Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 197 The Temptation of Food

Chapter 197 The Temptation of Food (13)

Mos Espa is one of the few port cities on the Tatooine desert planet. It rose in the desert and was built little by little over the years.

The architectural structure is a style very suitable for desert survival. It is all built of earth and stone structures, similar to cave dwellings, but with domed houses to protect residents from the scorching sun and extreme heat.

Most of Mos Espa's residents are subsistence immigrants and paupers, a despicable institution that remained in Mos Espa even though slavery was outlawed elsewhere during the Republic.

There are also entertainment venues in the city in many various houses, work areas and shopping malls, some are even very huge, the famous Mos Espa Arena can almost accommodate the entire population of the city as spectators.

The Hutts are the de facto masters of this remote planet, bringing their fortunes and distracting the public from their criminal activities by building gigantic pod racing arenas.

This seems to be a deformed society.

Beneath the superficial order was utter chaos.

Even that government was controlled by Jabba the Hutt, the leader of the interstellar gang.

Fortunately, this planet is too barren, which is unfortunate and fortunate.

With some basic information provided by Anakin, and the data obtained by Eva from the basically useless civilian planet network, Xiao Yi basically figured out the division of forces on this chaotic desert planet.

The colony is under the control of Jabba the Hutt, though he doesn't care about the planet.

Those useless sand seas are under the control of the native sandmen.

The networks used by the government and the military, those really useful large databases, Eva judged that quantum computers may be used to communicate with other planets.

The photonic computer and quantum computer that Eva occupies are not of the same order of magnitude at all, so after a preliminary judgment, she completely cancels some small actions and retreats into Xiao Yi's "imaginary number space".

First, determine the location of the desert planet.

But even Eva didn't figure out which corner of the universe this civilization is in. Although this republic is called the Milky Way, it obviously doesn't refer to the Milky Way, but a problem of translation.

When any civilization looks up at the universe, the starry sky it sees is a Milky Way.

"It's no wonder the old celestial master didn't say which corner of the universe this is. Either this is the deepest part of the universe, an extremely far place that humans cannot measure, or... this is another universe!"

The multiverse theory has been proposed on earth for more than 100 years.

As for Anakin Skywalker, just because of the name, Xiao Yi felt a kind of magical power, repeated divination, and pointed out that this little guy will be like a monkey grandson in the future, disturbing this planet, this civilization, this universe, Turned upside down.

And the fate contained in this small body makes people dare not look directly at it.

Light and darkness coexist.

Whether the light devours the darkness, or the darkness covers the light, no one knows.

"The protagonist...he is the protagonist of this universe..."

After Otokogawa repeatedly hoped for various alien races, he secretly came to a conclusion.

As for "Star Wars" and so on, just as there are no Eight Great Divine Mantras in Taoism, there is no such thing in the parallel universe that Oto Xiaochuan lives in.

The sky was already bright, and an orange sun slowly emerged from the horizon.

This time is the most comfortable time of the day. When the two suns are all up, the scorching heat will descend on the desert of Tatooine, and the scorching sun will roast people.

At that time, no creature will go out.

Holding a holographic imaging device, the little boy led Oto Xiaochuan through the earth-colored city, looking very excited. He is a child who loves to learn, especially in repairing.

His dream is to be an excellent mechanic.

And Yi Xiaochuan promised to teach him some knowledge of science and technology.

Of course, before teaching and receiving knowledge, you need to have a full meal, and you need to exchange this holographic imaging device for money.

Anakin's owner, shopkeeper Watto, was one of Mos Espa's smaller merchants and ran a general store.

From a distance, I saw a storefront with a bell-shaped roof, which was very different from the surrounding circular-roofed buildings. According to Anakin's introduction along the way, this was Watto's tribute to his hometown Toydaria.The spire becomes a cozy perch, much like its parent world's sludge lair.

According to Anakin, Watto was a shrewd and rough thrift shop owner on Mos Espa.He is a fiery, unshaven Toydarian with a passion for money and gambling.Although Watto's shop is relatively small in Mos Espa, his scrap yard is definitely a treasure trove of scrap machinery and spare parts.

Among Watto's possessions are two slaves - Anakin and his mother, Shmi Skywalker.

After winning the mother and son back from Gardulla the Hutt in a pod race bet, Watto put them to work in his shop.The young Anakin displayed an incredible talent for mechanical repair, and Watto admired him very much.Although being a slave is not a glorious thing, Watto is a good master.This is likely because the boy was a major source of income for him—not only repairing his machinery, but also earning him money in pod races.

Once entering the small shop, the interior can be said to be extremely dim. It can be seen that this flailing alien is a bit stingy. Of course, it may be for business needs, and the dark environment can better cover up the flaws of the products.

Seeing Anakin enter the door, the blue-skinned and extremely strange-looking Watto said in a hoarse voice: "Anakin, have you fixed my shuttle? Seven days later, the shuttle competition... Well, humans, What do you want to buy?"

"Mr. Watto, this is my friend, um... Mr. Zorro!" Anakin put the device in his hand on the table and said, "He needs to sell this holographic device, which is worth 4500 yuan. Let you have a profit of 800 yuan, and if you meet someone who won’t counter-offer, you can earn 1000 yuan or even more.”

"Holographic image?" Watto tapped the device with his thick fingers, his mouth and long nose squirmed for a while, the interface opened, and a three-dimensional image appeared. He shook his head and said, "Look, it's not working well here. It's a bit hot here, and there is a risk of burning it after a long time, here..."

Picking out several flaws, he said, "Humans, 3000 yuan, not a dime more."

The blond boy shrugged and said, "Okay! Zorro, it seems that my master doesn't know what to buy. If you take it to the Togruta art store next door, they can offer you this price..."

"Anakin...Okay! 4000 yuan, no more..."

"Deal... I need to go out with my friends, can I take a day off? I know I can... By the way, Mom..."

Anakin yelled towards the back of the shop, and after a while, he saw a brown-haired woman with rough skin due to the wind and sand coming out.

"Mom, my new friend, he is a mechanic, he is willing to teach me superb repair skills..."

The woman smiled at Otokawa, and said, "Anakin is always naughty, so please trouble me, sir. If possible, can you invite me to your house for dinner?"

"Okay, ma'am, that's really troublesome!"

Yi Xiaochuan knew what she was doing when she invited her to dinner. She wanted to see if she was suitable to associate with his son. It was only natural for a mother to care about her child.

Watto is indeed a good master. Although he controls everything about Anakin, from body to soul, he doesn't treat him as a slave, more like a boss and an employee.

Although it is indeed squeezed more powerfully.

But without Watto, it would be impossible for Anakin and his son to survive on this desert planet.

He took out three banknotes, handed the remaining 3700 yuan to Otokawa, and said, "300 yuan can be a big meal, thank you..."

"This is yours, those devices are your property, I just assembled them..."

"Knowledge is priceless, without Mr. Zorro's knowledge, they are not worth a penny."

"Okay! Then I'll take 1000 yuan..." Without any explanation, he stuffed the money into the little boy's pocket.

The place to eat, according to Anakin, is the best gourmet restaurant in this block, and the cook is a four-armed Besalisk.

After a while, the main course was served, and the speed of serving the dishes was undeniable.

Roughly compared with the dishes on earth, it should be lamb stewed with tender potatoes!
Potatoes, of course, are not potatoes, but the stems of a similar desert plant.

In terms of meat, it is a kind of alien lamb.

It is not the common meat on Tatooine—bantha meat. In the eyes of the colonists, bantha is a dirty animal, although it is often necessary to eat this kind of animal.

Just like pigs have always been dirty animals in ancient times, it was not until Su Dahuzi invented Dongpo pork in the Northern Song Dynasty that it became popular.

The main reason is not that the meat is not delicious, but that it cannot be cooked.

In the open kitchen, Xiao Yi also watched the method. The Besalisk people are five big and three thick. Because of the four arms, the speed is not as fast as usual. Basically, boil the water to copy the meat, and then add all kinds of strange things. The strange seasoning is probably similar to onion and salt, and then it is stewed directly. At a certain time, plant stems and small beans are added, and it is stewed for four to five 10 minutes.

"Is this top-level food? Isn't it too simple? It's purely supported by the deliciousness of the meat itself!"

Yi Xiaochuan couldn't help but shook his head, the alien civilization had already reached the speed of light, but this delicacy was not even worthy of carrying Huaxia's shoes.

"Mr. Zorro... Well, I haven't asked what your name is yet?"

"Just call me Zorro! You don't need to call me Mr., just call me Zorro, little Anakin..." Xiao Yi tasted the alien lamb. fresh.

Seeing Otokogawa put down the spoon, Anakin asked doubtfully, "Zorro... isn't this delicious?"

"Actually... I'm a gourmet!"


Needless to say, Anakin knew that this dish was not to Mr. Zorro's taste.

"But this is the signature dish..."

There is not much seasoning on this barren planet, so gourmet food cannot develop naturally.

"It's okay. Let's go to the vegetable market when you're full. I'll cook for myself. Maybe we can bring your mother back for a good dinner."

"Really? But I can't cook..."

"I can see that you are an excellent helper..."

Seeing that Yi Xiaochuan didn't eat, Anakin also put down the spoon, and then packed.

It is shameful to waste food, especially in the barren desert.

After walking around the vegetable market, I can still find some ingredients, although they look weird.

Go back to the scrap warehouse, just across the wall, is the residence of Skywalker, mother and son.

The inexhaustible resource of a binary desert planet is naturally solar energy, but water is the most expensive resource.

After washing the alien meat with clean water, Anakin poured the sewage into the recycling machine, waited for the sun to evaporate the water, returned it to a cool place underground and filtered it again, and it became drinking water again.

Although he has never held a spatula since meeting Lao Liu, Xiao Yi can cook.

Since his parents passed away, he has lived alone and has been a cook for eight years.

Taking out a set of cutting boards and kitchen knives in the imaginary number space, Dudu chopped the meat into small pieces.

Put the meat into the soup bowl, and then took out a seasoning box. As a foodie, Xiao Yi prepared a lot of seasonings.

If you want to eat Sichuan cuisine hot pot, there are authentic hot pot base ingredients, but aliens don’t necessarily eat spicy food, so they gave up the idea of ​​eating hot pot.

First marinate the meat, onion, ginger, garlic and pepper, fine snowflake salt, soy sauce, vinegar cooking wine, Anakin was dazzled.

He didn't even have time to think about the storage space technology.

I just think Zorro looks so good.

Put the stew pot on the solar stove, and while it was heating up, Otokawa cut plants like carrots and onions into many pieces, put a piece of butter in the hot pot, fried it to melt, and then poured Alien carrot and onion cubes, sautéed for a while.

The scent immediately began to diffuse, causing Anakin to salivate.

Then pour in all the small pieces of marinated meat and fry them carefully for a while.

During this process, add cooking wine to remove fishy smell, add sauce and water.

Then bring to a simmer.

Stir-fry a few extraterrestrial vegetables, take out Lao Liu's stewed beef, salted peanuts...

Counting the time, Anakin's mother, Shmi Skywalker, will soon be back, and his master, Watto, doesn't care about food.

Xiao B opened the lid of the stew pot, put the tender beans and cut plant stems in, added a cup of hot water, and two spoons of salt.

Close the lid and turn down the heat.

The fragrance in the room is getting stronger and stronger, full of tempting fragrance.

Anakin stood on the side obediently. At this moment, he was really like a child, completely addicted to the temptation of delicious food.

Watching eagerly.

Finally, the sound of the door opening and familiar footsteps came from outside the yard.

"It smells so good..." Shi Mi Skywalker whispered suspiciously before he came in.

"Maybe a glass of wine...it's a day to celebrate..."

(End of this chapter)

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