Chapter 309

On the steep cliff of Nanji Mountain, Shen Nong raised his hand to cover his eyes, and then he let out a long sigh.

"Master, is this someone using supernatural powers? Why is it so strong? The huge fireball was already very strong just now, and now the sun came directly, it is so powerful! Could it be the supernatural powers of the Fire Clan? The Red Emperor or the Vulcan God of the Great Desolation Ten Gods Zhu Rong? Master, you said that I possess the five virtues, so can I also cultivate the supernatural powers of the Fire Clan?"

Tuobaye, who is endowed with great luck, looked in the direction of Mirage City, the scorching light dazzled, and tears flowed from his eyes, but it couldn't stop his heart from looking at the scorching sun.

"Chidi has been in seclusion for 30 years, and the Vulcan Zhu Rong is the top three in the world in the art of controlling beasts. The one who performed the supernatural powers should be Doctor Yi. As a teacher, I still underestimated him. I didn't expect him to have such strength. Among the five clans, probably only Few people can defeat him. Tuobaye, you should hurry up, come, let me give you a medicinal bath to open up your meridians..."

On the open space, a large copper tripod had already been placed, the fire was raging underneath, and the water in the tripod boiled. Shennong threw medicinal herbs into it, and from time to time put in a few centipedes and spiders the size of a fist. Wait, let the original very clear water become black, like ink, very scary.

"Scared! Is it him? He is so strong? Is he a member of the Fire Clan?"

"How can there be so many questions, just jump in..."


In Chiyan City, the holy city of the Fire Clan, there is a holy pagoda in the clan - the Liuli Jinguang Pagoda.

According to legend, it was an ancient object built by the Suiren clan to store the holy fire.

The glazed golden light pagoda is the place where the red emperors of the fire clan practiced and became immortals, and gathered the remnants of the red emperors of the past dynasties.Practicing here, you can sense and absorb the Liyi primordial spirit of the red emperors, and get twice the result with half the effort.

30 years ago, Chi Piao Nu, the most talented Chi Emperor in the history of the Fire Clan, decided to enter the Glazed Golden Light Pagoda to practice in seclusion in order to practice the Chi Huo Immortal Technique and Chi Huo True Qi.

For 30 years, he did not hear anything outside the tower, devoted himself to training, sensed the spiritual power in the tower, and absorbed the primordial spirit of all emperors. He has practiced the highest level of Chihuo Xianfa and Chihuo Zhenqi, and is in the process of consolidating.

At this time, the majestic man sitting in the flames had fiery red hair, a red beard, copper bells and blue eyes bursting with light, and looked toward the east with scorching eyes.

"After 30 years of cultivation, someone in Dahuang practiced the real fire of the sun. It's time to go out of the mountain. I don't know if it is my purple light and seven luminous lights, or your sun is really hot... Dahuang, how could I be without my red and angry... "


In the Kunlun Mountains in the far west, there is only a bright moonlight, a big river running, and a person standing on the steep cliffs and dangerous peaks on the bank, looking east across the river.

The light from the artificial sun is already very weak when it reaches Kunlun Mountains, as if there is another moon hanging on the eastern horizon.

This person has a plain crown and silver belt, white clothes better than snow, a face like gentle jade, eyes like bright stars, long beard fluttering in the air, he is a fairy-like figure, and now he is also looking towards the east.

Among the five emperors of the Great Wilderness today, Bai Zhaoju's personality is the most peaceful and indifferent, with the demeanor of a fairy and the demeanor of an elder.He is pure-minded, elegant and modest, obeying the god emperor's instruction of "doing nothing to govern the country" to govern the country, so that the people live and work in peace and contentment, so he is deeply respected by the world.

This person is the Baidi who refused in vain!
At this time, there was a strange cry of "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !"

The sun and the moon compete for glory, the stars are few and far between, and the cliffs and dangerous peaks intersect across the sky like the teeth of a knife. A red-headed blue bird rushes across the snow-capped peak like lightning, hovers in the night sky for a moment, and then suddenly charges down with electricity, stabilizing It landed on Baidi's shoulder, looking up.

The blue bird had a sharp beak and black eyes, red hair like fire on its head, and shiny green feathers all over its body, full of air, proudly whining in Baidi's ear.

Not long after, a woman also appeared from the light of the sun and the moon, with flying blue hair, picturesque eyebrows, and snow-like skin, she was actually an elegant and noble beautiful woman.

Looking down from the middle of the mountain, one can clearly see her face, dignified and beautiful, her eyes are light blue, as clear and transparent as sea water.Standing against the wind, she looks like a fairy about to fly away, but her face is covered with frost, her brows are slightly frowned, and she has a slight evil spirit, which makes people feel awed all their lives.

The Queen Mother of the West was named Baishuixiang, because when she was born, there was a strange fragrance all over the mountains, which would not disperse in three months; and because "gold produces water" among the five elements, it was named Baishuixiang.It's just that since she became a saint, the Jin people have called her the "Holy Mother of the Western King of Gold", so people all over the world also respectfully call her "The Queen Mother of the West", and dare not call her by her name directly.

"Sister, there has been such a big change in the East China Sea. First, the emperor star has fallen, and the god emperor may have fallen. It's a pity. Tonight, the sun and the moon are competing for glory, and the world is in chaos!"

"Brother, I know you have all the common people in your heart, but Xianxian is in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, I'm afraid..."

"If he can't even protect his own daughter well, he will pretend to be No. 50 after 1 years in the Great Wilderness."

"I want to bring Xianxian back!"


On the bank of the Xiong Mountain of the Tu nationality, in an empty room, the lights are flickering, and a man in yellow is sitting facing the wall, and the shadow is erratic on the wall, indescribably lonely.

The light jumped and shone on the man's face clearly.With a face like purple jade, long eyebrows drawn into the temples, slender eyes, and a long beard fluttering gently, she is the Yellow Emperor Ji Shaodian of the Tu nationality!

"Qingdi's inspiration has already broken all his meridians, his body is completely destroyed, and he is trapped in the ghost world. Heidi Zhiguangji practiced the method of controlling ghosts and concentrating the gods. He became obsessed and claimed to be the ghost emperor. The god emperor Shennong has fallen from the emperor star, and the mirage city is about to be destroyed. What is the reason for such a big change in the East China Sea now?"


among the aquarium.

Hei Emperor Zhi Guangji practiced the Dafa of controlling ghosts and concentrating gods, and became obsessed, his temperament changed drastically, and he became the Youtian Ghost Emperor.

He had already ignored the matter of the Shui Clan, and all the power of the Shui Clan fell into the hands of Xuanshui True God Candle Dragon.

Xuanshui True God Candle Dragon is also called "Zhu Jiuyin", which means that its light is so powerful that it can even penetrate into the dark place of Jiuyuan.

As the head of the ten gods of the Great Wilderness, he possessed magical powers that penetrated heaven and earth, and the world was in awe of him. At that time, there was a saying in the Great Wilderness that "the candle dragon looks at it, and the world is full of day; For summer, the wind and rain are the obeisance, and the gods and ghosts follow the proverb.Although it is quite exaggerated, its divine power can be seen.

He is recognized as the second person in the world today, just below the God Emperor, even the Great Desolation Five Emperors are not enough to compete with him.

Zhulong has a deep scheming mind and is good at the art of transformation. He seldom shows his true face to others. According to legend, he is a monster with a human face and a snake body.

In the gloomy main hall of the Shui tribe, a thin old man sat obliquely on a chair, with a high crown and white hair, and a black gold silk robe fluttering.His complexion was yellow and dull, his long beard was like silver, his eight-character white eyebrows drooped, and his long vertical eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, and he was drowsy.His hands were skinny, curled up on the sides of his legs like chicken feet, and trembled slightly from time to time.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, his palms shook slightly, and a wave-like image appeared in front of his eyes.

In the picture, it is a round of the sun.

The fiery light and heat filled the sky and the earth, so naturally they couldn't see anything else, and they couldn't find Tian Wu and Yi Xiaochuan.

"What happened outside the Mirage City? What kind of opponent did Tian Wu meet?"


Tanggu, a deserted island in the far east, is one of the four great places of exile in the Great Wilderness.

The sinners who seriously violated the clan rules among the five clans, except for the Shui clan, were exiled here.Gai is therefore located at the end of the world, with a vast ocean, neither aquarium nor boat, so it is absolutely impossible to escape back to the wilderness.

What's more, there are ten huge strange birds on this Tangu Island, Taiyangwu—Tangu Ten Ri, guarding them. If anyone wants to escape from the island, they will be attacked by these "Tangu Ten Ri" birds, and they will be arrested after being tortured. Throw it back on the hibiscus tree in Tanggu, and soak it in the hot sun.

This Tanggu Shiri was originally a sacred beast of the Mu clan, and it was also the imperial spirit beast of Yu Zhuocheng, the Qing emperor of the Mu clan 600 years ago.When Yu Zhuocheng passed through the East China Sea, he fought against the Dragon King. Although he defeated the six dragons of the East China Sea, he was exhausted and exhausted his true energy.Go to the Tanggu of this Tanggu Island to rest, and after falling asleep, it will turn into a giant hibiscus tree.The ten-day bird's wailing lingers around the sky, and it perches in this soup valley.Because Yu Zhuocheng was serious and upright in front of him, and hated evil like a vengeance, the Dahuang Presbyterian Church designated this Tanggu as Dahuang Siguo Island.All those who commit serious crimes can be exiled here, guarded by Yu Zhuocheng's upright soul and ten sun birds.

When everyone in the Great Wilderness talked about the word Tanggu, their expressions changed.Once you land on this island, you will never leave.The rest of my life is long, and I can only be accompanied by poor mountains and rivers.

In the dark night, the birds "Ten Days in Tanggu" who were already sleeping suddenly woke up.

It quickly flapped its wings and flew in the air, screaming angrily at the sun that appeared in the western sky.

These strange birds look very strange, two feet long, when the huge wings are stretched horizontally, they are as straight as a red sun, and their eyes are as big as a wheel, with a faint blue light, which can be clearly seen from such a high altitude, and it is chilling to look at.

In an instant, all the exiles in Tanggu were awakened.

"The sun is coming out of the west!"

"The sun really came out from the west!"


The sun was really created by Otokawa.

The conditions needed to produce controlled nuclear fusion are very harsh.

The sun brings light and heat to the world through nuclear fusion reactions. Its core temperature reaches 1500 million degrees Celsius. In addition, there is a huge pressure to make nuclear fusion react normally. However, artificial suns cannot obtain the huge pressure of stars. , can only be compensated by increasing the temperature, but in this way the temperature must reach hundreds of millions of degrees.

No solid substance can withstand such a high temperature of nuclear fusion, and it can only be confined by a strong magnetic field, resulting in magnetic confinement nuclear fusion.

As for the ingredients?

Water is electrolyzed to generate hydrogen gas, which is compressed by high-energy radiation steam produced by nuclear fission. At this time, hydrogen gas becomes an ion state, and the radiation steam compresses H. Four H nuclear fusion generates a He nucleus, releasing huge energy.

Next door is the ocean, which is an inexhaustible source of fuel.

No light, no heat.

The concubine Yu and Fairy Gushe who were at close range were dumbfounded, and their heads were in chaos.

And Tian Wu, who incarnated into the body of Octopus, bears the brunt of the attack.

Even if he can devour the energy of all attributes, there is a limit.

Fusion energy is endless, let you devour it, how much can you devour.

It's just that the fusion operation is still half out of control, which is unbearable for Otokogawa, who has always pursued perfection.

Moreover, such an all-out manipulation of the magnetic field is also a huge load on the body.

"Tired! Sure enough, it was a life-and-death moment and it succeeded. Although it is not perfect, at least there is a breakthrough, and the fusion energy has really been mastered. Keep up the good work!!!"

Otokawa looked at the almost cooked Tianwu, cut off the fuel source, and then slowly released the magnetic field that bound the artificial sun. Without the pressure, although the fusion is still going on due to the high temperature, the trend has rapidly decayed.

After persisting for 3 minutes, a lot of heat dissipated, and before Otokawa almost vomited blood, he threw the big fireball into the sea.

The entire sea suddenly boiled, and the sea water for several miles was evaporated instantly, and the bottom of the sea was exposed, and then the vast water vapor enveloped the sea area for hundreds of miles.

The Ten Gods of the Great Wilderness, Tian Wu, who was reckless, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, has returned to the human body, but his clothes have long been gone, and his skin is scorched, but under the powerful vitality of the Qi trainer, he still has a breath.

"Oh! I'm exhausted!"

Yi Xiaochuan thumped his old waist, looked at Concubine Yu who was kneeling in front of Tianwu, weeping, threw a bottle of elixir, and said, "Hey, one pill, I won't die!"

After speaking, he took out a complete set of culture tank medical equipment.

The principle of this device is to immerse human beings in the amniotic fluid-like stock solution of embryos, and then use the biochemical repair particle knife to efficiently catalyze and divide the wounded cells depending on the severity of the injury.Therefore, injuries such as physical disabilities can be treated quickly, and it only takes a few hours to recover.

This is a technology developed from the biochemical technology of the Zerg hatchery. It is very useful, as long as it is not some special damage, it can be saved.

Throwing Tian Wu into the training tank medical device, Yi Xiaochuan no longer cares about him.

He rubbed his temples and said: "You two, rub it for me, it really killed half your life! Headache!"

There is nothing embarrassing about Yu Shiqie, submitting to the strong, the Great Wilderness has been like this since ancient times.

There is no doubt that Otokawa is the strong one.

Fairy Gushe hesitated for a moment, and finally stretched out Rou Yi, and slowly rubbed Xiao Yi's temples, the cold feeling touched the brain, and it felt very comfortable...

After a long time, until a red sun really appeared in the east, slowly rising from the sea, Oto Xiaochuan slowly opened his eyes.

"My lord, Ke Hanhuai is asking Qiao Yu, the lord of Mirage City, to see him!" Yu Shiqie said.

"not see!"

Yi Xiaochuan went straight to Tian Wu who had escaped from the near-death state, looked at the eight heads, X-ray scanning, and confirmed that there were not really eight heads, only one head was the main brain, and the others were subordinate to the main brain.

In the end, some blood and hair were taken as experimental materials, and he was thrown out of the nutrition tank.

"Xuan Shui True God Candle Dragon is not in a hurry, first go to meet Beihai True God's two-headed ancestor, the two-headed conjoined body can actually become the Great Wilderness Ten Gods, this is interesting material..." Yi Xiaochuan muttered a few words, and then Facing the hopeless Tian Wu, he said: "Hey, you are not stupid, are you? Isn't it a defeat? Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. As the saying goes, you should be brave after you know your shame. If you go further, we will fight back Being able to communicate again, this battle is still very enjoyable. Moreover, you have devoured so much heat, and your fire resistance will greatly increase in the future, and you will gain a lot from this battle..."

Tian Wu raised his head slowly, with a confused face, and finally said hoarsely: "Who are you?"

"Me! Human race Otogawa!"

(End of this chapter)

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