Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 281 Biochemical Giant

Chapter 281 Biochemical Giant
Reiki recovery, the second year.

Yi Xiaochuan, a great scientist, and Jiutian Luo, opened the era of national practice with the gene evolution medicine, and personally opened the prelude to the fifth industrial revolution. Nanotechnology officially stepped onto the stage of spiritual recovery.

As soon as the demons and ghosts appear in the darkness, there are even gods revived with the help of faith, and the doors of space are continuously opened.

The crisis will not be reduced in any way because of the sudden increase in strength.

It's a race, and to fall behind is to perish.

Obviously, China is far ahead.

A small island outside the Penglai laboratory. This is the place where the "little white mice" are raised. It has a large area and beautiful scenery. All of them live in sea-view rooms.

Many days ago, a sea vessel stopped at the port and dropped a container, which contained a giant dragon.

Western Tuatara.

This is a light red giant dragon. The curves on its body are extremely elegant, covered with fine dragon scales, but unfortunately, it is full of scars.

After the anesthetic dissipated, he took healing potions, and the dragon recovered.

The muscles swelled slightly, and they straightened the thick chains that restrained their arms, showing great strength.Its tail is like a powerful ram, with a slight swing, it hits the metal pillar restraining it behind, making a huge roar, and when its tail moves away, a huge deep hole appears on the metal pillar. pit.

Before long, the metal pillar was covered with huge pits.

Seeing someone approaching, it stared vertically.And from its nostrils, two slightly flaming breaths spewed out, and a faint sulfur smell immediately filled the air.

There is also a magma-like scorching breath!
"Can you speak dragon language?"

Otokawa sent a message with his spiritual power.

But this red dragon has no eyesight, and flames are brewing in the huge and ferocious dragon's mouth immediately.

Before a mouthful of dragon flames spewed out, Fei Bin awakened the Sequence of "Demon", and now the Sequence 8 "Red Eye" snorted coldly, walked in big strides, then swung his bony fist towards the ferocious dragon head. It was an uppercut.

The dragon's neck was imprisoned by a strong metal chain, how could it escape, this punch immediately hit the jaw.

With the addition of huge strength, the red dragon's 18-meter-long huge body felt a little floating in the air.

With a painful roar, its huge mace-like tail swung forward.

But Fei Bin dodged deftly, his eyes turned red immediately, and he hit his forehead with a stick.

"Can't speak dragon language? It's a pity..."

Yi Xiaochuan turned around and walked away, saying as he walked, "Install a controller for it, and throw it in the Pacific Ocean as a peripheral defense..."

Walking around the island, he has seaweed-like hair, light blue skin, and four arms. The lower body is a bit like a Naga Siren with a huge sea snake tail.This is one of the ancient sea creatures in mythology, and it has some kind of blood relationship with the abyssal snake demon.

There is a child who looks like three or four years old, but his whole body is covered with hard scales, with a beak, frog limbs, monkey body, and tortoise shell, with a small saucer on top of his head, this is a kappa.

"They are all scumbags who are not qualified to enter the laboratory! Eva, check where there are special creatures..."

【Yes, master! 】

After a few seconds, the hologram appears.

Toppled high-rise buildings, exposed steel bars, it is a huge city ruins.

Occasionally there are burning steel chariots, melting and steel mixed with corpses, churning in the dirt that paves the way from New York Harbor to the Statue of Liberty.

Everywhere you look, there are ruins and wreckage of the city, as if still carrying the last cries of thousands of souls buried here.

Suddenly, amidst the huge roar, even the ground shook, and something fell out of the sky.

What appeared on the screen was actually a... person?

That's right, it's people!

A body without any skin, protruding red muscles, white membranes dotted on the edges of the muscles, and some bones embedded in the muscles, cheeks, exposed ferocious teeth, the skull turned outwards, beyond human Imagine the scary giant!
Falling to the ground, the half-kneeling giant slowly stood up.

When the giant stood up straight, its height was even enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with those tall buildings in New York City!
Immediately afterwards, something else fell...

"The product of a failed biochemical experiment...Hey, this is just a little different!"

This one is really different.

Otokawa has been paying attention to the space-time gate in the sky in New York for a long time. The skinless giant that fell down does not have any wisdom, only the desire to kill and eat.

Although the defensive power is very good and the power is infinite, but facing the modern killing machines, it is only the fate of being slaughtered.

The United States abandoned New York not because of these biochemical failures, but because of the countless demons in the deep sea, they had to temporarily retreat inland.

Even in Huaxia, most of the coastal cities have also been abandoned.

This kind of life has no emotion and no civilization. Except for the product of a failed experiment, nature will never produce such a living body.

But this is very different from a giant, because when you see him, you will never be surprised by his size, but will be attracted by his other organ, and then open your mouth wide, unbelievable.

It was an eye, a huge blood-red eye!

The diameter of this giant eye is at least more than ten meters, occupying most of the giant's right chest, and the height of the top of its shoulder is even close to the head!
Thick blood-red blood vessels are densely covered around the eyeballs, forcibly connecting this weird organ with the torso. The skin at the junction with the torso seems to have been completely torn, and the thick, blood-red fibers of the muscles are clearly visible.

The whites of the giant eyes are pale gray, covered with a lot of bloodshot eyes, but the crimson pupils are as deep as an endless ocean, and the dazzling sunlight seems to be completely swallowed by them!

The giant didn't look up, but the evil giant eye looked at the sky and the satellite, and it seemed to meet Otokawa's eyes from a long distance away.

His brows immediately frowned, and Otokawa could even feel very clearly that if there were substantial spiritual power ripples around it, the ripples of spiritual power were extremely hot, from the pupils of the giant eyes It diffused, and finally landed on an orbiting satellite.

Then, the satellite was abruptly pulled from the sky to the ground by it.

"What the hell is this..."

Without Otokawa's instructions, Eva has already aimed many instruments at New York.

However, the screen is already covered in dust.

The US covered that area with artillery fire.

"It's interesting that it blocked the bombardment. I don't know what civilization made the biochemical giant with strong spiritual power..."

"This biochemical technology is very good! I have to find another world to try the biochemical taboo experiment..."

"No! It's too inhuman..."

"How about going to the abyss!"

(End of this chapter)

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