Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 329: The Heaven Swallowing Demon Art Successor, the ruthless one

Chapter 329 The Heaven-swallowing Devil Art is passed on to the people, and the ruthless line

Taixuanmen is a super-powerful faction, it covers an extremely wide area, and the endless mountains in the east of Wei Kingdom belong to this faction.In the endless mountains, there are a total of [-] main peaks, each of which represents a kind of inheritance, and each kind of inheritance is far superior to some small sects.

In this vast area, apart from the Ji family and the Holy Land of the First Shaker, no sect can steadily suppress a super-large faction of this size.

In the past, during the heyday of Taixuanmen, its strength could be ranked among the top [-] in the Eastern Wilderness, and it could be called a giant.

Especially in this region, it is even more famous, and there are few sects in the surrounding dozens of countries that can be compared with it.

In the Endless Immortal Mountain, there are [-] main peaks, representing [-] kinds of inheritance, which are the root of Taixuan sect's long-term prosperity.

Even though some lineages are showing signs of decline, others are on the rise. After dynasties have changed and time has passed, the Taixuan Sect has always stood firm.

At the corner of the main peak Xingfeng, the mountains are beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, the mist is like smoke, lingering on the top of the mountain, the foot of the mountain is gurgling, the ancient trees are accompanied by old vines, it is very quiet.

Under an ancient tree, a man in blue is playing the piano. His hands are fluttering like butterflies, giving people a sense of agility and lightness. His fingers cross the strings, and the music is beautiful and pleasant, which makes people feel peaceful.


His strings broke.

"It seems that your heart is not as peaceful as it seems!"

Yi Xiaochuan opened his eyes from meditating, and his eyes were pitch black, like eternal night.

The man in blue stood up. He was tall and tall, but in his twenties, his aqua blue clothes fluttered in the wind, giving people a feeling of softness and agility.

It can be said that this man in blue has a unique temperament, and it is easy to get close to others and make people feel good.

"Senior, have you...really seen the Great Emperor?"

"That woman is very quiet, stepping on the long river of history, shrouded in chaotic mist, her slender body is motionless, only the long snow-white dress dances with the wind. I saw a grimace mask, half crying, half laughing It’s not a smile, which makes a deep impression at first glance. There seems to be a smile, but there are tears, and there is sentimentality in the brightness.”

"Then..." The man in blue swallowed and said in a low voice, "That's really cruel!"

"She glanced at me across the long river of time, and she will never forget it in her life. Once the sea was too difficult for water, except that Wushan is not a cloud..."

The man in blue was silent.

Are you really not afraid that the emperor will slap you to death after a long river of time?
After a long time, he changed the subject and said: "Senior, I, Hua Yunfei, am just an abandoned son. Now you have killed my guardian and forced me to reveal the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art. The ruthless people will never let it go. This will be my The Great Tribulation of the Taixuan Sect..."

Hua Yunfei's face was full of sorrow, and he looked into the distance, filled with grief.

"My life is so sad, I have no future to choose, all of this...maybe it won't be long before it ends..."

"Senior, the line of ruthless people is beyond your imagination. Although you are powerful, you have also caused a catastrophe..."

Yi Xiaochuan was noncommittal, killing that protector was just unintentional, who made him mysterious and extremely powerful, and after being discovered, he would attack desperately, who would he kill if he didn't kill him?
Then the great secret was discovered by accident.

The young grandson of the master of Taixuan Sect's Star Peak turned out to be the successor of the Ruthless Emperor Swallowing Heaven Demon Art.

And that woman wearing a grimace mask is actually called Ruthless.

"If you have another life, what kind of life do you want to have?" Oto Xiaochuan asked.

"If I could choose, I would just be a happy piano boy; if I could choose, I would just quietly guard Taixuan; if I could choose, I would just be myself..."

Hua Yunfei burst into tears, he couldn't break free from the ruthless line, and he couldn't resist the strong man in front of him who raised his hand and killed his defender. He could only quietly wait for the fate to come, hoping that it wouldn't affect To Xingfeng, to Taixuan, this is his home, here are his relatives...

"They came to me when I was five years old. I still remember the inheritor of the Indestructible Heavenly Skill. He was the same age as me, so young, and his whole body was glowing..."

"He knows all the mysteries I know, the Indestructible Heaven Art is even more powerful than the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art. The greater my achievements, the stronger his strength. I... just a cauldron, making wedding clothes for others..."

"My protector is also his protector. I only think of me as a pawn. Who am I trying to achieve? I had a choice at the beginning, and my fate was doomed when I was young. All unwillingness, all hard work , and ultimately become useless."

"I know, even if I say it, Taixuan Xingfeng is not enough for others to obliterate... I can only hide these secrets and live another life according to their plan... I have always wanted to escape this fate and rush to another life." A river of life that belongs to me, but every time a big hand forcibly grabs it back and throws it back into that unchanging current, always heading in one direction."

Yi Xiaochuan curled his lips and said, "Who is the real inheritor of the ruthless people?"

"Senior, I can't say that, kill me! I was killed, so that Taixuan can survive. I don't ask for anything else, I only ask for Taixuan's safety..."

"No promise!"

Yi Xiaochuan patted his buttocks and stood up, walked down the mountain, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. There was no response to the various restrictions of the star peak. Then, a faint voice came: "If you want to become stronger, today Come to Clumsy Peak late, and I will stay at Taixuanmen for a while. Your boy has a pure heart, and if you want to break free from the chains of fate, I will help you..."

Clumsy Peak, as its name suggests, has no magnificent scenery, no majestic momentum, no spiritual roots, and nothing extraordinary.

It is ordinary, almost desolate, like a wild land, with withered vines, old trees and crows, and the blood-colored sunset, a lifeless scene, not like the main peak of Xianmen at all.

There are broken walls and ruins on the peak, countless rubble, wormwood overgrown, thorns everywhere, and even the mountain road is gone.

An old man was sitting on a rock, watching the clouds rise and fall, turned his head slightly, looked at Yi Xiaochuan with cloudy eyes, and said, "You're back..."

This skinny and weak old man is Zhuofeng's only disciple today, and his name is Li Ruoyu.

"I'm back. Brother Li, how is your understanding of the Dao of Nature?"

"It seems to have eyebrows, but it seems to have no eyebrows..."

"Then brother, hurry up, I killed a person last night, it may bring great disaster to Taixuan Sect."

"I know, but there's no rush to realize the Dao! I've been enlightened all my life, old man, but I haven't seen through the Dao of Clumsy Peak. If it wasn't for fellow Daoists who pointed it out, I would still be in the fog..."

"I can't be in a hurry, brother, don't worry, I'm the only one who likes this Taixuan sect, no matter what, I won't let the Taixuan sect be ruined..."

Chatting and chatting, there was no sound, the old and the young two stared at the twilight of the mountain in a daze.

At some point, Hua Yunfei walked up to the Clumsy Peak step by step.

He was confused and panicked.

Where to go!

Are Taixuan and Xingfeng really going to be completely destroyed?

Everyone thought it was completely eradicated.

But he, a ruthless abandoned disciple, is very clear.

It is said that the lineage of ruthless people has passed down the past and shines today. There is nothing wrong with it. Even the holy land has become the soil to take root and absorb their nutrients. The aging Holy Land was reborn, transformed into a divine fetus!
How terrible!
A too mysterious, really unstoppable!
The top of the clumsy peak is extremely quiet, the vegetation inside flourishes and then withers, the green leaves are about to drip for a while, and wither and wither for a while.

Everything on the top of the mountain is full of vitality, and it goes round and round. At the beginning of the cycle, the flowers are blooming and the green leaves are about to be stained, but finally withered and withered, returning to their roots.

Hua Yunfei stood on the clumsy peak, not daring to move, for fear of disturbing the enlightenment of the two people in front of him.

I was also afraid that the mysterious and powerful young man would slap himself to death.

And he also keenly felt that there seemed to be inexplicable trajectories emerging between the heaven and the earth, forming complicated and profound rules and orders, and deriving mysterious lines and patterns.

Clumsy peak, back to basics.

I don't know if it's Li Ruoyu, Yi Xiaochuan, or both of them have entered the Tao.

Slowly evolving Tao and reason.


Unless you set foot on the clumsy peak, you will not feel this simple and natural avenue at all.

This entire peak is a scripture, and it needs a corresponding state of mind to capture the mysterious trajectory passing by.

Taoism follows the universe, Taoism follows nature, one is big and broad, and the other is small and refined.

The way of the universe is destructive power.

Whether it is the gamma ray burst of stars, or the four fundamental forces, or nuclear fusion, it does not change life and soul.

Even metamorphosis is an inhuman change.

This is the foundation of Otokawa's combat power, the big killer.

As for the way of nature, although it does not have strong combat power, it focuses on the transformation of life.

Yi Xiaochuan got Li Ruoyu's help, and Li Ruoyu got Yi Xiaochuan's advice, and they all merged into this natural state of Taoism. Their mood resonated with the vegetation, and prosperity and withering coexisted.

"The great success is like a lack, the great profit is like a rush, the great skill is like a clumsy..."

An inexplicable sound echoed, and Yi Xiaochuan remained motionless, as quiet as a rock, listening to the wonderful sound between heaven and earth.

There is no divine spring from the ground, no auspicious colors from the sky, only a simple inheritance, a kind of Taoist rhyme circulating.

After a long time, this kind of dao rhyme dissipated, and Hua Yunfei bowed and saluted: "Disciple Hua Yunfei, pay respects to seniors and uncle Li!"

Li Ruoyu stood up, more and more ordinary, his eyes were as cloudy as before, and the wrinkles on his face were as old as before. He said in an old voice: "Oh, it's Brother Hua's descendant! Why are you here at Clumsy Peak?"

"Senior asked me to come..." Hua Yunfei said respectfully.

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Yi is looking for you!"

"You are practicing the Heaven Swallowing Devil Kungfu, let me think about how to improve your strength..."

While Yi Xiaochuan was meditating, Hua Yunfei's heart was beating violently, and he was sweating coldly, his back was wet.

It is well known in the world that if the ruthless man's inheritance is surprised to appear, there must be huge waves.The Sky Swallowing Devil Art is called the Devil Art, and it is not tolerated by the world.Devouring the essence of other physiques to make up for one's own body, and punishing everyone in the world.

The ruthless people of the past are enemies all over the world, and the path of Wushi Great Emperor is even more difficult. One person fights against the whole world today.

Whether it is Zhongzhou or Donghuang, as long as it is a monk, there is no one who does not attack it. This inheritance will greatly damage the peace of heaven. It is difficult for the world to kill other monks to strengthen oneself.

Now, you actually said it openly.

Are you letting me die?

Or are you going to kill the Lord of the Clumsy Peak!
If you kill Grand Master Li, what should I do?
Li Ruoyu took a look at Hua Yunfei, then walked away. Soon, he took out a big pot from the thatched house, washed rice and cooked porridge.


Hua Yunfei let out a long breath secretly, scaring me to death!
Is it difficult that Zhuofeng has already been mastered by him?
"The so-called origin is the bloodline, and the bloodline is also the gene. The Heaven Swallowing Devil Art plunders the origin and strengthens one's own body, which is to plunder the powerful genes of others and turn it into the origin of the bloodline. It is similar to the Zerg nest, but , but it is more in line with the improvement of the level of human life. I will cultivate a fire root first, and you can devour it..."

Is it difficult to cultivate spiritual roots?

Is human cloning difficult?
It's really not difficult at all.

"Well, what is the strongest physique? This can be a subject for research. Let's use Hua Yunfei as the No. [-] experimental subject first!"


A few days later, Yi Xiaochuan comprehended the Dao contained on the Clumsy Peak—the nine secrets are all word secrets.

This is not a mysterious method of practice, it is a kind of secret technique, a kind of supernatural power, which can be integrated into any mental method to exert various mysterious and unpredictable powers.

The nine secrets are all word secrets, magnificent and peerless, when they are in operation, they can be triggered by accident, and can exert their combat power several times and ten times. It is a rare secret method that all holy lands and remote ancient families are jealous of.

However, Li Ruoyu has embarked on the cultivation path of the ancient sages in this world, and his combat power has skyrocketed.

Although he is still an ordinary little old man, in Yi Xiaochuan's view, he is stronger than anyone in this Taixuan sect, and has unlimited potential.

"Hua Yunfei, when will the ruthless people come to you!"

"I do not know about this!"

"If I don't come to the door again, I want to call the door. You know, wasting other people's time is tantamount to seeking money and killing..." Yi Xiaochuan glanced at Hua Yunfei and said, "Have you absorbed the fire spirit root?"

"Mr. Hui's words, absorbed!"

"Well, don't rush to continue to absorb the source, first observe and observe for a while. Oh, by the way, is there anything interesting in Donghuang recently, or interesting people, interesting places?"

Hua Yunfei thought for a while, and said: "Ji Haoyue, the divine body of the Ji family, and Yan Ruyu, the princess of the demon clan, fought in the barren hills of Wei State a few days ago. For some unknown reason, they shook hands and made peace. But now I'm holding back and watching what happens. Mister, I wonder if you are interested in the Demon Emperor's Soldier?"

"Not interested in!"

"Beiyu heard that the source of God has been dug up again. There is something ominous in it. Are you interested, sir?"

"Let them send it over..."

Hua Yunfei wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "This...was dug out from the mining area of ​​Yaochi Holy Land..."

"Is it gone?"

"Well, a woman approached me yesterday and said that she came from a planet called Earth. I checked the ancient books, but there was no record. I don't know if it is true or not. But she really came out of the ancient forbidden land. She said that she took a Nine Dragons pulled the coffin through the void. Sir..."

"This is interesting, call her over..."

(End of this chapter)

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