Chapter 324
This is the best era!

Evolutionary awakening, becoming a fairy and becoming a god.

In a short period of time, civilization has mastered technologies that would take thousands of years to accumulate, and biochemistry, physics, materials, and energy are highly developed.

Earth Huaxia stands at the pinnacle of civilization.

We are not a single civilization, we have technology, we have cultivation to become immortals, we have martial arts to become saints, and we have faith to become gods.

Our civilization radiates multiple planes, and our technology dominates multiple worlds.

This is the worst of times!

Because the earth is too dangerous.

Because we are still weak.

Because our accumulation is shallow.

Under the blood-colored sunset, the Jade Emperor’s Peak on Mount Tai was devastated. In a battle not long ago, although the invading monsters were killed, Mount Tai was also destroyed by half. A large crack that opened around the top of the mountain was one or two meters wide, like a spider’s web generally spread in all directions
One of the cracks was like a meandering centipede, extending to Otokawa's feet. Fortunately, the end of the crack was no longer than the width of a hand, and no ground subsidence or crack was caused.

"Yitianluo, there is a large space-time formation inside, we have tried many ways but can't open it..."

"Let me go and have a look first! You wait for my news, there is danger inside, don't set foot on it lightly."

"Yes, Yitianluo!"

Walking forward, a half piece of jade was exposed under the cracked surface, and there was a bright light reflected in the setting sun.

After walking a few steps forward, a corner of a round altar was exposed under the one-meter-wide crack, and half of the broken jade pieces were displayed on it, shaped like a jade book.

The round altar is not big, simple and simple. It is made of five colors of strange soil. It is full of the breath of time, and I don't know how many years it has existed.

Moving forward, another five-colored earth altar appeared under the wider crack. The round altar had been shattered, and a jade plate sealed inside was exposed, with many complicated characters and symbols engraved on it.

In just a moment, under the big cracks in the surrounding area, there are such five-color altars, not a few, there are as many as dozens.

Each of the five-color earthen altars is very simple, engraved with imprints of the years, and it can be seen at a glance that it has existed for endless years. The five-color earthen altars are either sealed with jade pieces or stone slabs, or oracle bones, all of which are engraved with inscriptions that are difficult to identify of ancient characters.

There is a huge altar under the deep pit, it is not made of mud, it is completely made of huge stones of five colors, and there is no place where it is broken.

This large five-color stone altar is obviously different from the other earthen altars. It is located in the center of the Jade Emperor Peak and is majestic, far larger than those earthen altars.

On this large five-color altar, there are many jade blocks and stone slabs piled up, all of which are full of ancient flavor.

Both the jade blocks and the stone slabs are engraved with extremely miraculous ancient characters, which are even more primitive than the oracle bone inscriptions seen on the five-color earth altars. They are almost mysterious symbols like heavenly calligraphy and paintings.

"The remains of ancient civilizations, the sense of sight of the oldest and roughest space-time tunnel..."

While Yi Xiaochuan was analyzing the rune, the large stone altar suddenly had a halo of five colors, and immediately felt a huge force covering the body, and his legs seemed to be bound with lead weights.

"Gravity field!"


The five-color stone altar vibrated continuously, causing the Jade Emperor's Summit to tremble accordingly.

The entire Mount Tai was shone with five-color brilliance. The jade blocks and stone slabs displayed on the five-color altar suddenly became crystal clear and transparent.

"Crack clap clap..."

The sound of cracking came out, and the piles of jade blocks and slates suddenly cracked, and then bursts of brilliance, the ancient characters engraved on them seemed to have life, all rushed out and appeared in the void.


More ancient characters shone and appeared in the air, and then those jade blocks and slates disappeared in a breeze, and all the ancient characters engraved on the jade blocks and slates were freed from their shackles.

"The flash of wisdom contains the Dao..."

Yi Xiaochuan was fascinated by it.

I don't know how long it has passed, and a figure emerged from the hazy chaos.

That is a woman.

Very quiet, stepping on the long river of time, shrouded in chaotic mist, the slender body is silent, only the snow-white long skirt dances with the wind.

Even that pitch-black hair didn't move, it was naturally scattered on her chest and back, like she was carved from immortal jade, she was incomparably magnificent.

Oto Xiaochuan wanted to see her face clearly, but he couldn't.

She wears a grimace mask on her face.

That grimace mask is very special, it is more extraordinary than a magic weapon, and it cannot be seen through, even if there are X-rays and gravitational waves, it will have no effect on it.

Bronze mask, like crying but not crying, like laughing but not laughing, makes people impressive at a glance.There seems to be a smile, but with tears, there is also sentimentality in the bright.

And the next moment, the mask changed and turned into a ring. It was very simple, and the glitz was gone, and it naturally returned to reality. It floated up and down in front of him, with chaotic light and fog.

Even so, she couldn't bear to see the woman's appearance, that is, her body was blurred, as if she had jumped out of the world, no longer in the past, present and future.

Then, the ring changed again, and turned into a fairy sword, which was as silent as it was, implying killing intent, but not revealing it.

Afterwards, the immortal sword changed again, turning into a treasure bottle of the avenue, swallowing up the stars of the heavens, surrounded by endless immortal energy.

Until the end, it turned into a mask and put it on the woman's face, silently.

"What a strong woman!"

At this moment, those ancient characters and god patterns condensed into a Bagua diagram in mid-air, and then a Taiji diagram appeared in the center, with two yin and yang fish hugging each other.

Yi Xiaochuan was stunned, and around the huge Taiji Taibagua map, the space was distorted and the light was hazy, and the gossip symbols corresponding to the Qiankun Xunduigen Zhenlikan shone successively, like a set of mysterious and ancient codes in the shine.

The two yin and yang fishes in the Taiji diagram are like two strange portals, trembling constantly, slowly opening a gap, seemingly connecting to the distant and unknown starry sky.

The brilliance kept shining, and the eight symbols of the gossip fluctuated. Finally, after changing several times in a complicated order, they finally all lit up at the same time, emitting a dazzling light.


With a dull vibration, the two Yin-Yang fish in the center of the Taiji Eight Diagrams slowly opened. During this process, there were stars shining from time to time, and even an ancient road in the starry sky was seen.

In the end, the yin-yang fish really opened up completely like a door, revealing a mysterious and huge passage, it doesn't know where it leads, and there is a black hole inside.


Otokawa is standing on the top of a mountain that is neither high nor low, and he can look at the scenery ahead.

In the distance are rolling beautiful peaks and beautiful trees.Near the top are grotesque rocks and vigorous ancient trees, as well as bucket-thick old vines coiled like horned dragons, as well as lush green grass and fragrant wild flowers, full of vigor and vitality.

But the place where Yi Xiaochuan fell was a bottomless abyss.

If you look carefully, you can find that there are nine mountains connected with each other, surrounded by an extremely huge deep valley.

According to common sense, this should be an open valley that can be seen to the bottom at a glance, because the nine mountains are not towering into the sky.

However, looking down, there is a black hole, and there is no end at all, as if it has directly penetrated the hell Huangquan Road, which is unfathomable.

The abyss surrounded by nine mountains seems endless.

In the abyss, there was a creepy howl, the sound was shrill and loud, and it was accompanied by the rattling sound of the iron chain.

Under Yi Xiaochuan's gaze, the roar became even louder, and the whole trembling mountain trembled slightly, and the nearby trees kept shaking, and many leaves fell down.

A gloomy chill spread from the abyss.



The huge vibration sound was extremely distant in the eternal abyss, as if some giant was beating metal, causing the mountains and forests to tremble.

A big seal suddenly appeared in Oto Xiaochuan's hand, and an invisible position began to spread out around him.

Then, he saw a vague black shadow, he couldn't tell whether it was a human or a beast, dancing a thick iron chain hundreds of feet long and roaring upwards, menacing the world!

Those iron chains were very thick, and the roar was deafening, and the rolling sound waves made people's ears hurt.

That thing was bound by a huge iron chain, with shackles, but it danced the world, and the iron chains flew across the sky!

The corpses of dragons were also seen in the abyss. The nine dragon corpses were all 20 meters long, and the ends were tied with black iron ropes as thick as the mouth of a bowl, hanging a [-]-meter-long bronze coffin.

The giant rope has been tempered, thick and strong, and a little black light makes it look extremely cold.

The huge bronze coffin is simple and unpretentious, with some vague ancient patterns on it, full of vicissitudes of time, full of mysterious and vast power.

I wanted to use gravity to pull out the ancient bronze coffin, but it was surprisingly heavy, and that ominous creature was really ominous.

A real killing intent came from the air!
Don't mess with it easily!
Gravitational waves swept across the mountains and gave insight into the abyss and valleys, but the woman wearing the grimace mask didn't find anything.

Looking back, on the top of a mountain, there was a magnificent woman standing there quietly. At this moment, Huo turned around and looked at him.

This woman has bright eyes and bright teeth. If she comes out of a lotus flower, she is so beautiful. Standing on the cliff, if she takes half a foot, she will fall into the endless abyss. , otherworldly.

It's impossible to find any flaws in her body. This woman is so beautiful that she doesn't look like a real person at all. She gives people a very dreamy feeling. Zhong Tiandi's spiritual wisdom, extraordinary vulgarity, icy muscles and bones, are almost perfect.

"Puppet people? It really is a scary place..."

Yi Xiaochuan frowned, he turned out to be a powerful puppet not inferior to the two-headed demon god.

The woman pointed out her finger lightly, and Otokawa had disappeared on the edge of the abyss on the top of the mountain.

The ubiquitous restraint here can't stop him at all, the gravitational well that can shake the asteroid directly breaks the restraint violently, and he leaves the abyss far away in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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