger releases volatile explosive gases into the converter chamber, where they are excited by energy from the weapon's power source.The energized gas then passes through the confined space of the blaster's activation module and becomes a powerful beam of particles.A crystal prism focuses the particle beam and transmits it to the calibration gun bore, which "energizes" the particle beam into an energy beam in its final form.

Such energy beams can be roughly divided into two categories: particle beams and plasma beams.

Particle beams are more effective against the body; plasma beams are more effective against machines and shields.

As for the color, it depends on the composition of the blaster gas and the focus crystal.

All in all, blasters have nothing to do with lasers on a dime.

Laser weapons, not to mention high energy consumption, are also vulnerable to weather and the environment.

For example, when he was asked in an interview "whether laser weapons have disadvantages or shortcomings", he calmly stated the shortcomings of lasers: smog can greatly reduce the power and even defense of laser weapons.Because the smog contains many tiny metal particles, these metal particles are equivalent to small steel balls permeating the air after being enlarged, and the laser is difficult to penetrate.When PM2.5 reaches 10 or 1, the resistance to laser weapons reaches the maximum and cannot penetrate at all.For example, in the absence of smog, the effective distance of laser weapons is [-] kilometers, and in the case of smog, it will drop to [-] kilometer. The effect of this weapon in smog will be greatly reduced.

But on the desert planet, it's not smog, it's a sandstorm, try using a laser weapon...

Moreover, the energy consumption of lasers is too high. For weapons with the same energy density, laser weapons are not the best choice.

As he walked, Xiao Yi kept avoiding some life forms. After walking for more than an hour, Xiao Yi finally found himself lost.

This kind of wind-eroded Yardang landform is full of cliffs of various sizes, and the heights are uneven.

For thousands of years, due to wind and rain erosion, gullies of different depths have been formed on the ground, and the exposed stone layers have been carved into strange shapes by the strong wind: some are grinning like monsters; ; Here it looks like pavilions, with eaves and roofs; there it looks like a magnificent palace, standing proudly.

The arrow-like airflow shuttles and swirls among the strange rocks, making sharp sounds, such as howling wolves and howling tigers, and howling ghosts and gods.

"It seems that only divination is needed..."

"Divination in another world should not be affected!"

Xiao Yi took out a copper coin, flicked his thumb and flew into the air, then took it with the back of his hand, it was positive.

Naturally, this is not easy to occupy, but similar to the Western crystal pendulum method, the positive side is yes, and the dark side is no. It is the difference between clockwise and counterclockwise, and it is used to determine the direction of one's actions.

Although it is not as effective as Yi Zhan, it is not a problem if it is used to find the way.

Before he knew it, he seemed to have returned to the battle ground, and Oto Xiaochuan was sensitive to the smell of blood in the air.

"I go?"

"It seems that the battle is over..."

"The non-easy method is really unreliable!"


"someone is coming……"

Xiao Yi keenly sensed that a humanoid creature was approaching him at a very close distance, and immediately retreated cautiously.

At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded from that direction: "Who? Raise your hand..."

Oto Xiaochuan looked at the alien who found himself, and at the same time quickly remembered the information of this race in his mind.


Race: Reptilian intelligent life
Home Planet: Trandosa

Average height: up to 2.1 meters

Skin color: green, yellow, brown, orange, red

Eye Color: Yellow, Orange

Distinctions: Scaly skin, lizard appearance

Abilities: Giant Power, Mimic Skin, Cold Blood, Dynamic Vision

Weapons: Various blasters
This is an alien colonial mercenary, a race that is extremely good at hiding, and of course good at fighting, especially when mastering high-tech weapons.

Just when Xiao Yi was struggling to fight or flee, a child's voice appeared.

"I'm Anakin from Watto's Grocery Store... This is my friend Zorro, who accompanied me to find parts..."

"Watou? The profiteer?"

"That's right, the blue-skinned Toydarian Watto..."

"I recognize you. Your performance in the pod race won me a lot of money... Get out! Remember to lose next time..."

"Zorro, let's go! Another night wasted and nothing was found..."

Xiao Yi hesitated for a moment, but still followed the blond-haired child.

Because he felt that this little boy was very unusual. When he appeared just now, he didn't even arouse his sixth sense.

He didn't even notice his arrival until he made a sound.

Walking along a gully with seven turns and eight turns, I also encountered many strange races.

In such a situation, Xiao Yi didn't dare to speak easily, anyway, just follow along.

Of course, just to be on the safe side, Xiao Yi secretly made a divination.

Best of luck.

Finally, the eyes suddenly opened up, and a city appeared in front of them. Although it was night, it could be seen that the city was very big, and it even had a little green at last.

Going all the way, stepping into the gate of a yard, lighting a lamp, the first thing you see is a semi-finished aircraft called the shuttle, which only has a rough skeleton, with many exposed parts and pipelines, It looks pretty ugly and rundown.It was surrounded by parts, and Xiao Yi could tell that Anakin, who was less than ten years old, was very talented mechanically.

After closing the door, the little boy opened a pair of big blue eyes, and he seemed to be able to see a piece of sea from his eyes.

"You seem to be coming to Mos Espa for the first time. Are you human too? Humans are rare in the interstellar world."

Along the way, Xiao Yi knew that this child was definitely precocious, but looking at his pair of blue and pure eyes, it seemed that he was really just a child.

"Yes, I am a human being from the East, with yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes. You should be of Western descent, with blond hair and blue eyes..."

The little boy smiled excitedly and happily, and said impatiently: "Have you ever been to the home planet of human beings? What is the name of our home planet?"

"I haven't been there. If that ancient book is not a nonsense, the home planet of human beings is called Earth. It is blue, just like your eyes..."

"Earth, earth..." After murmuring several times, the little boy bowed to Xiao B and said, "Thank you, Oriental!"

"Thank you too, you saved me tonight..."

"You don't have to thank me, helping each other is what humans should do in the interstellar world!" The boy said proudly, his eyes full of joy.

Feeling his innocence and joy, Oto Xiaochuan laughed too, and said, "But you are amazing for being able to do what you should do!"

No one seems to have ever praised him like that.

The boy looked extremely excited, and he said to Xiao B: "Are you hungry! I'll take you to eat something, but unfortunately I'm too poor... There is no harvest tonight, so I can only treat you to the cheapest dune roast Melon."

The boy was a little depressed and looked a little lonely.

Otokawa smiled, looked around the shuttle, and picked up a scrapped holographic device.

It's not a big problem, it's just that the damaged parts need to be replaced. Fortunately, he collected a lot of scraps. After finding a few scrapped devices, he quickly assembled a hologram.As soon as the screen was turned on, a blue and white interface appeared in the yard full of waste products. The boy watched the process intently, and looked at Xiao Yi in surprise.

"Look! We have money to eat!"

Xiao B pointed to the holographic image and said to him with a smile.

"Really!" The boy looked at all this in amazement, and said to Xiao B: "Are you a mechanic? It's amazing. I haven't mastered this kind of delicate instrument repair..."

Oto Xiaochuan smiled, neither admitting nor denying it.

But this hologram says it all.

He was about to take Xiao B out, but now he remembered that today is a dark day, and immediately said with a bitter face: "Today is too bad, there are no shops open during the dark day, and there are three hours left. When the sun shines, I can sell it." Give it to my master Watto, and we'll have money to eat!"


Xiao Yi frowned, this is not a good word, it is already the interstellar era, why is slavery still practiced?
"Jabba the Hutt lost my mother and me to my master Watto in a gamble..."


Xiao Yi suddenly realized that he didn't seem to use the "method of hope" to see the fate of this very different little boy, maybe he could save this slave child.

He is very different.

And to redeem him and his mother's money, for me, it may be just a matter of effort.

Under the light, Xiao B's eyes turned gray and white.


Xiao Yi covered his eyes in pain, tears streaming down his face.

"Mr. Dongfang, what's the matter with you?"

"I... I... I'm fine!"

Yi Xiaochuan gasped, he saw a mass of hot light, a mass of deep black, vast and boundless.

"What's your name?"


"What's your last name?"

"Skywalker! My name is Anakin Skywalker!"

(End of this chapter)

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