Chapter 306

Silent sound waves washed away from the small black dragon's horn, watching the herd of beasts fall down in pieces like mowing grass, Yu Shiqie and Leilia were frightened.

Especially the concubine Yu, she is the younger sister of Shuibo Tianwu, the master of the water tribe, and has always been loved by the true god of Xuanshui, Zhulong. Even the Canglong Horn was bestowed by Zhulong himself.

She has acquired the Canglong Horn for several years, and she can control all beasts, but she can't harvest the lives of monsters in such a large scale.

In an instant, the back was covered with cold sweat.

Fear builds up.

The silence speaks!
When Yi Xiaochuan removed the Canglong horn from his mouth, Concubine Yu felt that all her strength had been sucked away.

The most important thing in the battle of Chaoyang Valley's destruction of Mirage City was to attack through these tens of thousands of beasts. Now...

Everything is ruined!

"The so-called infrasonic weapon traditionally refers to a high-power weapon device that can emit infrasonic waves below 20 Hz."

"Sound waves are mechanical longitudinal waves, which can propagate in solids, liquids, and gases. The sounds that ordinary people can hear every day are sound waves in the frequency range of 20-20000 Hz, and those below 20 Hz are infrasonic waves."

"The reason why infrasound is used as a military weapon is that infrasound is similar to the natural frequency of living organs, so it will resonate. The resonance between infrasound and human organs will cause organs to deform, shift, or even rupture, thereby achieving the purpose of killing. "

"Infrasonic weapons can be roughly divided into two categories: nerve-type infrasound weapons, and organ-type infrasound weapons..."

"The infrasound frequency of neural infrasound weapons is the same as the alpha rhythm of the human brain, so when infrasound waves act on the human body, they will damage the human brain, cause resonance, and have a serious impact on people's psychology and consciousness. When it is severe, it can cause insanity, insanity, shock and fainting, loss of thinking ability, and death."

"The infrasound frequency of organ-type infrasound weapons is the same as the natural frequency of the internal organs of the human body, which will cause strong resonance in the internal organs of the human body. In mild cases, muscle spasms, trembling, and breathing difficulties; in severe cases, blood vessels rupture, internal organs are damaged, and even rapid die."

Yi Xiaochuan said something that the two girls couldn't understand. While chatting and laughing, almost all the monsters within a ten-mile radius fell to the ground.

"Young master said, if you like it, you will give this Canglong horn to you. The Shui tribe still has important matters. I wonder if Master Yu can leave?"

Master Yu's concubine has red hair and bare feet, she is so beautiful.Under the black silk robe, her figure is enchanting, looming.While the waist and limbs were twisting and dancing, the charming and peerless face was swaying, smiling slightly, two little snakes curled up and stretched out in the ear, and the red letter was hesitating.Thousands of styles, dazzling and magical, even the afternoon sun is dim by comparison.


"..." Yu Shiqie is not a Gushe fairy, she immediately smiled at Qianxi, without any resentment at all, on the contrary, she became even more charming.

"As a matter of entrustment and loyalty, you two can go with me! Here, dress up and put on a veil..."

Oto-Ogawa took out clothes that belonged neither to the Mu clan nor to the Shui clan.

Fairy Gu She bit her lip, watching Concubine Yu changed her clothes as if no one was there, her fair neck was lined with long fiery red hair, which hung down to her white buttocks.

"Leylia, don't you want to change?" Saying that, she still didn't forget to lift her plump part, she really deserves to be the number one witch in the wilderness.

"You... can you go out for a while?"

Yi Xiaochuan sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his Dao heart was stable, and he remained unmoved. He said, "I want to see you, even ten walls can't stop my gaze..."

"Leilia, does it look like your mana has been sealed? Or, sister will help you?"

"Stop it, I... come..." Gritting her teeth, her voice was cold.

Concubine Yu admired the saint's body for a while, then looked at the snacks and tea on the table, picked up the cup that Yi Xiaochuan had just drank, and took a sip, leaving a clear lip print on the rim of the cup.

It was clear that tea was not to her liking.

But the exquisite dim sum is to whet the appetite.

Osmanthus Cake, Mango Coconut Mille-Feuille Cake, Begonia Cake, Xue Mei Niang, Pudding...

"Very delicious!"


"Leilia, don't you want to try it? It's really delicious!"

In this wild world, although the combat power is extremely strong, the level of civilization is probably only in the pre-Qin period, so how can there be such modern desserts to eat.

Moreover, it was something produced by someone like Otokogawa who likes food.

Seeing Yu Shiqie eating big mouthfuls, Fairy Gushe's stomach also rumbled, she was hungry.

"Huh! "Five Elements"? This character... is the character of the God Emperor..."

Concubine Yu finally found the classics on the case.

"My lord, are you the descendant of the God Emperor?" Shocked, even the dim sum in his hand stopped in front of his mouth, a little unbelievable.

"That old man Shennong can't be my master..."

"You actually call God Emperor like that? But, I like it!"

Fairy Gushe took a bite of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake...

It smells so good!

Ah... With a soft cry, I choked.

With the foot strength of Bailonglu, it quickly approached the boundary of Mirage City.

In the carriage, there was a strong fragrance of tea, and the top-grade spiritual root Dahongpao was naturally not simple.

Suddenly, shouts sounded from the south, hooves sounded hurriedly, and dust and smoke danced.

I saw a group of big men in various clothes galloping forward on dragon horses and other spirit beasts.

The five races in the Great Wilderness have different clothes and colors, so they must not be confused.

Except for the five emperors and the saints of the five tribes, the Jin tribe wears white, the Mu tribe wears blue, the Shui tribe wears black, the Fire tribe wears red, and the Tu tribe wears yellow.

Even if there are variations in the clothing colors of ordinary people in each clan, it is still within the range of clan colors. For example, the Shui clan can wear patterned clothes with dark purple and black as the main colors.

But it is really rare for this group of pedestrians to be dressed in different colors and form a colorful team.

People from the five ethnic groups rarely mix unless there is a special reason.

The pedestrian ran so fast that he passed the bronze carriage in a blink of an eye.

They were quite surprised to see two women and one man through the car window.

At this time, Concubine Yu's Canglong Horn and the green snake on her earlobe were removed, Fairy Gushe also changed her attire, wearing a veil, naturally she couldn't recognize her real identity, but her figure was definitely a beauty.

"Which family's young man actually enjoys such a blessing!"

The pedestrians were good and bad, and some of them immediately became lustful, but after all, in broad daylight and a big battle was imminent, a group of people rode their horses and whipped their whips, and left in a hurry.

Concubine Yu snorted, and said: "There are many people in the five clans who don't want to be bound by the clan rules, or commit crimes and can't stay in the clan anymore, so they escape from the clan and become homeless orphans. Soul ghosts. They are all fools, knowing that it is a fire pit, but still jumping into it."

These people are all wild rangers who came from all over the world, and went to Mirage City to help out.

There is a post station in front of it, built with giant wood, full of pride in its roughness.

There were more than a hundred dragon horses tied outside the door, and there was a lot of people inside, which was very lively.

Bailonglu stopped in front of the door, and all the dragons and horses hissed and stepped aside.After entering the gate, the eyes of more than a hundred big men in the hall all looked over.

Master Yu's concubine walked in coquettishly, without even looking at them, she went straight to the empty seat in the corner.

Wipe the seats clean and rinse the wine bowls with hot water.

"My lord, please sit down!"

Everyone looked at Yi Xiaochuan and secretly guessed which family he was from.

After a while, the people in the post station started to chat and laugh loudly again, all talking about the water monster attacking Mirage City.

A big man put down his wine bowl and said loudly: "We have passed through many barriers on this journey to come here. We have not been allowed to pass any of the eight Mu clan cities we passed by. His grandma's bear, is it wooden?" Is the clan true and the water demon together?"

He seemed to have thought of something, cupped his fists and cupped his hands in all directions: "My aquarium friends, I'm not talking about you."

More than a dozen men in black smiled and toasted.

A burly man in Tsing Yi said: "Brother Qi, Mirage City and Liang Zi of the Mu Clan have been married for 30 years. It would be good if they didn't help the water demon to besiege Mirage City."

The big man surnamed Qi said angrily: "His grandma's bear blocked all shortcuts and prevented us from crossing the border. Isn't that helping the water demon to fight against the Mirage City?"

"I heard from Duan Kuang that Ke Laoyao took Fourteenth Young Master to Yuping Mountain to find Emperor Qing. Unexpectedly, he met a ruthless person, and now he is still kneeling at Yuping Mountain. I don't know if Qing Emperor did it or who did it. Grandma Yes, relieve your anger."

"I don't know, tell me what's going on?"

"I don't know exactly what's going on, but I know that Ke Laoyao is still kneeling under Yuping Mountain, unable to get up, as if there is a mountain on his back."

"The supernatural powers of the Tu people? This is also impossible! How come the Tu people are involved again?"

"Maybe the God Emperor made a move..."

"When we came, all the monsters controlled by the witch in the south were unconscious, and I don't know who did it..."

Everyone sighed again, all worried about the current situation in Mirage City.These people came from all directions, got a lot of news on the way, and came all the way, so they have a good understanding of the current situation.

Oto Xiaochuan listened for a while, and probably knew the whole situation.

Mirage City is an island city in the East Bay. The sea has been surrounded by water monsters, cutting off the sea route, and the land is full of water monsters blocking troops.

Mirage City is already an isolated island under heavy siege.

But these people knew that the future was dangerous, but they still went to reinforce without hesitation. This kind of chivalry is really rare.

At this time, the man surnamed Qi smiled at the big man in yellow: "Brother Lu Ping, this time there are the most water monsters in the west, it's really great that you can rush over."

Lu Ping, a big man in yellow, blushed and sighed, "Brother Qi is a joke. If it wasn't for the help of an expert on the way, how could I get here?"

That day he made an appointment with more than ten rangers. When he arrived at Zitong Mountain, he was scattered by the wild beasts of the Shui tribe, and met more than a hundred Chaoyang Valley water monsters. saved.

Hearing this, dozens of people exclaimed in unison, asking one after another: "Is that white-haired man with a little girl with a coral flute stuck in his waist?"

Lu Ping wondered: "Exactly, did you see him too?"

These dozens of big men chattered and were very surprised.

It turned out that sixty percent of the people in this hall were assisted by the white-haired man.

Lu Ping frowned and said: "The martial arts and supernatural powers performed by that expert seem to belong to the Shui tribe, quite brilliant. Lu has never seen anything in his life."

Among the Rangers of the Shui Tribe, there were some who had been assisted by the white-haired man, and they all nodded. Everyone guessed the origin of that person for a while, and counted the famous Rangers in the Shui Tribe, but they couldn't match the name.

But at this time, Concubine Yu had a strange look on her face, her eyes rolled around, and she was thinking about something with a half-smile, quite curious.

"You know that person?"

"I know, I know, although you are strong, you are definitely not that person's opponent!"

"Really?" Yi Xiaochuan shook his head and said with a smile: "Actually, I still want to fight your brother Tian Wu, or you can find me an opponent of the same weight, or I can only find your brother. "

"Hehehe...I'm looking forward to! He's here!"

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew up outside, and the windows slammed.Outside the window, the moon was covered by dark clouds, the shadows of the trees swayed, and the dragon and horse hissed in alarm.Everyone stood up one after another, looking at each other, could it be that the water demon is chasing after them?

After a while, the door opened with a "squeak", and a man in green shirt came in holding the hand of a little girl about ten years old.The man's long white hair was tied behind his head, his face was clear and handsome, his two character husbands were handsome and upright, his face was sad and lonely, his green shirt was full of encouragement, and a coral flute was inserted obliquely at his waist.

"Ke Hanhuai, my son wants to test whether your knife is still sharp..." Concubine Yu was not afraid of big troubles, so she changed her voice and said loudly.


Kehan ​​Huai!
Ten years ago, it was a name known to everyone in the Great Wilderness, a top-notch master among the youth of the Shui tribe.

When he was only 50 years old, he defeated Xing Tian, ​​the second master of the Fire Clan who was extremely popular at that time, with a "Breaking Wave Knife"; he also defeated sixteen masters and three mages of the four major families of the Fire Clan alone in three days. , known as "No. 1 after [-] years of the Great Wilderness", is the idol of the younger generation of the Shui people.

Ke Hanhuai, as the leader of the younger generation of the Ke family of the seven great families of the Shui Clan, has high hopes from the Shui Clan.Hei Di made an exception and went out of customs, summoned him personally, granted him the title of Marquis of Long Ya, and wanted to marry his second daughter.

Unexpectedly, he resigned from the marriage and left without marrying.

The Ke family was furious, and the elders of the clan forced him to be a son-in-law, but he firmly refused.Although Hei Di was generous and didn't think he was disobedient, he was hated by the Ke family because of this.

In the year 574 of the Great Wilderness, Yuma City of the Shui tribe opposed the archmage Zhulong and was declared a rebellious party.The Shui tribe encircled and suppressed Yuma City. Kehanhuai was originally the envoy of the right army, but he ordered the three armies to evacuate thousands of miles and let everyone in Yuma City leave calmly.

In a rage, Zhulong seized his official title and reduced him to a commoner.

The Ke family even used this to drive him out of the house.Since then, Kehanhuai's whereabouts are uncertain and he has become a water ranger.

In two years, it was rumored that he subdued 130 spirit beasts, went around fighting for justice, and defeated many misbehaving masters of the five clans.

In the year 576 of the Great Wilderness, after being invited to attend the Peach Blossom Meeting held by the Queen Mother of the Jin Dynasty, he disappeared on the top of Kunlun Mountain and has never been heard from since.

There are many rumors about him in the Great Wilderness, but most of them say that he was besieged by the eight masters of the Shui tribe after the Pantao Festival and died in Kunlun.

Although some of these rangers today have seen Ke Hanhuai, but he was suave and suave back then, he liked to wear black gold long gowns, with a six-foot long wave-breaking knife hanging on his waist, he was by no means the same as he is today.

So no one recognized it before.

Everyone thought: I don't know why his hair is all white?And why no longer use the Duanlang Dao, but use the flute instead?And that son, brother, dared to challenge Duanlang Dao, isn't that courting death?
(End of this chapter)

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