Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 325 The rivers and lakes are sinister

Chapter 325 The rivers and lakes are sinister

On the top of the nine mountains, there are magic medicines and spiritual springs, but they are either immature or have been picked. Looking at the traces, it has definitely not been long, which is very annoying.

And there are even more powerful puppets on the top of the mountain. Before he can explore the world's highest combat power and details, Otokawa is not prepared to be tough.

On the top of a mountain directly in front, a large iron sword with a length of more than ten meters was stuck straight on the mountain, and a person stood quietly on the hilt of the sword, his black cloak fluttering in the wind.

"and also……"

When Yi Xiaochuan looked carefully, he also saw a shadow on another mountain. It was also made of flesh and blood. Standing on the top of the mountain, a silver bell with a radius of four or five feet was shining brightly, hanging quietly above it. overhead.

Yi Xiaochuan looked solemn, and saw a third person, standing on the cliff of another mountain, surrounded by bones climbing around him, and above his head hung an ancient pagoda with nine floors and a height of more than ten meters , seems to be able to suppress one side of the world.

"The fourth person!"

At this time, he saw the fourth puppet. That person was standing with his hands behind his back, and his purple clothes were fluttering. Above his head, there was a big square tripod, which was full of ancient flavor and majestic.

"Sure enough, it's a place of horror. A mountain is guarded by a puppet. There are even more powerful existences in the abyss...and that even more terrifying ghost-faced woman..."

Yi Xiaochuan made a decisive decision and retreated quickly.

Fighting is what rough people do, and Oto Xiaochuan doesn't think he is a rough man.

Literati must use their brains to fight.

One day later, Oto Xiaochuan appeared in a small town dressed as a son of a big family, and finally came to a place where there are people.

"There are monks in that restaurant!"

Not long after entering the town, Oto Xiaochuan caught the monk's breath.

It's not very powerful, but it's different from all the cultivation paths I've encountered. It has the meaning of transforming the body into the universe, and absorbing the Dao in the body.

From a preliminary understanding, the cultivation system in this world is cultivation in the secret realm.

The first secret realm, the Lunhai secret realm has four small realms, namely: Sea of ​​Bitterness, Spring of Life, Bridge of God, and the Other Shore.

The second secret realm, the Dao Palace Secret Realm has five small realms, which are cultivated separately: heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney.

The third secret realm, the four-pole secret realm has four small realms, training the limbs, reaching the realm where the hands and feet can reach the sky and the earth, and all movements of the hands are the realm of law and mystery.

The fourth secret realm, the secret realm of transforming dragons, transforms into nine dragons.Nine-changing dragons, each transformation is a reborn change, reaching the eight transformations of the dragon transformation is the great elder of each holy place, and the transformation dragon nine becomes the supreme elder.

The fifth secret realm, Xiantai Secret Realm, the first floor of Xiantai is half-step Da Neng, Da Neng, and Xian Er is the holy master of each holy land.

If it goes higher, it will not be understood by ordinary practitioners.

For a little comparison, except for the added power of science and technology, Yi Xiaochuan feels that his own power must surpass the secret realm of the four poles. The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys have all evolved many times, and his hands and feet are even more powerful. Raising one's hand and raising one's foot are all laws of mystery.

As for Hualong, due to the different cultivation systems, it is difficult to compare, and in Xiantai, it is impossible to judge since they have not fought against each other.

However, if you add the power of science and technology, use the gravitational well built with Fantian Yin as the core, and use the art of the universe in the sleeve of Pym Particles, this combat power...

Oto Xiaochuan felt that he could toughen all the puppets called "Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land", and even the strong seal in the abyss.

However, the crying and smiling ghost-faced woman who glanced at him from Gao Wei made Yi Xiaochuan a little scared.

I found a corner location, ordered a jug of wine, a few side dishes, and drank by myself.

In the box on the third floor, three or five monks were drinking and chatting.

"The tomb of the Demon Emperor is really evil. Many monks have died over the years, but they just can't be opened..."

"The entire Eastern Wasteland has been alarmed. All major sects have sent masters to the ruins, but there is no way to open the grave."

"The main reason is that the real peerless powerhouse has scruples and dare not take action at will, because the Yin Tomb is very evil, and it has already been almost psychic. Unless there is the treasure of the Eastern Wilderness, otherwise even if there is a Gaiden powerhouse who can crack it, it will kill it. Even if there is no situation, the Yin Tomb cannot be fixed, it will rush into the land of the Eastern Desolation, like a dragon returning to the sea, there will be no trace to be found."

"It is said that three big figures have died, is it true?"

"Of course it's true. In the past two years, countless monks have been killed and injured. The deep pool is almost filled with dead bodies. Even the big shots have died one after another. There are also several big shots who are said to be dying. Otherwise, how could it be possible to go to the ancient forbidden land to retrieve it?" The holy medicine, in the end, fell short, and I don’t know how many people died.”

Yi Xiaochuan listened quietly while drinking, without any strange expression, nor did he disturb the group of monks.

"But the tomb of the Demon Emperor finally sank. The ruins were full of resentment, the bones were like mountains, and the blood flowed like a river. In the end, I still failed to conquer it. My treasure of the Eastern Desolation——the barren tower, has disappeared forever!"

"It is impossible to disappear forever. The barren tower coexists with the world, and sooner or later it will be born!"

"That's true. It can even kill an immortal, so it will not perish. Maybe in thousands of years, it will come back to this world and choose a destined person."

"I don't think it will take that long. The barren tower has disappeared for 1 years. I think it should appear in the world. Maybe in the near future, it will rush out of the Eastern Wilderness."

"A demon emperor's tomb, an ancient forbidden land, how many people have died in these two fierce places!"

In the next few days, Otokawa walked around towns and haunted crowded places, but kept a low profile, and finally got to know the world slowly.

Although there is no power that can threaten him on the surface, there are holy soldiers left by the emperor in the holy land and the ancient family, and there are seven life jeopardy. You don't need to search for information in detail, you know that there are people with great supernatural powers hide it.

For example, in that barren ancient forbidden land, if those puppets were born, it would be easy to destroy a great religion.

Yi Xiaochuan took a look at the Demon Emperor's Tomb, but he had disappeared underground.

However, many years ago, the demon emperor's heart flew out of the demon emperor's grave, and it was said that it was obtained by the demon princess.

The heart of the demon emperor came from Emperor Qing, who became emperor in the post-desolate ancient era. He became the emperor of the demon clan, guarding the world to kill demons, and his strength was absolutely dominant in the world in his era.

Therefore, Oto Xiaochuan wanted to see the heart of the demon emperor.

As for the barren pagoda, the various major religions and ancient families in the Eastern Wasteland have searched for four years but found nothing, and no one has found any bronze fragments from Zhongzhou, so there are no clues.

Only the heart of the demon emperor was clearly taken away by the demon princess in full view.

In the capital city of the State of Wei, there was a lot of traffic and it was extremely prosperous.

Otokawa came here through the collected information and using quantum divination calculations.

While walking on the street, suddenly, I felt a gaze fall on me, and then I was probed by a strange energy.

He didn't look back, and didn't look towards that place.

But the person in the eyes clearly appeared in Yi Xiaochuan's mind. It was a Taoist priest, wearing Taoist robes and a purple gold crown on his head, but he didn't look like a monk at all, with a big belly and a red face.

Turning around in the capital city of Wei State, that gaze flickered in and out, as if he had really taken a fancy to Yi Xiaochuan.

Find a restaurant, order food and drink.

Half an hour later, Yi Xiaochuan lay down on the table reeking of alcohol.

"That Heavenly Venerable, fellow Taoist, why is he drunk here alone!"

A waiter came over and asked, "Master Taoist, is this your friend? It costs eight taels of silver, do you think?"

"I really owe you. I don't drink too much, and I still like to drink. Every time I come to pick up the corpse... Here, eight taels!"

"Guest officer, why don't you let your friend sober up before leaving?"

"No, no, I hired a carriage..."

The wine was indeed a good wine, from the first sip it was obvious that there was something else in it.

However, if he turned his attention to himself, is that fat Taoist really courting death?
I want to see what you want to do?
There is always a reason for not revealing the money, not revealing the treasure, but still catching yourself!
"That Celestial Venerable, Wuliang, is really an excellent treasured body! It's not in vain that I used the thousand day drunk on you..."

Immediately afterwards, Oto Xiaochuan felt a strange energy penetrate into his body, sealing the so-called Sea of ​​Bitterness.

"In this way, I'm relieved. Boy, why don't you worry when you're away from home? I'll trade you for another treasure, and I'll repair the Taoist master. I only blame you for not expecting the dangers of the world. I use bricks, saps, and sweat medicines. It's very nasty..."

The carriage "Gulu Gulu" used the capital city of Wei State, and then Yi Xiaochuan felt the wind blowing in his ears, and the fat Taoist was flying.

After a long distance, they stopped and a group of people appeared.

A picture emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness, on the shore of a small clear lake, a group of women were faintly visible, playing in the water by the lake.

In a beautiful scenery, surrounded by flowers and rain, such a bold woman is absolutely extraordinary.

The lead was a beautiful woman in her twenties, with moist red lips, white teeth like jade, and a very charming smile. Her black hair was scattered on her snow-white chest, and there was a red mole in the center of her forehead, which added a different kind of temptation to her. With a temperament, she has a slender body, graceful and graceful, and she comes to the front, stretching out her slender body and pointing at Yi Xiaochuan.

The slender hand pinched his cheek, and said: "I feel the extraordinaryness of this fleshy shell, the blood is surging, like the surging river, it is definitely not a mortal body... Daozhang Duan, I am very satisfied with this precious body !"

Her voice is magnetic and very melodious.

"Since you are satisfied, then give me a drop of the blood essence left by the demon emperor!" The fat Taoist priest said with a strange brilliance in his eyes, "I believe that you demon clan will keep their word and will not go back on their word."

Blood essence of the demon emperor?

Yi Xiaochuan yelled "Fuck" in his heart, isn't that too much?
It takes no effort at all!

I want to thank this fat Taoist priest, is this a gift for me?
It also comes with a group of beauties!
No...it's a witch!

(End of this chapter)

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