Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 282 Biochemical Viruses

Chapter 282 Biochemical Viruses
Otokawa looked at the other side of the Pacific Ocean from a distance. Although there was an ocean plus a continent, the biochemical giant in the ruins of New York City was invisible to the naked eye.

But it is conceivable that the biochemical civilization that created it must have so much high technology in biochemistry!
Even for the current biochemistry of the earth, it is an incomprehensible black technology.

At least, Otokawa is unable to create such a powerful biochemical weapon right now.

However, compared with the fourth era that created sequence gene evolution, the biochemical giant is small and humble again.

Sequential potions are god-making, but the biochemical giant is just a cold and emotionless weapon of war.

Compared with China, which has mastered elementary nanotechnology, even if it confronts head-on, it is not afraid.

With the many technologies provided by Xiaoyi and the advent of a variety of nanomaterials, technology has advanced significantly again. The chariot of science is rumbling unstoppably across the shackles of the fourth industrial revolution and moving towards a bright and bright direction .

As for Otokawa, in the past few months, he has also been studying the true power of CPH4 non-stop, the second evolution, which is a weak ability after the powerful power is suppressed by various medicinal properties. The real CPH4 is as vast as the sea and as mysterious as the starry sky.

The effect of the sequence potion lies in its unique effect on human genes, the optimization and recombination of redundant genes.

But CPH4 is simpler and more brutal, so it is also more dangerous.

As a secondary supplement to the sequence potion, CPH4 was given great hope by Oto Ogawa.

Evolution is an extremely complex, unknown, and uncontrollable change. The evolutionary power of CPH4 must be thoroughly researched and controlled before it can be used in a controlled manner.

So, it goes without saying that it will take countless "guinea pigs" to try.

The evolutionary path of organisms has always been an unknown gamble. Gene mutations are then screened, eliminated or adapted by nature. By.

Nature is like this, natural selection creates a variety of extremely perfect creatures.

For example, vampires have resilience beyond imagination.

For example, a giant is born with a powerful physical body.

Wisdom is a greater existence.

Evolution of drugs and drug competition, natural selection.

Full of bloody cruelty.

This is the way of evolution.

If all the choices are left to nature to eliminate, there is really no time to wait. Otokawa is more willing to start the path of evolution with his own hands and explore the mysteries of genes and evolution.

As for the "little white mice", it is their honor to be a member of Otokawa's laboratory.

In terms of the most basic evolution of the "Taoist" sequence, Otokawa's body already has super senses, and even used super-order spirit stones to push the five senses to the peak of the Taoist sequence, but this is not enough.

It's just the beginning.

It's been tested on vampires, it's been tested on demons, it's been tested on awakened people...

Even Oto Xiaochuan attacked himself.

There is nothing more rewarding than experiencing it for yourself.

Of course, compared with those mice, the amount of CPH4 injected was within a controllable range.

Therefore, his five internal organs that have undergone an evolution slowly changed again.

Eva is always paying attention to the changes in the direction of New York City. The biochemical giant died under the high-tech bombing after all...

On the third day after the arrival of the biochemical giant, a plane flew from across the Pacific Ocean to the Modu Airport, and then a sealed container was transported to the Penglai Laboratory.

A dozen or so bionic robots in white coats brought the experimental materials to Otokawa.

The experimental materials preserved in liquid nitrogen were the muscle tissue, internal organ tissue, and brain tissue of the biochemical giant.

In Otokawa's view, this is really of great research value.

At least when that biochemical civilization invades on a large scale, it can be somewhat defensive.

The biochemical civilization is so strong that it will be infinitely strong, and a single virus can destroy the world.

But weak, weak enough.

When facing the robot, it will definitely not have much lethality.

Soon, an RNA virus was isolated from muscle tissue.

In biology, RNA acts as a messenger in the life activities of all animals and plants on the earth, turning the genetic information recorded in DNA into proteins, and the codons of all animals and plants on the earth are the same, so after this virus enters the cell , releasing RNA that masquerades as host RNA.

Anyone who knows some biological knowledge knows that some of the more powerful viruses contain reverse transcriptase, which is to generate viral DNA from RNA under the action of reverse transcriptase, so as to achieve mass reproduction and DNA inheritance.

The virus carried by this biochemical giant is definitely a mutant that has been strengthened by genetic engineering, and it has a qualitative leap in infectivity and disease speed compared with ordinary viruses.

The gradually analyzed information all showed that this was a biochemical weapon.

Moreover, the virus carried on the body is extremely contagious.

"MMP, is that civilization crazy? Study this horrible virus..."

Otokawa gritted his teeth and said, "Eva, stop other experiments and focus on deciphering this virus and finding the immune body..."

【Yes, master!The blood god child gene experiment is stopped, the vampire gene experiment is stopped, the giant gene experiment is stopped...thirteen experiments are temporarily stopped...]

[Simulated virus erosion process! 】

[In the first stage, the infection of the virus is blocked by the human immune system, and the white blood cells will try to kill the infected cells, and adopt the method of "communication", which will lead to a large amount of necrotic tissue in the human body.

In the second stage, in order to repair tissue loss and restore the function of the immune system, the infected body needs a large amount of food to provide materials and energy sources, which makes the infected person have a strong appetite.


[Analyze the manufacturing process of biochemical giants! 】

[Biochemical giants, as biological weapons, should be transformed with viruses from the fertilized egg (or early embryo) stage, so they can avoid the interference of the immune system and the drag of the growth status before infection, and obtain healthy and stable mutant creatures.Obviously, the fertilized eggs to be used are not limited to one type of organism, and foreign genes can also be mixed according to needs, which makes biological weapons diverse...]

[Analyzing the mutation status of the virus...screening the original virus DNA...]

"This kind of perverted evolution is really creepy! I'd better follow my steps and plan! It's better not to stick to this kind of thing..."

Otokawa looked at the information that Eva continuously deciphered, and couldn't help admiring that civilization. If such a virus leaks before the spiritual energy recovers, it will be a disaster for the world.

A phone call to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

"The biochemical giant carries a special virus. As a red taboo, all departments prohibit contact..."

"If the virus leaks before the spiritual energy recovers, it will be a crisis of extinction! But it's okay now, as long as the blood of this biochemical giant is not directly injected, the immunity of the awakened person is enough to inactivate, but ordinary people with weak constitutions will be killed. Infect……"

"I hope there will be no mutation!"

"Hope it wasn't used by some ancient god..."

Oto Ogawa's hand holding the phone froze...

Ancient Heavenly Court Plague Department, ancient god...

(End of this chapter)

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