Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 310 Scientific Immortal Cultivation, Boundless Mana

Chapter 310 Scientific Immortal Cultivation, Boundless Mana

The True God of Beihai, also known as the Two-headed Patriarch, is one of the Ten Gods of the Great Wilderness.

They are two-headed conjoined twins, one named Yu Jing and the other named Yu Qiang. As a giant owl in the North Sea, his changing beast is ferocious and violent by nature, and he enjoys killing and torturing.

Tens of thousands of ferocious beasts are raised in Beihai, of which [-] are fierce and fierce warriors who seal and change the body of the beasts, which are unstoppable.

There are nine thousand female slaves, who abuse them every day as a show, and those who shed tears and cry out will be fed to the beasts in the North Sea that they raise.

Its magic weapon is the "Dragon Whale Tooth Bone Whip" made of 200 fangs and vertebrae of the Sea-Splitting Dragon Whale, one of the three major beasts in the North Sea [-] years ago, mixed with black ice and iron. The majesty of the sea; and the "Sea God Drum" is made of the leather of the sea-splitting dragon whale. Every time it is played, it will definitely set off a huge wave like a tsunami.

Over the years, the Zhulong Party has fought against dissidents and eliminated dissidents. Yu Jingyuqiang is its vanguard, killing people like hemp without blinking an eye.Among the four great water gods of the Shui tribe, although this demon's cultivation level is not as high as that of "True God of Xuanshui" Zhulong and "Old Ancestor of the West Sea" Yanzi, his terrifying reputation is still higher than the two.

Even the people of the Shui tribe, when they heard about the two-headed patriarch, they were all heartbroken.

However, seeing that Yi Xiaochuan summoned a sun, and severely injured Tianwu, one of the ten gods of the Great Wilderness, Yu Shiqie and Gushe Fairy didn't have much to worry about.

On the luxury cruise ship, Concubine Yu's red hair is like fire, her autumn waves are like water, her enchanting and charming smile, and the coquettish style on the corners of her eyes and brows are enough to make the sunset glow pale and the sea waves lose their sound. "Young master, just teach me, how can I improve my strength!"

Fairy Gushe is not as shameless as her. After all, Concubine Yu is the number one witch in the wilderness, and she, Lei Yilia, is the saint of the Mu clan!
"Beast control uses the power of sound waves, and the most fundamental and fundamental sound waves are vibrations, um...do you understand vibrations?"

Concubine Yu's expression changed, and she said with some joy, "My lord, I've finished reading elementary physics, so I know."

"Is the superficial knowledge worth being happy? The microscopic vibration of elementary particles is the great way in the universe, but it is too difficult for you, so I won't explain it, and you don't understand it. The macroscopic vibration teaches you A little trick, using resonance to kill the enemy, combined with infrasound, is enough to give you the power of a small god!"

"Resonance? I use the sound of the Canglong Horn to control monsters, but it seems a bit difficult to achieve the infrasound wave that Young Master said, and precisely control it at a certain point."

Yi Xiaochuan sneered and said, "If you can do it easily, you will be one of the ten gods of the Great Wilderness."

"My lord please teach me!"

Concubine Yu put away her charm, respectfully worshiped and bowed down on the deck.

As for Fairy Gushe, she also pricked up her ears.

Great Wilderness is a world where the strong are respected. If you are strong, you can do whatever you want.

"Cultivating immortals scientifically has boundless magic power. The supernatural powers on infrasonic waves include three-phase infrasonic explosive bombs and Taiyi silent god thunder, which can wipe out humans and animals within a radius of several miles without harming vegetation. Before practicing supernatural powers, what do you need to understand first? What is the vibration, what is the sound wave, what is the medium..."

A little bit of use is a great supernatural power. After Yu Shiqie felt the power of the sound wave, Oto Xiaochuan explained in detail the principle of resonance and the technique of detecting the frequency.

As for how much they can realize, it depends on their understanding.

Entering the North Sea, naturally the two-headed Patriarch of the True God of the North Sea cannot be deceived.

Yi Xiaochuan showed his power outside Mirage City, and his reputation has spread throughout the wilderness.

Although it was already spring and the flowers were blooming at this time, the cold wind was bleak on the surface of the North Sea, and there were pieces of floating ice one after another.

Hearing a loud "bang rumbling" in a hurry, the two girls who were practicing were shocked and bloody.

Suddenly, the North Sea burst into waves, and a huge wall of water tens of feet high was rolled up layer by layer.

The white foam is rolling and surging, like a snow mountain avalanche dancing, and it is rushing towards the gorgeous cruise ship like crazy!

"It's the Sea God's Heavenly Drum of the Two-Headed Patriarch!"

Amid the whistling sound of Master Yu's concubine, Fairy Gushe and Fairy Gushe soared into the sky, and a sound wave pierced through thousands of snow-white waves like lightning, and with a slight sway, the blue sky once again appeared in front of my eyes.

In the surrounding sea area, beasts roared wildly, and countless beasts from the North Sea rushed towards them from all directions in the west, spraying venom and blazing flames.

The sea god's drum was deafening, the huge waves were raging, and they rushed one after another. Thousands of beasts followed one after another, weaving densely like a net, besieging the cruise ship.

In an instant, the strange and desolate Canglong Horn rang out from Master Yu's mouth, the drums and horns were ferocious and high-pitched, the tsunami was fierce, the hurricane roared, and thousands of beasts gathered together like rainstorm dense arrows.

In Fairy Gushe's hands, the sound of the flute resounded loudly, like a mountain and fog breaking through, and the excitement became louder and louder. In an instant, the Sea God's Heavenly Drum and the Canglong Horn were almost suppressed.

The two women exchanged glances, and suddenly, no matter whether it was a high-pitched or a desolate voice, they all stopped, and the silent voice spread from their respective instruments.

In Otokawa's view, the energy carried by the sound wave after the two women joined forces is still insufficient. Perhaps the internal organs of ordinary monsters may not be able to withstand this wave of fluctuations, but the level of the Great Wilderness Ten Gods, and even the immortal-level masters below the gods can do it. Withstand this frontal attack.

At most, it's just a little troublesome, not a threat at all.

It would be different if the high-frequency vibration force field could be displayed. The rapidly expanding force field resonance through the intermolecular force would inevitably be like an invisible huge tide, smashing even reefs and islands.

If it is a body of flesh and blood, it is enough to shake the flesh and blood into mud, and shake and shatter every cell.

This kind of supernatural power of intermolecular force, Yi Xiaochuan is just thinking about it now, that kind of high-frequency vibration, manipulating intermolecular force, even his body strength can't be achieved, let alone them.

However, even though the Taiyi Silent Divine Thunder's power is not enough, it is still more than enough to deal with those sea beasts.

For a while, the surroundings fell into silence again.

Only one Kowloon chariot was left circling in the air, and the banner was flying, and it was indeed embroidered with the four characters "True God of Beihai".

The drum in the chariot stopped, but it was still murderous.

A figure laughed wildly and shot out from the chariot, the silver light danced like a river flowing down the sky, thousands of ripples and arcs of light were endless.The zhenqi was violent and ferocious, within a radius of tens of feet, big waves flew in and flew in, the reef broke and shattered, and the herd of beasts frightened back and scattered with a bang.

Fairy Gushe frowned and said, "Dragon Whale Tooth Bone Whip!"

The two-headed old demon has a hulking back, holds a bright silver whip, and drags the black gold silk linen robe to the ground; the two huge heads on the neck keep turning, the left head has leopard eyes and eagle nose, deep and gloomy; the right head is fat and cheeks thin Eyes, wide mouth lion nose.Occasionally, the two ends face each other, touching the forehead and nose, which is extremely ugly.

Behind the two-headed ancestor is a delicate beauty, with a colorful scarf wrapped around her head, pearl shells swaying, looking forward and looking graceful, and her double crescent eyes are watery.

"That's the wilderness of Osi, the lord of Kuying, the Seventh Demoness of the Wilderness!"

One of the heads said in a high-pitched voice: "I heard that Tianwu was defeated by you, but... Patriarch, I am not that useless thing of Tianwu..."

The other head sneered in a gloomy voice: "Yu Jing, don't compare me with Tian Wu, he was included in the Ten Gods only after clinging to the candle dragon, but we killed it..."

"Yes... yes... Yu Qiang, what are you doing with so much nonsense, just kill him!"

"Kill it! Kill it! Take the head off and use it as a urinal..."

"Concubine Yu, if you don't make a move yet, do you really want to betray the Shui Clan?"

"And Leilia, as a saintess of the wood clan, you are in league with demons... I'll talk about it after I catch you, Patriarch!"

Following that, the two gigantic heads let out different laughs, one high-pitched and passionate, the other gloomy and cold.

"Old Ancestor, let me try him first..."

The seventh of the "Top Ten Demonesses in the Great Wilderness", the leader of the Northern Wilderness Kuying Kingdom, Oss' Field!
The Kuying Country is a rather mysterious small country in the Northern Wilderness. The people of the country wear colorful scarves on their heads, and they like to wrap their fingers around the hanging tassels.Gein hides a lot of poisonous insects and Gu in the colorful kerchief, every time he drags the hat tassel, he releases Gu to poison, killing people invisible.

The wilderness of Oss was originally an unnamed abandoned baby. Back then, when King Kuying passed by the branchless mulberry tree in the northern wilderness, he was very surprised to see her abandoned in the wilderness, laughing instead of crying.Seeing her ice and snow cuteness, he liked her quite a lot, so he adopted her as an adopted daughter and named her Ou Sizhiye.

This girl has a delicate appearance and a flowery smile, but her heart is as poisonous as a snake and scorpion. She killed countless people at the age of 13.

Gu technique and poison technique are even more exquisite.

Later, because she failed to compete with the concubine of Yu Shi, the dragon girl, she was bestowed by Zhuzhen God as a concubine for the two-headed ancestor, and became the ancestor's most beloved slave.It is said that most of the two-headed patriarch's malicious methods of torturing and killing people came from her cherry mouth.

This woman hated Master Yu's concubine to the bone, so naturally she was extremely jealous when meeting her enemies.

"Chi Chi" sounded loudly, and countless sharp and angry shots came.

Concubine Yu's heart was terrified, her anger was random, and she let herself go.

There was a soft sound of "噗噗", thousands of hidden weapons and fine needles were disturbed by the invisible vibration wave, and they immediately bounced out in all directions. There was a loud "嘿嘿" sound, and the surrounding monsters who were about to attack were suddenly poisoned by the needles, and their bodies immediately became pitch black. Burnt carbon, bleeding from the seven orifices, instantly turned into a puddle of pus.

Oss Zhiye giggled, his figure flashed rapidly, colorful mist danced around, countless hidden weapons shot out densely, or swirled and danced, or followed like a shadow, attacking the cruise ship endlessly.

Concubine Yu suddenly burst out laughing, and then the colorful mist dispersed, the dense needle flowed backwards, and Taiyi's silent thunder exploded.

Ou Si Zhiye let out an "ouch", black blood flowed out from the seven orifices, and then he fell back and passed out.

"Concubine Yu, do you dare?"

Seeing this, the two-headed patriarch laughed wildly, his high-pitched, gloomy voice was mixed together, it was indescribably unpleasant.


The dragon whale tooth and bone whip flipped leisurely, and suddenly shot out a strong black-golden glare. Amidst the repeated sound and vibration, the black-golden glare expanded rapidly, forming a huge dragon whale in midair, swinging and roaring.

The dragon whale was twenty feet long, with dragon scales all over it, fiery eyes, a huge mouth with staggered knives and teeth, and its front fins spread out like giant wings.

Looking up, it looks like a huge mountain, towering over the top.

"Sea-Splitting Black Dragon Whale!"

Fairy Gushe was slightly startled, this monster is one of the biggest beasts in the wilderness, if it is swept by it, even steel will be shattered into pieces.

A Taiyi Silent Divine Thunder exploded, but it didn't seem to have much effect.


The sea-splitting dragon whale let out a deafening roar, and suddenly slammed down heavily on the cruise ship!

However, it can't fall at all.

It's like being pinned in midair.

Yu Jingyin smiled sideways: "Looking for death!"

Squeeze and dance with the hand formula, and suddenly shake the dragon whale tooth bone whip, and a torrent of black light shoots up into the sky along the bone whip, sinking into the rapidly expanding body of the dragon whale.

The dragon whale hissed and roared, the black scales all over its body turned suddenly, black light shot out in fury, its giant tail flew, and it shot towards Yi Xiaochuan head-on.

"Small tricks!" Yi Xiaochuan squeezed his fingers, and a small meat ball was ejected by him.

The mass of meat directly broke through the violent qi, attached to the surface of the giant dragon whale's body, and got inside in the blink of an eye.

The Sea-Splitting Black Dragon Whale neighed mournfully, its huge body tightened suddenly, suddenly roared and flicked its tail, and danced around like layers of black light and shocking waves, the sky shook and the sea cracked, and there was another wave of violent shaking.

The two-headed ancestor who was casting the spell was shocked, and was about to chase after it to see what happened, but heard a loud "Peng" sound, the dragon whale screamed wildly, and suddenly a huge hole opened in its abdomen, and the sea water was like a billowing waterfall Fly down.

Then there was a series of "ping bangs", the back of the dragon whale suddenly cracked, and a black shadow roared out of the body.

The whole body of the dragon whale burst open one after another, and thousands of cracks rippled like ripples.The seawater in the body gushes out from all directions, the light and shadow are scattered, and shrink rapidly.

The True God of Beihai let out a cry, and drifted backwards. The phantom of the dragon whale was shattered immediately, and turned back into a silver bone whip, and the black shadow was whipped like lightning.

There was a "click", and something broke.

The two-headed patriarch was even more shocked.

Only then did the black shadow reveal its true body.

Generally speaking, it looks like an enlarged version of the black panther, but with two heads, it looks doubly fierce.

There are ten beard-like external sensory bristles in its mouth, this thing is like a powerful amplifier of smell and hearing, capable of amplifying the senses dozens of times.When opening the mouth, the upper lip of this ferocious guy will fold upwards to achieve the maximum tooth extension, which can cause horrible wounds for the enemy to bite, and it also has chitin armor covering the entire back.

This is the artificial life generated by adding the gene of the Zerg race as a template and adding Tianwu's devouring gene.

Because of the unstable genetic adjustment, there is only a short ten seconds of life, but Tianwu's devouring gene has been greatly developed, and it is the most destructive, able to devour massive amounts of energy in a limited life.

The two-headed patriarch was startled and angry, the bright silver dragon whale tooth bone whip in his hand was already broken and flying.

The two women were so shocked that they could hardly believe their eyes.

The Dragon Whale seal of the True God of the North Sea, known as one of the three great seals of the North Sea, was broken in an instant!

"Destroy my magic weapon, damn it!"

Hearing the strange screams of the True God of Beihai, Jie Jie stretched his arms boldly in the sky, the light shone brightly, and his feathers stood everywhere. In an instant, he turned into a huge two-headed owl. His huge wings fluttered, the black light was like thunder and lightning, and he slapped the black man with a slap. Leopard shot to go.

There was no need for the two-headed old monster to use any force. Due to the collapse of genes, this seemingly powerful artificial life had already collapsed into a mass of rotten flesh.

Yu Qiang and Yu Jing grinned ferociously, their fierce eyes glowed with cold light, as if four lightning bolts were splitting, Yi Xiaochuan's whole body was shocked, and suddenly felt a strong sense of terror, his heart jumped wildly, as if being struck by a pair of invisible big hands. Grabbing his throat, he could hardly breathe.

The two-headed patriarch smiled grimly and moved his big mouth together, saying something, his eyes were fierce, like green will-o'-the-wisps constantly jumping.

Yi Xiaochuan was stunned for a moment, someone actually attacked him with consciousness?

Do you really think you can do whatever you want with two heads?

Such a direct invasion of consciousness is extremely risky.

If you are accidentally attacked by the enemy along with your mental power, it will be like shooting yourself in the foot.

There was a sneer at the corner of Yi Xiaochuan's mouth, pretending to be staring blankly at the two pairs of fierce green pupils, pretending that the inexplicable fear in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, pretending that his whole body was as cold as soaking in ice water.

The fingers trembled suddenly, and then spread to the whole body like a spasm.

Dizzy, in a trance.

"Oh! I can't pretend anymore!"

With a brain development speed of LV5, Otokawa, who has already achieved some attainments in quantum entanglement, is really not afraid of the direct attack of spiritual power and consciousness at all.

Without the vast spiritual power, how could he use to manipulate the more vast gravitational and magnetic fields.

If the two-headed patriarch fought hand-to-hand, if he indirectly manipulated the vitality of heaven and earth to attack attributes, it would be better than this fate.

The entangled light quantum was instilled into the two heads of the two-headed ancestor along with the spiritual power, and then everything stopped...

(End of this chapter)

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