Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 307 Gravitational Tides

Chapter 307 Gravitational Tides
Ke Hanhuai, with white hair and haggard face, frowned slightly. With his level of cultivation, he couldn't hear Master Yu's voice. Although he changed his voice and hadn't seen her for many years, he couldn't hide it from him.

But he didn't say anything, and he didn't even pay attention to it. He simply ordered a few meals and left after he was ready to eat with the little girl beside him.

"Who are you guys? How dare you challenge the hero of science, let me see how much you weigh!"

A ranger from the Shui tribe drew his sword and pointed at Yi Xiaochuan and his party.

Not to mention that Kehanhuai is the hero in the hearts of all rangers in the Great Wilderness, he is also the hero in the hearts of the rangers of the aquarium.

Yi Xiaochuan didn't even look at the ranger, he turned his eyes away, took out a jar of wine and poured himself a drink.

"Perhaps his knife is sharp enough, but he is still not my opponent. Within three moves, I can take his life!"

"Hehehehe..." Concubine Yu smiled charmingly, and said loudly, "Ke Hanhuai, did you hear that?"

Fairy Gushe sat upright, and said slowly: "Duanlang Dao is really not his opponent, so don't drag him into the water."

Hearing the cold voice, Kehanhuai frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Do you want to cause the Mizuki and Muzu clans to fight again? To imprison Fairy Gushe and capture Concubine Yu, you should explain..."

In an instant, all the rangers were boiling.

"What? That's Lei Liya, the holy maiden of the Mu clan, and Concubine Yu, the number one witch in the wilderness?"

"Who has such courage?"

"Is he courting death?"

"It's nothing more than a demon girl, if you touch Fairy Gushe, the Mu clan will give him to Ling Chi..."

Concubine Yu raised her veil, revealing her coquettish and peerless face, and said with a smile: "Ke Hanhuai, I hope your knife is sharp enough, you have to be careful, he catches me in one stroke..."

After finishing speaking, he smiled coquettishly at Yi Xiaochuan: "Young master, look, I found you a master, if he loses, how about I find you again?"

The corner of Kehanhuai's mouth twitched.

But at this time, he had to make a move.

If the saintess of the wood clan really made any mistakes because of this, the two clans of wood and water would definitely fight again. Although he had already left the water clan, he couldn't bear to see his life burnt.


"Xianxian, back off, if daddy doesn't survive, return to the Dragon Palace as quickly as possible!"

Kehan ​​Huai shouted loudly, the clothes all over his body swelled up, a faint blue light covered his whole body, the sleeve of his right arm split open, and a blue gas came out of the clothes.

Xianxian clasped her hands nervously, but she didn't care. In her eyes, her father was always invincible, and said, "Daddy's Breaking Wave Knife is out of its sheath!"

Everyone was surprised and delighted, obviously they didn't take Yi Xiaochuan who looked like a boy seriously, they all thought to themselves: "Isn't Master Ke's Duanlang Dao six feet long and as white as ice and snow? Why is there only green energy today? "

Just as he was confused, he saw Ke Hanhuai waving his right arm, the blue light was flying vertically and horizontally, and the cyclone was flying.

Suddenly, the blue light multiplied tenfold, turning into an invisible long knife more than four feet long.

Han Huai stood sideways, with his right arm raised high.

The cyclone swirled, the blue light flickered, and the invisible long knife stood proudly against the wind.

"Gather true qi and spiritual power with your mind, and turn it into a true qi knife in the void. Mind is like the sun and moon, and qi is like tides! Use mind to control qi, and use qi to nourish mind." Yi Xiaochuan commented, then stretched out his palm and continued: "It's a bit like a plasma lightsaber bound by a magnetic field... So, it's still not enough!"

On the earth and in the sky, the subtlest magnetic field can be detected by Otokogawa, and the most powerful geomagnetic field can also be affected by him.

In the world of the force, there is a close relative of the plasma leech. The Vulkabash have magical bodies. Their bodies are made of flesh and blood, and the metal content in their blood is very high. Because their diet is rich in plasma, their bodies A magnetic field forms around them, and certain inner muscles, such as their tongue, can control this field.

Then use the Zerg to conduct genetic experiments, and then promote the evolution of the lungs, because the lungs showed metallic changes during the first evolution.

Electricity and magnetism are one of the basic energies of the world. They contain deep mysteries and have the terrifying power to influence the world and move reality. They are not inferior to sequence evolution.

Of the four basic forces, Otokawa has already mastered two.

As for the strong interaction force and the weak interaction force, if the human body is used to control them, they are still insufficient.

Facing the terrifying giant wave breaking knife, Yi Xiaochuan stretched out his jade-like palm, and with a light flick, the blue light scattered, and everything turned into nothingness.

"Look, his knife has no power at all in front of me...Little beauty, you lost, what do you think you should lose to me?"

Concubine Yu glared at Ke Hanhuai, and said, "Ke Hanhuai, we are still childhood sweethearts, we expect so much from you, and we can't even take a single move. You have really... Sigh! No! I'm talking about you...Young master, you can lose whatever you want me to lose!"

The rangers were baffled, but Ke Hanhuai was very clear that he was defeated.

One move and one defeat.

Moreover, the invisible force that looms and touches the skin is constantly eroding and restraining.

On the surface, it was calm, but in fact the battle was still going on. Inside his body, the qi and blood were churning like ocean waves.

"Huh!" Yi Xiaochuan looked at Ke Hanhuai with a little interest, and said, "Sensing the power of heaven and earth, it becomes one, and the vast ocean rises and retreats as you like, and comes and goes as you like. It's interesting, interesting! Unfortunately, the most fundamental You still haven't realized the power of the tide. What is the most fundamental force that causes the tide? It's gravity! Your practice is still a superficial appearance. However, it is already very remarkable for you. You have such understanding. It deserves to be called the No.50 after 1 years of the Great Wilderness..."

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, do you want to have real power?"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in from the window and blew out the candles on the table.I don't know when the dark clouds spread outside the window, covering the sky with darkness.The trees swayed more and more violently, and the whole forest began to roll like waves.

The dragons and horses hissed one after another, the wind blew up, flying sand and rocks, and a large area of ​​yellow mist swept in.

All the lights in the station were extinguished immediately.

The wind howled outside the house, and several big trees fell immediately.Suddenly, I heard ghosts crying and howling wolves from all directions, shrill and evil, swaying, unspeakable horror.

All the heroes were drunk, and drew out their weapons one after another, cursing: "What thing, pretending to be a ghost here! Kid, did you do it? The hero of science?"

Kehanhuai's complexion changed drastically, and the force restraining him was gradually deepening, so he had to use all his strength to resist.

The shrill howling sound became louder and louder, as if it was outside the window and above the head, the wind was blowing, and the goose bumps on everyone's bodies would rise.

Outside, a person said coldly: "It's been ten years since you left, brother Ke is still as handsome as ever, congratulations."

Suddenly there were cries, violent wind and loud noises, several huge red pythons broke through the wall like something, the dust stirred up, those things flew vertically and horizontally, suddenly rolled up, and hooked the beams of the roof.

Amidst the loud bang, the roof of the huge inn was suddenly uprooted, rolled up like straw, and fluttered in the air.The walls burst into the air, the tables and chairs toppled over with a clatter, and suddenly flew into the air, passing over the heads of the crowd, and flew into the distant woods.

In an instant, there was nothing around them, and they stood on an empty flat ground.

Everyone exclaimed in unison, "Ah", and saw a gigantic monster standing proudly under the night, with blue Youyou's giant eyes burning like will-o'-the-wisps.The monster is about seven feet tall, its body is bright red, its body is like a huge octopus, and its nine tentacles swim and dance like a giant python. It seems that these nine tentacles were the ones that smashed through the wall and swept away the roof just now, with thousands of tentacles in its mouth. Dance in the wind.

Sitting on the octopus monster was a man in blue. He was rather handsome, but his face was so pale that it was nearly transparent, with blue veins visible, his eyes seemed to be closed and half closed, and when he opened them occasionally, he was naked and slender. The octopus monster is like a weak willow supporting the wind, and it will be blown down at any time.

On his waist hung a long sword about eight feet long, the blade was as slender as him.

More than six dozen skeletons danced around, the black eyes of the skeletons seemed to be flickering, and there was a tragic howling sound from their mouths.

When the aqua ranger saw this person, his face changed color.

This person's surname is Hai, but he has no name, so he is called Master Hai.

He has a gloomy personality and is easy to kill. He is narrow-minded and will take revenge.

Living in the Baishui Palace in Beihai, when he was young, he sank to the bottom of the sea and almost drowned. There are rumors in the wild that he actually drowned, and the current one is just a ghost.

Therefore, it is also called "Master Shuigui Hai".

Every time he kills a person, his skull will be taken and made into a "spiritual servant of water ghosts", which is said to be able to seal the dead souls of the dead, drive ghosts and kill people.

Anyone bitten by his water ghost spirit servant will surely die.

The mount spirit beast is the nine-clawed octopus beast of the North Sea, a ferocious beast of the aquatic clan, bloodthirsty, extremely brave, but its temperament is quite similar to his own.

Ten years ago, he suddenly disappeared without a trace, but he unexpectedly appeared here today.

"En? Kehanhuai, are you insane? Hahaha..."

Master Hai's pale face suddenly turned a strange pink, and suddenly he looked up to the sky and laughed, the laughter was shrill, even more terrifying than the wail of the skeleton.

Then he said grimly: "Kehanhuai, Haimou has been waiting for today every moment for ten years. When he heard that you were buried in Kunlun, Haimou was in pain. God has eyes and wants you to live until today."

The wind is bleak, and the clouds are overwhelming.

The torches lit by the rangers were flickering, illuminating Young Master Hai's face with uncertainty, like a ghost.

More than sixty skeletons whirled and whirled, circling in the air into an arc, and slowly flying with Master Hai's fingers.The tentacles of the nine-clawed octopus fluttered, the red light in its body flickered darkly, and it let out a low and strange roar.

The yin wind howled, and the cold chill seeped into everyone's bodies, and the surrounding was full of stench, which made people feel sick.

The heroes were very nervous and looked worriedly at Kehanhuai who stood motionless.

Master Hai smirked and turned his fingers, and the sixty or so skeletons suddenly dispersed, spinning all over the sky, howling fiercely and pounced on the rangers.

At the same time, the octopus suddenly roared, and rushed forward, with six huge tentacles slamming down with the force of thunder.Accompanied by a flash of light, Master Hai's long sword slashed at Ke Hanhuai.

This sword seems ordinary, but it contains many changes, and it has the power to split mountains and ground.

Everyone exclaimed, Master Hai's trick of attacking east and west is false, and it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The sword light poured down like mercury, diverging and converging, unstoppable.

Master Hai's face was distorted and he was laughing wildly, the rays of light criss-crossed, streaks of silver light pierced the night, as if he wanted to pierce through the dark clouds.The surrounding branches are broken and flying, dancing in the dust.Attracted by the sword, the night dew in the treetops and grassland flew up in all directions and gathered together, the sky was crystal clear and majestic.The sword condensed dew, getting bigger and longer, fluttering like a silver belt.

"Kehanhuai, the true power of ebb and flow, you are fortunate to experience it for yourself!"

Facing the infinite water sword, Oto Xiaochuan just stretched out his right hand and held down the somewhat solid air in front of him. The silky gravitational force was like a flexible palm, passing along his right hand through the wrinkled void, releasing power Pass it to the front of Mr. Hai.

With a light grip of that hand, the heavy thick cloth like a curtain was torn from the middle with a "squeak", and the invisible air was torn open by this huge force, which could be seen with the naked eye, and everything was swallowed up .

Mr. Hai and the octopus sitting down screamed and were hit hard by the void torn apart by gravity, and the control force evenly distributed on the particles instantly tore his body apart.

Yi Xiaochuan waved his hand accordingly, Kehanhuai coughed violently and bent over.

"What a terrifying power!!!"

Raising his head slightly, Ke Hanhuai's eyes were a little red.

Yi Xiaochuan put a bundle on the table, and said, "The old man Shen Nong asked me to give this thing to Qiao Yu, the lord of Mirage City. Since you have obtained such a great benefit, please complete this task for me! Can you?"

"Mr. Kehanhuai will never forget the kindness of your advice. Sir, I will definitely live up to my entrustment!"

"The things inside are the key to solving the crisis of the mirage city. Take it! After walking away, it is hard to find an opponent. Little beauty, it seems that I can only go to your brother. I hope he can give me some surprises, Dahuang Ten gods, Chaoyang Shuibo Tianwu..."

Concubine Yu smiled happily, and said, "My lord, I will take you to the ancestor of the West Sea, Yanzi. He is also one of the ten gods of the Great Wilderness, who is lewd and cruel. There is also the true god of the North Sea, Yu Jingyuqiang, who is also one of the ten gods of the Great Wilderness. One of the gods. No, there is Xuanshui True God Candle Dragon, the number one god in the wilderness..."

"I heard that you and that big brother Tian Wu are very at odds, what's the matter? Can't bear him being killed by me?"

Yu Shiqie said softly: "How can he have any strength! He is obsequious and respectful to the True God of Xuanshui all day long, and he is just a mediocre king. If it is not because of his favor and promotion, I am afraid that even the ten gods of the wilderness It is difficult to squeeze into the position. Dahuang ten gods, he is at the bottom, has this reputation, but does not have that strength. People in Dahuang say that he has mediocre aptitude, but he sacrificed me to please Zhulong, and since then he has risen to the top."

Yi Xiaochuan also laughed, and said: "But what Shennong wrote in the book said that Tianwu was scheming, persevering and courageous, and if he didn't become a great tool in the future, he would definitely become a great harm. So...why run so far...I don't know I sensed him!"

(End of this chapter)

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