Chapter 308

The thousand-year-old giant pines and twigs in the mountains are intertwined and intertwined with each other, stretching for several miles in dense circles, graceful like a dragon crawling.

A small road appeared in the pine forest, meandering into the depths of the forest, the moonlight shone down from the gaps in the branches and leaves, and the mottled dim light and shadow dotted the mountain road.

The full moon is in the sky, shedding bright moonlight.Suddenly, the fog on the path in the forest quickly engulfed, and a man in purple appeared in the shadows, his face was covered by a black wooden mask, his eyes were shining brightly in the night, and he had an extraordinary bearing.

The wooden-faced man stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Yi Xiaochuan, who was also standing with his hands behind his back, and Yu Shiqie and Gushe Fairy who served as the background wall.

X-rays and various detection devices covered them, but they were all blocked by the weird black wooden mask and the invisible aura, and the prying eyes couldn't break through the root of the wooden masked man.

"Young man, do you want to fight me?"

"With this thought, you are really strong, a little stronger than I expected, and you are exactly the opponent I am looking for..."

"Young people, it is good to have ideas and courage, but be careful and impulsive and lose your life."

"People in the Great Wilderness say that your aptitude is mediocre, but you sacrificed your concubine Yu to curry favor with Zhulong. Since then, you have risen to the top. But Shennong's evaluation of you is to the point, with deep plans, perseverance and courage, if you don't become a big If there is no weapon, it will cause great harm. An opponent like you is exactly what I need!"

"Arrogance! I want to see how much you weigh!"

In an instant, the wooden-faced man in black robe suddenly flew up into the sky, rushed towards the sky like lightning, and with a "boom", his true energy shot out angrily, and a huge purple-black copper knife appeared in his right hand, and the light burst into the sky. , such as rainbow rainbow, dazzling.

Fairy Gushe blurted out: "Chaoyang Gusi Rose Light Slash!"

800 years ago, the fierce beast of Chaoyang Valley, Lieshan Hongsi, roared in the East China Sea. It was very cruel, and was beheaded by the hero of the Jin clan, Gu Yuankan, with the Tianyuan reverse blade.People in Chaoyang Valley grind the six-foot sharp angle of Lieshan Hongsi into a magic weapon, which is called "Ancient Si Chop", which has been passed down from generation to generation.

Now in the hands of Shuibo Tianwu, he has been carried forward and created the original "Ancient Si Rose Light Slash", which is powerful in the east.

This blow far surpassed Ke Hanhuai's Duanlang Cyclone Slash.

Even the two cannot be compared at all.

At the same time, the sound of "sizzling" was heard endlessly in the palm of Oto Xiaochuan, and then a gorgeous lightsaber was condensed into shape. At some point, his right hand was fused with the light blade, causing his palm to release lightning like lightning. The same pulsating stream of purple particles.

Under the perception of the microcosmic state or the divine consciousness, the charged particles are in a wave state.

fill the surrounding space.

It is only in the microcosmic state that it can show that it is at one end and at the other end, without shape, mass, appearance, speed, and all meanings of matter are removed, only the size of a mere particle fills the entire film. Strange phenomena of space.

Jianguang transforms from a ubiquitous wave state to a particle state that can exert a force field. The speed is only in an instant. As long as Otokawa is willing, he can even collapse the quantum wave that covers the entire mountain forest in an instant, making every inch The space erupted with sword light, splitting all the matter in this space, even the space itself.

This is the real swordsmanship.

In the black wooden mask, sixteen pupils lit up, and every change in space could not escape his eyes.

At this moment, time seemed extremely long.

Rays of light flashed past, leaving one after another faint purple afterimages in Tian Wu's eyes.

That was a streak of sword light!

Exploding from every angle, every inch of the void.

Even the moonlight of the autumn moon in Lianping Lake is like flowing water.

Also glowing a light purple.


The air waves scattered and exploded, and the two of them shook together, turning over and rushing up.

Yi Xiaochuan's heart shuddered, the Ten Gods of the Great Wilderness really deserved to be the Ten Gods of the Great Wilderness, and it was absolutely impossible to rely on other people's status to obtain this title.

In terms of this blow, Tianwu's zhenqi is powerful and deep, hard to predict.

The vast zhenqi compressed the air molecules to form a shield that was not afraid of the lightsaber. No matter how many particle lightsabers, it would be difficult to injure him.

Before he had time to think about it, the neon light was dazzling, and the cold light struck his head again. In an instant, the light burst out one after another, and he paid hundreds of knives in a row.

At this moment, both of them were filled with anger, opening and closing, fighting for their lives, and there was no intention of evading or playing tricks.

Every round is like thunder from the sky stirring up fire on the ground. Looking from a distance, the waves of light explode, like colorful chrysanthemums blooming in full bloom in the sky.

The brilliant light shone on Concubine Yu's fiery red hair, she clenched her fists tightly, she didn't like Tian Wu's ruthlessness, and she had no feeling for Yi Xiaochuan.

But at this time, such a battle is really suffocating, so I yearn for it.

"I didn't expect him to be so strong..." Fairy Gushe was finally moved. She not only hoped that Yi Xiaochuan would win to relieve the danger of Mirage City, but also hoped that Tian Wu would win so that she could escape.

For a while, my mind was confused, and my Dao heart fell a little bit.

After all, this is an era of advocating the strong and worshiping heroes.

"If I have such strength, why bother to give up on myself... I want to become strong, to become strong enough... True God Yang, I, Concubine Yu, will definitely kill you, a heartless man..."

In the dark night, the true qi collided with each other, strong and weak were not distinguished, and they fought head-to-head for dozens of rounds, and the breath of the two was still the same.

Unexpectedly, Tian Wu's zhenqi is so fierce and domineering, it's so powerful!
Unexpectedly, cats and dogs that appeared out of nowhere are so terrifying!
Among the four gods of the Shui Tribe, Shuibo Tianwu of Chaoyang Valley kept a low profile and kept his edge the most restrained.

In the eyes of the world, he is even more obsequious and respectful to Zhulong, as if he is just a mediocre king.If it weren't for being favored and promoted vigorously by him, I'm afraid it would be difficult to squeeze into the position of the Ten Gods of the Great Wilderness.

Unexpectedly, in this fight, I realized that he is like an iceberg floating in the sea, hiding nine out of ten.

"It's amazing, it's really enjoyable..." Yi Xiaochuan said happily, he was not good at fighting, and he has always used black technology to cheat, but now, he is good at it.

Fight with knowledge, fight with science.

It really couldn't be more enjoyable.

Inside the black wooden mask, Tian Wu's expression was cloudy and uncertain.

He has endured so far, not for the sake of forbearance, he is cold-blooded, he is ruthless, it is all for revenge...

All his life, he lived in revenge.


Tianwu's strange roar suddenly resounded between the sky and the earth, the sky and the earth were bright, and thousands of neon clouds blasted into the sky, and the concubine of Yu and the fairy of Gushe were ashamed, and I felt eight fierce and unparalleled waves of air bombarded from all directions, like Landslide and tsunami, Wanjun thunder!
The most strange thing is that these eight air waves belong to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and they exploded around each other and rushed towards Yi Xiaochuan.

Hitting heavily on the stone wall, there was a series of "cracking" sounds, and the stone wall suddenly burst.

The power of the Eight Paths of True Qi has not faded, the neon light is rushing, and the mountain wall is smashed like a raging wave, the huge rocks are blasted, and the smoke and dust are billowing.

In the distance, the two women were dumbfounded and completely silent.

Concubine Yu stared blankly at Tian Wu, with horror, fear, sadness, pity, sadness, disgust... mixed feelings, like a tide, and after a long while, she heard her own voice in a low voice: "Brother, you... you I have finally practiced the Eight Great Powers!"

"Eight Great Laws?" Fairy Gushe shuddered, shocked on the spot, knowing such a secret.

Concubine Yu slowly said: "Lei Liya, if Tian Wu wins, he will kill you!"

Fairy Gushe showed a wry smile.

"Five Elements" records that there are eight poles in heaven and earth, which are Cangmen, Kaiming Gate, Yangmen, Shumen, Baimen, Changhe Gate, Youdu Gate and Han Gate. five elements attribute.

The yin, yang, and five elements of the heaven and earth are transformed and circulated at these eight poles.

Like the heaven and the earth, the human body is also divided into eight poles, which correspond to the eight channels.As long as you can find these eight key points and connect them with true qi, you can absorb the true qi of the five elements like heaven and earth, and cultivate into an eight-pole body that is capable of penetrating spirits and ghosts.Once cultivated, even if you don't have the body of the five virtues, you can forcefully absorb the true energy of the five elements and combine them into one, making you invincible in the world!
According to legend, since Pangu created the world, there is only one person in the Great Wilderness who has practiced the Eight Great Laws, and that is Xuanbeizhen, the black emperor of the Shui tribe 300 years ago.This person was extremely intelligent since he was a child, and at the age of twenty, he had already single-handedly killed the number one beast in the wilderness, the "Nilin Jade Fire Dragon". Three years later, he defeated all the masters in the clan and became the Black Emperor.

Xuanbei Zhen is ambitious, in order to achieve supremacy of the Shui tribe, he challenged the emperors and gods of various tribes one after another, sweeping away the wood and earth tribes, and shocked the world.

Not wanting to be blessed by misfortune, when he was repairing the eight meridians, he accidentally discovered eight most mysterious acupoints, like the eight poles of heaven and earth, which can breathe out the true energy of the five elements without hurting himself.So he was enlightened and created the Eight Great Laws. Just three months later, when he was in the decisive battle with Baidi again, he sent his platinum true energy through the two poles of "The Gate of Changhe" and "The Gate of Youdu". Acupoint Tun grabbed into his body and won a complete victory.

It's a pity that extreme joy begets sorrow, just when Xuanbei Zhen broke the Baidi's meridian and shouted with ecstasy, thunder rolled on the top of Kunlun Mountain, and thousands of lightning bolts also entered through the two extreme points of "The Gate of Changhe" and "The Gate of Youdu". His body shocked him to death on the spot.

After Xuan Beizhen's death, the Eight Great Laws created by him were also lost, and the fragments were scattered all over the place. 500 years later, Luo Ji raccoon, a water god witch, inadvertently obtained one of the fragments, and derived changes from it to create the extremely evil "Dafa of Improving Gods and Repelling Ghosts", which absorbs the undead of the five races and strengthens the true energy of the five elements.In the past three years, his mind power and true energy have improved by leaps and bounds. Although he was invincible for a while, he finally lost his consciousness and was killed by Gu Yuankan.

Today, the Eight Great Laws that have long been lost have reappeared in the wilderness.

"Young man, you are very strong, but don't force me to reveal my trump card completely. As of now, I will treat today's incident as never happened and withdraw my troops from Mirage City..." Tian Wu's voice came from the black wooden mask , was extraordinarily weird, as if several mouths were speaking in unison.

In the smoke and dust, Yi Xiaochuan came out slowly, shook his head and said: "It was hard to find an opponent, and it was an evenly matched battle. It's really anticlimactic to stop like this. Tian Wu, let me see your hole card is What? I will follow up... If you don't want to reveal the cards, then I will help you!"

Powerful gravitational fluctuations were transmitted from Otokawa's left hand, sweeping everything along the way. In the deep pit just bombed by the force of the five elements, the nuclear reaction material from the earth's core rushed out with the magma, on the palm of his left hand , a vertical pupil opened, burst out a burst of fission divine light, the ignition was completed, the nuclear matter was suspended into a ball, and melted into a blazing fireball.

Nuclear fission reacts violently in the fireball.

Following the gravitational fluctuations controlled by Otokogawa, raging radiant energy and explosions rolled out.

A dazzling ray of light streaked across the barren mountains and ridges, and hit Tianwu, just like another sun rising here, whether it is a ranger who is confronting a monster or a mirage city hundreds of miles away people, or practitioners of the Mu and Shui tribes farther away, or even Shennong who is a believer in Nanji Mountain...

Block the dazzling light with your hands.

At the end of the light, a mushroom cloud slowly rises.

"It's a pity. If you don't work hard, you still can't compress and control. Concentration is the essence. A nuclear explosion can't kill him..."

Looking around, in the valley filled with high temperature and radiation, Tian Wu has turned into a huge beast that has never been seen before.

The body is like a giant tiger, with white stripes all over the body, only the back is blue and yellow, and the eight tiger claws and eight tiger tails are colorful.

Although the head is still human-shaped, it has scars all over the place. Seven heads grew on the ears, forehead, and back of the head. Unspeakable ferocity and horror.

Fairy Gushe suddenly woke up, sweating profusely.

It was the explosion like the sun just now, and it was also the eight-pole beast body successfully cultivated by Tian Wu.

"Decades of forbearance will be ruined once, brother..." Yu Shiqie lowered her head in pain, her long fiery red hair drooped down, and her tears fell.

The eight heads of Tianwu opened their mouths together, laughing wildly, their voices rumbling like thunder.

Although it is a laugh, it is extraordinarily sad!

Over the past 1000 years, the derivative magic of the Baji Dharma has emerged in an endless stream, but none of them can truly cultivate the body of the Baji.

Unexpectedly, Shuibo Tianwu practiced the number one miraculous skill in the past and present!

Tian Wu's wild laughter gradually stopped, sixteen blue eyes stared at Yi Xiaochuan who was standing with his hands behind his back, and said with a serious smile: "I have endured it until now, and I dare not reveal anything, hoping to avenge the murder of my father, you... Ruined my decades-long it!"

When Tian Wu said this, he couldn't help laughing wildly again.

The murderous intention was overwhelming, and suddenly there was a long roar, and the ancient rosy light cut into the sky like a sunset, and the light exploded, and said coldly: "Little thief, if you want to seek death, then you have to do it. The first stage of supernatural power, you must sacrifice with blood. I want to take your blood as a sacrifice to my Baji body..."

"It's exactly what I want. It turns out that your technique can swallow all the energy in the world. Qi practitioners' version of the Beiming magic technique and the star-absorbing method! Even fission radiation and energy can be swallowed. Is it called the body of eight poles? That's it. The appearance is a bit inhuman, otherwise I would like to learn!"

"Death!" Tian Wu was already extremely angry, roaring, the tiger leaped, and the eight tails swept across like a whirlwind.

"Actually, if I really work hard, I can also control fusion energy..."

Nuclear matter reappeared in the void, and the vertical pupil in the left hand began to ignite. After nuclear fission appeared, Otokawa's eyes gradually glowed with a dark red light like magma.

The gravitational and electromagnetic forces are controlled to the extreme, and under the light swimming, the mass of nuclear fission matter becomes brighter and brighter, until it surpasses sunlight and lasers.

Otokawa roared lightly, and the isotopes of hydrogen, the main fuel for fusion—deuterium and tritium were sent into the compressed high temperature.

In an instant, in the wilderness, no matter it is the Kunlun Mountains in the far west or Tanggu in the far east, everyone can see an indescribable light rising in the night.

Dawn has not yet come, but the sun has risen...

(End of this chapter)

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